HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-03-03-ATE-Results 359 WARRANT FOR ANNUAL TOWN MEETING - March 3 , 1952 (See Warrant Book - Page ANNUAL TOWN MEETING March 3 , 1952 In pursuance of the foregoing warrant the legal voters of the Town of Lexington met in their respective voting places in said Town of Lexington, Monday , March the third in the year of our Lord nine- teen hundred and fifty-two at seven-thirty o'clock in the forenoon. The following places were designated as the voting places for the various precincts : Precinct One , Adams School; Precinct Two , Three and Four, Cary Memorial Hall. The following election officers having been duly appointed by the Selectmen, and Wardens of the various precincts were assigned for duty as follows: Precinct One Precinct Two Charles J. Dailey Warden John H. Dacey Joseph P. Waddleton Inspector Ralph. I. Dale George E. Foster Inspector Randall Richards Mary E. Stankard Clerk F. Louis Carroll Mary A. Rowland Teller Mary S. H. Ellis Rose A. McLaughlin Teller Edward McGrory George F. Stygles Teller Barbara M. O'Connor Ilda J. Field Teller Eleanor T. Rusted Helga M. Carlson Teller Elizabeth Downey Gwendoline Johnson Teller Beatrice F. Morse Annie J. McDonnell Teller Mary Pierce Alice G. Marshall Teller Mary E. Gowan Precinct Three Precinct Four Henry P. Meade Warden Lester L. Andrews Emma Zitso Inspector Laurina M. Wilson Edna D. Anderson Inspector Helen M. Kirk Elizabeth A. McCormack Clerk Mary J. Ferry Florence M. Bruce Teller Mary A. Spellman Agnes Buckley Teller Michael McDonough Gladys T. Watson Teller Caroline F. Deloury Rosalie MacDonald Teller Madeline V. Peterson Elizabeth B. Fardy Teller Eleanor Cosgrove Doris L. Moakley Teller Agnes G. Hall Mary R. McDonough Teller Mary A. Hallett Teller Ingrid W. Newhall The polls were declared open in each precinct at seven-thirty o'clock A. M. and remained open until eight o'clock P. M. , after which time , after due notice , they were closed. The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties. The ballots were counted by the election officers in each precinct, the tally sheets and total vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk being used. The total registration of voters in each precinct was as follows: Precinct One 2014 Two thousand fourteen Precinct Two 1644 One thousand six hundred forty-four Precinct Three 1946 One thousand nine hundred forty-six Precinct Four 2264 Two thousand two hundred sixty-four Total 7$6$ Seven thousand eight hundred sixty-eight The ballots cast were counted, enclosed in envelopes , sealed, signed by the election officers , together with the unused ballots, and delivered to the Town Clerk at his office. 360 hffi_ The Registrars of Voters and the Town Clerk canvassed the ' result as follows: Precinct One 926 Nine hundred twenty-six Precinct Two 718 Seven hundred eighteen Precinct Three 897 Eight hundred ninety-seven Precinct Four 933 Nine hundred thirty-three Total 3474 Three thousand four hundred seventy-four Pre.1 Pre .2 Pre .3 Pre .4 Total TOWN CLERK James J. Carroll 803 659 813 830 3105 Kenneth J. Packhard 1 0 0 0 1 Blanks 122 59 84 103 368 926 718 897 933 3474 James J. Carroll was elected Town Clerk for one year. SELECTMEN Winfield S. Caouette 167 190 226 235 818 Lincoln P. Cole , Jr. 108 142 115 233 598 Haskell W. Reed 612 371 530 431 1944 Blanks 39 15 26 34 114 72b 717 777 933 3474 Haskell W. Reed was elected Selectman for three years. TOWN TREASURER James J. Carroll 814 661 825 826 3126 Kenneth J. Packhard 1 0 0 0 1 Blanks 111 57 72 107 347 926 718 897 933 3474 James J. Carroll was elected Town Treasurer for one year. COLLECTOR OF TAXES G. Mildred Thompson 795 634 $04 815 3048 Blanks 131 84 93 118 426 926 718 897 933 3474 G. Mildred Thompson was elected Collector of Taxes for one year. CEMETERY COMMISSIONER Gail W. Smith 769 635 806 813 3023 Blanks 157 83 91 120 451 926 718 897 933 3474 Gail W. Smith was elected Cemetery Commissioner for three years. SCHOOL COMMITTEE --__ Joseph D. Brucchi 368 227 260 361 1216 Myron C. Fisher 598 516 631 572 2317 Charles H. Norris 576 530 688 653 24+7 Clifton M. Emery 0 1 0 0 1 Earl A. Jones 0 0 1 0 1 Blanks 310 162 214 280 966 1852 1436 1794 1866 6948 Myron C. Fisher and Charles H. Norris were elected to the School Committee for three years. 