HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-12-28-STE-Referendum-Results 4V2 (See Warrant 'Book m Page REFERENDUM ADOPTING THE MEASURE UNDER ARTICLE 4 OF THE WARRANT FOR THE SPECIAL TOWN MEETING HELD ON NOVEMBER 30, 1953 In pursuance of the foregoing warrant the legal voters of the Town of Lexington met in their respective voting places in said Town of Lexington, Monday, December twenty-eighth in :the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty-three at seven-thirty o'clock in the fore- noon. The following places were , desig ated as the voting places for the various precincts : Precinct One, Adams School; Precinct Two, Three and Four, Cary Memorial Hall. The following election officers having been duly appointed by the Selectmen, and Wardens of the various precincts were assigned for duty as follows : PRECINCT ONE PRECINCT TWO Charles J. Dailey Warden William W. Ferguson George E. Foster Inspector Eleanor T. Husted Joseph P. Waddleton Inspector Barbara O'Connor Helga M. Carlson Clerk Louise E. Ahern Annie H. McDonnell Teller Beatrice F. Morse Mary A. Rowland Teller Mary Pierce Ilda J. Field Teller Edward. McGrory George F. Stygles Teller Elizabeth Downey PRECINCT THREE PRECINCT FOUR Emma Zitso Warden Lester Andrews Clarence E. Delp Inspector Helen M. Kirk Florence Bruce Inspector Michael J. McDonough Edna Anderson Clerk Mary J. Ferry Julia Vaughan Teller Agnes G. Hall Dorothy A. Parks Teller Helen M. Smith Gladys T. Watson Teller Caroline F. Deloury Jean E. Baker Teller Eleanor Cosgrove The polls were declared open in each precinct at seven-thirty o'clock A. M. and remained open until eight o'clock P. N. , after which time, after due notice, they were closed. The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties. .The ballots were counted by the election officers in each precinct; the tally sheets and total vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk being used. The total registration of voters in each precinct was as follows : Precinct One Two thousand three hundred thirty-two 2,332 Precinct Two One thousand eight hundred sixty-one 1,861 Precinct Three Two thousand two hundred forty-five 2,245 Precinct Four Two thousand seven hundred twenty-one 2,721 Total Nine thousand one hundred fifty-nine 9,159 The ballots cast were counted, enclosed in envelopes, sealed, signed by the election officers, together with the unused ballots, _ and delivered to the Town Clerk at his office. The Registrars of Voters and the Town Clerk canvassed the result as follows: Precinct One Nine hundred thirty-seven 937 Precinct Two Eight hundred fifty-eight 858 Precinct Three One thousand one hundred eighty-four 1,184 Precinct Four One thousand one hundred twelve 1,112 Total Four thousand flinty-one 4,091 4a1..,3 ,,., 1 To vote YES or NO by ballot upon the following question presented to the voters at large by the Selectmen, pursuant to a petition for a referendum upon a vote adopting the measure under Article , of the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting held on November 30, 1953: VOTED: To amend the Zoning By-Law as follows: A. By striking out paragraphs (a) 1 and (a) 2 of Section to Woburn Street at the Boston and Maine Rail- 8 and inserting in place thereof the following paragraphs road, thence along the Boston and Maine Rail- (a) 1 and (a) 2: road to the northwesterly line of the private way (a) R 1 and R 2 Districts, leading to the East Lexington Depot, thence in a straight line to the southwesterly end of Bart- 1. Except as hereinafter provided, in R 1 and R 2 lett Avenue at Munroe Brook,thence along Bart- districts there shall be provided: lett Avenue to Lowell Street,thence along Low- a. For each dwelling or other permitted principal ell Street to Summer Street, thence along Sum- building erected after the adoption of this a- mer'Street to the Arlington-Lexington town line, mendrnent to this By-Law in R 1 districts situ- thence along the Arlington-Lexington town line • ated outside of the area described in Section 8 to the point of beginning. (a) 1 b., a lot containing an area of not less c. For each dwelling or other permitted principal than 30,000 square feet and a frontage of not building and for each accessory building in R 1 less than 150 feet upon the frontage street. and R 2 districts there shall be provided: b. For each dwelling or other permitted principal (1) A front yard of not less than 30 feet in depth building erected in any R 2 districts and in R 1 on the frontage street and a front yard of not districts situated within the following described less than 20 feet in depth on each other street area, a lot containing an area of not less than on which the lot abuts. 