HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-06-01-STM-min 3O7 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING June 1 , 1950 Meeting callad to order by the Moderator , Charles E. Ferguson, at 8:05 P. M. There were 142 Town Meeting Members present. Town Clerk, James J. Carroll , read the warrant for the meeting, until motion made and seconded that further reading be waived . Carried Unanimously 8:06 P. M. Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, read the Constables return of the warrant. 8:06 P. M. ART 1. Howard A. Patterson, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee , presented the Appropriation Committee ' s Reloort , which was voted to be accepted and placed on file. 8 :07 P. M. ART. 2. Presented by Selectman, Pradarick M. Ov. VOTED: That in addition to money already appropriated the sum of 41,000. be appropriated for Clerk and Treasurer' s Department -- Expenses, for the balance of the year 1950 , and to provide Thr payment thereof by a transfer of $1,000. from the Excess and Deficiency Account, and to reimburse said account by transfers from the Parking Meter Account as funds therefor are or become available in the Parking Meter Account. Carried Unanimously 8 :11 P. M. ART. 3 Presented by Selectman, Frederick M. Gay. VOTED: That this article be indefinitely postphoned . Carried Unanimously 8 :11 P. M. ART. 4 Presented by Selectman, Frederick M. Gay. VOTED : That the sum of $1800. be appropriated as a supplementary appropriation in addition to the sum of $8, 500. appropriated under Article 29 of the Warrant for the 1950 Annual Town Meeting, the entire amount to be used for the erection of toilet facilities at the Center Playground, and to provide for payment thereof by the transfer of $1800. from the Excess and Deficiency Account, Howard A. Patterson of the Appropriation Committee , states that the Appropriation Cornraittee, recommends the amount be $1, 500. Main motion voted upon as presented for $1,800. and carried Nxxxtmmxmix at 8 :14 P. M. ART. 5. Presented by Selectman, Frederick M. Gay. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized to accept on behalf of the Town a deed conveying to the Town in fee a mertain parcel of land in which the Town now has. a sewer easement , containing about 1,020 square feet and being shown as Lot 3B on a "Plan Showing Subdivision of Lots 1, 2 , 3 and 7 , Massachusetts Avenue Terrace Development and Proposed Drain Easement , Lexington, Mass. , Oct. 4, 1949, William M. Burns, Town Engineer" , a copy of which is on file in the office of the Town Engineer , upon wuch terms and conditions as the Selectmen may determine . Carried Unanimously 8 :15 P. M. ART. 6. Presented by Selectman, Frederick M. Gay. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized to accept on behalf of the Town a grant or grants of land adjoining Oak Street between Massachusetts Avenue and Ellis Street , or of rights therein, for all purposes of a Town way so as to provide a width of forty (40) feet for Oak Street , as shown on • 179 • a plan entitled - "Plan- of Proposed Widening of- Oak- Street,- Lexington, Mass. , April 10, 1950, William M. Burns, Town Engineer" , a copy of which is on file- in the office of the- Town Engineer. Carried Unanimously 8:17 P. M. ART. 7 Presented by Mrs. Ruth Morey, Chairman of School Committee VOTED: That the School Committee be and hereby are authorized to proceed with the construction of an addition to the Parker School in accordance with plans submitted and recommended by them, or as such plans may be changed -by them, and •with the original equipping and furnishing of such addition; and to let contracts therefor, and to appropriate therefor the sum of $105,000. and to provide for payment thereof by a transfer of $5 ,000. from the Excess and Deficiency Account , and the balance of $100,000. , to be raised by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, and that the Treasurer , with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is author- ized to borrow the sum of $100,000. , and to, issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor , to be payable in accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 44, as amended , within a period not exceeding twenty years. Carried Unanimously 8 :32 P. M. ART. 8 Presented by Mrs. Ruth Morey; Chairman of School Committee VOTD: That the School Committee be and hereby are authorized to proceed with remodeling, reconstructing or making extraordinary repairs to the Parker School , Munroe School, Adams School and Junior High School in accord- ance with plans submitted and recommended by them, or as such plans may be changed by them, and to let contracts therefor ; and- to appropriate therefor the sum of $90,000. , and to provide for payment thereof -by the transfer of $35,000. from the Excess and Deficiency Account , and the balance of $55,000. to be raised by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, and ane Treasurer , -with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $55,000. and issue bonds and notes of the Town there- for , to be payable in accordance with provisions of the Acts of 1948, Chapter 275 , within a period not exceeding ten years. Carried Unanimously 8:35 P. M. ART. 9 Presented by Mrs. Ruth Morey, Chairman of School Committee - VOTED: That the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized, on behalf of the Town, to purchase or take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire for school purposes , a certain parcel of land substantially triangular shape situated north of and adjoining the Parker School, said land containing approximately 2,644 square feet and being shown on a plan entitled "Plan of Proposed Additional Land for Parker School, Lexington, Mess. , May, 1950 , William