HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-11-06-SE-Results 123 WARRANT FOR STATE LECTION COMPJIONWEALTTh OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, SS. To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town who are qualified to vote in Elections to meet in EMERSON HATT', STONE BUITTTNG, East Lexington, (Precinct One) CARY MEMORIAL BUILDING, Lexington Centre , (Precinct Two, Precinct Three and Precinct Four) on TUESDAY, the SIXTH day of NOVEMBER, 1934 at seven o' clock A.M. to cat their ballots for the following officers : Governor; Lieutenant Governor; Secretary; Treasurer; Auditor; Attorney General; Senator in Congress ; Representative in Congress; Councillor;° Senator ; Representatives in General Court : District Attorney; Clerk of Courts; Register of Deeds ; County Commissioner; Two Associate County Commissioners ; Sheriff ( to fill vacancy) And to take action on the following questions : Question Nd. 1. Law Submitted Upon Referendum Petition. Shall a law described as follows : This law amends Gneral Laws , Chapter 131, as Previously amended, by repealing section 105A thereof and adding thereto three new sections, 105B, 105C and 114A. Section 105B provides that whoever uses any trap or other device for capture of fur bearing animals , which is not designed to kill such animal at once or to take it unhurt and which is likely to cause continued suffering to an animal caught therein, shall be fined fifty dollars , but traps or other devices for protection of property, set not more than fifty yeards from any building, cultivated plot, or enclosures used for rearing poultry or game birds, to the use of which the presence of vermin may be detrimental, are excluded from the application of this section. Section 105C provides for the submission to the voters at a municipal election in any city or town upon petition, of the question of whether the operation of section 105B shall be suspended or if it has been already suspended, of the question whether it shall again be operative in such city or town. Section 114A provides that the Commissioner of Con_serva- tion may suspend the operation of section 105B for a period not exceeding thirty days within any specified territory under the control of this department . 124 log==m4 This law also provides for the submission, by the selectmen to the voters at a special town meeting in the c current year, upon petition, of the ouestion as to whether the provisions o section 105B shall be sus- Yes pended in any town : and which was approved by both branches of the General Court by vote not recorded, No be approved? To obtain a full expression of opinion, voters should vote on both of the following questions : (a) If a voter desires to permit the sale of any and all alcoholic beverages in this town he will vote "YES" on both question: (b) If he desires to permit the sale of wines and malt beverages only herein, he will vote "NO'T on question 1 and "YES" on question 2. ( c) If he desires to Prohibit the sale of any and all alcoholic beverages herein, he will vote "NO" on both questions. 1. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages (whisky, rum, Yes gin, malt malt beverages, wines and all other alcoholic beverages)? No 2. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale therein of wines and malt beverages (wines Yes and beer, ale and all other malt beverages ) ? No 1. Shall the pari-mutuel system of betting Yes on licenses horse races be Permitted in this count-? No 2. Shall the pari-mutuel system of betting Yes on licenses dog races be oermitted in this county? No The polls will be open at 7 :00 A.M. and will remain open until 8:00 P .M. And you are directed to serve this Warrant seven days at least before the time of said meeting as provided in the By-Laws of the Town. Hereof, fail not , and make due return on this Warrant, with your doings . thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands , at Lexington, this eighteent-- day of October, A.D. , 1934. Robert P . Trask John E. Gilcreast SELECTMEN Charles E. Ferguson OF Daniel J. O'Connell John A . Lyons LEXINGTON 125 October 22nd. 1934. To the Town