HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-09-29-STM-min 210 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING September 29, 1947 Moderator, Robert H. Holt , presided. Meeting called to order by the Moderator at 8:05 P. M. There were 170 Town Meeting Members present. Town Clerk, James J. Carroll , read the Warrant for the meeting until further reading was waived by motion of William H. Driscoll. Duly seconded and carried. Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, read the Constable 's Return of the Warrant . 8:06 P. M. Lewis H. Hoyt , Chairman of the Appropriation Committee , presented Report of the Appropriation Committee which was voted to be accepted and placed on file . 8:06 P. M. Charles H. Davis , Chairman of the High School Planning Committee , presented plans and report which were voted to be accepted and placed on file. 8:10 P. M. William H. Paxton, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen , stated Wendell Irwine of Lexington was present and desired to speak to the Members of the Meeting. Suggestion presented by the Moderator which was approved by the Town Meeting Members that Wendell Irwine be allowed to address the meeting. His subject was "Town of Lexington consider the location of a United States Government Military Cemetery to be located in the Town of Lexington." Archibald R. Giroux suggested the Town Meeting Members express their opinion. George P. Morey moved that the subject be placed in the hands of the Planning Board as a committee which was carried unanimously. 8:21 P. M. All articles unless otherwise noted were presented by the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, William C. Paxton. Articles 3 and 4 approved by the Town Meeting members to be combined. Article 3 . VOTED : To establish as a town way or accept the layout of as a town way Rhodes Street from Massachusetts Avenue east- erly to Lockwood Road, a distance of approximately 264 feet , as laid out by the Selectmen under the Betterment Act, and shown on a certain plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated August 20, 1947, and to take by eminent domain or purchase or otherwise acquire any easement or other in- terest in land necessary tnerefor. Carried Unanimously 8:23 P. M. Article 4. VOTED: To establish as a town way or accept the layout of as a town way Winter Street from a point approximately 400 feet northeasterly of Bedford Street thence north- easterly a distance of approximately 2,380 feet as laid out by the Selectmen under the Betterment Act, and shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated August 20, 1947 , and to take by eminent domain or purchase or otherwise acquire any easement or other interestin land necessary therefor. Carried Unanimously 8:24 P. M. 2111 Articles 3-4, inclusive VOTED : To appropriate for the purposes enumerated in Art- icles 3-4 inclusive , the sum of $36,000.00 and to provide for the payment thereof by issuance of bonds or notes of the town, and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of 436,000.00 and issue bonds or notes of the Town to be payable in accordance with the provisions of General Laws , Chapter 44, within a period not exceeding ten years. Carried Unanimously 8:25 P. M. Article 5, VOTED: That the sum of 42,250.00 be appropriated, in addi- tion to money already appropriated, to meet the costof acquiring by taking by eminent domain for school purposes of approximately 1-1/3 acres of land belonging to Warren E. Russell as authorized by vote of the Town on April 1, 1946; and to provide for the payment thereof by a transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:26 P. M. Article 6. a. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are auth- orized to enter into an agreement with Lexington Estates Trust providing for the settlement of damages arising out of the taking by eminent domain for school purposes of approximately 15.57 acres, of land belonging to the Lexington Estates Trust, as authorized by vote of the Town on April 1, 1946 , by payment to said •Lexington Estates Trust of the sum of $32 ,362. 50 in addition to the sum of $3,637.50 already awarded and appropriated as damages for said taking; to convey to said Lexington Estates Trust such right of way as it had prior to said taking from Park Drive and make same passable; to provide said Lexington Estates Trust a Board of Survey street from Waltham Street to the remaining land of said Lexington Estates Trust , and to accept from said Lexington Estates Trust a deed of approximately three acres of land adjoining said land taken by eminent domain for school purposes. In Favor Tellers Opposed 32 Charles E. Ferguson 2 67 Bradford Giddings 11 34 Walter E. Sands 0 133 13 Carried by 2/3 Vote 9:30 P. M. Article 6. b. VOTED: That the sum of 432,362. 50 be appropriated, in addition to money already appropriated, to meet the cost of acquiring by taking by eminent domain for school purposes of approximately 15. 57 acres of land belonging to the Lex- ington Estates Trust as authorized by vote of the Town on April 1, 1946; and to provide for the payment thereof by a transfer of $7 ,362.50 from the Excess and Deficiency Account , and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen , be and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $25,000.00, and issue bonds or notes of the Town to be payable in accord- ance with the provisions of General Laws , Chapter 44, within a period not exceeding twenty years. Carried Unanimously 9:33 P. M. Article 7. VOTED : That the sum of 43 ,000. be appropriated to purchase a billing machine , and to provide for the payment thereof by a transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account . Carried Unanimously 9:34 P. M. Article 8. VOTED: That the Board of Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to appoint a director of Veterans ' Services, under Chapter 599 of the Acts of 1946. Carried Unanimously' 9:35 P. M. 212 Article 9. VOTED: That the sum of 4750.00 be appropriated for per- sonal services of a Director of Veterans ' Services , and to provide for the payment thereof by a transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:36 P. M. Article 10. VOTED: That the sum of 45,000.00 be appropriated a supplementary appropriation to be used in conjunction with money already appropriated for construction of streets established as town ways by vote of the Town on March 31 , 1947 , and to provide for payment thereof by issuance of bonds or notes of the Town , and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is auth- orized to borrow the sum of 45,000.00 and issue bonds or notes of the Town to be payable in accordance with the provisions of General Laws , Chapter 44, within a period not exceeding ten years. Carried Unanimously 9:40 P. M. Article 11. Indefinitely postponed. 