HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-03-16-to 1953-03-23-ATM-min (See warrant Book - rage 417 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING HELD MARCH 16, 1953 Meeting called to order by the Moderator, Charles E. Ferguson. 8 :09 P. M. There were 194 Town Meeting Members present. Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, read the warrant for the meeting until further reading was waived upon a motion made. 8:09 P. M. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, read the Constable' s Return. 8 :09 P. M.All articles presented by Donald E. Nickerson unless otherwise noted. - Article 2. Raymond W. James, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, presented report of the Appropriation Committee which was voted to be accepted and placed on file. 8 :10 P. N. Robert W. hunter, Chairman of the Elementary School Facilities Committee, presented the report of the committee which was voted to be accepted and placed on 8 :11 P. M. Martin A. Gilman, Chairman of the Youth Study Commission, presented report as report of progress which was voted to be accepted, placed on file and the committee continued. 8:15 P. M. Lewis L. Hoyt, Chairman of the Town Office Building Comm- ittee, presented committee report which was voted to be accepted, placed on file and the committee discharged. 8 :16 P. li. Donald K. Irwin presented report of the Building and Plumbing By-laws Study Committee as a report of progress which was voted to be accepted, placed on file and that the Committee be continued and be enlarged by the appoint- ment of two additional members by the Moderator. 8 :18 P.M. Wilbur M. Jaquith, Chairman, presented report of the Capital Expenditures Committee which was voted to be accepted, placed on file and the committee discharged. 8 :19 P. M. Walter E. Sands presents the following vote: Voted that a committee of five Town Meeting members be appointed by the Moderator, Chairman of the Appropriations Committee and Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, to prepare and present to the Town Meeting members at the next annual town meeting a Town Manager plan for Lexington. Carried Unanimously 8 :20 P. M. Wilbur M. Jaquith presents the following vote: Moved: `lomat the kloderator be and hereby is authorized and directed to appoint a committee of five registered voters of the Town, to be known as the Capital Expenditures Committee, to make a thorough study of the capital expend- iture projects that may be required by the Town within the five year period of 1954 to 1958 inclusive and to file a report at the next annual. Town Meeting setting forth al such projects together with ‘the Committee's recommendations as to the projects that should be undertaken within the five year period and the year in which each recommended project should be started. 418 Amendment offered by Donald E. Williamson as follows : °distribute .copies of a report on said study to all Town Meeting 7D Members preferrably not less than fourteen (14) days before the next annual Town Meeting" . Amendment as presented carried at 8 :28 P. M. Vote as presented by Wilbur M. Jaquith as amended, voted upon and declared carried at 8:28 P. M. Alfred P. Tropeano asks for reconsideration of the vote offered by Wilbur M. Jaquith. Reconsideration granted 8 :29 P. M. Donald E. Williamson offers further amendment as follows : '"and to distribute copies of a report on said study to all Town Meeting Members preferrably not less than fourteen (14) days before the next annual Town Meeting" Amendment as offered, voted upon and carried at. 8:34 P. M. Original motion of Wilbur M. Jaquith carried 8:34 P. M. Article 2. VOTED: That a Committee of three be appointed by the Moderator to have charge of the lectures under the wills of Eliza Cary Farnham and Susanna E. Cary for the current year. Carried Unanimously 8 :34 P. M. VOTED: That the Moderator be and hereby is authorized and directed to appoint a committee of five residents, to be known as the Refuse and Garbage Disposal Study Comm- ittee, to make .a study of the problem of refuse and gar- bage disposal in the Town and to consider whether or not it is desirable for the Town to co-operate with one or more other municipalities, through the Metropolitan District Commission or otherwise, in an incinerator or other project for refuse and garbage disposal and to file a report with their recommendations at a subsequent town meeting. Carried Unanimously 8 :35. P. M. Article 3. VOTED: That the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is authorized to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1954, and to issue a note or notes