Room G-15, Town Office Building
Meeting Minutes of March 30,2011
Present: George Burnell, Stephen Keane, Bill Kennedy, Wendy Manz, Deb
Mauger, Lester Savage, and Betsey Weiss.
Staff: Aaron Henry
Discussion of March 17th Community Meeting
Chairman Lester Savage opened the discussion with a brief recap of the community
meeting for the few members who were not present,highlighting the negative reaction
to the proposed number of units,which was 6 to 8.
Mr. Burnell voiced concerns regarding the proposed RFI. Mr. Kennedy explained that
the RFI would not necessary if the number of units is lowered, as it would not be likely
to result in meaningful responses. He also reminded the group that the number of units
was the principle issue upsetting the neighbors.
Ms. Weiss explained that the number of units was based in large part on the cost of the
land. She also expressed concern that the 2007 Inclusionary Zoning proposal was not
adopted, in part,because Town Meeting Members said at that Town Meeting session
that CPA funds were thought to be a more appropriate method of producing affordable
housing,but that now that CPA funds which purchased the Leary property and were
going to be used for a substantial portion of the project, there is now resistance to
density. She also understood the neighbors' concerns and the importance of being
sensitive to the neighborhood. She said that the project design is very important and
must be aesthetically pleasing. She hoped that a design would look like a "one family"
farmhouse, ell, and barn structure but would actually have up to 6 units in the entire
structure .Ms. Manz felt that lots of factors played into the reaction from the
neighborhood, and that while the lot may handle more units than the abutters feel
appropriate, the Task Force has to figure out what the right number actually is. Ms.
Manz expressed her feeling that 6 may be possible, if the Task Force continues to work
with the abutters.
Steve Keane felt that the Task Force should continue to work with the neighbors before
going back to the Selectmen.
To help color the conversation on the number of units and density, Mr. Henry
introduced information on community growth and how it influences the planning of
affordable housing because of the Chapter 40B mandate.
Returning to the conversation to the Leary property, Mr. Burnell raised concerns about
the concentration of people that 6 to 8 units would represent and the potential impact on
the neighborhood that this would have, aside from the cars which have also been raised
by abutters. Mr. Bob Pressman, a resident, refuted the point, stating that there appeared
to be no conflict in other parts of town were denser developments abutted single-family
homes, citing Captain Parker and Emerson Gardens as examples.
The discussion ended with the group asking staff to explore a cost estimate for a traffic
study. The group also thought the RFI should be revised to reflect the maximum
number of units as "up to 6" rather than "up to 8" as originally approved.
Discussion of CPA Article
Staff very briefly reminded the group of the upcoming Town Meeting article for a
$30,000 appropriation to fund predevelopment activities, and would forward the
questions from the TMMA Executive Committee to all members for their review.
The meeting adjourned at 10 AM, leaving its next meeting date to be determined after
Town Meeting's vote.