HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-09-16-SP-Results 396 (See Warrant Book - Page STATE PRIMARY September 16, 1952 The following election officers had been appointed by the Selectmen and were assigned to duty at the Town Precincts as follows : Precinct One Precinct Two Charles J. Dailey Warden William W. Ferguson Joseph P. Waddleton Inspector Ralph Dale George E. Foster Inspector Randall Richards Mary E. Stankard Clerk Barbara M. O'Connor Mary A. Rowland Teller Mary Oliver Helga M. Carlson Teller Eleanor T. Husted Rose I. McLaughlin Teller Elizabeth Downey - George F. Stygles Teller Russell E. McMakin Ilda J. Field Teller Mary S. H. Ellis Dorothy Elliott Teller Beatrice F. Morse Gwendoline Johnson Teller Louise E. Ahern Annie H. McDonnell Teller Precinct Three Precinct Four Emma Zitso Warden Lester Andrews Ella Callahan Inspector Helen M. Smith Edna Anderson Inspector Helen M. Kir' Milton Hodgdon Clerk Mary J. Ferry Julia Vaughan Teller Michael McDonough Florence M. Bruce Teller Mary A. Hallett Muriel S. Williams Teller Carroll J. Ryan Clarence Delp Teller Caroline F. Deloury Gladys T. Watson Teller Madeline V. Peterson Elizabeth Fardy Teller Eleanor Cosgrove Jean E. Baker Teller Agnes G. Hall Teller Ingrid W. Newhall The polls were declared open in each Precinct at eight o'clock A. M. and remained open until eight O' clock P. M. at which time, after due notice they were declared closed. The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties. The total number of registered voters in each precinct as follows: Precinct One Twenty-three hundred eleven 2311 Precinct Two Eighteen hundred thirty-nine 1$39 Precinct Three Twenty-one hundred ninety-three 2193 Precinct Four Twenty-five hundred eighty-four 25$4 Total: Eighty-nine hundred twenty-seven $927 The ballots were counted by the election officers in -each Precinct , the tally sheets_and total vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk being used. The ballots cast were counted, enclosed in envelopes , sealed, signed by the election officers , together with the unused ballots and delivered to the Town Clerk at his office . The Town Clerk and the members of the Board of Registrars canvassed the results as follows: Precinct One Ballots Cast: Dem . 144 Rep . 704 Total $4$ Precinct Two Ballots Cast : Dem. 65 Rep. 702 Total 767 Precinct Three Ballots Cast : Dem. 62 Rep. 926 Total 988 Precinct Four Ballots Cast: Dem. 75 Rep. 934 Total 1009 Totals : Dem. 346 3266 3612 397 REPUBLICAN PARTY GOVERNOR - Pre .1 Pre .2 Pre.3 Pre .4 Total Christian A. Herter 646 673 888 867 3074 Blanks 58 29 _ 38 67 192 704 702 926 934 3266 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Sumner G. Whittier 648 668 892 865 3073 Blanks 56 34 34 69 193 704 702 926 934 3266 SECRETARY Beatrice Hancock Mullaney 619 643 854 841 2957 Blanks 85 59 72 93 309 704 702 926 934 3266 TREASURER Fred J. Burrell 260 197 230 312 999 Roy Charles Papalia 407 485 670 573 2135 Blanks 37 20 26 49 132 704 702 926 934 3266 AUDITOR David J. Mintz 624 645 858 838 2965 Blanks 8o 57 68 96 301 704 702 926 934 3266 ATTORNEY GENERAL George Fingold 638 658 878 857 3031 Blanks 66 44 48 77 235 704 702 926 934 3266 SENATOR IN CONGRESS Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. 