9:41 P. M. Article 12. VOTED : That the sum of 42, 500 be appropriated for Aid to Dependent Children - Aid and Expenses, for the balance of the year 1947; and to provide for the payment thereof by a transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:42 P. M. Article 13 . VOTED: That the sum of 44,000 be appropriated for Public Welfare - Aid and Expenses , for the balance of the year 1947; and to provide for the payment thereof by a transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:43 P. M. Article 14. VOTED: Not to accept the bequest of 4500 in trust under the will of Cora I . Hartley. Carried Unanimously 9:44 P. M. Article 15. VOTED: That the Board of Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to dispose of the building on Merriam Street , formerly used as a fire station, by public or private sale , by lease or by demolition , on such terms as the Board of Selectmen shall deem advisable. Carried Unanimously 9:44 P. M. Article 16. VOTED: That the Town determine that a new elementary school building shall be located on the property of William J. Wilson, William E. Porter and John Porter and property of Presented Elizabeth M. Burton and property of Jennie Porte .d prop- by erty of John H. and Eleen C. Peterson , consisting of approx- H. Webster imately 12. 5 acres on Adams Street , Colony Road and Woodland Thomas Road , upon acquisition of title of the said land by the Town and the approval of such location by the Board of Appeals under the Zoning By-law of the Town of Lexhngton, and that the Moderator appoint a committee of five consist- ing of two members of the School Committee and three other citizens to obtain plans, specifications , estimates of cost and incidental expenses for the construction of suhh building and report not later than the next Annual Town Meeting; and to appropriate for the expenses of such commi- ttee the sum of 420,000.00 and to provide for the payment thereof by a transfer from the Excess and Deficiew Account. Carried Unanimously 10:03 P. M. Article 17. Indefinitely postponed. 10:03 P. M. Article 18. Indefinitely postponed. 10:03 P. M. Article 19. Indefinitely postponed. 10:04 P. M. 213 H. Webster Thomas moves Article 20-24 by presented in one group. Carried Unanimously 10:10 P. M. Article 20, VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized on behalf of the Town to purchase or take by eminent domain or other- wise acquire as a site for school purposes 11 acres of land, more or less, from William J. Wilson, William E. Porter and John Porter, situated on Adams Street , and bounded on the northwest by Adams Street , on the north- east by land of said William J. Wilson, William E. Porter and John Porter, on the southeast by land of Elizabeth M. Burton, on the south- west by land of William J. Baskin, William J. Wilson, William E. Porter, John Porter and W. H. Ballard, Trustee . Carried Unanimously 10:13 P. M. Article 21. VOTED : That the Selectmen be and they hereby are auth- orized on behalf of the Town to purchase , take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire as a site for school purposes approximately 0.4 acres of land , more or less, owned by Elizabeth M. Burto6, and bounded on the northwest by land of W. H. Ballard, Trustee , on the northeast by landof said Elizabeth M. Burton, on the southeast by Colony Road, and on the southwest by land of William J. and Frances M. Baskin. Carried Unanimously 10:14 P. M. Article 22. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are author- ized on behalf of the Town to purchase, take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire as a site for school purposes approximately 0.5 acres of land, more or less, owned by William J. Wilson, William E. Porter and John Porte;, and bounded on the northwest by land of WilliaM J. Wilson,_ William E. Porter and John Porter, on the northeast by land of William E. Porter , et al, on the southeast by land of W. H. Ballard, Trustee , and on the southwest by land of Jennie Porter. Carried Unanimously 10:15 P. M. Article 23. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are author- ized on behalf of the Town to purchase , take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire as a site for school purposes approximately 0.3 acres of land , more or less , owned by Jennie Porter, bounded on the northwest by land of said Jennie Porter, on the northeast by land of William J. Wilson , William E. Porter and John Porter, on the suuth- east by land of W. H. Ballard, Trustee , and on the south- west by land of John H. and Eleen C. Peterson. Carried Unanimously 10:15 P. M. Article 24. VOTED : That the Selectmen be and they hereby are author- ized in behqlf of the Town to purchase , take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire as a site for school purposes approximately 0.3 acres of land , more or less , owned by John H. and Eleen C. Peterson, and bounded on the north- west by land of Geoite C. Marvin, on the northeast by land of Jennie Porter, on the southeast by land of Patrick M. and Margaret M. hurley, and on the southwest by Wood- land Road. Carried Unanimously 10:16 P. M. , Articles 20-24, Inclusive. VOTED : To appropriate for acquiring for school purposes the land enumerated in Articles 20-24, inclusive, the Kum of .71)22,000.00, and to provide for the payment thereof by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, and that tlu Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be ad he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $22,000.00 and issue bonds or notes of the Town to be payable in accord- ance with the provisions of Ch. 186, Acts of 1947 , within a period not exceeding twenty years. Carried Unanimously 10:17 P. M. Meeting Dissolved at 10:18 P. M. V • _f 1Z7 To C. erk