15,500 square feet and a frontage of not less (2) A side yard on each side of not less than 15 than 125 feet upon the frontage street. Said feet in width. area is bounded and described as follows: the (3) A rear yard of not less than 15 feet in depth. area within the following described lines: be- 2. The foregoing provisions in Section 8 (a) 1. as to ginning at the Arlington-Lexington town line, area, frontage and side yards only shall not apply thence along the Cambridge-Concord Highway to the following: to Wellington Lane Avenue, thence along Well- a. Any lot lawfully laid out and recorded by plan ington Lane Avenue to Meadow Brook Avenue, or deed prior to March 17, 192& thence along Meadow Brook Avenue to More- b. Any lot lawfully laid out and recorded by plan land Avenue, thence along Moreland Avenue to or deed on or after March 17, 1924 and prior to a point opposite the southeasterly end of Buck- March 18, 1929, provided such lot contains an man Drive, thence to the southeasterly end of area of not less than 5,000 square feet and a Buckman Drive and along Buckman Drive to frontage upon the frontage street of not less Locust Avenue, thence along Locust Avenue to than 50 feet. Follen Road, thence along Follen Road to Mar- c. Any lot lawfully laid out and recorded by plan rett Road, thence along Marrett Road to Sted- or deed on or after March 18, 1929 and prior to man Road,thence along Stedman Road to Brook- August 8, 1938, provided such lot contains an side Avenue, thence along Brookside Avenue to area of not less than 7,500 square feet and a Waltham Street, thence along Waltham Street frontage upon the frontage street of not less to Bridge Street, thence along Bridge Street to than 75 feet. Payson Street, thence along Payson Street to d. Any lot lawfully laid out and recorded by plan Grassland Street, thence along Grassland Street or deed on or after August 8, 1938 and prior to to Winston Road, thence along Winston Road to December 4, 1950,provided such lot contains an Hudson Road, thence along Hudson Road to area of not less than 12,500 square feet and a Marlboro Road, thence along Marlboro Road to frontage upon the frontage street of not less Woodcliffe Road, thence along Woodcliffe Road than 100 feet. to Spring Street, thence along Spring Street to e. Any lot situated outside the area described in Shade Street, thence along Shade Street to Section 8 (a) 1 b.,lawfully laid out and recorded Weston Street, thence along Weston Street to by plan or deed on or after December 4, 1950 Lincoln Street, thence along Lincoln Street to and prior to the adoption of this amendment to the Northern Circumferential Highway to Grove this By-Law, provided such lot contains an area Street, thence along Grove Street to Burlington of not less than 15,500 square feet and a front- Street, thence along Burlington Street to Han- age upon the frontage street of not less than cock Street, thence along Hancock Street to 125 feet. .,... Coolidge Avenue, thence along Coolidge Avenue B. If this amendment or any part hereof shall be held in- to Adams Street, thence along Adams Street valid as to one or more parcels or tracts of land, this to Woodland Road, thence along Woodland shall not affect its validity as to other land and the pro- Road to Colony Road, thence along Colony visions of the Zoning By-Law in effect immediately prior Road to Grant Street, thence along Grant to the adoption of this amendment shall pply to such Street to Hayes Lane,thence-along Hayes Lane parcels or tracts-Of land. r . I YEs I 1(0 I Q,UE S TI ON Pre,). Pre.2 Bre®3 Pre.4 Total YES 622 701 931 868 3122 NO 314 157 251 244 966 BLANKS 1 0 2 0 3 937 858 1184 1112 4091 The result being a two-thirds vote in favor, the Referendum was carried® I , , i TOVI/1 /...i.0 Ile • / ' / (