Clerk, I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by posting printed copies of the foregoing Warrant in the Post Office, in the vestibule of the Town Office Building and six other public places in the Town, and by mailing a printed copy of the same to every registered voter in the Town eight days before the time of said meeting . Attest: Patrick J. Maguire. Constable of Lexington STATE ELECTION NOVEMBER 6, 1934 The following election officers had been appointed by the Selectmen and were assigned to duty at the four precincts as follows : Precinct One Warden Charles J. Dailey Deputy Warden Mrs . Mary A. Rowland Inspector Frances Harrington Inspector George E. Foster Deputy Inspector Alfred Hayward Deputy Inspector Donald Cameron Clerk Mabelle S. Peavy Deputy Clerk Arthur W. Hughes Teller Eugene L. Morgan Teller Harold MacGilvray Teller Alice G. Marshall Teller George F. Stygles Precinct Two Warden Irving B. Pierce Deputy Warden Victor Harmon Inspector George V. Morse Inspector Randall Richards Deputy Inspector Elizabeth Nourse Deputy Inspector William E. Manley Clerk John H. Dacey Depuuy Clerk Frederick Connor Teller Harry G. Frost Teller Clifford Pierce Teller Edward McGrory Teller Ruth Ray 126 Precinct Three Warden Harvey Winlock Deputy Warden Frederick Tullar Inspector James T. McGann Inspector Charles E. Moloy, Jr. Deputy Inspector Emma Hovey Deputy Inspector John Cocoran Clerk James L. McKenzie Deputy Clerk Samuel W. Wellington Teller Timothy Kinneen Teller Esther Graham Teller John J. McCormidk Teller Edward B. O 'Connor • Precinct Four Warden Howard E. Custance Deputy Warden William E. Mulliken Inspector Warren Haynes Inspector Margaret Merrick Deputy Inspector Irene Robinson Deputy Inspector Daniel A. Gorman, Jr. Clerk Fr-ink Maguire Deputy Clerk Margaret T. Kennedy Teller Agnes Hall Teller James J. Waldron Teller Clifford R. Harvey Teller Harry F. Howard The polls were declared open in each Precinct at seven o' clock A.M. and remained open in each Precinct until eight o'clock P.M. The election officers were sworn to the faithful per- formance of their duties. The ballots were counted by the election officers in each Precinct, the tally sheets and total vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk being used. The ballots cast were counted, enclosed in envelopes, sealed, signed by the election officers, together with the unused ballots , delivered to the Town Clerk at his office . The total registration of voters was 4941 ( four thousand nine hundred forty-one . ) Precinct. 1 Total number of voters : 1308 Thirteen hundred eight Precinct. 2 Total number of voters : 1187 Eleven hundred eighty-seven Precinct. 3 Total number of voters : 1230 Twelve hundred thirty Precinct. 4 Total number of voters : 1216 Twelve hundred sixteen The Town Clerk and Board of Registrars canvassed the result as follows : Precinct . 1 Ballots cast: 1120 Eleven hundred twenty. Precinct. 2 Ballots cast : 1035 Ten hundred thirty-five. Precinct. 3 Ballots cast: 1097 Ten hundred ninety-seven. Precinct . 4 Ballots cast: 1018 Ten hundred eighteen. Total vote cast: 4270 Four thousand two hundred and seventy. 127 GOVERNOR Prec.l. Prec.2 . Prec .3. Prec . 4 Total John W. Aiken 3 1 2 0 6 Gaspar G. Bacon 582 734 703 605 2624 James M. Curley 414 218 340 319 1291 Freeman W. Follett 0 2 0 1 3 Frank A. Goodwin 99 64 40 73 276 Alfred Baker Lewis 11 7 4 4 26 Edward Stevens 2 0 0 2 4 Blanks 9 9 8 14 40 Total 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Elizabeth Donovan 19 16 9 10 54 John W. Haigis 647 758 737 642 2784 Horace I . Hillis 4 4 5 6 19 Joseph L. Hurley 396 230 333 324 1283 Florence L. Lawton 3 4 0 4 11 Horace Riley 4 1 0 4 9 Blanks 47 22 13 28 110 Total 1120) 1035 1097 1018 4270 SECRETARY Walter Burke 4 0 1 5 10 Frederic W. Cook 675 791 753 653 2872 George L. McGlynn 6 3 5 3 17 Leslie A. Richards 17 14 21 11 63 Joseph Santosuosso 354 194 298 301 1147 William B. Taylor 4 2 2 4 12 Blanks 60 31 17 41 149 Total 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 TREASURER Oscar U . Dionne 564 690 681 586 2521 William R. Ferry 14 8 6 12 40 Thomas Gilmartin 5 2 8 7 22 Charles F. Hurley 451 288 370 361 1470 Harry Maltzman 13 13 6 9 41 Frederick S. Reynolds 6 1 0 5 12 Blanks 67 33 26 38 164 Total 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 AUDITOR Henning A. Blomen 9 2 4 5 20 Thomas H. Buckley 398 284 368 349 1399 Alonzo B. Cook 592 657 658 585 2492 Walter S. Hutchins 18 22 12 13 65 Paul Skers 4 0 0 2 6 Blanks 99 70 55 64 288 Total 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 128 Can ATTORNEY Ga.