HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944-06-12-STM-min TOWN WARRANT 1)5 Commonwealth of Iassachusetts Middlesex, ss . To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greetings In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts , you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs, to meet in the Cary Memorial Building, in said Lexington, on ionda -, the 12th day of June , 1944 at eight o'clock P. iy` . , then and there to act on the following articles : Article 1. To receive the reports of any Board of Town Officers or of any Committee of the Town and to appoint other Committees . Article 2. To see if the Town will accept a gift, in the amount of 82,000.00, under the will of Ellen A. Stone to be used in aiding needy and deserving young women of Lexington in getting a good school education, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. Article 3. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to purchase on behalf of the Town, as a site for a school building, Certain land belonging to the William E. Mulliken Estate, consist- ing of approximately eight acres, bounded southerly by land now or formerly of Charles W. and Robert L. Ryder, Trustees; westerly and northerly by land of the Town of Lexington; and easterly by other land of the William E. Mulliken Estate and by Waltham Street, and provide for the payment therefor by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, by direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds ; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. Article 4. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to purchase on behalf of the Town, as a site for a school playground, certain land belonging to Warren E. Russell, consisting of approx- imately one and one-third acres , bounded southerly by the Munroe Cemetery; westerly by the High School lot ; northerly by other land of Warren E . Russell; and easterly by the Boston & Maine Railroad, and provide for the payment therefor by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, by direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds ; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. Article 5. To see if the Town will authorize the Trustees of the Cary Memorial Library to obtain plans, specifications and estimates for the enlargement of and additions to the present library building located on the corner of I;iassachzsetts Avenue and Clarke Street and provide for the payment therefor by direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds ; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. Article 6 . To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to acquire by purchase or take by eminent domain on behalf of the Town for the purpose of erecting a new Central Fire Station, all or a part of the property now belonging to Elizabeth C . Phelps, on the northeaterly side of Bedford Street bounded as follows : Beginning at a point in the northeaterly sideline of Bedford Street, thence by land of Frederic . K. Johnson, Inc. and land of the said Phelps N 72° 281 E distant 275 .00 feet to a point; thence by land of the said Phelps N 17° 32' W distant about 281 feet, to a point in the centerline of the main channel of North Lexington Brook; thence southwesterly along the centerline of said brook distant about 284 feet to Bedford Street; thence by Bedford Street to the point of beginning; containing about 69,160 square feet, with the benefit of and subject to certain mutual rights of way and provide for the payment therefor by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town , by direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds ; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. Article 7. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to acquire by purchase or take by eminent domain on behalf of the Town for the purpose of erecting a new Central Fire Station, the property at the junction of Massachusetts Avenue and Fletcher Avenue belonging to Bridget Leary and provide for the payment therefor by the issue of bonds or notes of theTown , by direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. 96 Article 8. To see if the Town will determine the location of a new Central Fire Station and will authorize the Moderator to appoint a committee of five to obtain plans , specifications and estimates j for the construction of such station and report not later than the next Annual Town Meeting and provide for the payment therefor by direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto . Article 9 . To see if the Town will authorize the construction of a new Fire Station in East Lexington on the present site and will authorize the Moderator to appoint a committee of five to obtain plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of such station and report not later than the next Annual Town Meeting and provide for the payment therefor by direct appropriation, by trans- fer from available