HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-10-30-STM-min 315 SHERIFF Pre.1 Pre .2 Pre .3 Pre .4 Total Patrick J. Brennan 19 6 7 6 38 gilliam Thomas Desmond 7 3 1 4 15 Howard 'V . Fitzpatrick 32 17 23 24 96 Thomas J. Heating 4 7 1 4 16 Clarence E. Lord 7 1 1 3 12 D. Thomas Paoletti 1 2 0 1 4 Paul A. Sullivan 6 3 3 6 18 Blanks 10 3 2 4 �9 86 42 38 52 218 ATTEST: 7 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING HELD OCTOBER 30, 1950 Called to order by the Moderator, Charles E. Ferguson at 8:07 P.M. There were One hundred sixty-five Town Meeting members present . The Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, read the warrant , until motion made and seconded forther reading be waived. So voted. The Town Clerk read the Constable 's return of the warrant. 8:08 P.M. Article 1. Howard A. Patterson presented Appropriation Committee report , which was voted to be accepted and placed on file. 8:08 P.M. All articles presented by George H. Emery , Chairman Board of Selectmen unless otherwise noted. Article 2. VOTED: That the Town hereby accepts with gratitude from Mrs. Albert Ball Tenney a gift of light- ing equipment to illuminate the Lexington Min- ute-Man Statue , and of a fund of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000) to be known as the "Albert Ball Tenney Memorial Fund" and held in trust , the income therefrom to be used to provide nightly illumination of the Statue and that said sum of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000) be paid to the Trustees of Public Trusts and be held and administered by them. Carried Unanimously 8:09 P.M. Article 3 . VOTED: That the Town hereby accepts with gratitude a bequest of $10,000 to the Bridge Charitable Fund that is contained under the will of Fred- erick W. Bridge , late of Winchester, Middlesex Probate Court No. 239177, and provides that the same shall be held by the Trustees of the Bridge Charitable Fund and administered by them as part of and on the same terms as said Fund. Carried Unanimously 8:10 P.M. 316 Article 4. VOTED: That in addition to money already appropriated - the sum of $3 ,000.be appropriated for Old Age Assistance - Aid and Expenses , for the balance of the year 1950, and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:11 P.M. Article 5. VOTED: That in addition to money already appropriated the sum of $3 ,000 be appropriated for Public Welfare - Aid and Expenses , for the balance of the year 1950 , and that said sum be prov- ided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:12 P.M. Article 6. VOTED : That in addition to money already appropriated the sum of $1360 be appropriated for Board of Health - Expenses , for the balance of the year 1950 ; and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:13 P.M. Article 7. VOTED: That in addition to money already appropriated the sum of S800 be appropriated for Veterans' Benefits - Aid and Expenses, for the balance of the year 1950 ; and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:14 P.M. Article 8. VOTED : That this article be indefinitely postponed. Carried Unanimously 8:14 P.M. Article 9. VOTED: That in addition to money already appropriated the sum- of $7,000 be appropriated for Water Services - Wages and Expenses, for the balance of the year 1950 ; and that said sum be provided • by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Ac- count. Carried Unanimously 8:15 P.M. Article 10. VOTED: That this article be indefinitely postponed. Carried Unanimously 8:16 P.M. • Article 11. VOTED : That in addition to money already appropriated the sum of $250 be appropriated for Board of Appeals - Expenses for the balance of the year 1950; and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:17 P.M. Article 12. VOTED: That in addition to money already appropriated the sum of $1150 be appropriated for Elections Department - Jurisdiction of Selectmen , for the balance of the year 1950 ; and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and De- ficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:18 P.M. Article 13 . VOTED: That in addition to money already appropriated the sum of $250 be appropriated for Cary Memorial Library - Personal Services, for the balance of the year 1950 ; and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Howard A. Patterson states Appropriation Committee in favor:of $250.00 Carried Unanimously 8:19 P.M. 317 Article 14. VOTED: That the sum of $16,322.50 be appropriated for the purchase of a one thousand gallon pumper for the. Fire Department and that said sum be raised in the tax levy in 1951. Carried Unanimously $:22 P.M. Article 15. VOTED : That in addition to money already appropriated the sum of $200 be appropriated for Fire De- partment - Expenses , for the balance of the year 1950; and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously $:23 P.M. Article 16. VOTED : To rescind the balance of $50 ,000 of a loan of $125 ,000 authorized under Articles 11 and 12 of the Warrant for the 1949 Annual Town Meeting, and now remaining unused. Carried Unanimously $:24 P.M. Article 17. VOTED : To adopt a civil defense by-law as follows: CIVIL DEFENSE BYLAW OF THE TOWN OF TEXINGTON SECTION 1. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL DEFENSE. There is hereby established a department of civil de- fense (hereinafter called the "department") . It shall be the function of the department to have charge of civil defense as defined in Section 1, Chapter 639, Acts of 1950 and to perform civil defense functions as authorized or directed by said chapter or by any and all executive orders or general regulations promulgated thereunder, and to exercise any authority delegated to it by the governor under said Chapter 639, SECTION 2. DIRECTOR OF CIVIL DEFENSE. The de- partment .shall be under the direction of a dir- ector of civil defense (hereinafter called the "director") who shall be appointed by the board of selectmen. The director shall have direct re- sponsibility for the organization , administration and operation of the department , subject to the direction and control of the board of selectmen , and shall receive such salary , if any, as , subject to appropriation , may be fixed from time to time by the board of selectmen. The director may, within v the limits of the amounts appropriated therefor and with the approval of the board of selectmen , appoint such experts, clerks and other assistants as the work of the department may require and may remove them, and, within the limits aforesaid , may make such expenditures as may be necessary to ex- ecute effectively the purposes of Chapter 639, Acts of 1950. The director shall also have authority , with the approval of the board of selectmen , to appoint district co-ordinators and may accept and receive on behalf of the town, subject to approval of the board of selectmen, services , equipment , supplies , materials or funds by way of gift , grant or loan, for purposes of civil defense, offered by the federal government or any agency or officer thereof or any person, firm or corporation, subject to the terms of the offer and the rules and regulations, if any, of the agency making the offer. The director shall cause appropriate records to be kept of all matters relating to such gifts , grants or loans. 318 rz; SECTION 3, CIVIL DEFENSE ADVISORY COUNCIL. There is here- by estalished a civil defense advisory council thereinafter called the "council") . Said council shall serve without pay and shall consist of the director of civil defense and such other department heads and such other persons as the board of sel- ectmen may deem necessary. Such member of said council as said board of selectmen shall ffom time to time designate shall serve as chairman of said council. Said council shall serve subject to the direction and control of the board of selectmen and shall advise said board and the director on matters pertaining to civil defense. SECTION L . POLICE AID TO OTHER CITIES AND TOWNS IN EVENT OF RIOTS OR OTHER VIOLENCE THEREIN. The police depart- ment is hereby authorized, to go to aid another city or town at the request of said city or town in the suppression -of riots or other forms of violence therein whenever directed so to do by the chief of the pplice department with the approval of the dir- ector. SECTION 5. TERMINATION OF BY-LAW. This by-law shall remain in force only during the effective period of Chapter 639, Acts of 1950 and any act or amendment or con- tinuation thereof or substitution therefor. SECTION 6. DEFINITION. All references to Chapter 639, Acts of 1950 , as now in force , shall be applicable to any act or acts in amendment or continuation of or sub- stitution for said Chapter 639. Carried Unanimously 8:29 P.M. Article 18. VOTED: That the sum of $1,000 be appropriated for Civil Defense Department for the balance of the year 1950; and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and. Defifiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:30 P.M. All Articles acted upon the meeting declared dissolved at 8:30 P.M. ATTEST: / Town Clerk 'ow 71/ ////