HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-27-PP-Results (See Warrant Book - Page 237 PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY April 27,, 194$ The following election officers had been appointed by the Select- men and were assigned to duty at the Town Precincts as follows: Precinct One Precinct Two Charles J. Dailey Warden Clyde E. Steeves George E. Foster Inspector Ruth R. Ray Mary E. Stankard Clerk Elizabeth R. Nourse Mary A. Rowland Teller Helen McCaffrey Annie H. McDonnell Teller Madeline V. Peterson Helga M. Carlson Teller Edward McGrory Pauline E. Bartlett Inspedtor Mary G. Oliver Teller Gertrude H. Mara Precinct Three Precinct Four Sidney U. Robbins Warden Lester L. Andrews Charles F. Vaughan Clerk Mary J. Ferry Gladys T. Watson Inspector Helen M. Kirk William J. Collins Inspector Mary A. Spellman Rosalie MacDonald Teller Caroline F. Deloury Edna D. Anderson Teller Robert E. Ryan Emma H. Zitso Teller Agnes L. Hall Ella G. Callahan Teller Catherine M. Ferry The polls were declared open in each Precinct at two o 'clock P. M. and remained open until eight o'clock P. M. at which time after due notice they were declared closed. The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties. The total number of registered voters in each precinct as follows: Precinct One Sixteen hundred sixty-four 1664 Precinct Two Thirteen hundred fifty-two 1352 Precinct Three Fourteen hundred sixty-one 1461 Precinct Four Sixteen hundred seventy-six 1676 Total: Sixty-one hundred fifty-three 6153 The ballots were counted by the election officers in each Prec- inct , the tally sheets and total vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk being used. The ballots cast were counted, enclosed in envelopes sealed, signed by the election officers , together with the unused ballots and delivered to the Town Clerk at his office. The Town Clerk and the members of the Board of Registrars can- vassed the results as follows: Precinct One Ballots Cast: Dem. 10 Rep. 49 Total 59 Precinct Two Ballots Cast : Dem. 14 Rep. 72 Total $6 Precinct Three Ballots Cast : Dem. 15 Rep. 101 Total 116 Precinct Four Ballots Cast : Dem. 5 Rep . 5$ Total 63 Totals Dem. 44 Rep. 2$0 Total 324 REPUBLICAN PARTY DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Pre.l Pre.2 Pre.4 Pre.3 Total Robert F. Bradford 46 70 5$ 100 274 Leverett Saltonstall 47 71 57 101 276 Henry Cabot Lodge , Jr. 47 72 57 101 277 Joseph William Martin, Jr. 47 67 55 98 267 Clarence A. Barnes 46 6$ 55 -97 266 Katherine G. Howard 44 66 53 94 257 Edwin L. Olander 42 65 53 93 253 Blanks 24 25 1$ 23 90- 343 504 406 707 1960 ALTERNATE DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Pre.l Pre .2 Pre .4 Pre .3. Total . Esther W. Wheeler 37 66 53 93 249 Carroll L. Meins 37 65 55 92 249 Clara F. Roberto 3$ 66 53 92 249 Richard V. Wigglesworth 38 6$ 54 95 255 Florence G. Claussen 36 66 53 90 245 Anne M. Zyfers 35 66 53 $9 243 Milton P. Higgins 39 65 53 91 24$ Blanks $3 42 32 65 222 343 504 406 707 1960 DISTRICT DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Otis M. Whitney 47 70 59 