HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-25-ATM-min 148 ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING, MARCH 25, 1946 Meeting called to order by the Moderator, Robert H. Holt, at 8:08 P. M. C" There were 193 Town Meeting Members present. Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, read the Warrant for the meeting until further reading was waived upon the motion of Selectmen, William C. Paxton, Jr. , which was duly seconded. Town Clerk read the Constable ' s Return of the Warrant. Under Article -2 Lewis L. Hoyt, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, presented the report of the Appropriation Committee which was moved be accepted and placed on file. 8:10 P. M. Roland B. Greeley, Chairman of Committee to Study the Need of Future School Sites, presented his report stating would read only the last paragraph of the report for thereason that the committee did not feel as the report was completed, the committee has completed most of the background work on which selection of the elementary school sites will be based. Accordingly we submit this report as the Report of Progress, and recommend that the committee be continued for another year, or that a substitute committee be appointed. 8:11 P. M. Motion made by Tracy W. Ames, seconded, that the report be accepted and the committee be continued. Carried Unanimously 8:12 P. M. Report of the Committee to Advise the Town with Respect to the Desirability of Public Kindergartens presented, which was voted to be accepted and the committee discharged. Carried Unanimously 8:13 P. M. Report of Committee on Cary Lectures voted to be accepted and committee discharged. Carried Unanimously 8:13 P. M. Selectman, A. Edward Rowse, VOTED: That a committee of three be appointed by the Moderator to have charge of the lectures under the wills of Eliza Cary Farnham and Susanna E. Cary for the current year, duly seconded. Carried Unanimously 8:14 P. M. George A. Mallion presents : VOTED: That it be the sense of this meeting that at the proper time and place, the Selectmen enter a protest in behalf of the Town against a dog race track that is contemplated being promoted in the town of Burlington, Massachusetts . Duly seconded. Carried Unanimously 8:16 P. M. Unless otherwise noted, all articles were presented by Selectman, A. Edward Rowse.- Article 3. VOTED: That the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and hereby is authorized to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial yea- , beginning January 1, 1947, and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year and to renew any note or notes that may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws. Carried Unanimously 8:18 P. M. Article 4. VOTED: That the following amounts be appropriated for the current year and be assessed except where a transfer is indicated: Appropriation Committee Personal Services 500.00 Expenses 650.00 Carried Unanimously 8:19 P. Y. Selectmen' s Department Personal Services 4,640.57 Expenses 2,513.22 Carried Unanimously 8:20 P. M. Article 4. Accounting Department 149 Personal Services 6,293.81 Expenses 435.00 Carried Unanimously 8:20 P. M. Treasurer' s Department Personal Services 2,425.35 (Of which ,p1.,342.84 is for salary of the Town Treas. ) Expenses 440.00 Carried Unanimously 8: 21 P. M. Collector' s Department Personal Services 6,360.95 (Of which $3,450.00 is for salary of the Tax Collector) Expenses 1,580.00 Carried Unanimously 8:21 P. M. Assessors ' Department Personal Services 7,460.96 Expenses 620.00 Carried Unanimously 8:21 P. M. Law Department Personal Services & Special Fees 1,500.00 Expenses 500.00 Carried Unanimously 8:22 P. Y. Town Clerk' s Department Personal Services 3,567.47 (Of which $2,057.16 is for salary of the Town Clerk) Expenses 160.50 Carried Unanimously 8:22 P. M. Elections Department - Jurisdiction Selectmen Expenses 1,730.00 Carried Unanimously 8: 23 P. M. Elections Department - Jurisdiction Town Clerk Expenses 182.56 Carried Unanimously 8:23 P. M. Registrations Department Personal Services 600.00 Expenses 381.00 Carried Unanimously 8: 23 P. M. Public Works - Superintendent ' s Office Personal Services 9,519.83 Expenses 425.00 Carried Unanimously 8: 23 P. M. Town Offices & Cary Memorial Buildin- Personal Services 4,830.66 Expenses 7,700.00 Carried Unanimously 8:23 P. M. Engineering Department Personal Services 11,879.73 Expenses 875.00 Carried Unanimously 8:23 P. M. 150 Article 4.4. Board of Appeals Expenses 200.00 Carried Unanimously 8:24 P. M. Planning Board Expenses 250.00 Carried Unanimously 8:24 P . M. Police Department Personal Services 44,637.50 Expenses 4, 446.25 Carried Unanimously 8: 24 P. M. Fire Department Personal Services 49,163.50 Expenses 8,070.00 Carried Unanimously 8: 24 P. M. Building Department Personal Services 1, 400.00 Expenses 405.00 Carried Unanimously 8:25 P. M. Wire Department Personal Services 600.00 Expenses 100.00 Carried Unanimously 8:25 P. M. Weights & Measures Department Personal Services 500.00 Expenses 245.00 Carried Unanimously8:25 P. M. Insect Suppression Personal Services 445.00 Wages & Expenses 3,500.00 Carried Unanimously 8: 25 P. M. Shade Trees Wages & Expenses 1, 900.00 Carried Unanimously 8:25 P. M. Forest Fires Personal Services 50.00 Wages & Expenses 500.00 Carried Unanimously 8: 25 P. M. Dog Officer Personal Services 100.00 Expenses 75.00 Carried Unanimously 8: 26 P. M. Health Department . Pebsonal Services 500.00 Expenses 6,000.00 Printing Rules & Regulations 125.00 Carried Unanimously 8:26 P. M. Milk Inspection Personal Services 400.00 Carried Unanimously 8: 26 P. M. Article 4. Dog Clinic 151 Expenses $450.00 Carried Unanimously 8:26 P. Y. Dental Clinic Personal Services 1, 640.00 