funds , or act in any other manner in relation thereto. Article 10 . . To see if the Town will determine the location of a new East Lexington Fire Station and will authorize the Moderator to appoint a committee of five to obtain plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of such station and report not later than the next Annual Town Meeting and provide for the payment there- for by direct aprro ,riation, by transfer from available fuhds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. Article 11. To see if the Town will grant to the Colonial Beacon Oil Company the right to lay a four-inch pipe for the transportation of petroleum products underneath a part of the Adams School play- ground, and will authorize the Selectmen in the name of and on be- half of the Town to execute a deed for that purpose . And you are directed to serve this warrant seven days at least be- fore the time of said meeting as provided in the By-law of the Town. Hereof fail not, and make due return on this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands at Lexington, this twenty-second day of May, A. D. , 1944. ERROL F. LOC RE SE T,FC TLi N • A. ED'; AFL ROWSE WILLIAT,, G. DOTTER OF GEORGE <. . SAF,A 0 GEORGE C . SHELLON LEXINGTON CONSTABTFF IS RETURN June 3, 1944 To the Town Clerk: I have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by posting printed copies of the foregoing 7:arrant in the vestibule of the Town Office Building and seven other public places in the Town, and by mailing a printed copy of the same to every registered voter in the Town, ten days before the time of said meeting. JOHN C . RUSSELL Attest : CO7STABT7F OF T'��',XINGTOTT SPECIAL TOWN MEETING 97 JUNE 12, 1.91. The meeting was called to order by Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, 8:05 P. There were 141 Town Meeting Members present. In accordance with the By-laws , the Moderator, Robert H. Holt, being absent , nominations were made from the floor for a Moderator pro-tem. Nominations were made for Charles E. Ferguson, being duly seconded. Motion by Theodore A. Custance , duly seconded, nominations be closed. Charles E . Ferguson was unanimously elected as Moderator pro-tem. 8:06 P. M. Unless otherwise noted, all articles were presented by Errol H. Locke, Chairman, Board of Selectmen. The Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, read the warrant until upon motion of Philip M. Clark, duly seconded, further reading of the warrant was discontinued. The Constable 's Return of the -.arrant was read by the Town Clerk, 8:07 P. N. Article 1, Lewis H. Hoyt presented the report of the Appropriation Committee which was voted to be accepted and placed on file. VOTED: That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to appoint a Committee of nine Tome Meeting members to receive reouests of various Town Departments , Committees or civic groups for post war projects , to be studied and recommended to the Board of Selectmen in the order of their importance . Carried Unanimously 8:08 P. M. Article 3. Lotion presented by Tracy U. Ames and duly seconded that Article 3 be Indefinitely Postponed. 8:09 F. 11, Article 1. Presented by Tracy W, Ames , VOTED: That a committee of seven be created to consist of the School Committee and four other citizens to be appointed by the Moderator, to study the need of future school seites and report at the next annual Town Meeting. ( Carried Unanimously 8:10 P. H. Article 11, VOTED: That the Town 2rant to the Colonial Beacon Oil Company the right to lay a four- Inch pipe for the trans- portation of petroleum products underneath a part of the Adams School playground, and the Selectmen are auth- orized in the name of and on behalf of the Town to execute a deed for that purpose . Carried Unanimously 8: 14 P. M. Article 6 . VOTED: That the Town authorize the Selectmen to purchase on behalf of the Town, from Elizabeth C . Phelps , for the price of 3600,00, for the purpose of erecting a new Central Fire Station a portion of the land belonging to said Phelps on the northeasterly side of Bedford Street shown as Lot B on a Plan of Land in Lexington , Mass. , dated May 23, 1944, John T. Cosgrove , Town Engineer, and bounded as follows : Beginning at a point on the northeasterly side of Bedford Street, thence N 72° 28' E by Lot A on said Plan 275.00 feet; thence N_ 17° 32' N by other land of the said Phelps 249 .57 feet to the centerline of the main channel of North Lexington Brook; thence by the centerline of the said brook 281.27 feet to Bedford Street; thence by Bedford Street 190.53 feet to the point of beginning, containing approximately 60,513 square feet. Article 6 . Including, as appurtenant to the said land, a right of 7 (Cont.) way, in common :with others entitled thereto, in and over the portion of the remaining land of the said .helps (between the above described land and the location of the Poston and 1._aine Railroad) , known as Camelia Place, for all purposes