HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-11-07-SE-Results 105 WARRANT FOR STATE ELECTION Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss . To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greeting: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town who are qualified to vote in Elections to meet in their respective voting places in said Town, PRECINCT ONE, ADAMS SCHOOL; PRECINCT TWO, THREE AND FOUR, CAEY IYEMORIAL BUILDING, on TUESDAY, TOE SEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1944 at 7:00 o< clock A. M. to cast their ballots for the following officers : Presidential Electors ; Governor; Lieutenant Governor; Secretary; Treasurer; Auditor; Attorney General; Senator in Congress : ( to fill vacancy) Representative in Congress ; Councillor; Senator; Three Representatives in General Court; Two County Commissioners ; Sheriff VACANC IES One County Commissioner And to take action on the following questions : QUESTION NO. 1. PROPOSED ANENDIvENT TO TPE CONSTITUTION. Shall an amendment to the constitution to provide for a Fair, Concise Summary, instead of a Description, of Each Proposed Amendment to the Constitution and Each Law submitted to the People , under the Initiative and the Referendum, and Certain Changes relative to the Filing of Initiative Petitions which is farther described as follows:- This amendment amends Article XLVIII of the Amendments to the Constitution by striking out section three under the heading "The Initiative, II. Initiative Petitions" and inserting in place thereof a new section which provides,-- That an initiative petition for a constitutional amendment or a law shall first be signed by ten qualified voters of the Commonwealth and shall be submitted to the Attorney General not later than the first Wednesday of the August before the assembling of the General Court into which it is to be introduced. It may be filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth if the Attorney General shall certify that the measure and its title are in proper form and that it is not, affirmatively or negatively, substantially the same as any measure which has been qualified for submission or submitted to the people at either of the two preceding biennial state elections , and that it contains only subjects not excluded from the popular initiati re and which are related or which are mutually dependent . The Secretary shell provide blanks for the use of subsequent signers. He shall print at the top of each blank a fair, concise summary of the proposed measure , as determined by the Atorney General as it will appear upon the ballot, together with the names and res- idences of the first ten signers. All such petitions, with the first ten signatures- attached, shallbe filed with the Secretary not earlier than the first Wednesday of the September before the assembling of the Legislature into which they are to be introduced, and the remainder of the required signatures shall be filed not later than the first Wednesday of the following December. " Section 3 of that part of said Article XLVIII under the heading The Referendum. III. Referendum Petitions ." is also amended by striking out the second sentence of such section and inserting in place thereof provisions that the Secretary shall provide blanks for the use of signers of a referendum petition on a law requesting that the operation of such law be suspended subsequent to the first ten signers and shall print at the top of each blank a fair, concise summary of the proposed law as determined by the Attorney General as it will appear upon the ballot, together with the names and resid- ences of the first ten signers. 