Expenses 100.00 Carried Unanimously 8:27 P. M. Posture Clinic Expenses 625.00 Carried Unanimously 8:27 P . M. Vital Statistics Expenses 25.00 Carried Unanimously 8:27 P. M. Animal Inspection Personal Services 500.00 Carried Unanimously 8:28 P. Y. Slaughtering Inspection Personal Services 800.00 Carried Unanimously 8: 28 P. M. Plumbing Department Personal Services 1,050.00 Expenses 305.00 Carried Unanimously 8:28 P. M. Sewer Maintenance Personal Services 128.33 Wages & Expenses 4,830.00 Carried Unanimously 8: 28 P. M. Selectman, A. Edward Rowse, moves to lay Article 4 on the table and take up Article 30. Duly seconded. Carried Unanimously 8:29 P. M. Article 30. VOTED: That the sum of $185,000.00 be appropriated for the construction of sanitary sewers in that part of North Lexington as shown on a set of plans in the office of the Town Engineer; $15,000.00 is to be transferred from the Sale of Real Estate Fund and the balance of $170,000.00 is to be raised by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town; and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $170,000.00 and to issue bonds or notes of the Town to be payable, in accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 44, within a period not exceeding ten years. Carried Unanimously 8: 52 P. M. Article 4 Continued. Sewer Services Wages & Expenses 12, 000.00 (To be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account) Carried Unanimously 8:54 P. M. Drainage Construction Sundry Streets 2,550.00 Carried Unanimously 8:54 P. M. Garbage Collection Expenses 8,500.00 Carried Unanimously 8: 54 P. N. 15 Article 4. Care of Dumps & Removal of Ashes Wages & Expenses $3,613.27 Carried Unanimously 8:54 P. M. Public Works Building Wages & Expenses 11,759.83 Carried Unanimously 8:55 P. M. Highway Maintenance Personal Services 128.34 Wages & Expenses 38,000.00 Carried Unanimously 8:55 P. M. Highway Department Road Machinery Expenses 8,300.00 Carried Unanimously 8:55 P. M. Snow Removal Wages & Expenses 20,000.00 Carried Unanimously 8:55 P. M. Traffic Regulation & Control Wages & Expenses 500.00 Carried Unanimously 8:56 P. M. Street Lights Expenses 25,660.00 Carried Unanimously 8:56 P. M. Street Signs Expenses 800.00 Carried Unanimously 8:56 P. M. Public Welfare Department Personal Services 1,319.41 Administration Items 120.00 Aid & Expenses 20,000.00 Carried Unanimously 8:57 P. M. Dependent Children Aid Personal Services 259.71 Administration Items 60.00 Aid & Expenses 8,100.00 Carried Unanimously 8:57 P. M. Old Age Assistance Personal Services 3,188.08 Administration Items 390.00 Aid & Expenses 49,925.00 Carried Unanimously 8:57 P. M. Soldiers ' Relief Personal Services 329:85 Administration Items 30.00 Aid & Expenses 5,000.00 Carried Unanimously 8: 58 F. Y. State Aid Cash Grants 150,00 Carried Unanimously 8: 58 P. M. Military Aid Cash Gralts 1,500.00 Carried Unanimously 8:58 P. M. Article 4. Soldiers ' Burials 153 Expenses $200.00 Carried Unanimously 8: 59 P. M. School Maintenance Presented by H. Webster Thomas Personal Services 258,741.98 Expenses 66,594.00 Vocational Education: Tuition 1,584.00 Carried Unanimously 8:59 P. M. Americanization Classes 203.00 Carried Unanimously 9 P. M. Selectman, A. Edward Rowse, moves to lay Article 4 on the table and take up Article 67, which was duly seconded and carried 9:01 P. M. Article 67 presented by H. Webster Thomas as follows: VOTED: To authorize the Trustees of the Cary Memorial Library to proceed with the plans submitted for the remodelling and improvement of t he East Lexington Branch Library Building by obtaining complete plans and spec- ifications and letting contract for the construction thereof as recommended by said Trustees and to provide for said purpose the sum of $10,000.00 to be raised by direct appropriation. Carried Unanimously 9:05 P. M. Chairman, Lewis L. Hoyt, of the Appropriation Committee states Appropriation Committee is not in favor. Article 4 Continued. Cary Memorial Library and Branch Presented by H. Webster Thomas VOTED: That the sum of $18,555.83 be appropriated and assessed for the support of Cary Memorial Library and Branch for the current year, as follows: Personal Services 14,385.73 Expenses 4,170.10 which excludes the amount of $1,879.90 received from the County for dog licenses. Carried Unanimously 9:06 P. M. Paks & Playgrounds Personal Services 5,354.83 Wages & Expenses 12,025.00 (Of which $230.00 is to be transferred from the Tower Park Fund) Amendment offered by Fred M. Gay VOTED: The following amendment to the Park & Playground appropriation, that the total amount be changed to $15,195 ,DO, the increase of $3,400. be used to recondition, resurface and fence in two tennis courts at the Center Playground. Chairman, Lewis L. Hoyt, of the Appropriation Committee, stated the usual method for increases in the Park Depart- ment were included in the Superintendent of Parks ' Budget. George V. Morse read recommendations why amendment should carry. (9:14 P. M. ) queution of the amendment to the main motion was voted upon with the following results : In Favor Opposed 20 Lester F. Ellis 18 61 Winthrop H. Bowker 39 26 Aiden L. Ripley 4 107 61 4 Results being, the amendment to the main motion carried 9:17 P. M. 0-11 Main motion voted upon as follows: Parks & Playgrounds Personal Services $5,354.83 Wages & Expenses 15, 195.00 Carried .Jna_limously 9:18 P. M. Article 4. Continued. Board of Retirement Expenses 150.00 Carried Unanimously - 9:19 P. M. Contributory Retirement System Pension Accumulation Fund 14,362.00 Interest Deficiency on Funds 2,426.42 Carried Unanimously 9:19 P. M. Patriotst Day Expenses 300.00 Carried Unanimously 9:19 P. M. Memorial Day Expenses 250.00 Carried Unanimously 9:19 P. M. Insurance