HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-03-03-ATE-Results 182 WARFANT FOR ANNUAL TOWN MEETING - MARCH 3, 1947 c,: (See Warrant Book - Page ANNUAL TOWN MEETING March 3, 1947 In pursuance of the foregoing warrant the legal voters, of the Town of Lexington met in their respective voting places in said Town of Lexington Monday, March the third in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty-seven at seven-thirty o'clock in the forenoon. The following places were designated as the voting places for the various precincts: Precinct One, Adams School; Precinct Two, Three and Four, Cary Memorial Hall, The following election officers having been duly appointed by the Selectmen, and Wardens of the various precincts were assigned for duty as follows: Precinct One Precinct Two Charles J. Dailey Warden Clyde E. Steeves (Deputy) Pauline E. Bartlett Inspector Arthur E. Locke Alice G. Marshall (Deputy) Inspector Ruth R. Ray (Deputy) Mary E, Stankard. Clerk John H. Dacey Mary A. Rowland Teller Arthur L. Hanson Mary E. Tracey Teller Edward McGrory Annie H. McDonnell Teller Elizabeth R. Nourse George F. Stygles Teller Mary G. Oliver Ilda J. Field Teller Madeline V. Peterson Helga M. Carlson Teller Barbara M. O'Connor L, Ellsworth Pierce Teller Gertrude H. Mara Marie E. Mahoney Teller Helen A. McCaffrey Frances J. Lewis Teller Precinct Three e Precinct Four Sidney U. Robbins Warden Lester L. Andrews Franklin W. Coleman (Deputy) Inspector George M. Fuller Charles E. Moloy, Jr. Inspector Helen M. Kirk Charles F. Vaughan Clerk Mary J. Ferry Anna L. McCormack Teller Helena T. Maguire Ella G. Callahan Teller Florence P . Tobin Gladys T. Watson Teller Caroline F. Deloury Emma L. Hovey Teller Robert E. Ryan Timothy J. Quinlan Teller Agnes G. Hall Elizabeth M. Burton Teller Mary A. Spellman Rosalie MacDonald Teller Catheryne M. Ferry Florence M. Bruce Teller The polls were declared open in each precinct at seven-thirty o'clock A. M. and remained open until eight o' clock P. M., after which time, after due notice, they were closed, The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties. The ballots were counted by the election officers in each prec nct, the tally sheets and total vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk being used. The total registration of voters in each precinct was as follows: Precinct One 1852 One thousand eight hundred fifty-two Precinct Two 1497 One thousand four hundred ninety-seven Precinct Three 1636 One thousand six hundred thirty-six Precinct Four 1855 One thousand eight hundred fifty-five Total 6840 Six thousand eight hundred forty x83 The ballots cast were counted, enclosed in envelopes, sealed, signed by the election officers, together with the unused ballots, and delivered to the Town Clerk at his office. The Registrars of Voters and the Town Clerk canvassed the result as follows : Precinct One 779 Seven hundred seventy-nine Precinct Two 753 Seven hundred fifty-three Precinct Three 856 Eight hundred fifty-six Precinct Four 781 Seven hundred eighty-one Total 3169 Three thousand one hundred sixty-nine SELECTMEN Pre.l Pre ,2 Pre .3 Pre.4 Total George H. Anker 253 241 ' 200 271 965 Newton E. Bennett 234 225 278 246 983 George W. Emery 479 596 682 581 2338 - Frederick M. Gay 430 292 382 341 1445 Blanks 162 152 170 123 607 1558 1506 1712 1562 6338 George W. Emery and Frederick M. Gay were elected as Selectmen for three years. SCHOOL COMMITTEE John J. Manning 420 301 303 287 1311 H. Webster Thomas 510 521 613 578 2222 George P. Wadsworth 439 509 642 563 2153 Blanks 189 175 154 134 652 ` 1558 1506 1712 1562 6338 H. Webster Thomas and George P. Wadsworth were elected to the School Committee for three years. SCHOOL COMMITTEE Charles G. Davis 230 372 421 311 1334 Thelma F. Mather 207 184 217 263 871 Robert T. Person 236 102 119 126 583 Blanks 106 95 99 81 381 779 753 856 781 3169 Charles G. Davis was elected to the School Committee for two years. CEMETERY COMMISSIONER Albert H. Burnham 676 674 765 709 2824 Blanks 103 79 91 72345 _ 779 753 856 781 3169 Albert H. Burnham was elected as Cemetery Commissioner for three years . PLANNING BOARD Richard P. Cromwell 539 504 568 535 2146 Gordon D. Richards 525 565 677 587 2354 _ Thayer Rudd 256 241 274 275 1046 Blanks 238 196 193 165 792 1558 1506 1712 1562 6338 Richard P. Cromwell and Gordon D. Richards elected for three years. 