therefor payable within one year and to renew any note or notes that may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17 of Chapter 44 of the General Laws. Carried Unanimously 8:36 P. M. Article 4. VOTED: That the following amounts be appropriated for the current year and be raised in the current tax levy except that where a transfer is indicated they shall be provided Read by by such a transfer: Moderator, Charles Appropriation Committee E. Ferguson Personal Services $ 300.00 Expenses 1,250.00 Carried Unanimously 8:37 P. M. Selectmen's Department Personal Services 7,971.07 Expenses 2,611,00 Carried Unanimously 8:37 P. M. Accounting. Department Personal Services 9,374.28 Expenses 500.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :38 P. M. 419 Article 4. Town Clerk & Town Treasurer' s Dep't. (Cont. ) Personal Services $6,664.43 Expenses 1,195.00 Carried Unanimously 8:39 P. M. Collector's Department Personal Services 60064.06 Expenses 3,577.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :39 P. M. Assessors' Department Personal Services 12,931.43 Expenses 1,700.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :40 P. M. Law Department Personal Services 4,000.00 Special Fees 5,000.00 Expenses 1,500.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :40 P. M. Elections Dep't. - Jurisdiction Selectmen Expenses 2,012.60 Carried Unanimously 8:40 P. M. Elections Dep't. - Jurisdiction Town Clerk Expenses 475.00 Carried Unanimously 8:40 P. M. Registrations Department Personal Services 1,038.00 Expenses 500.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :40 P. M. Public Works Supt's. Office Personal Services 24,226.41 Expenses 480.00 Carried Unanimously 8:41 P. M. Town Offices & Cary Memorial Building Personal services 9,748.62 Expenses 18,000.00 Carried Unanimously 8:41 P. M. Question by Vernon C. Page of the amount of Personal Services, offering the following motion: "That Personal services be made to read 0,839.88." 8:46 P. M. Amendment voted on and delcared lat by voice vote. 8:47 P. M. Engineerim_a2artment Personal Services 170015.66 Expenses 1,230.00 Carried Unanimously 8:47 P. M. 6N,73 420 Article 4. Board of Appeals P j (Cont. ) Expenses 4 932.00 17) Carried Unanimously 8:48 P. M. Planning Board Expenses 1,500.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :48 P. M. Police Department Personal Services 99,183.90 Expenses 8,900.00 Carried Unanimously 8:48 P. M. Parking Meter Maintenance - Jurisdiction Police Expenses 250.00 (This amount to be transferred from the Parking Meter Account. ) Carried Unanimously 8:49 P. M. Parking Meter Jurisdctjo Town Clerk Expenses 125.00 (This amount to be transferred from the Parking Meter Account. ) Carried Unanimously 8 :49 P. M. Fire Department Personal Services 125,650.37 Expenses 20,500.00 Carried Unanimously 8:49 P. M. Building & Plumbing Department, Personal Services 5,826.23 Expenses 1,675.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :49 P. M. Wire Inspector Personal Services 2,000.00 Expenses 550.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :50 P. M. Insect Suppression Personal Services 650.00 Wages & Expenses 4,162.68 Carried Unanimously 8:50 P. M. Shade Trees - Wages & Expenses 12,436.36 Carried Unanimously 8:50 P. M. Forest Fires Personal Services 50.00 Wages & Expenses 500.00 Carried Unanimously 8:50 P. M. Dog Officer Personal Services 235.00 Expenses 650.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :50 P. M. Health Department Personal Services 4,399.04 Expenses 8,633.00 Engineering 3,500.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :50 P. M. Article 4. Sealer of Weights & Measures 421 (Cont. ) Personal Services 4 726.00 Expenses 400.00 Carried Unanimously 8:53 P. M. Dog Clinic Expenses 517.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :53 P. M. Dental Clinic Personal Services 2,620.00 Expenses 400.00 Carried Unanimously 8:53 P. M. Posture Clinic Expenses 1,179.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :53 P. M. Vital Statistics - Expenses 25.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :54 P. M. Animal Inspection Personal Services 680.63 Carried Unanimously 8 :54 P. M. Sewer-Maintenance Wages & Expenses 4,050.00 Carried Unanimously 8:54 P. M. Sewer Services Wages & Expenses 34,100.00 Carried Unanimously 8:54 P. M. Garbage Collection Expenses 24,965.00 Carried Unanimously 8:54 P. M. Care of Dumps & Removal of Ashes Wages •& Expenses 6,220.