Premiums 8,598.10 Carried Unanimously 9: 20 P. M. Printing Town Report Expenses 1,100.00 Carried Unanimously 9: 20 P. M. Ambulance Maintenance Expenses - 150.00 Carried Unanimously 9:20 P. M. Administration of Trust Funds Expenses 100.00 Carried Unanimously 9:20 P. M. Unclassified Expenses 250.00 Carried Unanimously 9: 20 P. M. Water Maintenance Personal Services 1,291.17 _ Wages & Expenses 16, 920.00 Carried Unanimously 9:20 R. M. Water Services Wages & Expenses 4,500.00 Carried Unanimously 9: 21 P. M. Water Construction Sundry Streets (To be transferred from the Water Department Available Surplus Fund) 10,000.00 Carried Unanimotisly 9:21 P. M. 1 55 Article 4. Cemetery Maintenance - Munroe Personal Services $300.00 Wages & Expenses 4,146.52 Carried Unanimously 9:21 P. M. Cemetery Maintenance - Westview Personal Services 600.00 Wages & Expenses - 7,448.52 (Of which. §3,500 is to be transferred from the Westview Cemetery Sale of Lots Fund) Carried Unanimously 9: 22 P. M. Interest on Debt Interest - 3,502.50 Carried Unanimously 9:22 P. M. AND FURTHER VOTED: That the following amounts be appropriated: Maturing Debt 41,000.00 Of which $2,000.00 is to be transferred from the Sewer Assessment Fund; $2,000.00 is to be trans- ferred from the Water Assessment Fund; $20,000.00 isto be transferred from the Water Department Available Surplus Fund, and $17,000.00 is to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:23 P. M. Article 5. VOTED: That this Article be indefinitely postponed. Carried Unanimously 9:23 P. M. Article 6. VOTED: That the Assessors be authorized to use the following money from available funds toward the reduction of the 1946 tax rate: From the Excess & Deficiency Account $40,000.00 Carried Unanimously 9:24 P. M. Article 7. VOTED: That the following amounts be appropriated and assessed for the unpaid bills (for the years 1944 and 1945) of the following accounts: Board of Appeals Adams Press - $4.00 Law Department S. R. Wrightington 243.35 Traffic Regulation & Control Boston & Maine R. R. 91.92 Carried Unanimously 9: 24 P. M. Article, 8. VOTED: That the sum of $15,000.00 be appropriated for the Reserve Fund, of which $5,036.31 is to be transferred from the Overlay Reserve Fund, and the balance of $9,963.69 is to be raised by direct appropriation. Carried Unanimously 9:25 P. M. Article 9. VOTED: That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to petition the Director of Accounts of the State for an audit for the year 1946. Carried Unanimously 9: 25 P. M. Article 10. VOTED: That the Selectmen be authorized to install water mains not less than 6" nor more than 16" in diameter in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1946, subject to the assessment of better- ments, and to take by eminent domain any necessary ease- ments therefor. - Carried Unanimously 9:25 P. M. Article 11. VOTED: That the Selectmen be authorized to install sewer mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1946 in accordance with St. 1897, Chap. 504, as amended, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor, and to appropriate the sum of $19,517.24 for said installations, this amount to be provided by transfer from the Sewer Construction Federal Aided Projects Account. Carried Unanimously 9: 27 P. M. 10' Article 12. VOTED: That the sum of 41,611.36 be appropriated and assessed to pay contributions to the Contributory Retirement Systems tj on account of members thereof in the Military or Naval cr7 service, of which $828.62 is for the State School Retire- ment System, and $782.74 is for the Lexington Retirement System, in accordance with Chapter 419 of the Acts of 1943. Carried Unanimously 9: 28 P. M. Article 13. VOTED: That the sum of $700.00 be appropriated and assessed to defray the necessary expenses of a candidate from the Police Department while attending the National Police Academy conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation at Washington, D. C. Carried Unanimously 9:29 P. M. Article 14. VOTED: That the sum of $1,200.00 be appropriated and assessed for the purchase of a new cruising car for the Police Department. Carried Unanimously 9: 29 P. Y. Article 15. VOTED: That the following sums be appropriated and assessed for pensions for retired members of the Police Departments, under Chapter 32 of the General Laws as amended: Police Pensions 31,500.00 Carried Unanimously 9:29 P. M. Article 16. VOTED: That the sum of $500.00 be appropriated and assessed for highway maintenance under authority of Chapter 90 of the General Laws; said sum or any portion thereof to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen and to be used in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the State, County or both, for this purpose. Carried Unanimously 9: 30 P. M. Article 17. VOTED: That the sum of $5,000.00 be appropriated for the construction of Grove Street; said sum or any portion thereof, to be expended under the direction of the Sel- ectmen and to be used in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the State or County or both for that purpose; this money to be transferred from the Excess and. Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:30 P. M. Article 18. VOTED: That the Selectmen be authorized to construct granolithic or bituminous concrete sidewalks where the abutting owner pays one-half the cost, and for the pur- pose of said construction the sum of $1,500.00 be appropriated and assessed. Carried Unanimously 9:31 P. M. Article 19. VOTED: That this Article be indefinitely postponed. Carried Unanimously 9:31 P. M. Article 20. VOTED: That the sum of $3,800.00 be appropriated for the purpose of purchasing a new truck chassis, equipment and material for the body, for the Fire Department; this money to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:32 P. M. Article 22. VOTED: That the sum of $20,000.00 be appropriated as a supplementary construction appropriation to be used for the new East Lexington Fire Station, of which amount $3,000.00 is for contingencies; this amount to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:36 P. M. Article 21. VOTED: That the sum of $15,000.00 be appropriated to cover contingencies and/or expenses incidental to the completion of the new Central Fire Station such as grading, fire alarm system, furniture, furnishings, water system, traffic lights, etc; this amount to he transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:37 P. M. gq-7' Article 21. VOTED: That the sum of 63,000.00 be appropriated to izJe: (Cont. ) cover expenses incidental to the completion and operation of the East Lexington Fire Station, such as grading, fire alarm system, furniture, furnishings, water system, traffic lights, etc. ; this amount to be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:40 P. M. Article 23. VOTED: That this Article be indefinitely postponed. Carried Unanimously 9:40 P. M. Article 24. VOTED: That the sum of $32,000.00 be appropriated for the purchase of equipment for the Department of Public Works; this amount to be provided by transferring the sum of $18,500.00 from the Road Machinery Fund and $13,500.00 from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:42 P. M. Article 25. VOTED: That the sum of $2,500.00 be appropriated to cover the expense of grading the enclosed athletic field; this money to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:43 P. Y. Article 26. VOTED: That the Selectmen be authorized to obtain plans, specifications and estimates of cost for the construction of a new Locker Building for the Center Playground and report not later than the next Town Meeting; and that the sum of $600.00 be appropriated therefor to be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9: 43 P. M. Article 27. VOTED: That the sum of $1,600.00 be appropriated for bleachers at the new athletic field at the Center Play- ground; this money to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:44 P. M. Article 28. VOTED: That this Article be indefinitely postponed. Carried Unanimously 9: 44 P. M. Article 29. VOTED: That the sum of $3,000.00 be appropriated and assessed for the eradication of mosquitoes under Sections 4A and 5 of Chapter 252 of the General Laws. Carried Unanimously 9:45 P . M. Article 31. VOTED: That the Town amend the General By-laws by adding to Article XXVI the following: "Section 3. No person shall place or cause to be placed any vehicle which shall interfere with the removing or plowing of snow, or the removing of ice, in any way of the Town, and the Superintend- ent of Streets or other officer in charge of ways for the time being, for the purpose of removing or plowing snow, or removing ice, from any way, is hereby authorized and empowered to remove, or cause to be removed to some con- venient place, including in such term a public garage, any vehicle interfering with such work, and the owner of such vehicle shall be liable for the cost of such removal, and the storage charges, if any, resulting therefrom. " Carried Unanimously 9:46 P. M. Article 32. VOTED: That the Town enlarge the scope of the Road Mach- inery Fund by crediting to said fund an amount based on hourly rental for the use of motorized equipment of the Public Works Department when used on various projects carried on under the direction of said Department, or other Departments of the Town, the amount of said charge not to exceed the amount allowed by the State for the use of similar equipment. Carried Unanimously 9: 46 P. M. Article 33. VOTED: That the Selectmen be authorized to appoint one of their members to the Board of Appels, in accordance with G. L. Chapter 41, Sec. 4A. Carried Unanimously 9: 47 P. M. 158 Article 34 presented by Alfred P. Tropeano. VOTED: That the Town accept a gift from the Lexington Lions Club of a score board to be installed by the said Club at the new enclosed recreation field at a site acceptable aid approved by the Board of Selectmen or the Park Department. Carried Unanimously 9: 48 P. M. Article 35. VOTED: That ,the Selectmen be authorized to install street lights in the following unaccepted streets: Leonard Road; Grapevine Avenue; Junction of Summit Avenue and Grandview Avenue. Carried Unanimously -9: 48 P. M. Article 36. VOTED: That the Selectmen be authorized to install street lights in such unaccepted streets as they may determine during the year -1946. Carried Unanimously 9:49 P. H. Article 37. VOTED: That the Selectmen be directed to review and re- vise if necessary, in their discretion, the boundaries or the number of voting precincts in the Town in December, 1946. Carried Unanimously 9:49 P. M. Article 38. VOTED: That the Town accept a legacy of $1,343.39 under the will of Charles Lyman Weld, late of Lexington, "for e.du 'ational purposes or Chapel at Westview Cemetery." Carried Unanimously 9: 50 P. M. Article 39. VOTED: That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to sell and convey the Town Farm, so called, comprising about 21.75 acres of land on Hill and Cedar Streets, upon such terms and conditions as they may approve. Amendment presented by Walter G. Black as follows: and convey "That the Selectmen be authorized to sell/the Town Farm land consisting of about 21.75 acres on Hill and Cedar Streets as House Lots to Veterans of Cforld 'War II only. " Amendment voted upon and declared lost 9: 57 P. Y. Notion by Archibald R. Giroux for an indefinite postponement . Carried 9: 59 P. M. Ernest Cutter moves Article 74 be taken