184 MODERATOR --i Pre-.1 Pre .2 Pre.3 Pre .4 Total Robert H. Holt 666 676 748 701 2791 ' Blanks 113 77 108 80 378 779 753 856 781 3169 Robert H. Holt was elected as Moderator for one year. TOWN CLEEL James J. Carroll 711 713 781 734 2939 Blanks 68 40 75 47 230 779 753 856 781 3169 , . James J. Carroll was elected as Town Clerk for one year. COLLECTOR OF TAXES William S. Scamman 699 701 784 735 2919 Blanks 80 52 72 46 250 779 753 856 781 3169 William S. Scamman was elected as Collector of Taxes for one 'year. TOWN TREASURER Jams J. Carroll 703 708 775 726 2912 Blanks 76 45 81 55 257 779 753 856 781 3169 James J. Carroll was elected as Town Treasurer for one year, CONSTABLES Edward C . Maguire 672 " 694 772 710 2848 John C . Russell 699 677 757 705 2838 • J. Willard Hayden, Jr. 0 1 0 0 1 Blanks 187 134 183 147 651 1558 1506 1712 1562 ' 6338 Edward C . Maguire and John C . Russell were elected as Constables for one year. TOWN MEETING MEMBERS - FOR TEREE YEARS PRECINCT ONE *Charles T. Abbott 559 William M. Aquaro 332 *Sydney P . Birch 494 **Percy Catton 414 *Richard P. Cromwell 543 *Anna F. Cummings 442 *Thomas J. Donnelly, Jr. 561 J. Henry Duffy 512 *George E. Foster 561 *Douglas T. Gleason 554 Harold MacGilvray 530 *John McLachlan 499 *Clarence E. MacPhee 509 *Edward L. Mears 457 *Rufus L. McQuillan 492 Martley F. Mellow 392 - :Vernon C . Page 531 , *Robert T. Person 478 *Town Meeting Members elected for Louis Ruocco 304 one year, 8-Carl J. Samsel 418 **Tie. To be decided by special **J. Russell Wood 414 election Blanks 3247 185 TOWN MEETING MEMBERS For, One Year . , Precinct One *Paul J. McCormack 605 Blanks 174 *Town Meeting Member elected for term of one year. TOWN MEETING MEMBERS 1 1 For three years Precinct Two Precinct Three *Tracy W. Ames 572 *Eugene T. Buckley 509 *Georr,e H. Anker 430 *Guy S . Chace 544 *George W. Butters 522 *Kenneth F. Clarke 575 Joseph P. Crosby 378 Caroline S. Davis 351 *Charles G. Davis 478 *Arthur C . Dodge 465 *Harold O . Denham 443 *Leland H. Emery 593 Albert R. DeRoehn 344 Bradford Giddings 381 *Robert W. Fernald 494 *Charles 0, Goodwin 547 William P . Fitzgerald 361 Milton F. Hodgdon 373 *Arthur L. Graves 511 *Clarence R. Hopkins 517 *Stephen F. Hatblin 528 Paul A. Hubbart 447 *Michael J. Hopkins 387 *Joseph G. Kraetzer 471 *Ernest R. Hunt 448 *Moses M. Low 452 F. Stanley Love 261 *William H. Lyon 611 *George V. Morse; Jr. 502 John F. McKearney, Jr. 232 *John E. Murray - 396 *Robert C . Merriam 646 William G. Potter 456 Gretchen B. Reed 313 *George -W. Proctor 495 *George Ripley 448 Thayer Rudd 345 *A. Edward Rowse 493 Frederick A. Schioman 127 *Walter E. Sands 576 *Edward W. Sibley 404 *Rupert H. Stevens 498 Lura Shaffner Teeter 162 *Gerald C . Turner . 507 *H. Webster Thomas 529 *Harvey F. Winlock 541 *Alfred P. Tropeano 449 Blanks 3462 Blanks 2779 *-Town Meeting Members elected for term of three years. TOWN MEETING ALu;ERS For Two Years For One Year Precinct Two Precinct Three *Howard W. Foley 608 *Thacher Jenney 644 Blanks 145 *John L. Miles 641 Blanks 427 *Town Meeting Member elected for term of two years *Town Meeting Members elected for terms of one year. TOWN MEETINS MEMBERS - FOR THREE YEARS Precinct Four Joseph A. Belcastro 226 Paul W. Mather . 289 Thomas F. Bentley 268 *Thomas A. Napoli 393 Alyce C . Burnell 289 James A. Peirce 254 *Winfield S. Caouette 503 Stahley E. Robbins 238 Edward F. Chapin 198 Harold E. Roeder , 252 *Charles T. Cogswell 433 *William R. Rosenberger 354 *-Otis J._Conner 372 Charles R. Rudd 257 *Margaret H. Cook 360 *James C. Shaw 308 W. John Dunnan, Jr. 297 *A. Randall Soderberg 371 • *H. Raymond Purling 417 Earle B. Sukeforth 264 *Bertram P. Gustin 375 Thomas L. Taylor 210 Sherman K. Hardy - 301 'Robert H. Watt 326 *Carl Hauck 339 *John P. Whalen 362 ---' a-Norton T. Hood 398 *George G. Whiting 408 *Frederic_K. Johnson 443 Cyrus Wood 192 *Jasper A. Lane 381 Blanks 3099 *Town Meeting Members elected for term of three years. 