HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943-03-01-ATE-Results 54 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING March 1, 1943 In pursuance of the foregoing warrant the legal voters of the Town of Lexington met in their respective voting places in said Town on Monday, March the first in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty-three at six o'clock in the forenoon. The following places were designated as the voting places for the various precincts: Precinct One, Adams School; Precinct Two, Three and Four, Cary Memorial Hall. The following election officers having been duly appointed by the Selectmen, and Wardens of the various precincts were assigned for duty as follows: Precinct One Precinct Two Charles J. Dailey Warden Victor H. Harmon Pauline E. Bartlett Inspector Lucius A. Austin George E. Foster Inspector Ruth R. Ray Mary E. Stankard (Clerk Arthur L. Hanson ( Teller) Mary A. Rowland Teller Edward McGrory Mary E. Tracey Teller Elizabeth R. Nourse Annie H. McDonnell Teller Mary D. Oliver George F. Stygles Teller Madeline V. Peterson Ilda J. Field Teller Laurina M. Wilson Edith T. New Teller Florence E. Griesheimer L. Ellsworth Pierce Teller Helen McCaffrey Precinct Three Precihct Four Franklin W. Coleman Warden William EMulliken Peter Robertson Inspector Irene Robinson(Deputy Ins .) Charles Moloy, Jr. Inspector Daniel A. Gorman, Jr. " Emma Zitso ( Teller) Mary J. Ferry (Clerk Ella G. Callahan Teller Helen T. Macguire Gladys MacKay Teller Helen M. Kirk Emma L. Hovey Teller Caroline F. Deloury John J. McCormack Teller Alice M. Ryan Anna L. McCormack Teller Agnes G. Hall Esther P. Graham Teller Constance L. Thompson Rosalie McDonald Teller Catheryne K. Ferry The polls were declared open in each precinct at six o'clock A.M. and remained open until eight o'clock P.M. , after which time after due notice, they were closed. The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties . The ballots were counted by the election officers in each pre- cinct, the tally sheets and total vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk being used. The total registration of voters in each precinct was as follows : Precinct One 1512 One thousand five hundred twelve Precinct Two 1305 One thousand three hundred five Precinct Three 1382 Ont thousand three hundred eighty-two Precinct Four 1509 One thousand five hundred nine Total 5708 Five thousand seven hundred eight The ballots cast were counted, enclosed in envelopes, sealed, signed by the election officers, together with the unused ballots, and delivered to the Town Clerk at his office. The Registrars of Voters and the Town Clerk canvassed the re- sult as follows : Precinct One 104 One hundred four Precinct Two 148 One hundred forty-eight Preecinct Three 164 One hundred sixty-four Precinct Four 120 One hundred twenty Total 536 Five hundred thirty-six 5 TO�d'1'j CLERKe. Pre . 1 Pre . 2 Pre . 3 Pre . 4 Total James J. Carroll 102 139 141 114 496 Blanks 2 9 23 6 40 104 148 164 120 536 James J. Carroll was elected as Town Clerk for one year. SET7,C TI1iAN George C . Sheldon 95 125 147 109 476 Blanks 9 23 17 11 60 104 148 164 120 536 George C . Sheldon was elected as Selectman for three years. TOWN TREASURER James J. Carroll 103 137 143 110 493 Blanks 1 11 21 10 43 104 148 164 120 536 James J. Carroll was elected as Town Treasurer for one year.. COLT C T0R OF TA)S William S. S c airman 101 131 151 117 500 Blanks 3 17 13 3 36 104 148 164 120 536 Tilliam S. Scarrunan Was elected as Collector of Taxes for one year. CEI4ETTERY COMMISSIONER John E. Gilcreast 95 128 139 112 474 Blanks 9 20 25 8 62 104 148 164 120 536 John E. Gilcreast was elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years. SCHOOL C OIvIIITTEE Tracy Uv. Ames 95 131 143 111 480 Blanks 9 17 21 9 56 104 148 164 120 536 Tracy W. Ames was elected to the School Committee for three years . I'wiOC ERA T OR Robert H. Holt 94 127 141 106 468 Blarks 10 21 23 14 68 104 148 164 120 536 Robert F. Holt was elected as Moderator for one year. Planning Board Donald E. Nickerson 91 123 145 105 464 Edwin B. Worthen, Jr. 94 127 146 104 471 Blanks 23 46 37 31 137 208 296 328 240 1072 1 Donald E. Nickerson, and Edwin B. Worthen, Jr. were elected to the Planning Board for three years . PLANNING BOARD Clements H. Ferguson 93 125 147 112 477 Blanks 11 23 17 8 59 104 148 164 120 536 Clements H. Ferguson was elected to the Planning Board for two years . 56 PLANNING BOARD d,-7 Prec . 1 Prec , 2 Frac . 3 Proc . 