up together with Article 40 if no objections from the Town Meeting Members . There were no objections. Article 40. VOTED: That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to sell and convey the Old Adams School lot on the south- westerly side of Massachusetts Avenue, upon such terms and conditions as they may approve. Article 74. VOTED: That the Board of Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to sell and convey to the Follen Church Society a twenty-foot strip of land on the Adams School property adjacent to the church property, extending between the school drive and Barnes Place, for the purpose of providing sufficient land for erecting a parish house, for the sum of $170.00. The following presented by Thomas J. Donnelly, Jr. : VOTED: The Town authorize the Selectmen to sell and convey to the Follen Church. Society for one dollar and other considerations the old Adams School lot on the south westerly side of Massachusetts Avenue. Motion made for reconsideration to take up Articles 40 and 74 individually which was approved by the Town Meeting Members . 9: 49 P M. The substitute motion under Article 40 as presented by Thomas J. Donnelly, Jr. put to vote and substitution carried 10:05 P. M. Article 40 as substituted: 158 _ VOTED: The Town authorize the Selectmen to sell and convey to the Follen Church Society for one dollar and other considerations the old Adams School lot on the south westerly side of Massachusetts Avenue. Carried Unanimously 10:06 P. M. Article 41. VOTED: That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to arrange or contract for an appraisal of all Town buildings for the purposes of fire insurance, and that the sum of $600.00 be appropriated and assessed for that purpose. Carried Unanimously 10:07 P. M. Under Article 2 Stephen F. Hamblin reads reports of the Lex- ington Community Committee on Rehabilitation and Employment. Moved that reports be accepted and placed on file 10:15 F. M. Article 44. VOTED: That the sum of $200.00 be appropriated and assessed to cover general expenses of the Lexington Community Committee on Veterans ' Rehabilitation and Employment. Amendment presented by R. L. M cD„uillan that the sum to be appropriated be $1,000.00 instead of $200.00. Motion to amend the sum to $1,000.00 carried unanimously 10: 29 P.M. Article 44 as Amended: VOTED: That the sum of $1,000.00 be appropriated and assessed to cover general expenses of the Lexington Community Committee on Veterans ' Rehabilitation and Employment. Carried Unanimously 10:30 P. M. _ Article 42. VOTED: That the Town accept the Chapter 723 of the Acts of 1945 authorizing the establishment and maintenance of a municipal department for furnishing information, advice, and assistance to veterans of World War II or other veterans. As presented declared lost by voice vote 10:42 P. M. Article 43. Moved for indefinite postponement carried unanimously l0 42 PM Motion made and seconded that the meeting be adjourned for one week until April 1, 1946 at 8 P. M. Carried Unanimously 10:43 P. Y. Tow', C -rk 1 RDS GLTrtr ED 7'J Td iyLD -_PRIL 1, 1946 Meeting called to order by the Moderator, Robert H. Holt.at 8:11 P. M. '' There were 180 Town Meeting Members present. Selectman, Errol H. Locke moves to reopen Article 7 . Moderator states if no objections, Article 7 would be reopened. No objections . Carried Unanimously 8:13 P. M. Article 7. AND FURTriER VOTED: That the following amounts be approp- riated and assessed for the additional unpaid bills ( for the years 1944 and 1945) of the following accounts: Public Welfare Department -Howard W. Newell, M. D. 56.00 Convalescent Home For Children 75.00 Soldiers' Relief Howard W. Newell, M. D. 3.00 Fire Department A. G. Davis Ice Co. 37.16 Traffic Regulations & Control Boston & Maine R. R. 8.08 Carried Unanimously 8:14 P. M. Article 45. Selectman, Errol H. Locke, moves for Indefinite Postponement. Carried Unanimously 8:15 P. M. Article 46. Selectman, Errol H. Locke, moves for Indefinite Postponement. Carried Unanimously 8:15 P. M. Article 47. Selectman, Errol H. Locke, moves for Indefinite Postponement. Carried Unanimously 8:15 P. M. Selectman, Errol H. Locke; asks for permission to take up Articles 48, 49, 50 and 51 together. No objections from Town Meeting Members . 8:16 P. Y. Article 48. VOTED: That the Selectmen be authorized to acquire land for a public parking place by purchase for this purpose . Article 49. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to establish as a town way or accept the layout as a town way, a new street between Waltham Street and Muzzey Street as laid out by the Selectmen and shown on a certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, and the Selectmen are hereby authorized to acquire by purchase any land or easement necessary therefor. Article 50. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are auth- orized to acquire for a public parking place, by land between Waltham Street and Muzzey Street including a, passageway therefrom to Massachusetts Avenue, in accord- ance with the report of the Committee on Parking Facil- ities . Artie le 51. VOTED: To establish as a town footway or accept the layout as a town footway for the use of the public of a passageway between Massachusetts Avenue and the proposed parking place between Waltham Street and Muzzey Street as laid out by the Selectmen and shown on a certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, and the Selectmen are hereby authorized to acquire by purchase any land or easement necessary for that purpose . AND FURTHN;R VOTED: That the sum of 556,000.00 be a prop- riated for the purposes outlined and enumerated in Articles 48, 49, 50 and 51, of which amount 56,000.00 are