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To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said
County: Greeting:
In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to
notify and warn the inhabitants of said town who are qualified to
vote in Elections to meet in
ADAMS SCHOOL, East Lexington (Precinct 1)
CARY MEMORIAL BUILDING, Lexington Center (Precinct 2, Precinct
3, and Precinct 4)
on TUESDAY, the THIRD day of NOVFNIBER, 1936, at six o 'clock A. M.
to cast their ballots for the following officers :
Presidential Electors ; Governor; Lieutenant Governor; Secretary;
Treasurer; Auditor; Attorney General; Senator in Congress ; Rep-
resentative in Congress ; Councillor; Senator; Two Representatives in
General Court; Register of Probate and Insolvency; Two County
Commissioners ; County Treasurer; One Clerk of the Courts ( to fill
vacancy) ,
And to take action on the following questions :
"Shall sections twenty-six to thirty-one H, inclusive, of
chapter thirty-two of the General Laws , inserted therein by section
one of an act of the general court passed in the current year
entitled 'An Act providing for Contributory Retirement Systems
for Cities and Towns that may be Accepted by Them, and making
Certain Other Changes in the Laws relative to Retirement Systems ' , Yes
enabling cities and towns which accept it to establish contribu- •
tory retirement systems for their employees, be accepted?" No
To obtain a full expression of opinion, voters should vote
on all three of the following questions :-
(a) If a voter desires to nermit the sale in this town of
any and all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on and off the pre-
mises where sold, he will vote "Yes" on all three questions .
(b) If he desires to permit the sale herein of wines and
malt beverages only to be drunk on and off the premises where sold,
he will vote "No" on question one, "Yes" on question two and
"No" on question three .
(c ) If he desires to Permit the sale herein of all alcoholic
beverages but only in Packages, so called, not to be drunk on
the premises where sold, he will vote "No° on questions one and
two and "Yes" on question three .
(d) If he desires to permit the sale herein of wines and
malt beverages to be drunk on and off the premises where sold
and in addition other alcoholic beverages but only in packages,
so called, not to be drunk on the premises where sold, he will
vote "No" on question one and "Yeson questions two and three .
(e ) If he desires to prohibit the sale herein of any and
all alcoholic beverages whether to be drunk on or off the premises
where sold, he will vote "No" on all three questions .
1. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale
therein of all alcoholic beverages (whiskey, rnm, gin, malt
beverages , wines and all other alcoholic beverages )?
250 cn
2. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale
therein of wines and malt beverages (wines and beer, ale and Yes
all other malt beverages ) ?
3. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale ,
therein of all alcoholic beverages in packages, so called 'Yes
not to be drunk on the premises?
(Tercentenary Edition)
Chapter 53, Section 19
"Shall the Representatives in the General Court' from this
district be instructed to vote in favor of amending the State
constitution for the purpose of limiting the amount of taxes , for
all purposes , which may be legally levied against any real Yes
estate within the Commonwealth to a sum not exceeding $25.00 •
for each one thousand dollars of assessed valuation?" No
The polls will be open at 6:00 A. M. andw411 remain open
until 8 :00 P.M.
And you are directed to serve this Warrant seven days at
least before the time of said meeting as provided in the By-
Laws of the Town.
Hereof, fail not, and make the return on this Warrant, with
your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the ti-Te of
said meeting.
Given under our hands , at Lexington, this twentieth day of
October, A. D. , 193 .
October 26, 1936 .
To the Town Clerk,
I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington
by posting printed copies of the foregoing Warrant in the
Post Office , in the vestibule of the Town Office Building
and six other public places in the Town, and by mailing a
printed copy of the same to every registered voter in the
Town seven days before the time of said meeting.
Attest :
Constable of Lexington.
25 1
November 3,. 1936
The. following election officers had been appointed by the
Selectmen. and were assigned to duty ,at the four precincts as
follows :
Precinct One - Precinct Two
Charles J. Dailey Warden Irving B. Pierce
Bartlett J. Harrington Inspector Lucius Austin
George Foster Inspector Randall Richards
Mary E. Stankard Clerk John H. Dacey
Mary A. Rowland Teller ' Arthur L. Hanson
Donald Cameron Teller Edward MeGrory
Pauline E. Bartlett Teller Elizabeth Nourse
George F. Stygles Teller Madeline J. Corbett
Frank A. Cook, Jr. Teller Barbara O'Connor
Mabelle S. Peavy Teller William S. Bramhall
DeTrafford Smith Teller Mary J. Ferry
Arthur W. Hughes Teller Jesse Condinho
Additional officers added by
Irving B. Pierce, 'Warden
D John J. Kelley - 8 Muzzey St. , Lex.
Marjorie Pierce -59 Forest St. ,Lex.
relieved at 11:30 A.M. (undeclared)
and replaced by
R Eleanor T. Husted - 36 Kendall Rd.
D Ruth Ray - 4 Muzzey Street
R George V. Morse -Vine Brook Road
Precinct Three Precinct Four
Hiram W. J:ckson Warden Howard E. Custance
Frederick Tullar Inspector William E. Mulliken.