M. Burns, Town Engineer ," a copy of which is on file in the office of the Town Engineer , and to-;appropriate for payment thereof the snm of $100. , said sum to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:39 P. M. ART. 10 P.hesented by Mrs. Ruth Morey, Chairman of School Committee VOTED: To create an Elementary School Sites Committee of seven, consisting of two members of the Board of Selectmen, two members of the Planning Board , two members of the School Committee and one mem- ber of the Appropriation Committee, the members to be designated by the Chairman of tree respec- tive Board or Committee to stud; and make 1309 recommendations not later than the next Annual ToWn Meeting - on the location of two new elementary- school- sites anal- dth authority to obtain options on- such- sites as they- may- recom- mend , - ecom- mend , - and to -appropriate the sum Of- $1l,000- for the: expenses of such Committee- and to provide for payment thereof by a transfer of '81 ,000. from the Elementary School Building Committee Account. Paul J. McCormack presents the following amendment. VOTED: To create an Elementary School Sites Committee of seven, consisting of two members of the Board of Selectmen, two members of the Planning Board , and two members of the School Committee , and one member of the Appropriation Committee , the members to be designated by the Chairman of the respective board or committee , to study and make recommendations not later than the next Annual Town Meeting on the location of two new elementary school sites and with authority to obtain options on such sites as they may recommend , and to make an appropriation for the expenses of such committee and provide for payment therefor by direct appropriation or by a transfer from available funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. Under this Article the Appropriation Committee recommends the adoption of this article and the appropriation of $500.00. such sum to be transferred from the Elementary School Building Committee Account. Amendmentas presented by Paul J. McCormack, voted upon and declared lost by voice vote. 8 :44 P. M. Main question under Article 10 as presented by Firs. Ruth Morey voted upon and carried unanimously. 8:44 P. M. ART. 11 Presented by Mrs. Ruth Morey, Chairman School Committee VOTED: That the Moderator be and hereby is authorized and directed to 'appoint a High School Building Committee of fifteen residents of the Town, at least two of whom shall be members of the School Committee , said Committee to study plans , to consult with experts in trite.G field , to obtain an estimate or estimates of current costs of construction, and to make recommendations not later than the next Annual Town Meeting, and to appropriate the sum of $3 ,000. for the expenses of such Committee , and to provide for payment thereof by a transfer of $3,000. from the Ele- mentary School Building Committee Account , Harold B. Lamont moves that the Article be indefinitely postphoned. Postphonement -voted upon and declared lost. 8:47 P. M. Main motion under Article 11 as presented by Mrs. Ruth Morey voted upon and declared carried. 8 :47 P. M. Frank A. Currier , Jr. aks to have Article 1 reopened. The Moderator asks if any objections. Being no objections , Article 1 declared open at 8:48 P. M. ART. 1 VOTED: That the Moderator be authorized and is hereby directed to appoint a Committee of five consisting of a resident architect , a member of the School Committee a member of the Planning Board and two other residents of the Town to make a study as to the advisability of establishing a policy of using colonial architect.-:re only in the designing of future town buildings and to recommend a method by which the policy if adopted could be carried out. question voted upon by voice vote which was declared un- decided by the'- Moderator whereby a standing vote was taken as follows: In Favor Tellers Opposed 16 A. G. Adams 11 310 ( cont. ) In Favor Tellers Oosed Ott • 44 W. H. Lyon 23 22 W. R. Greeley It 82 45 Carried 8:55 P.M. Meeting dissolved at 8:56 P. M. Attest To - clerk (See Warrant Book - Page STATE PRIMARY Sept ember 19, 1950 The following election officers had been appointed by the Sel- ectmen and were assigned to duty at the Town Precincts as follows : Precinct One Precinct Two Charles J. Dailey Warden Elizabeth R. Nourse George F. Foster Inspector Ralph Dale Mary E. St ank and Inspector Randall Richards Mary A. Rowland Teller Gertrude H. Mara Rose A. McLaughlin Teller Mary S. H. Ellis Annie H. McDonnell Teller Mary G. Oliver Ilda J. Field Tel ler Edward McGrory Helga M. Carl son Tel ler Barbara iii. 0 T Connor Dorothy Elliott Teller Elizabeth Downey Gwendoline Johnson Teller Beatrice F. Morse Bernice F. Melly Teller Precinct Three Precinct Four Charles F. Vaughan Warden Lester Andrews Emma Zit so Inspector Laurina E. Wilson Elizabeth McCormack Clerk Mary J. Ferry Henry P . Meade Inspector Helen M. Kirk Edna D . Anderson Teller Mary A. Spellman Florence M. Bruce Teller Madeline V. Peterson Nancy Buckley Teller Michael McDonough Ella G. Callahan Teller Caro line F. Deloury James T. McGann Teller Aline s G. Hall Gladys T. Watson Teller Ingrid Newhall Rosalie MacDonald Teller Joseph P . Ahern William Sullivan Teller The polls were declared open in each Precinct at eight o ' clock A.M. and remained open until eight o' clock P . M. at whi ch t ire after due notice they were declared closed. The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties . The total number of registered voters in each precinct as follows : Precinct One Nineteen hundred sixteen 1916 Precinct Two Fifteen hundred fifty-five 1555 Precinct Three Seventeen hundred thirty-one 1731 Precinct Four Nineteen hundred fifty-two 1952 Total : Seventy-one hundred fifty-four 7154