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :55 P. M. Public Works Building Wages -& Expenses 13,600.00 Carried Unanimously 8:55 P. M. Hi hwav Maintenance Wages & Expenses 70,000.00 Street Construction - Sundry Streets 25,000.00 (This amount to be transferred from the Excess & Deficiency Account) Carried Unanimously 8:56 P. M. Highway Department - Road Machinery, Expenses 28,200.00 Carried Unanimously 8:56 P. M. Motion by Raymond W. James- "This amount to be transferred from Highway Road Machinery Fund. " So voted; Carried Unanimously 8 :56 P. M. 422 Article 4. Snow Removal (C'pnt. ) Wages & Expenses $40t000.o0 Carried Unanimously 8:57 P. M. Traffic Regulation & Control Expenses 3,095.00 Carried Unanimously 8:57 P. M. Street Lights Expenses 34,100.00 Carried Unanimously 8:57 P. M. Street Sims - Expenses 1,650.00 Carried Unanimously 8 :58 P. M. Public Welfare Department Personal Services 6,987.17 Administration 925.00 Aid & Expenses 18,600.00 Carried Unanimously 9 P. M. Disability Assistance Aid & Expenses 6,500.00 Carried Unanimously 9 P. M. Dependent Children Aid & Expenses 14,614.00 Carried Unanimously 9 P. M. Old Age Assistance Aid & Expenses 84,900.00 Carried Unanimously 9 P. M. Veterans ' Services Personal SerVices 1,263.2)-i. Administration 350.00 Aid & Expenses 10,000.00 Carried Unanimously 9:01 P. M. Soldiers' Burials Expenses 150.00 Carried Unanimously 9:01 P. M. School Maintenance Personal Services 629,323.44 Expenses 148,896.00 Americanization Classes 208.00 Vocational Education 4,000.00 Handicraft Classes 6,000.00 Out of State Travel 400.00 Lunchroom 800.00 Athletics 12,931.80 Carried Unanimously 9 :02 P. M. Cary Memorial Library Personal Services 31,601.53 Expenses 12,313.48 (In addition to the amount of 42,491.52 received from the County for Dog Licenses) Carried Unanimously 9:02 P. M. Article 4. Parks 423 (Cont. ) Personal Services $3,368.75 Wages & Expenses 20,108.72 _ Carried Unanimously 9:02 P. M. Recreation Committee _ Personal Services 6,200.00 Expenses 11,200.00 Carried Unanimously 9 :03 P. M. Contributory Retirement System I Pension Accumulation Fund 20,410.27 Carried Unanimously 9:03 P. M. Contributory aetigamtalaztem Expenses 325.00 Carried Unanimously 9 :03 P. M. Patriots ' Day Expenses 1,000.00 Carried Unanimously 9:03 P. M. Memorial Day Expenses 350.00 Carried Unanimously 9 :04 P. M. Insurance Premiums 25,800.00 Carried Unanimously 9 :04 P. M. Printin Town Report Expenses - 1,600.00 Carried Unanimously 904 P. M. The following. vote offered by William H. Lyon: Moved: That the sum of $1,600 be struck out of item no. 68 of Article 4, substituting therefor the sum of 44,000 of which $1,600 is for printing the town report and 42400 of which is for printing a list of assessed values for the year 1953. Amendment voted on by voice vote, doubted by the Moderator who asked, for a standing vote. In Favor Tellers Opposed 8 Alan G. Adams 29 55 Woodruff M. Brodhead 55 18 Milton F. ,Hodgdon 19 81 103 Amendment Lost 9:10 P. M. • Ambulance Maintenance Expenses 300.00 Carried Unanimously 9 :10 P. M. Administration of Trust Funds Expenses 175.00 Carried Unanimously 9:10 P. M. - Unclassified Expenses 750.00 Carried Unanimously 9:10 P. M. 424 Article 4. Water Maintenance (Cont. ) Wages & Expenses 436,420.00 Carried Unanimously 9:11 P. M. Water Services Wages & Expenses 37,500.00 Carried Unanimously 9:11 P. M. Cemetery Maintenance Personal Services 1,900.00 Expenses 21,000.00 (Of which _$1,000 is to be transferred from the Income Trust Fund-Munroe Cemetery; and $1,000 is to be transferred from the Income Trust Fund-Westview Cemetery) Carried Unanimously 9:11 P. M. AND FURTHER VOTED: That the following amounts be appropriated: Interest on Debt Interest _ _ 58,651.25 Carried Unanimously 9 :12 P. M. Maturing Debt 313,000.00 and to be. provided as follows : 4938.45 is to be transferred from Premiums on Loan Account; 410,248.95 is to be trans- ferred from the School Reimbursement Fund; %21,812.60 is to be transferred from the water Department Available Surplus; and 4280,000 to be raised in the current tax levy. Carried Unanimously 9:12 P. M. The Moderator declares Article 4 as presented carried unan. 9 :13 P. M. Article 5. VOTED: To establish the salary and compensation of the Town Treasurer, Town Clerk and Town Collector of Taxes at the following annual rates : Town Treasurer $ '2,100.00 Town Clerk 2,900.00 Town Collector of Taxes 5,000.00 the increase over the rates established last year to be- come effective April 1, 1953, and to raise and appropriate therefor the sum of 49,751.82. Carried Unanimously 9 :14 P. M. Article 6. Indefinitely postponed. Carried Unanimously 9:15 P. M. Article 7. VOTED: To raise and appropriate the sum of $729.13 for the unpaid bills for prior years of the following accounts: Unclassified T. F. McGann & Sons Co. . 