for which streets are or may hereafter be commonly used in the said Lexington, and a right of .way in common with others entitled thereto in and over the location of the said Railroad referred to in a deed from- Tewksbury to Snow recorded in Middlesex South Dis- trict Deeds, Book 4308, Page 395 . Reserving to the said' lhelps as appurtenant to that part of her remaining_ land adjoining the said Railroad location and northeast of the said Lot B, a right of way in common with others entitled thereto, to Redford Street over a passageway fifteen feet wide under which a sewer has been laid, known as Camelia Place, for all purposes for which streets are or may hereafter be commonly used in the said Lexington; and for the said purpose the sum of .°;3600.00 is appropriated to be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency account. Carried Unanimously 8:35 P. M. Article •7 Indefinitely Postponed. 8:36 P.M. Article 8. VOTED: That the Town determines that a new Central Fire Station should be located on a portion of the property of Elizabeth C . Phelps on the northeasterly side of Redford Street shown as Lot B on a Plan of Land in Lex- ington, Mass . , May 23, 1944, John T. Cosgrove , Town Engineer; and that upon the acquisition of title to the said land by the Town and the approval of such location by the Board of Appeals under the Zoning By-law, the Moderator shall appoint a Committee of five to obtain Plans , specifications and estimates of cost for the construction of such station and report not later than the next Annual Town Meeting; and for the expenses of such Committee the sum of '43750.00 is appropriated to be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:37 P. F. Article 9. VOTED: That a Committee of five be appointed b: the Moderator to obtain plans, specifications and estimates of cost for the construction of a new Fire Station in East Lexington oh the present site and report not later than the next Annual 'Town Areeting ; and for the expenses of such Committee the sum of 750 .00 is appropriated to be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:38 P. M. Article 10 . Indefinitely Postponed. 8:39 P. iJ. Article 2. V01`. D: That the Town accept a° gift in the amount of 2,000.00 under the will of Ellen A. Stone to be used in aiding needy and deserving young women of Lexington in getting a good school education. Carried Unanimously 8: 40 P. M. Article 4. Indefinitely Postponed. 8: 41 P. 1.1. Article 5 . Presented by H. Tebster Thomas . VOTED: That the Trustees of the Cary Memorial Library are authorized to obtain plans, specifications and estimates for the enlargement of and additions to the present library building located on the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and ,, larke Street, and for that purpose the sum of a>2800 .00 is appropriated to be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. 99 Article 5 . i:xotion made by A. Edward Rowse for Indefinite Post- ( Cont.) ponement. Lost 9 :41 P. Motion as presented by H. 7:ebster Thomas voted upon and Carried Unanimously 9 :42 F. E. All business of the meeting being completed, motion made and seconded meeting be dissolved. 9 :42 P.m. Attest: Tow Oerk� -a�R ANT FOR STILE PRILLEIT ., LL1'1 _ Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss . To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greetin In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby reouired to notify and warn the itihabitants of said town who are qualified to vote in Primaries to meet in Adams School, East Lexir!gton ( Precinct One) and Cary Memorial Hall, Lexington Center, ( Precinct Two, Three and Four) , on TU-ESr TRE ELEeTENT7 7,All OF JUL7, 1944 '9hF� at 8:00 olcloc' !��k A. ., for te ollowing _carposes : m bvotes to the Primary Officers for _ o �rin,� �_n their the 1J o_�_m- ination of Candidates of Political Parties for the following offices Governor for this Commonwealth Lieutenant Governor _ for this Commonwealth Secretary of the Commonwealth for this Commonwealth Treasurer andReceiver-General for this Commonwealth _ ' editor of the Co monwealth for this Commom mealth - ;_ttorney General _ for this Commonwealth - Senator in Congress ( To_ fill vacancy) for this Commonwealth' RepresentativeJin ConTress for 5th Congressional Listrict Coanci llor for 6th Councillor District senator for 7th Middlesex Senatorial District Three Reoresentatives in General Court for 7th Middlesex Represent- ative District Two County Commissioners S or �;'!i do !e sex County Sheriff for Middlesex County N;CA TTCIES County Commissioner for MiddlesexThant/ The polls ,-gill be open at 8:00 _ ® ;i® andwill remain oven until 8:00 PMC. And you are directed to serve this -hharra__lt seven days at least Before the t_- e of said meeting as provided in she Hy- laws of the Town. v Hereof fail not , and make due return of this .: arrant with your do---�1._ thereon, to the Torn Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting,