HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-07-11-SP-Results 99 Article 5 . i:xotion made by A. Edward Rowse for Indefinite Post- ( Cont.) ponement. Lost 9 :41 P. Motion as presented by H. 7:ebster Thomas voted upon and Carried Unanimously 9 :42 F. E. All business of the meeting being completed, motion made and seconded meeting be dissolved. 9 :42 P.m. Attest: Tow Oerk� -a�R ANT FOR STILE PRILLEIT ., LL1'1 _ Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss . To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greetin In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby reouired to notify and warn the itihabitants of said town who are qualified to vote in Primaries to meet in Adams School, East Lexir!gton ( Precinct One) and Cary Memorial Hall, Lexington Center, ( Precinct Two, Three and Four) , on TU-ESr TRE ELEeTENT7 7,All OF JUL7, 1944 '9hF� at 8:00 olcloc' !��k A. ., for te ollowing _carposes : m bvotes to the Primary Officers for _ o �rin,� �_n their the 1J o_�_m- ination of Candidates of Political Parties for the following offices Governor for this Commonwealth Lieutenant Governor _ for this Commonwealth Secretary of the Commonwealth for this Commonwealth Treasurer andReceiver-General for this Commonwealth _ ' editor of the Co monwealth for this Commom mealth - ;_ttorney General _ for this Commonwealth - Senator in Congress ( To_ fill vacancy) for this Commonwealth' RepresentativeJin ConTress for 5th Congressional Listrict Coanci llor for 6th Councillor District senator for 7th Middlesex Senatorial District Three Reoresentatives in General Court for 7th Middlesex Represent- ative District Two County Commissioners S or �;'!i do !e sex County Sheriff for Middlesex County N;CA TTCIES County Commissioner for MiddlesexThant/ The polls ,-gill be open at 8:00 _ ® ;i® andwill remain oven until 8:00 PMC. And you are directed to serve this -hharra__lt seven days at least Before the t_- e of said meeting as provided in she Hy- laws of the Town. v Hereof fail not , and make due return of this .: arrant with your do---�1._ thereon, to the Torn Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting, 100 �l ven ander our ]^=-nds at e«`nton tt�_ s 19th of J.�_ne , 1944. Errol = Locke ILIA,CTMEIT Ti l l i am Potter George C , Sheldon OF e o r .e T. S a r ano A. d.uard Rowse I T 1 T CiO T`�'J; !STK ' . .ETURl:, June 30 , 1944 To the Tour Clerk: i have notified t':e inhabitants of LexinMton by posting" 'orinted c o pies of the fore 'oing' Tarrant :_n the vestibule of V the Town Office Buildin ° and seven other .public places in the Town, and by mailing a printed cosy of the same to ever; registered voter in the Town, ten days before the time of said meetinc r`=ttest: Jozr C . Russell Constable of Lexin•_ ton T °.1 RY EIKCTT I\ July 11, 1944 The following election officers had been appointed by the Sel- ectmen and -:ere assigned to duty at the four precincts as follows : Precinct One Precinct Two Charles J. Dailey Tarden Victor =T Harmon 'Pauline E. Bartlett Inspector Helen K. Fitzgerald (Deputy) Accrue E. Foster Inspector Randall :r, Richards liar:: I. S tanlcard Clerk Gertrude :Tara Mary A. Rowland Teller Arthur L. Hanson Mary E. Tracey Teller Edward hc0 Tory Annie H. McDonnell Teller Elizabeth R. ilourse ecrae F, " les Teller Mary G. Oliver Linahel C . Pe srisa Teller Madeline Peterson Hate .