Charles E. Moloy, Jr. Inspector Katherine Kiernan
Emma Hovey Inspector
C. E._,Collieson . Inspector
Lillian S. ' Tullar Inspector
John McKearney Clerk Frank Maguire
John Corcoran Teller James J. Waldron
Maurice Woodward Teller Margaret Merrick
J. J. McCormick Teller Charles P. McEnroe
Henry Meade Teller Carl Hauck
Esther Graham Teller Joseph Cosgrove
Edward B. O'Connor Teller Agnes Hall
Samuel Wellington Teller Robert Cady
Teller Madeline Peterson
Additional officers' added by
Howard E. Custance, Warden
R Josephine F. Waldron
R Frank Herrick
D Norman Talcott, Jr.
D Sarah E. Comley
D Mary A. Spellman
R Marie Mowat
Town Clerk James J. Carroll read the Warrant for the State
Election until further reading was waived by motion of Irving B.
Pierce, which was seconded and declared a unanimous vote.
The polls were declared open in each precinct at six A. M. ,
and remained open in each precinct until eight P.M., at which time
after due notice, they were closed.
The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance
of their duties . The ballots were. _c ounted by the election officers
in each precinct, the tally sheets and total vote sheets
by the Town Clerk being used.by
The total registration of voters was 5614 (five thousand six
hundred fourteen) .
Precinct 1. Total number of voters : 1510 Fifteen hundred ten
Precinct 2. Total number of voters : 1356 Thirteen hundred fifty-six
Precinct 3. Total number of voters : 1362 Thirteen hundred sixty-two
Precinct 4. Total number of voters : 1386 Thirteen hundred eighty-six
The Town Clerk and Board of Registrars canvassed the result as
follows :
Precinct 1. Ballots cast : 1404 Fourteen hundred four
Precinct 2. Ballots cast : 1283 Twelve hundred eighty-three
Precinct 3. Ballots cast: 1305 Thirteen hundred five
Precinct 4. Ballots cast: 1290 Twelve hundred ninety
Total vote cast: 5282 Five thousand two hundred eighty-
President and Vice President
Pre. 1. Pre. 2 ® Pre. 3. Pre. 4. Total
Aiken and Teichert 2 0 0 0 2
Browder and Ford 2 0 1 0 3
Colvin and Watson 0 1 1 0 2
Landon and Knox 832 924 862 871 3489
Lemke and O'Brien 80 ' 19 49 50 198
Roosevelt and Garner 464 314 371 349 1498
Thomas and Nelson 3 3 2 4 12
Blanks 21 22 19 16 78
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
Fred G. Bushold 9 5 12 4 30
Alfred H. Evans 3 0 1 0 4
John W. Haigis 848 939 893 863 3543
Horace I. Hillis 3 0 1 0 4
Otis Archer Hood 3 1 3 1 8
Charles F. Hurley 467 297 343 341 , 1448
Alfred Baker Lewis 3 0 3 3 9
William H. McMasters 47 25 31 44 ' 147
Blanks 21 16 18 34 89
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
Lieutenant Governor
Henning A. Blomen 10 2 2 2 16
Freeman W. Follett 2 1 2 3 8
Walter S. Hutchins 8 2 2 7 19
Francis E. Kelly 443 275 351 328 1397
Leverett Saltonstall 877 974 922 907 3680
Paul C. Wicks 6 1 2 1 10
Blanks 58 28 24 42 152
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
Frederic W. Cook 936 994 922 927 3779
Ralph Dow 1.0 3 4 8 : 25
George L. McGlynn 6 0 5 5 16
Mary E. Moore 5 2 7 1 15
Joseph Santosuosso 382 248 323 294 1247
Blanks 65 36 44 55 200
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
Thomas Gilmartin 4 1 2 1 8
Mabelle M. Groves 2 1 6 1 10
Harold J. Hatfield 11 5 9 8 33
Eva Hoffman • 2 1 '2 1 6
James M. Hurley 378 244 345 306 1273
William E. Hurley 931 992 909 920 3752
Sylvester J. McBride 10 3 5 4 22
Blanks 66 36 27 49 178
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
Lyman M., Aldrich 1 5 3 6 15
' Thomas H. Buckley 413 281 351 328 1373
Richard Darby 3 1 6 4 14
. Elizabeth Donovan 12 4 7 5 28
Alfred Haase 2 1 3 1 7
Walter J. Hogan 5 1 3 2 11
Russell A. Wood 886 940 890 886 3602
Blanks 82 50 42 58 232
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
Attorney General
Morris Berzon 10 3 5 5 23
Paul A. Dever 474 317 384 368 1543
Felix Forte 841 918 867 843 3469
George F. Hogan 1 2 5 13 21
Fred E. Oelcher 7 2 2 2 13
Michael Tuysuzian • 3 1 2 1 7
Blanks 68 40 40 58 206
Total 1404 ' 1283 1305 1290 5282
Senator in Congress
Alonzo B. Cook 6 15 3 9 33
Albert Sprague Coolidge 4 2 4 3 13
James M. Curley 384 238 318 273 1213
Ernest L. Dodge 2 2 4 5 13
Charles Flaherty -2 1 2 1 6
Guy M. Gray 10 4 1 4 19
Moses H. Gulesian 4 6 6 7 23
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. 886 950 890 891 3617