to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account and $50,000.00 are to be raised by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town and that the Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen be and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $50,000.00 and to issue bonds or notes of the Town to be payable in accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 44 within a period not exceeding ten years, Motion by Ernest Cutter that the articles be indefinitely post- poned. Motion by Roland Greeley: That the existing committee be r 161 instructed to make further study. Roland Greeley's motion as a substitution to Cutter's motion voted upon as follows: In Favor Opposed 34 Winthrop H. Bowker 4 68 Merlin J. Ladd 28 23 , Aiden L. Ripley 6 125 38 The substitution carried 8:53 P. M. Motion by Roland Greeley: That the existing committee be instructed to make further study. Carried Unanimously 8:53 P. M. Selectman Locke moves that Articles 49, 50 and 51 be indefinitely postponed, also 48.Carried Unanimously 8:54 P. M. Selectman Locke moves Article 52 be indefinitely postponed. Carried Unanimously 8:54 P. M. Selectman Locke moves Article 53 be indefinitely postponed. Carried Unanimously 8:55 P. M. H. Webster Thomas presents Article 54, 55, 56, 57 and 58. Article 54. VOTED: That the sum of $100.00 be appropriated and assessed to pay the necessary expenses of School Officers incurred outside the Commonwealth in securing information upon matters in which the Town is interested or which may tend to improve the service in the School Department . Carried: Unanimously 8:55 P. M. Article 55. VOTED: That the sum of $1,147.19 be appropriated to cover expenses of repairs caused by sprinkler damage at the Munroe School, this money to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:56 P. M. Article 56. VOTED: That the sum of $1,200.00 be appropriated to pay for connecting_ the sprinkler systems in the different school buildings directly to the fire alarm boxes , this money to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:58 P. M. Article 57. VOTED: That the sum of $1,500.00 be appropriated for installing emergency lighting systems in the different school buildings where required by law, Form B-1 in regulations of the Department of Public Safety, this sum to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:59 P. M. Article 58. VOTED: That the Town authorize the Selectmen to purchase or take by eminent domain on behalf of the Town from Warren E. Russell for the price of $750.00 for the pur- pose of a school playground a portion of land belonging to said Russell bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake at the northerly corner of the High School lot thence S 28° 40 E distant 247.69 feet to- a stone post, thence N 63° 23' 01" E distant 259 .19 feet to a stake, thence along the southwesterly line of the Boston & Maine R. R. right of way by a curve bearing to the left of radius 2818.68 feet distant 267.69 feet to a stake, thence S 65° 38' 3 " distant 152.93 to0 W 3 feet the point of beginningcontaining 1.16 acres, all as shown on a plan entitled, 'Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass, Jan. 18, 1946 Scale 1 i . = 40 ft. John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", the sum of $750 .00 to be provided from a transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:02 P. M. 162 H. Webster Thomas presents Article 59. Article &9,. VOTED: That the Town authorize the School Committee to establish and maintain State-aided vocational education in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 74, General Laws, and Acts amendatory thereto, or dependent thereon, and further raise and appropriate the amount of $300,00 there- for. Carried Unanimously 9:05 P. M. H. Webster Thomas proposed taking Articles 60 and 61 together. There were no objections from the Town Meeting Members. Roland Greeley moves to take up Article 2 at which time he read the report of the Committee to Study the Need of Future School Sites . 9:12 P. IrI. H. Webster Thomas read Article 61 as follows: Article 61. VOTED: That the Town authorize the Selectmen to purchase or take by eminent domain on behalf of the Town from the Lexington Estates Trust for the price of $3,637.50 as a site for school purposes portions of land bounded as follows: Beginning at a point in the northwesterly line of Waltham Street said point being nortr_eabterly and 52.50 feet from a stone bound marking the southwesterly terminus of a curve of 1196.33 feet radius, thence bearing to the left by a curve of 25.00 feet radius distant 45.59 feet to a point, thence N 46° 06' W distant 99 .00 feet to a point, thence S 59°57'22" W distant 95.00 feet to a point, thence N 52°18'30" W distant 1036.09 feet to a point, thence N 44°29 '11" W distant 396.75 feet to a point, thence N46°33'53" E distant 561.40 feet to a point, thence S 40°05'26" E distant 351.00 feet to a point, thence S 35°30 '12" E distant 448.37 feet to a point, thence S 45029'08" E distant 605.80 feet to a point in the north- westerly line of Waltham Street, thence S 55°17 '30" W distant 212.98 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 1196 .33 feet rdius distant 64.95 feet to the point of beginning, containing 15.57 acres, all as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Land In Lexington, Mass . March 22, 1946 Scale in. . 