633 664 878 868 3043 Blanks 71 38 48 66 223 704 702 926 934 3266 CONGRESSMAN Edith Nourse Rogers 616 625 835 818 2894 Blanks 88 77 91 116 372 704 702 926 934 3266 COUNCILLOR Warren Atkinson 77 66 102 82 327 Chester P. Davis, Jr. 101 173 176 205 655 A. Fred Elwell 22 16 43 33 4.14 James C. Gahan, Jr. 148 190 218 215 771 William R. Gilman 32 31 72 61 196 John Menasian 5 1 2 2 10 M. Edward Viola 241 148 219 217 825 Blanks 78 77 94 119 368 704 702 926 934 3266 SENATOR George J. Evans 459 466 646 645 2216 Roland V. Blakeney 167 154 203 178 702 Blanks 78 82 77 111 348 704 702 926 934 3266 398 'P.4 C�D REPRESENTATIVES IN GENERAL COURT .,-. Pre .1 Pre .2 Pre .3 Pre .4 Total ;77, <'1� John Brox 276 306 416 337 1335 Charles E. Ferguson 571 543 740 736 2590 Harold S. Dupee 24 31 32 21 10$ Wendell H. Irvine 297 297 350 441 13$5 Joseph Perry 26 1$ 2$ 41 113 Alden M. Rollins 89 93 141 136 459 Blanks 125 116 145 156 542 1408 1404 1852 1868 6532 CT,FRK OF COURTS Charles T. Hughes 390 3$0 514 473 1757 Charles E. Jellison 135 153 207 1$9 6$4 John F. Lombard 105 105 13$ 176 524 Blanks 74 64 67 96 301 704 702 926 934 3266 REGISTER OF DEEDS William B. Bailey 29$ 303 394 38$ 13$3 Arthur L. Harris 149 157 235 1$4 725 Arlyne F. Hassett 63 66 92 90 311 Harold I. Hunt 65 56 76 100 297 Arthur S. Scipione 34. 31 38 51 154 Blanks 95 $9 91 121 396 704 702 926 934 3266 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS William G. Andrew 29$ 2$2 407 397 13$4 H. Herbert Applin 94 140 174 132 540 L. Johnson Callas 23 33 30 35 121 Walter Francis Chapman 54 39 62 60 215 Edward F. Convery 20 14 11 11 56 Albert L. Daigle 9 16 17 1$ 60 S. Hale Harding 59 40 71 66 236 Patrick J. Jennings 4$ 49 55 59 211 John W. Justice 20 15 17 22 74 Thomas P. Lane 2$ 16 1$ 1$ $0 Harold E. Lawson 2$7 2$5 402 43$ 1412 Robert L. MacGregory 19 32 27 27 105 W. Edward Magiera $ 6 6 7 27 Herbert Kenneth Noble 104 109 152 123 4$$ Maurice L. Spaulding 69 63 91 106 329 Ellis Sutcliffe 25 10 37 23 95 D. Paul Wormwood 24 14 14 21 73 Blanks 219 241 261 305 1026 1408 1404 1852 1868 6532 DEMOCRATIC PARTY GOVERNOR Paul A. Dever $6 42 42 4$ 218 Blanks 58 23 20 27 128 144 65 62 75 346 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Charles F. Jeff Sullivan 56 20 26 26 12$ Thomas B. Brennan 22 11 10 $ 51 Edward C. Carroll 12 3 1 3 19 Thomas J. Kurey 3 3 1 3 10 C . Gerald Lucey 22 14 10 13 59 Joseph L. Murphy 13 5 6 10 34 Blanks 16 9 $ 12 45 144 65 62 75 346 - SECRETARY 399 Pre .1 Pre.2 Pre.3 Pre .4 Total Edward J. Cronin 104. 