Wilbur D. Moon 0 2 0 1 3
Thomas C. O'Brien 69 34 56 59 218
Wilbur J. McCrady 0 0 0 . 2 2
Blanks 37 29 21 35 122
Total 1404 128.3 1305 1290 5282
Congres srnnn
Daniel J. Coughlin 305 196 269 242 1012
John T. Kevin, Jr. 29 5 7 16 57
Edith Nourse Rogers 985 1011 971 955 3922
Wilbur J. McCrady 24 26 28 30 108
Blanks 61 45 30 47 183
Total 1404 _ 1283 1305 1290 5282
t , Councillor
James J. Brennan 399 252 354 319 1324
Eugene A.F. Burtnett 851 943 866 867 3527
Kenneth W. Frederick 17 11 15 11 ' 54
Edward I. Robinson 17 10 13 8 48
Blanks 12067 57 85 329
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
2MM cn
Pre. 1. Pre. 2. Pre. 3. Pre. 4. Total
Walter J. Cleary 363 214 315 271 1163 '
Joseph R. Cotton 970 1017 951 955 3893
Thomas C. O'Brien 0 0 0 1 1
Blanks • ' 71 52 39 63 225
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
Representatives in General Court
William B. Barry 434 262 356 337 1389
Nelson B. Crosby 777 877 814 796 3264
Hollis M. Gott 775 879 816 786 3256
John E. Mitchell 348 200 315 241 1104
Blanks 474 348 309 420 1551
Total 2808 2566 2610 2580 10564
Register of Probate and Insolvency
Francis E. Burke 516 365 447 473 1801
Loring P. Jordan 787 868 817 745 3217
Eileen O'Connor Lane 15 4 3 6 28
Blanks86 46 38 66 236
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
County Commissioners
Nathaniel I. Bowditch 748 863 804 769 3184
Robert Butler 19 5 10 8 42
Howard Fitzpatrick 344 222 333 259 1158
Angelo Massiello 16 5 6 8 35
Edward A. Rose 314 204 270 274 1062
Walter C. Wardwell 819 887 820 800 3326
Blanks 548 380 367 462 1757
Total 2808 2566 2610 2580 10564
County Treasurer
Mary Eubanks 20 9 12 11 52
Charles E. Hatfield 873 959 892 875 3599
Thomas F. Mackey 403 254 341 315 . 1313
Blanks 108 61 60 89 318
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
Clerk of Courts
Edward L. Ford 412 253 357 322' 1344
John R. MacKinnon 875 955 896 872 3598
V. Philip Torigian 15 6 12 8 41
Blanks 102 69 40 88 299
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
No. 1
Yes 609 403 452 495 1959
No 590 672 663 586 2511
Blanks 205 208 190 209 - 812
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
No. 2
Yes 628 416 451 515 2010
No 534 602 629 532 2297
Blanks- 242 265 225 243 . 975
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
No. 3
Yes 853 686 667 706 2912
No 374 403 477 387 1641
Blanks 177 194 161 197 729
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
Contributory Retirement
Yes 644 566 627 575 2412
No 309 291 298 268 1166
Blanks 451 426 380 447 1704
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
Tax Limitation
Yes 844 730 755 768 3097
No 225 268 262 194 949
Blanks 335 285 288 328 1236
Total 1404 1283 1305 1290 5282
A true record:
Attest :
256 01
Article 7. Mr. William E. Mulliken moves to take up Article 7, offering
the following:
Voted: That the Town amend the Lexington Zoning By-Law and
map by changing from an R-i District to a C-i District, the
following described parcel of land:
"A triangular parcel of land bounded on the northwest
by Fletcher Avenue distant 183.90 feet, on the south-
west by Woburn Street distant 320.22 feet, and on the
northeast by the Boston and Lowell Railroad Corp. right
of way distant 317.40 feet, containing about 27,994
square feet."
Mr. Mulliken asks the privilege be granted Mr. Daniel J.
O 'Connell to address the Town Meeting Members from the floor,
which was granted unanimously.
Mr. Neil H. Borden, Chairman of the Planning Board, reads the
report of the Planning Board.
Remarks by Edward W. Kimball, Eugene T. Buckley, Dr. Clarence
Shannon, Leigh V. Farnham, George W. Sarano and Arthur F.
Motion to anend Zoning By-Laws under Article 7 was put to a
standing vote as follows :
Yes Tellers No
12 George H. B. Green 7
52 Neil McIntosh 23
23 Charles M. Blake 7
87 37
Being a majority two-thirds vote, amendment declared carried.
11:15 P .M.
Lexington, Massachusetts
October 6, 1936
I, James J. Carroll, Town Clerk of the Town of Lexington,
Mass. do hereby certify that the above is a true and exact
copy of Article 7 as passed at a special Town Meeting held
September 21, 1936, and as same appears of record.
James J. Carroll
Town. Clerk
Boston, October 13, 1936.
The within zoning law is hereby approved.
Paul A. Dever
Attorney general