50 ft. John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer" , and for the said purpose the sum of $3,637.50 is to be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:22 P. M. H. Webster Thomas presents Article 60. Article 60. VOTED: That the Town authorize the Selectmen to purchase or take by eminent domain on behalf of the Town from the William E. Mulliken Estate for the price of $2,500.00 as a site for school purposes, land bounded as follows: Beginning at a point at the westerly corner of land of Otis E. Mulliken et als , thence N 390 05' 43" E distant 125.31 feet to a point, thence N 39° 16' 32" E distant 215.95 feetto a point, thence N 40° 40' 32" E distant 176 .60 feet to a point, thence N 73° 15' 04" E distant 105.89 feet to a point, thence N 48° 49' 18" W distant 590.70 feet to a point, thence S 46° 53'- 021 ' W distant 574.99 feet to a point, thence S 45° 29 ' 08" E distant 605.80 feet to the point of beginning, containing 7 .74 acres, all as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass . Mar. 22, 1946 Scale 1 in. v 50 ft. John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", and for the said purpose the sum of $2,500.00 is to be provided by transfer from the ExcessandDeficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:25 P. M. H. Webster Thomas presents Article 62. Article 62.VOTTED: That the Town determine that a new High School should be located on the property of the Lexington Estates Co. and property of the estate of William E. Mulliken, upon acquisition of title of the said land by the Town and the approval of such location by the Board of Appeals under the zoning by-law, and that the Moderator appoint a committee of seven consisting of three members of the School Committee and four other citizens to obtain preliminar estimated cost and incidental expenses for the constructionns, of such high school and report not later than the next Annual Article 62. Town Meeting; and for the expenses of such committee 1 (Cont.) a sum of $4,000.00 be appropriated to be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. , Carried Unanimously 9:30 P. M. Article 63. Selectman, Errol H. Locke, moves for indefinite postponement . Carried Unanimously 9:31 P. M. Mrs. Thelma Mather presents Article 64. Article 64. VOTED: To see if the Town will vote to increase the number of members of the School Committee from three to five in accordance with G. L. Chap. 41, Sections .1 and 2, in the following manner: by electing two members to the School Committee for a term of three years at the Annual Meeting in March, 1947 and every third year thereafter, two members in March 1948 and every third year thereafter, and one member in March 1949 and every third year there- after. Amendment presented by Alfred P. Tropeano as follows: VOTED: To increase the number of members of the School Committee from three to five in accordance with G. L. Chap. 41, Sections 1 and 2 in the following manner: At the annual election of 1947 two (2) members shall be elected for a period of three (3 years and every three(3) years thereafter, and one ( 1) member shall be elected for a period of two (2) years. At the annual election of 1948 one ( 1) member shall be elected for a period of three (3) years and every three (3) years thereafter. At the annual election of 1949 two ( 2) members shall be elected for a period of three (3) years and every three (3) years thereafter. All in accordance with General Laws Chapter 41, Sections 1 and 2.'? Vote taken to substitute the amendment presented by Alfred P . Tropeano to the motion presented by Thelma Mather. Vote taken to adopt the amendment as presented by Alfred P. Trop- eano. Carried Unanimously 9:53 P. M. Vote taken on the main question of increasing the School Committee from three to five members as presented by Alfred P. Trop- eano. Carried Unanimously 10:03 P. M. H. Webster Thomas presented Article 65. Article 65. VOTED: To authorize the Trustees of the Cary Memorial Library to complete plans and specifications for an (Rescinded enlarged and improved Cary Memorial Library Building, October 7, according to preliminary plans submitted and approved by 1946. the said Trustees, and to authorize the Selectmen to See Page proceed with the erection of said enlarged and improved 171.) Cary Memorial Library Building by letting contracts, and provide for the payment- and to appropriate therefore thtt sum of $125,000.00 of which sum X5,000.00 shall be provided by a transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account and $120,000.00 shall be provided by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town for a period of ten years and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Select- men be and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $120,000.00 and to issue bonds or notes of the Town to be payable in accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 44, within a period not exceeding ten years . Slides shown of the changes to be made, also explanations by Rev. Harold T. Handley. 10:24 P. M. Vote taken as follows: In Favor - Opposed 31 Winthrop H. Bowker 5 78 Merlin -J. Ladd 11 23 Aiden L. Ripley 12 28 Carried 10:26 r. M. 164 Under Article 2 H. Webster Thomas presents the following: �•C Article 2. f. VOTED: That the Moderator appoint a Committee of five to supervise on behalf of and under the direction of the Board of Selectmen, the construction of an enlarged and improved Cary Memorial ,Library Building . , Carried Unanimously 10:27 P. M. Selectman, Errol H. Locke, moves to take up Article 2 offering the following: That the Committee on Arboretum authorized October 14, 1930 be discharged. Carried Unanimously 10:28 P. M. Selectman, Errol H. Locke, moves Article 66 be indefinitely postponed. Carried Unanimously 10:28 P. M. John H. Devine presents Article 68. Article 68. VOTED: That the Town accept from the Lexington Minute Men, Incorporated, a Memorial to the Lexington Minute Men who responded to the Alarm of April 19, 1775 as may be historically proven, and that the Memorial may be located on the grounds of the Buckman Tavern property approximately opposite the Boulder on the Green which marks the Line of the Minute Men, and that the Moderator is hereby authorized to appoint a representative committee of seven citizens of Lexington to determine the exact location and historical appropriateness of the Memorial, said committee to include one Architect, one Historian, one Artist, the Park Commissioner and two executive officers of the Lexington Minute Men, Incorporated. Carried Unanimously 10:30 P. M. Under Article 2 John P. Whalen presents the following: That a committee of 5 be appointed, to bring in a written report to the Board of Selectmen, not later than the next annual Town Meeting, containing recommendations regarding the Town' s recreational requirements . Carried Unanimously 10:31 P. M. R. L. McQuillan presents Article 69. Voted that the Moderator appoint a committee of not less than 15 members to investigate and bring in recommendations for a War Memorial, the aforesaid committee to include 3 representatives each from the following organizations: Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U. S. , Post 3007, Stanley Hill Post, American Legion, No. 38, and War Parents of America, Inc . , Chapter No. 1, American Veterans of World War 2 - No. 24, and the remainder to be appointed at large; the above committee to present its report on or before the next Annual Town Meeting. Selectman, A. Edward Rowse, moves that Article be indefinitely postponed. Carried Unanimously 10:26 P . M. Under Article 2 Selectman, A. Edward Rowse presents the following : VOTED: That the Moderator appoint a committee of nine to study the matter of a War Memorial including one each from Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, War Parents of I America, American Veterans World War II and report to the next Annual Town Meeting. Carried Unanimously 10:28 P. M. Selectman, Errol H. Locke presents Article 70. Article 70. VOTED- That the sum, of 5p 0 be appropriated n assessed or priotograp is woric an detail Alarming oa Pictora Town Report for the year 1946. Carried Unanimously 10:50 P. M. The following presented by Selectman, Errol H. Locke& 165 Article 71, Indefinite Postponement . Carried Unanimously 10:50 P. M. Article 72. Indefinite Postponement. Carried Unanimously 10:52 P. M. Article 73, Indefinite Postponement. Carried Unanimously 10:53 P. M. Selectman, Errol H. Locke presents Article 74, Article 74. VOTED: That the Board of Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to sell and convey to the Follen Church- Society a twenty-foot strip of landpn the Adams School property adjacent to the church property, extending '-)e Preen the school drive and Barnes Place . , . Carried Unanimously 10:54 P. M. Selectman, Errol H. Locke presents Article 75 for indefinite postponement. Carried Unanimously 10:54 P. M. As all articles of the Warrant were completed, it was moved and seconded that the meeting be dissolved. 10:54 P. M. Town ler. FRIMARY ET,TCTION JUNE 18, 1946 The following election officers had been appointed by the Sel- ectmen and were assigned to duty at the four orecincts as follows : Precinct One Precinct Two Charles J. Dailey Warden Victor H. Harmon Georze E. Foster Inspector Arthur E. Locke Pauline E. Bartlett Inspector Randall W. Richards Mary E. Stankard Clerk Gertrude H. Mara (Deputy) Mary A. Rowland Teller Arthur L. Hanson Mary E. Tracey Teller Mary G . Oliver Annie H. McDonnell Teller Elizabeth R. Nourse George F. Stygles Teller Edward McGrory Ilda J. Field Teller Barbara O'Connor K. Claudine Foster Teller Anna E. Tracey L. Ellsworth Pierce Teller Helen A. McCaffrey Precinct Three Precinct Four Sidney U. Robbins Warden Lester L. Andrews Ralph H. Marshall Inspector George M. Fuller (Deputy) Charles E . Moloy Inspector Helen M. Kirk Emma Zitso Teller Mary J. Ferry (Clerk) Gladys T. Watson Teller Helena T. Maguire Ella G. Callahan Teller Catheryne M. Ferry Charles F. Vaughn Teller Florence P . Tobin Rosalie MacDonald Teller Robert E . Ryan Edna D. Anderson Teller Agnes G. Hall Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, read the Warrant for the Primary. The polls were declared open in each precinct at eight A. M. and remained open in each precinct until eight F . M. , at whicl-, time after due notice, they were closed. 181 Approval of Article 31 as passed at the Adjourned Town Meeting held March 25, 1946, by Attorney General, Clarence A. Barnes. July 12, 1946 Article 31 as passed at an Adjourned Town Meeting held larch 25, 1946. Article 31. VOTED: That the Town amend the General By-laws by adding to Article XXVI the following : "Section 3. No person shall place or cause to be placed any vehicle which shall interfere with the removing or plowing of snow, or the removing of ice, in any way of the Town, and the Superintendent of Streets or other officer in charge of ways for the time being, for the purpose of removing or plowing snow, or removing ice, from any way, is hereby authorized and empowered to remove , or cause to be removed to some convenient place, in- cluding in such term a public garage, any vehicle in- terfering with such work, and the owner of such vehicle shall be liable for the cost of such removal, and the storage charges, if any, resulting therefrom." .Carried Unanimously 9:46 P. M. Lexington, Mass . July 12, 1946 I , James J. Carroll, Town Clerk of the Town of Lexinaton, 'd© hereby certify that the above is a true and exact copy of Article 31 as passed at the Adjourned Town Meeting held March 25, 1946 and as same appears on recd..-_ e< 7.72/ 4100 Tow C/ erk Boston, Mass. , July 18, 1946. The foregoing amendment to by-laws is hereby approved. Clarence A. Barnes ( signed) Attorney General