9$ 274 Thomas Pappas 41 66 53 95 255 Blanks 10 $ 4 9 31 98 144 116 202 560 ALTERNATE DISTRICT DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Elizabeth B. Cusack 44 67 51 91 253 Leo A. Roy 44 67 52 92 255 Blanks 10 10 13 19 52 98 144 116 202 560 STATE COMMITTEE Vincent Hockmeyer 42 63 53 $9 247 Blanks 7 9 5 12 ' 33: 49 72 5$ 101 2$0 STATE COMMITTEE Marion R. Symonds 45 65 51 91 252 Blanks 4 7 7 10 2$ 49 72 5$ 101 2$0 TOWN COMMITTEE Ernest J. Crerie 3 5 63 47 $4 229 Helen H. Smith 37 66 51 92 246 Thelma F. Mather - 39 66 50 90 245 Michael F. Shea 40 . 64 46 $3 233 Alyce C. Burnell 37 66 50 $5 23$ Sarah E. Goodwin - 37 65 50 92 244 Alice G. Webster 40 65 49 94 24$ Dorothea S. Dodge 39 66 51 90 246 Ruth A. Stone 40 67 47 $9 243 Margaret H. Cook 39 65 50 $9 243 Emory D. Heald 34 64 46 $3 227 Clyde E. Steeves Y 37 6$ 4$ $7 240 Newton E. Bennett - 38 68 4$ $6 240 Thomas J. Donnelly, Jr. 39 65 47 $3 234 Gaetano Buttaro 3$ 64 46 $1 229 Lee E. Tarbox 39 69 50 $7 245 Elizabeth R. Lewis 35 69 49 $$ 241 Arthur F. Mason 40 64 49 $4 237 Howard A. Patterson 39 65 51 $6 241 Essala C. Foster 39 64 46 $4 - 233 Archibald R. Giroux 45 70 52 95 262- Lulu M. Blake -- 34 67 49 $9 239 Guyetta G. Broderic 37 66 48 87 238 TOWN COMMITTEE (CONT. ) 2o9 Pre .l Pre .2 Pre .4 Pre.3 Total Blanche T. Nilson 3$ 67 4$ $$ 241 Herbert T. Nilson 36 66 49 $7 23$ Richard H. Childs 39 6$- 52 $6 245 Albert H. Burnham 40 70 51 91 252 Ruth G. Bevan 31 65 46 $6 22$ Esther S. Barry 35 6$ 46 $2 231 Robert C. Merriam 41 70 53 99 263 Eleanor B. Litchfield 34 65 51 $6 236 Alfred P. Tropeano 35 66 50 $3 234 Margaret E. Cromwell 35 65 47 $9 236 Walter E. Sands 40 70 54 97 261 James W. Smith , Jr. 0 0 0 7 7 Albert G. Frothingham 0 0 0 1 1 Blanks 430 264 305 545 1544 1711 2520 1972 3535 9738 DEMOCRATIC PARTY Pre.l Pre .2 Pre.3 Pre.4 Total DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION John W. McCormack 3 9 7 2 21 James M. Curley 3 $ 5 3 19 Thomas J. Buckley 2 $ 7 3 20 William J. Foley 3 $ 4 2 17 Chester A. Dolan, Jr. 3 8 5 3 19 Joseph E. Casey 2 $ 6 2 1$ Charles F. Jeff Sullivan 2 $ 6 3 19 Daniel B. Brunton 2 $ 4 2 16 Margaret M. O'Riordan 1 $ 6 2 17 Roger L. Putnam 2 $ 6 3 19 Maxwell B. Grossman 1 $ 4 2 15 Francis E. Kelly 1 9 4 3 17 John T. McMorrow 2 $ 5 2 17 David J. Brickley 2 $ 4 3 17 Joseph A. Scolponeti 1 $ 6 3 1$ Edward P. Gilgun 1 $ 4 2 15 31 130 $3 40 2$4 ALTERNATE DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION William R. Conley 2 2 5 2 11 Frank T. Y. Goon 1 2 4 2 9 Michael A. O'Leary 2 1 4 2 9 Bernard J. Killion 2 1 6 2 11 Clementina Langone 1 1 4 2 $ Michael LoPresti 1 1 5 2 9 Mary E. McDonald 1 1 5 2 9 Charles H. McGlue 2 2 4 2 10 Thomas F. Graham 1 1 5 2 9 Samuel Michelman 1 1 4 2 $ Rita M. Moylan 1 1 5 2 9 Mary Higgins 1 1 5 2 Charles Collato s 1 1 4 2 $ Silas F. Taylor 1 1 4 2 $ James T. Violette 1 2 4 2 9 Daniel F. Donovan 2 2 6 2 12 21 21 74 32 148 DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION ,P Pal Pre.1 Pre .2 Pre .3 Pre .4 Total e" Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. 