`,1 . -:ins Teller Anna E. Tracy Edit_t T. Ke-.wi Teller Helen McCaffrey L. Ellsworth Pierce 'Teller Precinct Three Precinct Four Ralph H. Marshall harden Howard E. Custance Teil McIntosh (Deputy) Inspector Lester L. Andrews Charles E. Moloy, Jr® Inspector Mar A, Spellman :Tar7aret K. King Clerk Mary J. Ferry Emma Zitso-v s fl Teller Helen T. Maguire Ella ; ® "Callahan Teller Mae ® Conant Gladys :7atson Teller Constance L. Thompson Emma L, Hovey Teller A:>-nes C . Hall Florence H. Bruce Teller Alec Ryan Edna Anderson Teller A. Thomas Ferry Rosalie MacDonald Teller Robert E. Ryan _ Tor, Clerk, James J. Carroll, read the :arrant for the Primary The polls were declared open in each precinct at eight L. M:10/ and remained open in each precinct until eight P. E. , at which time after due notice, they were closed, The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their d_lties by the Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, The ballots were counted by the election officers in each precinct, the tally sheets and total vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk bei= used. The total re7istration of voters was 5988 ( five thousand nine hundred ei2hty-ei7ht .) Precinct 1. Total number of voters : 1611 One thousand six hundred eleven Precinct 2, Total number of voters : 1492 One thousand four hundred ninety-two Precinct 3, Total number of voters : 1331 One thousand three hundred thirty-one Precinct A. Total number of voters : 1554 One thousand five hundred fifty-four The Town Clerk and Board of Registrars canvassed the result as follows: Precef Rep, 348 Lem, 36 Total votes cast: Three hundred - eighty-four Prec.2. Rep. 413 Dem, 12 Total votes cast: Four hundred twenty-five Preu.3. Rep, 427 Dem. 29 Total votes caat : Four hundred fifty-six Prec .4. Rep, 342 Dem, 22 Total votes cast : Three hundred sixty-four Total vote cast: 1629 One thousand six hundred twenty-nine REPT3BLICAN Governor Prec ,l Prec ,2 Prec ,3 Prec ,4 Total Foract T. Cahill 304 376 397 314 , 1391 Blanks 44 37 30 28 139 _ 348 413 427 342 1530 Lieutenant Governor Robert F. Bradford 267 343 348 243 1201 Jarvis Hunt 21 33 20 35 - 109 Rudolph F. King 38 20 36 47 _ 141 Daniel E. McLean 0 2 6 4 12 William H. Mckasters 12 4 5 5 - 26 Blanks 10 11 12 8 - 41 348 413 427 342 1530 Secretary Frederic 7. Cook 323 395 414 328 1460 Blanks 25 18 13 14 70 348 413 427 342 1530 Treasurer Fred J. Burrell 181 181 210 201 773 Laurence Curtis 135 190 186 112 623 Blanks 32 42 31 29 134 __ _._ 348 413 427 342 1530 Auditor Frank A. Goodwin 176 200 215 170 761 Wallace F. Stearns 24 22 24 C20 - 90 Russell A. flood 125 165 168 140 598 _ Blanks - 23 26 20 12 81 348 413 427 342 1530 102Attorney General e.j, At ,__________ Prec.1 Prec .2 Prec .3 Prec .4 Total Clarence A. Barnes 207 274 290 228 999 t.:1 Charles Fairhurst 35 27 25 31 118 c'7 James E . Farley 