HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-04-06-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF APRIL 6, 2011 A meeting of the Lexington Planning Board in Room G-1, Town Office Building was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice Chairman Richard Canale with members Charles Hornig and Michelle Ciccolo and planning staff Maryann McCall-Taylor and Aaron Henry present. Wendy Manz joined the Board during the Town Meeting Session. DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION ************************* ************************* Street Determinations, 29 Fairland Street Mr. Bob Dangel and Ms. Harriet Cohen had submitted a request for a street determination of adequacy and for a waiver of the submittal requirements. The Board felt that the material before them was adequate to be used in making a decision., so no further material is needed. On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted 3-0 to waive the submittal requirements. Fairland Street had been resurfaced in 2005 as part of the determination of adequacy for a proposed teardown at 21 Fairland. John Livsey, Town Engineer, and Aaron Henry, Senior Planner, conducted an on-site inspection of the area on March 31, 2011The pavement installed in 2005 is in very good . condition, except in the area of the joint between Fairland and Eastern. This area has sunk a bit, forming a puddle on the side of the road against what remains of the asphalt curb. Underlying road bed issues, combined with the water problem have resulted in pavement cracking along the joint. There is no drainage in either Fairland or Eastern. The staff did not recommend that any stormwater improvements be included in the street layout, but did suggest the applicants incorporate infiltration into their site plan to mitigate the presumed increase of impervious surface area on the lot. The berm is eaten up in spots by the snow removal equipment and should be replaced. On a motion duly made and seconded, the Planning Board determined that Fairland Street, an unaccepted street, insofar as it provides frontage for 29 Fairland, is: 1. presently not of adequate grade and construction, 2. but that, upon the satisfactory completion of improvements detailed below will be of adequate grade and construction The improvements will include the replacement of the failed section of roadway at the southwest end, any regrading necessary to prevent the ponding that now occurs when it rains, and the replacement of the Page 2 Planning Board Meeting of April 6, 2011 Cape Cod berm along the curve near the intersection. All work will be coordinated with, and done to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer. On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted, 3-0, to waive the condition that all road work be completed prior to the issuance of the building permit, but to require instead that it be completed prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. The Board also voted that the determination was valid for a year and, should the applicant not complete the work within that time, they could return to the Board for an extension of the determination without having to reapply, provided that there were no significant changes to the condition of the existing paving in the intervening time. TOWN MEETING ********************************* *********************************** There was a discussion of the remaining Town Meeting articles. Board members reaffirmed that they would make no recommendation on Article 37 and 38. On the possible reconsideration of Article 4 in order to establish a study committee to review past financial analyses of rezoning proposals, members had a variety of opinions. Mr. Canale supported the possible amendment while other members had concerns about what the purpose and goals of the study committee would be. They did not want to take any action that might seem to violate the Fair Housing Act in regard to protected classes. There was consensus that they would be happy to review the development regulations for consistency in how financial impacts are determined. MINUTES *************************************************************************** On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 3-0, to accept the minutes for March 16 and 23, 2011 as presented. TOWN MEETING ******************************************************************** At 7:20 p.m., on a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to recess to the Town Meeting and adjourn when the session of Town Meeting adjourned. During the Town Meeting session the Board members, caucused and voted, 3-1, to recommend favorable Planning Board Meeting of April 6, 2011 Page 3 action on the amendment to Article 8d, the $450,000 set aside for housing acquisition by LexHAB, that guidelines developed mandated the provision that they follow the Community Preservation Committee in collaboration with LexHAB. The Town Meeting session was adjourned at 11:05 p.m. The meeting was recorded by Lexmedia. The following documents used at the meeting can be found on file with the Planning Department: 1. Application of Bob Dangel and Harriet Cohen for a determination of adequacy for 29 Fairland Street. 2. Draft #4 Zoning Bylaw, dated March 10, 2011 with AH edits Michelle Ciccolo, Clerk