186 QUESTION Equal Pay For Men and Women Teachers Pre,1 Pre,2 Pree3 Pre .4 Total Yes 195 175 207 173 750 No 416 431 487 423 1757 Blanks 168 147 162 185 - 662 779 753 856 781 3169 A true record. Attest: A . _ Cle ' \\, Lexington, Mass. March 4, 1947 This is to certify that I have this day appointed MaryR. McDonough, Assistant Town Clerk and Assistant Town Treasurer of the Town of Lexington, and that shehasbeen sworn to the faithful per- formance of the duties of said offices to the best of her knowledge and ability. Said appointments approved by the Board of Selectmen. .••• .46 -40"jiF Towyerk Lexington, Mass . March 18, 1947 Special Election of Town Meeting Members, Precinct Three , called by James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, to fill the vacancy of a term ending in 1948. There were thirty-one (31) Town Meeting Members present. Nominations were made and seconded for Bradford Giddings and Paul A. Hubbart. The result of the votes cast - Giddings received sixteen and Hubbart received fifteen, Whereby Bradford Giddings was declared elected. Town rk ington, Ma s , March 21, 1947 Bradford Giddings , hereby accept my election, as a Town_ Meeting Mem- ber, Precinct Three , for a term ending March, 1948. • (Signed) Bradford Giddings 18..7 Lexington, Mass . March 18, 1947 Special Election of Town Meeting Members, Precinct Four, called by James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, to fill the vacancies of two terms each ending in 1948. There were forty-one (41) Town Meeting Members present . Nominations were made and seconded for W. John Dunnan, Jr. , Sherman K. Hardy, and Earle B. Sukeforth. The result of the votes cast - Earle B. Sukeforth received sixteen; W. John Donnan, Jr. received fifteen; Sherman K. Hardy received ten; whereby Earle B. Sukeforth and V . John Dunnan, Jr. were declared elected. Town ..rk Lexington, Mass. March 21, 1947 I, Earle B. Sukeforth, hereby accept my election as a Town Meeting Member, Precinct Four, for a term ending March, 1948. (Signed) Earle B. Sukeforth Lexington, Mass. March 21, 1947 I, W. John Dunnan, Jr.. , hereby accept my election as a Town Meeting Member, Precinct Four, for a term ending March, 1948. (Signed) W. John Dunnan, Jr. Lexington, ivfass. March 24, 1947 Special Election of Town Meeting Members, Precinct One, called by James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, to fill the vacancy for a term of three years ending in 1950. There were thirty-one (31) Town Meeting Members present. Nominations were made and seconded for J. Russell Wood and Percy Catton. The result of the votes cast: J. Russell Wood received twenty-five; Percy Catton received four. J . Russell Wood was declared elected for a term of three years . AltddeP.0,141 "Alk Town C er. Lexington, Mass. , March 26, 1947 I, J. Russell Wood, hereby accept my election as a Town Meeting Member, Precinct One, for a term ending March, 1950 . (Signed) J. Russell Mood 188 Election of two Town' Meeting Members for the term of one year each ending in 1948. Nominations were made and seconded for Gordon E. Steele, Fred- erick T. Gates and Arthur B. Chadwick. The result of votes cast: Gordon E. Steele received twenty-six; Arthur B. Chadwick- received twenty-three; Frederick T. Gates received sixteen; whereby Gordon E. Steele and Arthur B. Chadwick were declared elected for a term of one year each ending in March, 1948. .0! .411, To, Aerk Lexington, Mass . March 26, 1947 I, Gordon E. Steele, hereby accept my election as a Town. Meeting Member, Precinct One , for a term ending March, 1948. (Signed) Gordon E. Steele Lexington, Mass . March 26, 1947 Arthur B. Chadwick, hereby accept my election as a Town Meeting Member, Precinct One, fora term ending March, 1948. (Signed) Arthur B. Chadwick Election of a Town Meeting Member for a term of two years ending in 1949. Nominations were made and seconded for Walter L. Chambers, Percy Catton, and Frederick T. Gates . The result' of votes cast: Walter L. Chambers received twenty; Percy Catton received seven; Frederick T. Gates received four; whereby Walter L. Chambers was declared elected for a term of two years .ending in March, 1949. // Toy C erk Lexington, Mass. March 26, 1947 Walter L. Chambers, do hereby accept my election as a Town Meeting Member, Precinct One , for a term ending March, 1949. (Signed) Walter L. Chambers