361 Pre.l Pr-e.2 Pre.3 Pre.4 Total MODERATOR Charles E. Ferguson 770 643 $03 $12 302$ Blanks 156 75 94 121 446 926 718 897 933 3474 Charles E. Ferguson was elected Moderator for one year. PLANNING BOARD Donald D. Hathaway 739 627 776 7$2 2924 Blanks 187 91 121 151 550 926 718 897 933 3474 Donald D. Hathaway was elected to the Planning Board for five years. TRUSTEE OF PUBLIC TRUSTS Howard S. 0. Nichols 737 621 787 794 2939 Blanks 189 97 110 139 535 926 718 897 933 3474 Howard S. 0. Nichols was elected Trustee of Public Trusts for six years. CONSTABLES Joseph A. Belcastro 194 142 151 1$4 671 William G. Dooley 322 167 204 207 900 James F. Mowat 495 434 60$ 597 2134 William E. Russell 542 527 617 644 2330 Blanks 299 166 214 234 913 1852 1436 1794 1866 6948 James F. Mowat and William E. Russell were elected Constables for one year. TOWN MEETING MEMBERS FOR THREE YEARS PRECINCT ONE *Gilbert A. Arnold 403 *James Paul McCarthy 403 *Henry Brask 450 Vincent A. McCrossen 203 Alfred S. Busa 330 James F. McNulty 249 Daniel P. Busa 276 *Elizabeth Moakley 374 *Donald T. Clark 457 *Thomas C. Morris 3$1 Edward A. Copithorne 322 *Haskell W. Reed 654 *Frank A. Currier, Jr. 396 Harold E. Roeder 2$4 *Ernest Cutter 532 Alexis R. Shea 290 Frank S. Dickerson, Jr. 296 George C. Sheldon 322 *Myron C. Fisher 4$5 Leslie J. Simon 312 Eileen M. Gamester 240 Herbert F. Stewart 330 Daniel J. Griffin 274 Thomas Sullivan 315 John F. Groden 245 Barney Tocio 247 *Lloyd C. Harding 411 *Donald K. Tucker 362 *Arnold E. Howard 391 *Emile J. Vadeboncoeur 34$ *Lewis L. Hoyt 451 John J. Yosgandes 261 *John Lamont 417 Blanks 3725 William F. Mason 306 *Town Meeting Members elected for term of three years. 362 >7 P".,11TOWN MEETING MEMBERS FOR THREE YEARS P".,11'c �" PRECINCT TWO ':%i *Walter S. Baird 453 *Robert C. Holmes 401 *Marcia W. A. Dane 477 *Robert H. Holt 512 *John F. Downey 414 *Selden M. Loring 463 Donald P. Faulk 353 *John F. Manley 407 Haynes H. Fellows Jr. 355 *Donald T. Pring 442 *William Wallace Ferguson 492 *Leslie C. Read 389 *Martin A. Gilman 455 *Henry W. Robertson 430 *Bertram P. Gustin 468 *Charles E. Scribner 475 *William M. Hall 468 James J. Walsh, Jr. 270 *Harold T. Handley 531 Albert W. Hruby 1 Elizabeth J. Hannah 379 Blanks 3131 *James A. Harding, Jr. 440 *Town Meeting Members elected for term of three years. TOWN MEETING MEMBERS FOR ONE YEAR PRECINCT TWO *Horace K. MacKechnie 379 Frederick A. Schloman 238 Blanks 101 *Town Meeting Member elected for term of one year. TOWN MEETING MEMBERS FOR THREE YEARS PRECINCT THREE *Alan G. Adams 734 Mildred B. Marek 434 *Ronald D. Brown 645 *Richard W. Maynard 667 *Edward B. Cass 650 *Charles A. McCormack 490 *George B. Colesworthy,Jr.614 *Ruth Morey 582 *Gardner C. Ferguson 646 *Clayton M. Morse 662 *Donald M. Fifield 617 Robert T. Sanford Jr. 402 *Frederic B. Fletcher 508 *Clarence Shannon 553 *Bradford Giddings 479 *Dexter A. Smith 557 *Milton F. Hodgdon 527 *Ralph H. Tucker 656 *Raymond W. James 587 Robert L. Ryder 4 Edward B. Krevis 263 Peter Helburn 1 Edward A. Larner, Jr. 467 Blanks 3504 *Town Meeting Members elected for term of three years. TOWN MEETING MEMBERS FOR TWO YEARS PRECINCT THREE Marie T. Foskett 213 Philip Godley, 2nd 261 *James M. West 282 Blanks 141 *Town Meeting Member elected for term of two years. TOWN MEETING MEMBERS FOR THREE YEARS PRE CIN CT FOUR Joseph D. Brucchi 435 *Paul Hanson 597 *Carl E. Bryant 558 *Elmer C. Houdlette 484 1 1 *Edith B. Cheever 444 *Roy Johnsen 527 *Adrian W. Cleveland 537 *Thomas H. Moon 566 *Francis W. Copp 524 *Donald E. Nickerson,Jr. 562 Robert M. Coquillette 276 *C. Raymond Reed 4$0 *Francis B. Culbertson 546 Arthur W. Roberts 30$ *Howard E. Custance 622 *Gail W. Smith 632 *Chesley M. Dunlap 481 Rupert H. Stevens 424 Charles G. Esterberg, Jr. 306 306 *Ingeborg N. Swenson 559 Dan H. Fenn , Jr. 362 *Frederick D. Wells 57$ *George M. Fuller 569 Thomas J. McElligott 1 Elizabeth K. Govan 33$ Blanks 4145 *Town Meeting Members elected for term of three years. 