45 41 53 243 Blanks , 1�0 20 21 22 103 144 65 62 75 346 TREASURER William R. Conley 3 3 1 3 10 Cornelius P. Cronin 29 22 13 16 $0 James E. V. Donelan 5 2 0 5 12 Foster Furcolo 61 1$ 31 21 131 John F. Kennedy 22 5 4 9 40 Jeremiah F. Murphy, Jr. 4 4 2 4 14 Alexander Francis Sullivan 5 4 1 3 13 Blanks 15 7 10 14 46 144 65 62 75 346 AUDITOR Thomas J. Buckley 110 45 49 60 264 Blanks 20 15 $2 144 65 62 75 346 ATTORNEY GENERAL Francis E. Kelly 5$ 1$ 1$ 22 116 Robert T. Capeless 29 19 17 26 91 George Leary 27 12 7 11 57 John V. Moran 24 10 10 12 56 Blanks 6 6 10 26 144 65 62 75 346 SENATOR IN CONGRESS John F. Kennedy 126 54 52 6$ 300 Blanks 1$ 11 10 7 46 144 65 62 75 346 CONGRESSMAN Helen M. Fitzgerald Cullen 92 40 42 55 229 Blanks 20 20 117 144 65 62 75 346 COUNCILLOR John F. Casey 42 16 19 22 99 William C. Bateman 12 2 5 10 29 John Fred Buckley 6 1 3 5 15 Edward F. Burke 6 4 5 2 17 Joseph J. Corcoran 21 12 7 $ 4$ Richard G. Cunningham 6 5 3 1 15 Robert E. Donovan 29 15 6 17 67 Blanks 22 10 14 10 56 144 65 62 75 346 SENATOR I Francis J. Irvin 106 42 44 55 247 Blanks _21 _Z2 1$ 20 99 144 65 62 75 346 REPRESENTATIVES IN GENERAL COURT Dan H. Fenn, Jr. 121 54 4$ 63 286 Thomas F. Murphy $6 3$ 30 41 195 207 92 7$ 104 4$1 Blanks $1 46 211 288 130 124 150 692 CLERK OF COURTS - Pre .1 Pre .2 Pre.3 Pre.4Total °, Cd Joseph V. Carroll 19 16 9 14 5$ Edward J. Crane 21 5 4 5 35 John F. Ferrick 9 5 6 6 26 Frederick T. McDermott 19 10 11 11 51 Clement Gregory McDonough 5 1 4 4 14 Edward J. Sullivan 25 12 5 11 53 John F. Sullivan 19 3 9 13 44 Blanks 27 j_.1 14 11 65 144 65 62 75 346 REGISTER OF DEEDS James J. Bagley 10 4 3 6 23 George H. Boyle , Jr. 7 1 3 2 13 William P. Crowley 9 2 4 3 1$ James F. Fitzgerald 7$ 31 1$ 25 152 Thomas A. Hagerty 6 3 2 4. 15 Clarence E. Lord 7 0 0 4 11 Paul V. Shaughnessy 14 13 19 19 65 Blanks 11 11 11 12 19 144 65 62 75 346 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS James A. Cullen 46 23 1$ 27 114 Patrick J. Brennan 25 7 5 11 4$ Henry F. Buckley 7 5 3 4 19 James H. Burns 10 1 1 2 14 Theodore Campo 2 1 4 3 10 James M. Cook 5 3 2 5 15 Benjamin Watkins Corey 4 6 3 4 17 Edward J. Coughlin 5 2 0 1 $ Charles Cullinane $ 1 1 2 12 James W. Donahue 31 9 4 10 54 Emile A. Dumas 3 3 1 0 7 Vincent A. Errichetti 2 1 2 4 9 Eugene X. Giroux 22 13 11 13 59 Gordon F. Hughes 6 1 3 2 12 Andrew V. Kelleher 13 6 5 5 29 Francis R. King 1 0 0 0 1 John L. Mallett 2 2 0 2 6 Gertrude S. McManus $ 7 6 7 2$ John F. Mullin 2 4 2 0 $ Charles Joseph Murphy $ 3 4 2 17 William H. Murphy 4 2 1 1 $ Francis H. Murray, Jr. 14 7 10 12 43 Andrew J. Rogers 2 0 0 3 5 Edward H. Sullivan 7 1 2 3 13 Blanks _21 22 _6 _21 1.36, 28'8 130 124 150 692 QUESTION - RENT CONTROL Yes 459 388 432 498 1777 No 341 347 500 445 1633 Blanks 69 206 852 770 982 1012 3616 Attest: C----Dei.,741/..14 . _•.-_-, , . // Town leiirk i /i