106 Section 4 of that part of said Article XLVIII under the heading "The Referendum. III. Referendum Petitions ." , is also amended by striking out the third sentence of such section and inserting in place t"` thereof provisions that the Secretary shall provide blanks for the use of signers subsequent to the first ten signers of a referendum petition asking for the repeal of an emergency law or of a law which takes effect because the referendum petition does not contain a request for suspension, and shall print at the top of each blank a fair concise summary of the proposed law as such summary w ill appear on the ballot together with the names and residences of the first ten signers. Article XLVIII is further amended by striking out subheading "III. Form of Ballot" and subheading "IV. Information for Voters' under the heading "General Provisions" and inserting in place thereof new subheadings III and Iv, which provide, respectively: III. FORM OF BALLOT. A fair, concise summary of each proposed amendment to the Con- stitmtion and each law submitted to the people, as determined by the Attorney General shall be printed on the ballot. The Secretary shall give each question a number and cause such question, except as other- wise authorized in said article of amendment, to be printed on the ballot in the following form: In the case of an amend-lent to the constitution: Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution summarized below, ( here state, in distinctive type, whether approved or disapproved by the general court, and by what vote thereon) ? Yes.---No. (Set forth summary here) In the case of a law: Do you approve of a law summarized below, ( here state , in distinctive type, whether approved or disapproved by the general court, and by what vote thereon) ? Yes.---No. (Set forth summary here) IV. INFORMATION FOR VOTERS. The Secretary shall print and send to each registered voter the full text of every measure to be submitted to the people , together with a copy of the legislative committeets majority and minority reports, with the names of the majority and minority members and a fair, concise summary of the measure as such summary will appear on the ballot, and, in such manner as may be provided by law, other arguments for and against the measure,--which proposed amendment was approved by the General Court and in a joint session of the two branches held July 8, 1941, received 201 votes in the affirmative and 2 in the negative, and in a joint session of the two branches held May 12, 1943, received YES 1 214 votes in the affirmative and 5 in the negative,--be approved? NO QI7ESTION NO. 2. PROPOSED AMZENDY1NT TO TIE CONSTITUTION. Shall an amendment to the constitution to provide that the General Court may prescribe the terms and conditions under which pardons of offences which are felonies may be granted which is further described as follows:-- This article of amendment to the Constitution of Massachusetts annuls Article VIII of section 1 of chapter II of Part the Second of the Constitution, which vested the Governor, by and with the advice of the Council, with the full and unrestricted power of pardoning offences of which a person is convicted, except such as persons may be convicted of before the Senate by an impeachment of the House, and adopts a new Article VIII in place thereof. This new Article VIII vests the pardoning power in the Governor, by and with the advice of the Council, but provides further that if the offence to be pardoned is a felony the Legislature shall have power to prescribe the terms and conditions upon which a pardon may be granted. The new Article VIII contains the same provision as the old 107 with relation to the ineffectiveness of pardons granted before a conviction,-- which proposed amendment was approved by the General Court and in a joint session of the two branches held July 8, 1941, received 199 votes in the affirmative YES and 1 in the negative, and in a joint session of the two branches held May 12, 1943, received 198 NO votes in the affirmative and 0 in the negative, -- be approved: QU S TION NO. 3, PROPOSED AMENDFdENT TO THE CONSTITUTION. Shall an amendment to the constitution restoring Annual Sessions of the General Court and an Annual Budget which is further described as follows:-- This amendment to the Constitution of Massachisetts annuls Article LXXII of the Amendments which provided for biennial sessions of the Legislature and a biennial budget, and makes effective those earlier provisions of the Constitution and its Amendments which were annulled or affected by said Article LXXII, -- which proposed amendment was approved by the General Court and in a joint session of the two branches held july 8, 1941, received 172 votes in the affirmative CMS and 38 in the negative, and in a joint session of the two branches held May 12, 1943, received 188 votes NO in the affirmative and 52 in the negative, -- be approved? QUESTION NO. 4. