HomeMy WebLinkAbout1936-04-28-PP-Results 222 Pr=st TOWN WARRANT THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, SS. To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town who are aualified 'to vote in Primaries to meet in their respective voting places in said town, PRECINCT ONE, ADAMS SCHOOL; PRECINCT TWO, THREE AND FOUR, CARY MEMORIAL HALL, on TUESDAY, THE TWENTY-EIGH7iDAY OF APRIL, 1936, at 2:00 P.M. , for the following' purposes : To bring in their votes to the Primary Officers for the Election of Candidates of Political Parties for the following offices : 8 DELEGATES AT LARGE TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY . 8 ALTERNATE DELEGATES AT LARGE TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PART% 4 DELEGATES AT LARGE TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE REPUBLICAN PART% 4 ALTERNATE DELEGATES AT LARGE TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. 2 DISTRICT DELEGATES TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PART 14 5th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 2 ALTERNATE DISTRICT DELEGATES TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, 5th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRIC% 2 DISTRICT DELEGATES TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE REPUBLICAN' PARTY, 5th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT . 2 ALTERNATE DISTRICT DELEGATES TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, 5thCONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE 1 PREFERENCE FOR DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 1 PREFERENCE FOR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT OF T1 ' UNITED STATES . DISTRICT MEMBER OF STATE COMMITTEE . for each political party for the 7th Middlesex Senatorial District. 20 MEMBERS OF THE DEMOCRATIC TOWN COMIIITTEE. 20 MEMBERS OF THE REPUBLICAN TOWN COMMITTEE. 1 DELEGATE TO STATE CONVENTION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY . 2 DELEGATES TO STATE CONVENTION OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. All the above candidates are to be voted for upon one ballot. The polls will be open from 2:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies thereof seven days at least before the time of said meeting as directed by vote of the town. Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands this fourteenth day of April, A.D. , 1936. Charles E. Ferguson Philip M. Clark SELECTMEN Archibald R. Giroux OF Albert A. Ross TRXINGTON William G. Potter !IV April 17 , 1936 To the Town Clerk: I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by posting printed conies of the foregoing Warrant in the Post Office, in the vestibule of the Town Office Building and six other public places in the Town, and by mailing a printed copy of the same to every registered voter in the Town10 days before the time of said -- meeting. Patrick J. Maguire Constable of Lexington PRE PRIMARY STATE ELECTION April 28, 1936 The following election officers had been appointed by the Selectmen and were assigned to duty at the Town Precincts as follows : Precinct One Precinct Two D Charles J. Dailey Warden R Victor H. Harmon D Bartlett J. Harrington Inspector R George V. Morse R George E. Foster Inspector D Randall Richards R Alfred W. Hayward Clerk D John H . Dacey D George F. Stygles Teller R Harry G. Frost R DeTrafford Smith Teller D Edward McGrory R Arthur W. Hughes Teller R Elizabeth Nourse R Mabelle S. Peavy Teller D MAdeline Corbett Precinct Three Precinct Four • R Hiram W. Jackson Warden R Howard E. Custance R Fred Tullar Inspector R William E. Mulliken D Charles E. Molov, Jr. Inspector D Katherine Kearns R Samuel W. Wellington Clerk D Frank Maguire D John Corcoran Teller D James J. Waldron D John J. McCormick Teller R Carl Hauck R Esther Graham Teller D Lillian R. Kearns D Henry Meade Teller The polls were declared open in each Precinct at two oiclock P.M. and remained open until eight o'clock P.M. at which time after due notice they were declared closed. The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties. The total number of registered voters in each precinct as follows : Precinct One Thirteen hundred fifty-six ( 1356) Precinct Two Eleven hundred ninety-five (1195) Precinct Three Twelve hundred thirty-one (1231) Precinct Four Eleven hundred sixteen (1116) Total: Forty eight hundred ninety-eight 4898 The ballots were counted by the election officers in each Precinct, the tally sheets and total vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk being used. 224 c.ri x The ballots cast were counted, enclosed in envelopes sealed, signed by the election officers, together with the unused ballots and delivered to the Town Clerk at his office. The Town Clerk and the members of the Board of Registrars canvassed the results as follows : Precinct One Ballots Cast 188 One