4 Total --, Richard P. Cromwell 90 126 137 109 462 4-1: Gordon D. Richards 85 121 144 107 457 't ,--, Blanks 33 49 47 24 153 — ___ --- _ 208 296 328 240 1072 Richard P. Cromwell and Gordon D. Richards elected to the Planning Board for one year. CCNSTABTFS Edward C . Maguire 98 133 145 110 486 John C . Russell 101 133 139 106 479 Blanks 9 30 44 24 107 -- 208 296 328 240 1072 Edward C . Maguire and John. C . Russell were elected as Constables for one yar. TOWN MEETING MEMBERS For Three Years Precinct One Precinct Two *Gilbert A, Arnold 86 *Harold C . Ashley 106 *Henry Brask 86 *Charles S. Beaudry 102 *John Milton Brown 80 *Walter G . Black 106 *Ernest Cutter 87 *William B. Chamberlain 115 *Malcolm R. Fuller 87 *William H. Driscoll 113 *Allan G. Galt 81 *Lester F. Ellis 107 *Frederick M. Gay 89 *William Wallace Ferguson 106 *Lincoln C . Grush 91 *John E. Gilcrest 110 *Mary D. Hatch 84 *William M. Hall 104 *Arnold E. Howard 83 *James A. Harding, Jr. 112 *George L. Hynes 92 *Arthur H. EcLearn 105 *Harold S . Liddick 82 *Marjorie Pierce 95 *Eugene L. Morgan 88 *Henry W. Robertson 103 *Harold D. Morgan 85 *Richard E . Rowse 106 -- *Lyle J. Morse 89 *Rupert H. Stevens 106 *Louis J. Reynolds 89 *Matthew Stevenson 100 *Emile J. Vadeboncoeur 91 Alfred P. Tropeano 93 Blanks 298 *Edwin B. Worthen, Jr. 115 Blanks 612 * Town Meeting Members elected for the term of three years . TON METING MEMBERS For one year Precinct One *Rufus L. McQuillan 90 *Carl J. Samsel 82 Blanks 36 *Town Meeting Members elected for the term of one year. TO-,N MEETING MEMBERS For Three Years Precinct Three Precinct Four Wilbur H. Abbott 101 *Carl E. Bryant 79 *Alan G. Adams 126 *Francis W. Copp 73 -- *Ronald D. Brown 135 *Francis B. Culbertson 85 *Albert H. Burnham 141 *Howard E. Custance 95 *George M. Davis 133 *Paul W. Dempsey 90 *Norman C . Hooper 109 *George M. Fuller 92 Henry A. Letoile 84 *Archibald R. Giroux 98 *Janes E. Lewis 125 *Paul Hanson 86 *Richard W. ma-nard 134 *Elmer C . Houdlette 76 *Pauline A. Mayo 112 *Roy Johnsen 83 ,,Charles C . McCormack 105 Ernest MacDermid 57 *Neil McIntosh 125 *George A. Mallion 74 *Clayton Y. Morse 136 *Everett E . Morrill 83 *George B. Sargent 132 *Donald E . Nickerson 79 *Clarence Shannon 121 *Geoffrey L. Pippette 68 *William H. Shurtleff 126 *Gail N, Smith 80 TOWN MEETING YELBERS (C3NT. ) 57 For Three Years Precinct Three Precinct Four *James W. Smith, Jr. 123 *Frederick D. Tells 69 *Carl W. Terhune 123 *Raymond L. White 77 *Ralph H. Tucker 118 Adam S. Wood 67 Blanks 479 Blanks 529 * Town Meeting Members elected for the term of three years . TOWN MEETING MEMBERS For One Year *Bradford Giddings 134 *Joseph G. Kraetzer 136 *Doris G. Sands 129 Blanks 93 * Town Meeting Members elected for the term of one year. A.true record. Attest: 1 \ To . . Clerk- Special meeting of Town Meeting Members of Precinct 4 held in Estabrook Hall, March 15 , 1943, to fill a vacancy for a term of two years ending in March 1945, caused by the death of Willard C . Hill. Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by the Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, who presided. There were twenty-nine ( 29) Town Meeting 1 Members present, Nominations for candidates were made from the floor. Adam S. Wood, 126 Cedar Street, was nominated by Theodore A. Custance which was duly seconded. On voting which was duly seconded, all nominations were closed and by a unanimous vote, Adam S . Wood was duly elected to fill the unexpired term ending in March, 1945. 0 i Tow,' Clerk Special Meeting Members of Precinct 2 held -march 15, 1943 in Estabrook Hall for the purpose of filling two vacancies , one for a term ending in Harch,1945 and one for a term ending in rch, 1944, Meeting called to order at 7 :45 P.M. by the Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, who presided. Nominations were heard from the floor for the term ending March, 1945 as follows : Thacher Jenney of 16 Vine Brook Road, which was duly seconded; Alfred P. Tropeano, 25 Vine Brook Road, which was duly seconded. Ballots were passed for the election by the following; Harold B. Lamont and William E. Chamberlain, who served as tellers . The final result of the vote being Thacher Jenney received fifteen ( 15) votes ; Alfred P. Tropeano received fourteen ( 14) votes, whereby Thacher Jenney was duly elected for the term ending in 1945. On nominations from the floor the name of Alfred P. Tropeano, 25 Vine Brook Road, was nominated and duly seconded for the term ending in March, 1944. By a vote duly seconded further nominations were closed, 'thereby voice vote , Alfred F. Tropeano, 25 Vine Brook Road was unanimously elected to complete the term ending in March, 1944. ,$) • Town 7rk /7-