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION. Shall an amendment to the constitution providing for Absent Voting by Qualified Voters who by Reason. of Physical Disability are unable to vote in person which is further described as follows :- This amendment to the Constitution of Massachusetts annuls Article XLV of the Amendments to the Constitution which related to absentee voting and adopts in its place a new Article XLV which authorizes the Legislature to provide for voting, in the choice of any officer to be elected or upon any question submitted at an election, by qualified voters of the Commonwealth who at the time of such an election are absent from the city or town of which they are inhabitants or are unable by reason of physical disability to cast their votes in person,which proposed amendment was approved by the General Court and in a joint session of the two branches YES held July 8, 1941, received 171 votes in the affirmative and 30 in the negative, and in a joint NO session of the two branches held May 27, 1943, received 184 votes in the affirmative and 61 in the negative, be approved: QUESTION NO. 5. LAW SUBILITTTED UPON RErERENDUM AFTER PASSA CE. Shall a law described as follows:-- This law amends chapter 271 of the General Laws by striking out section 22A, as previously amended, and inserting in place thereof a new section 22A, which provides that conducting or promoting a game of whist or bridge in connection with which prizes are offered to be won by chance or allowing such a game to be conducted or promoted, shall not authorize the prosecution, arrest or conviction of any person for such acts under chapter 271 of the General Laws, which deals with crimes against public policy, if the entire proceeds of the charges for admission to such game are donated solely to charitable , civic, educational, fraternal or religious purposes . This new section does not contain, as did the section now stricken out, provisions authorizing the IIIIIIIIIIIIII licensing and conducting of the game of beano,-- which section was approved by both branches of the NO General Court by vote not recorded,--be approved? To obtain a full expression of opinion, voters should vote on all three of the following questions.-- 108 7 psv- ( a) If a voter desires to permit the sale in this town of any and all alcbholic beverages to be drunk on and off the premises where sold, he will vote "YES" on all three questions . (b) If he desires to permit the sale herein of wines and melt beverages only to be drunk on and off the premises where sold, he will vote "NO" on question one, "YES" on question two and "NO" on question three. ( c) If he desires to permit the sale herein of all alcoholic beverages but only in packages, so called, not to be drunk on the premises where sold, he will vote "NO" on questions one and two and "YES" on question three. ( d) If he desires to permit the sale herein of wines and malt beverages to be drunk on and off the premises where sold and in addition other alcoholic beverages but only in packages, so called, not to be drunk on the premises where sold, he will vote "NO" on question one and "YES" on questions two and three, ( e) If he desires to prohibit the sale herein of any and all alcoholic beverages whether to be drunk on or off the premises where sold, he will vote "NO" on all three questions . 1. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages ( whisky, YES rum, gin, malt beverages, wines and all other alcoholic beverages) ? NO 2. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale therein of wines and malt beverages ( wines YES j and beer, ale and all other malt beverages) ? NO 1 3. Shall licenses be granted in this town for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages in YES 1 packages, so called, not to be drunk on the NO j premises? The polls will be open at 7:00 A. M. and will remain open until 8:00 P. M. And you are directed to serve this Warrant seven days at least before the time of said meeting as provided in the By-laws of the Town. Hereof fail not, and make due return on this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands at Lexington, this sixteenth day of October, A. D. , 1944. Errol H. Locke SELECTMEN George W. Sarano George C . Sheldon OF William G. Potter A. Edward Rowse LEXINGTON C ONSTABTF t S RETURN October 28, 1944 To the Town Clerk: I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by posting printed copies of the foregoing Warrant in the vestibule of the Town Office Building and seven other public places in the Town, and by mailing a printed copy of the same to every registered voter in the Town, ten days before the time of said meeting. John C . Russell Attest: Constable of Lexington 109 STATE ELECTION November 7, 1944 The following election officers had been appointed by the Sel- ectmen and were assigned to duty at the four precincts as follows: Precinct One Precinct Two Charles J. Dailey Warden Victor H. Harmon George E. Foster Inspector Arthur E. Locke Pauline Bartlett Inspector Randall E. Richards Mary E. Stankard Clerk Gertrude H. Mara Mary A. Rowland . Teller Elizabeth R. Nourse Mary E. Tracey Teller Madeline Peterson Annie McDonnell Teller Arthur L. Hanson George F. Stygles Teller Barbara O'Connor Ilda J. Field- Teller Anna E. Tracey L. Ellsworth Pierce Teller Mary G. Oliver Edward McG rory Additional officers added by Additional Officers added-by James J. Carroll, Town Clerk James J. Carroll, Town Clerk Helga M. Carlson Helen M. Silsby Linabel C . Pespisa Frances Harrington Eleanor Heaney Frances Lewis Precinct Three Precinct Four *Sidney U. Robbins Warden Howard E. Custance Ralph H. Marshall Inspector Lester L. Andrews Charles E. Moloy, Jr. Inspector Mary Spellman William Collins Clerk Mary Ferry Emma Zitso Teller Helen T. Maguire Ella G. Callahan Teller Caroline F. Deloury Gladys Watson Teller Agnes G. Hall Emma L. Hovey Teller Laurina M. Wilson Timothy J. Quinlan Teller A. Thomas Ferry Edna A. Anderson Teller *Additional officers added by Additional officers added by James J. Carroll, Town Clerk James J. Carroll, Town Clerk Emma H. Kinsman Frederick Tullar Florence M. Bruce Florence P. Tobin Margaret I. King Mary R. McDonough Forrest E. King Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, read the Warrant for the State Election until further reading was waived by motion of Victor H. Harmon, which was seconded and declared a unanimous vote. The polls were declared open in each precinct at seven A. M., and remained open in each precinct until eight P. M., at which time after due notice, they were closed. The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties. The ballots were counted by the election officers in each precinct, the tally sheets and total vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk being used. The total registration fo voters was 6848 ( six thousand eight hundred forty-eight..) Precinct 1. Total number of voters: 1843 Eighteen hundred forty-three Precinct 2. Total number of voters: 1506 Fifteen hundred six Precinct 3. Total number of voters: 1662 Sixteen hundred sixty-two Precinct 4. Total number of voters: 1837 Eighteen hundred thirty-seven r-----, 11° The Town Clerk and Board of Registrars canvassed the result as ,-- follows: t,) .., Precinct 1. Ballots cast: 1721 Seventeen hundred twenty-one Precinct 2. Ballots cast: 1384 Thirteen hundred eighty-four Precinct 3. Ballots cast: 1531 Fifteen hundred thirty-one Precinct 4. Ballots cast: 1697 Sixteen hundred ninety-seven Total vote cast: 6333 Six thousand three hundred thirty-three Absentee Ballots No. Sent No. Returned Precinct 1. 27 25 Precinct 2. 40 35 Precinct 3. 58 55 Precinct 4. 31 26 Totals 156 141 -- State War Ballots No. Sent No. Returned Precinct 1, 138 105 Precinct 2. 116 90 Precinct 3. 142 113 Precinct 4. 