hundred eighty-eight Precinct Two Ballots Cast 247 Two hundred forty-seven Precinct Three Ballots Cast 252 Two hundred fifty-two Precinct Four Ballots Cast 167 One hundred sixty-seven Total 854 Eight hundred fifty-four DEMOCRATIC PARTY DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Prec. 1 Prec. 2 Prec, 3 Prec. 4 Total David I. Walsh 13 9 13 13 48 Marcus A. Coolidge 13 9 19 11 52 James M. Curley 17 9 10 12 48 William J. Granfield 11 9 11 10 41 Joseph McGrath 11 9 9 11 40 Margaret L. O'Riordan 11 9 11 11 42 Elizabeth L. McNamara 11 9 9 12 41 Grace Ha.f,tly Howe 11 9 10 10 40 (Not Grouped) Timothy E. Carroll 4 1 4 1 10 . Alexander F. Sullivan 0 1 1 2 4 Blanks , 66 6 41 35 148 ALTERNATE DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Clementina Langone 17 7 8 13 45 Mary Maliotis 14 7 9 13 43 Golda P . Walters 15 8 7 13 43 Sadie H. Mulrone 16 7 8 13 44 Louise B. Clark 15 7 8 13 43 H. Oscar Rocheleau 15 7 8 13 43 Stanley W. Wisnioski 15 7 7 13 42 Julian D. Rainey 16 7 10 13 46 Blanks 45 23 63 24 155 DISTRICT DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION 5th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Michael T. Golden 12 9 8 10 39 William F. McCarty 13 8 6 9 36 James J. Bruin 0 1 0 1 2 Thomas J. Corbett 1 a 1 0 2 George J. Murray 1 1 2 1 5 Blanks 15 1 15 11 42 ALTERNATE DISTRICT DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION 5th CONG. DIST. Alice I. Goland 9 9 4 8 30 Joseph F. O 'Connell 13 8 8 9 38 Clement A. McDonough 2 1 2 0 5 Jeremiah J. Sullivan 5 1 7 6 19 Blanks 13 0 11 9 33 STATE COMMITTEE Frank A. Cassidy 15 8 11 8 42 Blanks -6 2 5 8 21 225 DEMOCRATIC PARTY DELEGATE TO STATE CONVENTION Free. 1 Free. 2 Free. 3 Free. 4 Total Francis E. Burke 20 9 12 15 56 Blanks 1 1 4 1 - 7 TOWN COMMITTEE Eugene T. Buckley 16 6 13 13 48 Bartlett J. Harrington 18 7 7 13 - 45 Francis E. Burke 15 10 10 15 50 Bernard O 'Donnell 13 6 7 32 38 John J. Donovan 15 7 9 12 43 Patrick Shanahan 18 9 7 32 46 John G. Sexton 16 7 8 12 43 Joseph H. Valliere 13 8 9 12 42 Daniel A. Cronin 13 7 10 12 42 James V. Cosgrove 13 10 11 13 - 47 John A. Murray - 16 7 9 12 - 44 James Spellman 0 0 1 5 6 Mary Spellman 0 0 0 4 4 Mary Gaynor 0 0 0 2 2 Marion Burke 0 0 0 2 2 John Merik 0 0 0 1 1 Joe Ferrie 0 0 0 1 1 Thomas Mansfield 0 0 0 1 _ 1 Blanks 254 116 219 182 - 771 PRESIDENTIAL PRS WERENCE DEMOCRATIC Roosevelt 4 8 10 8 30 Ely 2 , 0 0 0 2 A. E. Smith 0 0 2 0 - 2 H. Ford 0 0 1 0 - 1 REPUBLICAN PARTY - DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Prec. 1 Free. 2 Free. 3 Prec. 4 Total Charles F. Adams 150 221 223 126 720 George F. Booth 138 209 215 114 676 Joseph W. Martin 137 209 213 122 - 681 Allen T. Treadway 149 212 220 120 701 Blanks 94 97 73 130 394 ALTERNATE DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Mary Phillips Bailey 136 202 206 110 654 Florence H. LeFevre 137 199 203 107 646 Wallace Stearna 139 204 211 116 670 Anna C.M. Tillinghast 140 205 212 117 674 Blanks 106 138 112 154 510 DISTRICT DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION 5th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Forest A. Rogers 9 93 36 John R. Russell 12 25 14 13 64 (Grouped) Robert E. Goodwin 131 193 197 107 628 Wallace R. Lovett 119 176 179 91 565 Blanks 397 71 77 78 623 226 cn = REPUBLICAN PARTY ALTERNATE DISTRICT DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION 5th CONG. DIST. Prec, 1 Prec. 2 Prec. 3 Prec. 4 Total Ethel G. Gray 140 202 195 117 654 Anna S. Hard 135. 194 190 105 624 Blanks 59 78 87 80 304 STATE COMMITTEE John H. Pearson 143 203 204 112 662 Blanks 24 34 32 39 129 DELEGATES TO STATE CONVENTION Archibald R. Giroux 105 155 162 97 519 Robert H. Holt 124 185 175 80 564 Edward W. Taylor 72 105 99 84 360 TOWN COMMITTEE Dorothy Homer Chamberlain 137 199 199 106 641 Martha C.Spaulding 141 200 202 114 657 Joseph R. Cotton 141 212 211 123 687 Albert H. Burnham 135 201 212 119 667 James A. Peirce 134 197 198 106 635 Arthur W. Hughes 118 189 189 97 593 John D. Collins 119 188 187 95 589 James W. Smith 123 202 204 100 629 William H. Ballard 134 213 208 114 669 Clyde E. Steeves 125 204 198 106 633 Clayton A. Hilliard 118 201 194 94 607 Harry F. Howard 122 195 192 99 608 J. Lawrence Miles 126 205 210 108 649 Edward W. Taylor 136 198 212 123 669 Charles E. Hadley 136 199 200 101 636 Margaret K.Gfroerer 114 195 202 100 611 Alfred L. Short 118 187 190 98 593 George P. Morey 119 189 195 99 602 Dorothy T. Taylor 126 194 201 106 627 John A. Lyons 129 189 195 103 616 Clem Ferguson 1 0 0 0 1 Everett L. Emery 1 0 0 0 1 Blanks 789 781 721 .909 3,230 PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE REPUBLICAN Landon 158 149 106 102 515 Hoover 12 20 7 6 45 Knox 4 5 1 0 10 Borah 5 6 3 1 15 Moses 1 0 0 0 1 VanDerberg 2 7 6 1 16 Gifford 1 0 0 0 1 Adams 1 0 0 0 1 Fullar 0 1 0 0 1 Roosevelt 0 0 3 1 4 Townsend 0 0 1 0 1 A True Record Attest: ,0/ To" Olerk i