363 QUESTION "Shall the Town of Lexington withdraw from the School Superin- tendency- Union uperin- tendencyUnion Comprising said. Town and the Town of Bedford?" Pre.l Pre.2 Pre.3 Pre.4 Total Yes 630 566 704 663 2563 No 119 86 109 119 433 Blanks 177 66 $4 151 47$ 926 718 897 933 3474 A true record. Attest : /// Toy4/. le rk March 4, 1952 To Whom It May Concern: As of this fourth day of March , 1952 I do hereby appoint Mary R. McDonough as Assistant Town Clerk and Assistant Town Treasurer, Town of Lexington. TownClerk Tova4re surer 364 March 17 , 1952 `' SPECIAL ELECTION OF TOWN MEETING MEMBERS * PRECINCT ONE Meeting called to order by James J. Carroll, Town Clerk at 7:30 P. M. Ernest Cutter was elected as Chairman of the meeting. Marjorie K. Blaisdell was elected Clerk for the meeting. Vernon C. Page and John A. Wilson were appointed as tellers. Nominations were made from the floor for the election of one Town Meeting Member for a term of three years as follows: Herbert F. Stewart and Alfred S. Busa. By written ballot Herbert F. Stewart received 24 votes and Alfred S . Busa received 11 votes. Therefore Herbert F. Stewart was duly elected as a Town Meeting Member for a period of three years. Nominations were made from the floor for the election of one Town Meeting Member for a term of one year as follows: Alfred S. Busa, Harold E. Roeder and Frank S. Dickerson, Jr. By written ballot Alfred S. Busa received 19 votes; Frank S. Dickerson, Jr. received 9 votes; Harold E. Roeder received 7 votes. Alfred S. Busa was duly elected as a Town Meeting Member for a term of one year. Nominations were made from the floor for the election of one Town Meeting Member for a term of one year as follows: John F. Groden , George C. Sheldon, Edward A. Copithorne , Frank S. Dickerson, Jr. and Harold E. Roeder. By written ballot George C. Sheldon received 11 votes; Frank S. Dickerson, Jr. received 9 votes; John F. Groden received 6 votes; Harold E. Roeder received 6 votes; Edward A. Copithorne received 5 votes. George C. Sheldon was duly elected as a Town Meeting Member for a term of one year. (Signed) Marjorie K. Blaisdell March 17, 1952 SPECIAL FT,ECTION OF TOWN MEETING MEMBERS - PRECINCT THREE Meeting called to order by James J. Carroll, Town Clerk , at 7:55 P. M. Gardner C. Ferguson was elected Chairman of the meeting . Alan G. Adams was elected Clerk for the meeting. Milton F. Hodgdon and Donald M. Fifield were appointed as tellers. Nominations were made from the floor for the election of two Town Meeting Members for a term of one year as follows : Philip Godley 2nd, Edward A. Lamer , Jr. and Mildred B. Marek. By written ballot Philip Godley 2nd received 22 votes; Edward A. Lamer received 20 votes; Mildred B. Marek received 14 votes. Philip Godley 2nd and Edward A. Lamer , Jr. were duly elected as Town Meet ing Members for a term of one year. (Signed) Alan G. Adams 365 March 17 , 1952 James J. Carroll Town Clerk Lexington 73 , Mass. Dear Sir : I do hereby accept my election as a Town Meeting Member in Precinct One for a term of three years, ending March , 1955. (Signed) Herbert F. Stewart March 17 , 1952 James J. Carroll Town Clerk Lexington 73 , Mass . Dear Sir : I do hereby accept my election as a Town Meeting Member in Precinct One for a term of one year , ending March , 1953. (Signed) George C. Sheldon March 17 , 1952 James J. Carroll Town Clerk Lexington 73 , Mass. Dear Sir : I do hereby accept my election as a Town Meeting Member in Precinct One for a term of one year, ending March , 1953. (Signe d) Alfred S. Busa March 17 , 1952 James J. Carroll Town Clerk Lexington 73 , Mass. Dear Sir : I do hereby accept my election as a Town Meeting Member in Precinct Three for a term of one year, ending- March , 1953 . (Signed) Philip Godley , 2nd March 17 , 1952 James J. Carroll Town Clerk Lexington 73 , Mass . Dear Sir : I do hereby accept my election as a Town Meeting iviember' in Precinct Three for a term- of one year, ending March , 1953. (Signed) Edward A. Lamer , Jr.