125 91 Totals 521 399 PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT Prec.l.Prec.2.Prec .3.Prec.4. Total Dewey and Bricker 1103 987 1137 1183 4410 Roosevelt and Truman 562 374 361 481 1778 Teichert and Albaugh 3 1 0 0 4 Watson and Johnson 3 0 0 0 3 Thomas & Hoopes 0 0 2 0 2 Blanks 50 22 31 33 136 Total 1721 -1 •384 1531 1697 6333 GOVERNOR Horace T. Cal-till 1082 980 1110 1159 4331 Maurice J. Tobin 602 380 400 503 1885 Henning A. Blomen 2 0 2 4 8 Guy S. Williams 0 0 0 4 4 Blanks 35 24 19 27 105 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Robert F. Bradford 1218 1072 1217 1296 4803 John B. Carr 433 270 265 349 1317 Alfred Erickson 0 0 1 4 5 George Leo McGlynn 2 1 1 4 8 Blanks 68 41 47 44 200 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 SECRETARY Frederic W. Cook 1282 1116 1240 1339 4977 Margaret M. O'Riordan 353 227 239 288 1107 Horace I. Hillis 6 1 1 11 19 Blanks 80 40 51 59 230 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 TREASURER Fred J. Burrell 1049 851 989 1110 3999 John E. Hurley 566 451 446 491 1954 Herbert Crabtree 9 4 2 11 26 Earle L. Smith 3 4 8 12 27 Blanks 94 74 86 73 327 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 AUDITOR 111 Prec-i1iTrec.2.Prec.3.Prec .4 Total Thomas J. Buckley 526 347 374 472 1719 Frank A. Goodwin 1097 985 1093 1146 4321 Gote Elvel PalmquiSt 8 0 3 7 18 Charles E. Vaughan 2 1 3 5 11 Blanks 88 51 58 - 67 264 Total 1:7711 I384 1531 TOr7 6333- ATTORNEY GENERAL Clarence A. Barnes 1185 1054 1195 1261 4695 Francis E. Kelly . 437 262 278 352 1329 Fred E. Oelcher 6 1 4 9 20 Howard B. Rand 4 1 0 6 11 Blanks 89 66 54 69 278 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 SENATOR IN CONGRESS John H. Corcoran 271 184 199 223 877 Leverett Saltonstall 1389 1172 1291 1428 5280 Bernard G. Kelly 3 1 1 4 9 E, Tallmade Root 1 0 1 1 3 Blanks 57 27 39 41=k 164 Total 1721 1384 1531 1-07 6333 CONGRESSMAN Edith Nourse Rogers 1395 1149 1293 1423 5260 Milton A. Wesson 267 181 186 209 843 James M. Curley 0 I 0 0 1 Frank A. Goodwin 0 1 0 0 1 Blanks 59 52 52 65 228 Total 1721 1SE1 1531 1697 6333 • COUNCILLOR - T Joseph M. Curley 452 275 298 379 1404 Victor A. Friend 1134 1012 1135 1215 4496 Blanks 135 ' 97 98 103 433 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 SENATOR Arthur W. Coolidge 1341 1130 1269 1407 5147 David I. Walsh. 0 0 0 1 1 Blanks 380 254 262 289 1185 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 REPRESENTATIVEa IN GENERAL COURT George Chauncey Cousens 1136 991 1136 1240 4503 Charles E. Ferguson 1428 1187 1349 1459 5423 William E. Hays 1115 981 1114 1185 4395 Blanks 1484 993 994 1207 4678 Total 5163 4152 4593 5091 18999 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS William G. Andrew 1120 988 1141 1194 4443 Nathaniel I. Bowditch 1012 934 1075 1085 4106 Thomas B. Brennan 430 258 259 362 1309 . , Augustine F. Watson 322 201 212 284 1019 „ 1 „ 1 Blanks 558 387 -375 469 1789 Total 3442 2768 3062 3394 12666 SHERIFF Joseph M. McElroy 1424 1164 1323 1424 5335 Blanks 297 220 208 273 998 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 COUNTY COEMISSIONER Melvin G. Rogers 1365 1129 1298 1423 5215 Blanks %356 255 233 274 1118 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 112 QUESTION NO. 1 nc«9 Prec .l.Prec.2.Pec.3.Prec.4 Total Yes 942 852 932 988 3714 No 80 58 86 116 340 Blanks 699 474 513 593 2279 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 QUESTION NO. 2 Yes 636 462 545 609 2252 No 515 512 547 551 2125 Blanks 570 410 439 537 1956 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 QUESTION NO. 3 Yes 539 320 357 425 1641 No 628 656 790 784 2858 Blanks 554-, 408 384 488 1834 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333. QUESTION NO. 4 Yes 1027 859 973 1007 3866 No 147 137 145 179 608 Blanks 547 388 413 511 1859 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 QUESTION NO. 5 Yes 847 745 795 842 3229 No 277 219 255 295 1046 Blanks 597 420 481 560 2058 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 LICENSE - NO. 1 Yes 461 323 314 429 1527 NO 912 760 921 943 3536 Blanks 348 301 296 325 1270 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333- LICENSE 333LICENSE - NO. 2 Yes 477 371 335 454 1637 No 863 692 865 886 3306, Blanks 381 321 331 357 1390 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 LICENSE - NO. 3 Yes - 1032 835 958 1041 3866 No 457 330 386 419 1592 Blanks 232 219 187 237 875 Total 1721 1384 1531 1697 6333 A true record: Attest: A oven iC 1 e rk