4 265.00 Roessler & Sons, Inc. 215.00 Insurance Brewer & Lord 63.93 Veterans' Benefits & Services Malden I ospital: 35.00 Ralph P. Tarullo, D.M.D. 70.00 Patriots ' Day Robert W. Robertson, Inc. 15.20 J. T. Carlson 15.00 Universal Decorating Co. 50.00 Carried Unanimously 9:16 P. N. 6 Article 8. VOTED: To appropriate $20,000 for the 3eserve Fund 425 5 and to provide for the payment thereof by a transfer of $10,000 from the Overlay Eeserve Fund and the balance of $10,000 to be raised in the current tax levy. Carried Unanimously 9 :16 P. M. Article 9. VOTED: That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to petition the Director of Accounts of the state for an audit for the .year 1953. Carried Unanimously 9 :16 P. M. Article 10. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are auth- orized to install water mains of sixteen inches or more in diameter in such accepted or unaccepted streets or other land as the Selectmen may determine, subject to the assessment of betterments, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor; and to appropriate for such installation and land acquisition the sum of $100,000. , and to provide said sum by the issue of bonds, or notes of the Town; and that the .i'reasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is, authorized to borrow the sum of $100,000 and issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor, to be payable in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 44 of the General Laws, within a period not exceeding twenty-five years. Carried Unanimously 9:20 P. M. and further VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are auth- orized to install water mains ,not less than six inches but less than sixteen inches in diameter in such accepted or unaccepted streets or other land as the Selectmen may determine, subject to the assessment of betterments, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land nec- essary therefor; and to , appropriate for such installa- tion.and land acquisition the sum of $85,200.00, of which $19,800.00 is to be transferred from the Water Assessment Fund, and $65,400.00 is to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9 :25 P. M. Article 11. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are auth- orized to install sewer mains in such accepted or un- accepted streets or other land as the Selectmen may determine in accordance with Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and all acts in amendment thereof and in addition • thereto, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor; and to appropriate for such installation and land acquisition the sum of $96,480 of which $31,480 is to be transferred from the Sewer Assessment Fund and the balance of $65,000 is to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:31 P. M. Article 12. Indefinitely postponed. Carried Unanimously 9 :31 P. M. Article 13. VOTED: That the sum of $600 be raised and appropriated for the purchase of one new cruising car, by the Sel- ectmen, for the Police Department, and authority is hereby given to turn in one used cruising car to apply toward the purchase price. Carried Unanimously 9 :32 P. M. Article 14. VOTED: That the sum of $1,000 be raised and appropriated for the purchase of one new car, by the Board of Fire Commissioners, for the Fire Department, and authority is hereby given to turn in one used Fire Department car to apply toward the purchase price. Carried Unanimously 9:32 P. M. Article 15. VOTED: That the sum of $10,160.73 be raised and approp- riated for pensions for retired members of the Police Department, and that the sum of $5,391.48 be raised and appropriated for pensions for retired members of the Fire Department, under Chapter 32 of the General Laws. Carried Unanimously 9:33 P. M. Article 16. VOTED: That the sum of 41,000 be raised and appropriated to meet the Town' s share of the cost of Chapter 90 highway maintennce, and that, in addition, the sum of 42,000 be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account to meet the State and County shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursements from the State and County to be restored upon their receipt to said Account. Carried -9 :34 P. M. Article 17. VOTED: That the sum of 44,000 be raised and appropriated to meet the Town' s share of the cost of construction of all or any part of Hill Street under Chapter 90, Highway Construction, and that in addition, the sum of 412,000 be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account to meet the State and County shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursements from the State and County to be re- stored, upon their receipt, to said Account. Carried Unanimously 9 :35 P. M. Article 18. VOTED: That the sum of 4950. be raised and appropriated for Civilian Defense. Carried Unanimously 9:36 P. M. Article 19. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are auth- • orized to construct concrete, bituminous concrete, or other sidewalks, at such locations as they shall deter- mine, where the abutting owner pays one-half of the cost, or otherwise, and to raise and appropriate therefor the sum of 4500. Carried Unanimously 9:37 P. M. Article 20. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are auth- orized to install curbings at such locations as they may determine, and that the sum of 43,000 be raised and appropriated therefor. Carried Unanimously 9 :38 P. M. Article 21. VOTED: That the- sum of 45,000 be raised and appropriated for the improvement of lowlands and swamps in the eradication-of mosquitoes, under Section 4A of Chapter 252 of the General Laws. Carried Unanimously 9 :38 P. M. - Article 22. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are auth- orized to install drains in such accepted or unaccepted streets or other land as they may determine, in accord- ance with Chapter 263 of the Acts of 1926, as amended, or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor, and to appropriate for such installation and land acquisition the sum of 434,000 this amount to be raised in the current tax levy. Carried Unanimously 9 :4.0 P. M. • Article 23, VOTED: To appropriate the sum of 49,000 for the pur- chase by or with the approval of the Selectmen of equip- ment for the Department of Public Works and to- provide for the payment thereof by a transfer of 49,000 from the Road Machinery Fund. Carried Unanimously 9:40 P. M. Article 24. VOTED: To appropriate the sum of 45,629.77 for the pur- chase by or with the approval of the Selectmen of a truck and a sprayer for insect suppression and to provide for the payment thereof by a transfer of 43,229.77 from the Road Machinery Fund and a transfer of 42,400 from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9 :41 P. M. Article 25. VOTED: To enlarge the scope of the Road Machinery Fund by crediting to said Fund an amount based on hourly rental for the use of motorized equipment of the Department of Public Works Tithen used on various projects carried on under the direction of said Department or other Departments of the' Town, the amount of said charge not to exceed the amount allowed by the state for the use of similar equipment. _ Carried Unanimously 9 :42 P. M. Article 26. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are 42 7 authorized to appoint one of their members to the Board of Appeals in accordance with Section 4A of Chapter of the General Laws. Carried Unanimously 9 :43 P. M. - Article 27. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are author- ized to install street lights in such unaccepted streets as they may determine prior to the final adjournment of the 1954 Annual Town Meeting, Carried Unanimously 9:44 P. M. Article 28. VOTED: To accept Chapter 781 of the Acts of 1951 which provides for an increase in the amounts of pensions and retirement allowances payable to certain former town 'employees, and to appropriate therefor the sum of $1,562.67, this amount to be raised in the current tax levy. Carried Unanimously 9:45 P. M. Article 29. Presented by William G. Potter. VOTED: That the sum of 44,000 be appropriated for road and fence construction and repair in the Sunset Section 'layout in "estview Cemetery, and that said sum be prov- ided by transfer from the Westview Sale of Lots Fund. Carried Unanimously 9:47 P. M. Article 30. Robert T. Person moves for Indefinite Postponement. Carried Unanimously 9 :48 P. M. Article 31. Presented by Robert T. Person. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized on behalf of the Town to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire for playground purposes any or all of the following parcels of land situated on Grassland Street, or on Grassland and Payson Streets in Lexington, being lots numbered 188, 189, 190 and 191, on a plan entitled "Farmhurst Sec. 4 Lexington, Mass. belonging to Neil McIntosh T." dated January 1923, C. H. Gannett, C. E. , 53 State atreet, Bostonrecorded in Middlesex So. District iegistry of Deeds in Plan Book 367 as Plan #20, and to appropriate therefor the sum of $3,000 and that said sum be trans- ferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. General discussion. Motion by John H. Devine that the article be indefinitely postponed which was carried as being indefinitely postponed, unanimously. 