77 77 77 58 289 Blanks 29 35 35 25 124 348 413 427 342 1530 Senator in Congress Leverett Saltonstall 332 400 416 332 1480 Blanks 16 13 11 10 50 _ 348 413 427342 1530 _ 1 Congressman Edith Nourse Rogers 325 390 417 327 1459 Blanks 23 23 10 15 71 348 413 427 342 - 1530 Councillor Anthony H. El-well 28 25 23 18 94 Victor A. Friend 66 137 109 77 389 William S . Howe 66 72 117 97 - 352 Arthur J. nansfield 120 108 124 105 457 David Y. Ross 21 10 13 15 Blanks 47 61 41 30 179 348 413 427 342 1530 Senator Arthur W. Coolidge 312 377 407 316 1412 Blanks 36 36_ 20 26 118 348 413 427 342 1530 Representatives in General Court George Chauncey Cousens 186 238 251 192 867 Charles E. Ferguson 318 376 399 319 1412 William E. Hays 206 250 265 193 914 Walter A. E. Anderson 107 118 107 114 446 Blanks 227 257 - 259 208 951 1044 1259 1281 1026 4590 County Commissioners Nathaniel I. Bowditch 198 259 285 183 925 William G. Andrew 79 102 93 74 348 John Frederick Cahill 102 94 82 104 - 382 Robert D . Donaldson 151 214 228 184 ' 777 Ralph L. Garrett 24 10 17 12 63 J. Walton Tuttle 41 38 42 42 163 Blanks 101 109 107 85402 _ , --- 696 826 E74 684 3060 Sheriff Joseph E. ncElroy 303 370 389 303 1385 Blanks 45 43 38 39 165 348 413 427 342 1530 County Commissioner Robert H. Adams 33 45 49 36 163 William B. Bailey 42 35 32 57 166 Francis D. Collings 5 2 7 10 24 Harold 11, Estabrook 118 104 114 95 431 James G. Harris 18 21 39 28 106 Samuel Ingram 21 46 33 15 115 William E. Robinson 22 8 14 18 - 62 1,elvin G. Rogers 58 100 98 55 - 311 Blanks 31 52 41 28 152 - 348 413 427 342 1530 =CHAT 103 Governor Pre. 1 Pre . 2 Pre . 3 Pre , 4 Total Francis x. Hurley 15 3 9 8 35 Maurice J. Tobin 20 8 18 14 60 Flanks 1 1 2 0 4 36 12 29 22 99 Lieutenant Governor John B. Carr 21 5 13 11 50 Alfred P. Farese 0 1 2 1 4 1 1 Alexander F. Sullivan 6 3 5 7 21 John S . Sullivan 7 0 3 1 11 B lanks 2 3 6 2 13 36 12 29 22. 99 Secretary John E. Bresnahan 21 6 9 10 46 Margaret H. O' Riordan 9 4 13 7 33. B lanks 6 2 7 5 20 36 12 29 22 99 Treasurer John E. Hurley 19 6 11 13 49 Francis C . HcKenna 3 2 2 4 11 Hiahael A . 0 ?Leary 8 1 4 0 13 John F. Welch 2 0 3 2 7 Blanks 4 3 9 3 19 36 12 29 22 99 Auditor Thomas J. Buckley 29 10 23 18 80 Blanks 7 2 6 4 19 36 12 29 22 99 .Attorney General John H. Backus 8 4 ,c,. 5 23 Francis D. Harrigan .2 2 4 2 10 Francis E. Lely 16 5 8 6 35 Joseph H. Hoponouth 7 1 4 6 18 Blanks 3 0 7 3 13 36 12 29 22 99 Senator in Congress John H. Corcoran 15 4 9 7 35 Joseph A. Langone, Jr. 3 1 3 1 8 Joseph Lee 11 3 5 3 22 Richard H. Russell 5 3 7 5 20 Blanks 2 1 5 6 14 36 12 29 22 99 Congressman . Hilton A. Wesson 24 10 17 17 68 Blanks 12 2 12 5 31 36 12 29 22. 99 Oouncillor Joseph H. Curley 26 10 19 15 70 Blanks 102 10 7 29 . 36 12 29 22 99 Senator Blanks 36 12 29 22 99 104 Reresentative in Feneral Court i<7.$ Fre 1 Pre 2 Pre 3 Pre 4 Total Blanks 108 36 87 66 297 0ount7 Comm-Issioners Thomas B. Brennan 28 8 18 16 70 Auustine F. Watson 19 8 - 18 12 57 Blanks 25 8 22. 16 71 72 24 • 58 44 7 ,98 Sheri ff Blanks 36 12 29 22 99 • Count 7 Commissioner Blanks 36 12 29 22 99 A True Record. Attest: - - \ / 'own Clerk • • -