5 4 7 2 1$ John George Asiaf 4 4 5 1 14 Stanley Borsa 4 4 5 1 14 Gerald T. Bowler 4 3 6 1 14 Jeremiah D. Crowley 5 4 5 1 15 Joseph T. Conley 4 3 6 2 15 Walter A. Cuffe 4 4 5 1 14 C. Gerald Lucey 5 3 6 1 15 Francis V. Matera 4 3 5 1 13 Harvey A. Pothier 5 3 5 1 14 William H. J. Rowan 4 4 6 2 16 Colin J. Cameron 4 3 6 - 2 15 Charles J. Artesani 4 3 5 1 13 Francis X. Casey 6 4 7 2 19 Daniel Rudsten 4 3 5 1 13 John M. Shea 6 4 7 2. 19 72 56 91 2z: 241 ALTERNATE DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION James A. Burke - - 5 3 6 1 15 Joseph E. Duffy 5 3 6 1 15 Howard B. Driscoll 5 2 6 1 14 Gerald P. Lombard 4 2 5 1 12 John J. Toomey 5 3 6 2 16 Robert G. Connolly 5 2 5 1 13 Edward J. Mulligan 5 3 5 1 14 James J. Twohig, Jr. 5 3 6 1 15 Anthony Parenzo 4 2 5 1 12 John G. Curley 5 2 6 1 14 Patrick Cronin 5 2 6 1 - 14 Harold C. Nagle 4 2 5 1 12 Thomas F. Reilly 5 2 5 1 13 John H. O'Connor, Jr. 5 2 7 1 15 James E. Hannon 4 2 6 1 13 Frank B. Oliveira 4 3 5 1 13 -_ 75 38 90 17 220 DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION James A. Bowes 1 0 1 0 2 Francis E. Cassidy 1 0 1 0 2 Lawrence W. Caton 1 0 0 0 1 Joseph H. Downey 1 0 1 0 2 Leo A. Gosselin 1 0 0 0 1 Thomas A. Keating 1 0 0 0 " 1 Mathias LaPierre 1 0 0 0 - 1 Leo F. McGrath 1 0 0 0 1 James Leo O'Connor 1 0 1 0 2 James F. Reynolds 1 0 0 0 1 George W. Stanton 1 0 1 0 2 Alice D. Sullivan 1 0 1 0 2 12 0 6 0 1$ ALTERNATE DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Marie F. Akey 1 0 1 0 2 Thomas B. Brennan 1 0 1 0 2 Joseph h J. Buckley 1 0 1 0 2 JohnC. Carr 1 0 1 0 2 Lawrence E. Corcoran 1 0 1 0 2 Frederick M. Kelley 1 0 0 0 1 Ida C. McDonough 1 0 0 0 1 Edward McLaughlin 1 0 0 0 1 Wilfred J. Paquet 1 0 0 0 1 Luke Ryan 1 0 1 0 2 Anna A. Sharry 1 0 1 0 2 Jacob W. Shinberg 1 0 0 0 1 Wanda Walczak 1 0 0 0 1 13 0 7 0 20 DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION 241 Pre .1 Pre .2 Pre .3 Pre .4 Total Blanks 45 3$ 60 18 161 ALTERNATE DELEGATES AT LARGE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Blanks 51 165 69 31 316 DISTRICT DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Daniel O'Dea 6 12 8 3 29 James J. Bruin 5 9 8 3 25 11 21 16 6 54 ALTERNATE DISTRICT DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION George B. Murphy, Jr. 6 12 7 3 28 Walter H. Wilcox 6 10 8 2 26 12 22 15 5 54 DISTRICT DELEGATE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION John J. Walsh 2 3 0 1 6 DISTRICT DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Blanks 7 4 14 3 28 ALTERNATE DISTRICT DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Blanks 8 6 15 5 34- STATE 4STATE COMMITTEE • - Frank A. Cassidy 1 6 3 3 13 George B. Murphy, Jr. 2 6 5 0 13 Blanks 7 2 7 2 18 10 14 15 5 44 STATE COMMITTEE Frances Balogh 0 0 1 0 1 Blanks 10 14 14 5 43 10 14 15 5 44 TOWN COMMITTEE Eugene T. Buckley 3 0 3 3 9 Frances Balogh 3 0 3 1 7 Elizabeth M. Burton 3 0 3 3 9 Daniel. A. Cronin 3 0 3 1 7 Agnes L. Hall 0 0 3 2 5 John F. McKearney, Jr. - 3 0 3 2 8 John G. Sexton 3 0 3 1 7 Mary A. Spellman 3 0 3 3 9- Blanks 79 140 126 L34 379 100 , 140 150 50 440 ,,,,-.--7.-t„.,1 ) ..."-.0----c5,--C.,C, tea Clerk ----. .......