\TERAL Prec . 1 Prec. 2 . Prec . 3.- Prec . 4. Total Morris Berzon 18 13 7 13 51 Paul A. Dever 368 226 324 309 1227 Charles A. Flaherty 3 0 1 3 7 George F. Hogan 3 3 4 9 19 Fred E. Delcher 5. 3 5 3 16 Joseph E. Warner 651 755 727 629 2762 Blanks 72 35 29 52 188 Totals 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 SENATOR IN CONGRESS Albert Sprague Coolidge 18 15 10 16 59 W. Barnard Smith 3 4 4 9 20 David I. Walsh 508 377 449 447 1781 Robert M. Washburn 527 617 599 516 2259 Albert L. Waterman 8 0 3 0 11 Paul C. Wicks 2 1 1 4 8 Blanks 54 21 31 26 132 Totals 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 CONGRESSMAN (5th Dist . ) Jeremiah J. O' Sullivan 318 191 295 285 1089 Edith Nourse Rogers 737 819 770 704 3030 Blanks 65 25 32 29 151 Totals 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 COUNCILLOR ( 6th Dist. ) James J. Brennan 358 236 322 325 1241 Eugene A. F. Burtnett 633 725 702 615 2675 Blanks 129 74 73 78 354 Totals 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 SENATOR (7th Middlesex Dist . ) Walter J. Cleary 350 207 310 308 1175 Joseph R. Cotton 693 791 747 670 2901 Blanks 77 37 40 40 194 Totals 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 REPRESENTATIVES IN GENERAL COURT (28th Middlesex Dist . ) 4ohn A. Carr, Jr. 336 212 293 288 1129 Nelson B. Crosby 600 709 673 594 2576 Hollis M. Gott 583 663 656 555 2457 Thomas G. Hennessy 271 172 258 237 938 Blanks 450 314 314 362 1440 Totals 2240 2070 2194 2036 8540 129 DISTRICT ATTORNEY ( Northern Dist. ) Prec . 1 . Prec .2 . Prec . 3. Prec . 4. Total Warren L. Bishop 586 661 624 594 2465 James J. Bruin 262 155 238 218 873 Richard S. McCabe 200 181 202 159 742 Blanks 72 38 33 47 190 Totals 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 CTFRK OF COTJRTS (Middlesex County) John J. Brennan 345 217 319 304 1185 Ralph N. Smith 648 740 722 624 2734 V. Philip Torigian 19 14 10 12 55 Blanks 108 64 46 78 296 Totals 1120; 1035 1097 1018 4270 REGISTER OF DEEDS (Middlesex Southern Dist. ) John Gordon Duffy 369 218 317 297 1201 Thomas Leighton 633 747 729 636 2745 Blanks 118 70 51 85 324 Totals 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 COUNTY COMMISSIONER (Middlesex County) Thomas B. Brennan 357 217 318 310 1202 Earl C. Hamilton 27 15 14 17 73 Victor Francis Jewett 597 731 698 596 2622 Blanks 139 72 67 95 373 Totals 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 ASSOCIATE COMMISSIONERS (Middlesex County) Robert D. Donaldson 567 676 662 538 2443 Edward L. Harley 315 196 285 277 1073 Thomas Murray 289 182 253 258 982 Alfred H. Pigott 22 12 80 13 127 Melvin G. Rogers 544 661 576 551 2332 John D. Sexton 21 12 11 15 59 Blanks 482 331 327 384 1524 Totals 2240 2070 2194 2036 8540 SHERIFF (Middlesex County) Donald P . Hurd 18 14 14 19 65 Joseph M. McElroy 671 729 710 605 2715 Ascanio di Rago 4 0 1 1 6 Ralph W. Robart 351 244 327 325 1247 Blanks 76 48 45 68 237 Totals 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 130 u QUESTION NO . 1 Prec . 1. Prec .2 . Prec . 3 Prec. 4 Total Yes 379 341 386 395 1501 No 301 337 319 226 1183 Blanks 440 357 392 397 1586 Totals 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 QUESTION NO. 2 Yes 608 479 515 527 2129 No 388 476 477 373 1714 Blanks 124 80 105 118 427 Totals 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 QUESTION NO. 3 Yes 632 572 590 540 2334 No 323 350 359 320 1352 Blanks 165 113 148 158 584 Totals 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 QUESTION NO. 4 Yes 652 482 558 582 2274 No 299 413 385 307 1404 Blanks 169 140 154 129 592 Totals 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 QUESTION NO. 5 Yes 478 318 384 424 1604 No 417 541 503 405 1866 Blanks 225 176 210 189 800 Totals 1120 1035 1097 1018 4270 A true record. Attest : T ov,'n erk.