10:12 P. M. Article 32. VOTED: To establish as a town way, and accept the layout of as a town way, Bartlett Avenue from Lowell Street, a distance of approximately 971 feet westerly as laid out by the Selectmen under the betterment Act, and shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated January 12, 1953, and to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any- easement or other interest in land necessary therefor and for the con- struction thereof, and to appropriate for the construct- ion of said street and for land acquisition the sum of 416,500 and to provide for payment thereof by transfer from the Excess and -Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 10 :16 P. M. Article 33. VOTED: To establish as a town way, and accept the lay- out of as a town way, Gleason Moad from North Hancock Street northerly approximately 760 feet to Fuller goad as laid out by the Selectmen under the betterment Act, and shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated- January 12, 1953, and to take by- eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any easement or other interest in land necessary therefor and for the construction thereof, and to appropriate for the con- struction of said road and for land acquisition the sum of 411,500 and to provide for payment thereof by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 10 :16 P. M. 428 Donald E. Nickerson states if all articles not completed at this meeting, meeting would be adjourned until Monday, March 23, 1953 at 8 P. M. Carried Unanimously 10 :17 P. M. Donald E. Nickerson states, if no objections, Articles 34 and 35 would be taken up at the next meeting and would continue with Article 36. There were no objections. 10:18 P. M, Article 36. VOTED: To rescind the authority to borrow the sum of 440,000 -for the installation of water mains of sixteen inches or more in diameter that was voted under Article 10 of the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting held on March 17, 1952, no part of said sum having been borrowed. Carried Unanimously 10:19 P. M. Article 37. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are author- ized, however from time to time constituted, to sell and convey any of the real estate now or hereafter acquired by the Town by taking or sale for nonpayment of taxes, the right of redemption of which has been or shall be foreclosed or otherwise terminated, upon such terms and conditions as they may approve. Carried Unanimously 10:20 P. M. Article 38. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized to sell and convey at any time on or before r''ebruary 26, 1954, the land on Meriam Street known as the Old Fire Station Site, upon such terms and conditions as they deem proper; 'said land being described as follows : Beginning at a stone bound on the southeasterly side line of Meriam Street at the property now or formerly of Henry P. Boutelle, thence running northeasterly along Meriam Street a distance of 42.90 feet to a stone bound. Thence turning at an angle of 90° 00' and running southeasterly by land now or formerly of Henry P. Boutelle a distance of 79.56 feet to a stone bound. Thence turning at an angle of 90° 20 ' 30" and running southwesterly by land now or formerly of Henry P. Boutelle a distance of 42.68 feet to a point. Thence turning at an angle of 89° 49' 30" arid running northwesterly by land now or formerly of Henry P. Boutelle a distance of 79.73 feet to the point of beginning and containing 3,407 plus or minus square feet, Carried Unanimously 10 :26 P. M. Article 39. VOTED: To amend lection 6 of Article VI of the General By-Laws by striking out the words "and shall be kept open one evening each week for at least two consecutive hours, the day and time for such evening hours to be determined by the Board of Selectmen" and inserting in place thereof the following: "and may be kept open during such evening hours as the Selectmen may from time to time determine, " so that said section will read as follows : Section 6. That portion of the Town Office Building which is occupied by the offices of the Board of Sel- ectmen, or Board of Public Works, the Town Clerk, the Town Treasurerand the Collector of Taxes, shall be kept open continuously for the transaction of business for eight hours each week day except holidays and Saturdays, the particular hours to be arranged by the Selectmen for the convenience of the public, and may be kept open during such evening hours as the Select- men may from time to time determine. Carried Unanimously 10:32 P. M. John H. Devine moves that meeting be adjourned until March 23, 1953 at 8 P. M. Carried 10:33 P. M. Attest : Town erk ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING HELD MARCH 23, 1953 429 Meeting called to order by the Moderator, Charles E. Ferguson at 8 :05 P. M. There were 187 Town Meeting Members present. Murray G. Dearborn aSks for the re-opening of Article 2. Re-opening granted 8:06 P. M. Murray G. Dearborn offers the following: VOTED: "That the Moderator be and he hereby is authorized and dir- ected to appoint a Committee of nine residents of the Town, con- sisting of one Gold Star Mother of World War I, one Gold Star Mother of World War II, one Gold Star Mother of the Korean Conflict, one veteran of the Korean Conflict, one member of Stanley Hill Post American Legion, one member of Post 3007 Veterans of Foreign Wars, one member of Camp 105 Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, and two veterans who are not members of any veterans organization, to be known as the Veterans Memorial Committee, to make a detailed study and consider plans for the erection of a permanent memorial to Lexington Veterans of all Wars involving the United States, on the plot in front of the Cary Memorial Town Hall, and to submit a written report with recommendations not later than the next Annual Town Meeting. " Carried Unanimously 8:07 P. M. Haskell W. Reed, Chairman, Board of Selectmen - The report of the Cary Lectures Committee be accepted and placed on file. Carried . Unanimously 8 :08 P. M. George C. Sheldon asks to have Article 4 re-opened. 8 :11 P. M. The Moderator states in order to re-open Article 4 it will be necessary for a two-thirds vote of the Town Meeting Members present. A standing vote was taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 17 Winfield S. Caouette 18 54 Woodruff M. Brodhead 42 16 Milton F. Hodgdon 18 87 78 Re-opening of Article 4 not adopted. 8:17 P. M. Article 2. Raymond W. ^James, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee presents the following: VOTED: That a committee be established which Shall con- sist of a member of the Board of Selectmen, a member of the Appropriation Committee and three members to be appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, the Chairman of the Appropriation Committee and the Moder- ator two of whom shall be town meeting members and the third a full-time employee of the town, but not a depart- ment head, to be known as the Salary and Wage Study Committee, the purpose of which shall be to make a com- prehensive study of the wages and salaries of all town employees considering duties, responsibilities, accom- plishments and length of service; it shall make specific recommendations with regard to the compensation of each employee; it shall recommend the maximum and minimum compensation together with a step-rate increase schedule for each job; it shall make a preliminary report to the Board of Selectmen and to the Appropriation Committee by January 1, 1954 to assist them in their budget recommend- ations for the year 1954 and it shall mmke a final report to the next annual town meeting; and further that a sum of $500.00 be appropriated, from the current tax levy to provide for the expenses incurred by this committee. 430 Article 2. Raymond W. James presents the approval of the Approp- orf Cont. riation Committee of the appropriation for the above -vote. 8:20 P. M. Vote as presented by Raymond W. James Carried Unanimously. 8:20 P. N. Article 34. Presented by Haskell W. Reed. - VOTED: To establish as a town way, and accept the lay- out of as a town way a certain strip of land including Edison Way and extending from Edison Way to Depot Park, a total of approximately 840 feet, as laid out by the Selectmen under the Betterment Act and shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated January 30, 1953, and shown also on a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk dated January 8, 1951, and to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor; and to appropriate for the acquisition of said land and for the construction of said way the sum of 415,000 and to provide for payment thereof by a transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed ' 41 Winfield S. Caouette 0 101 - Woodruff M. Brodhead 0 Milton F. Hodgdon 0 177 0 Carried Unanimously 8:27 P. M. Article 35. Presented by Haskell W. Reed. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized on behalf of the Town to acquire by purchase, or by eminent domain or otherwise, or by lease, land or interests therein in the rear of the premises numbered 1709 to 1751 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, or a y part thereof, for the purpose of establishing an off- street parking area; and 'to appropriate for such land acquisition and lease and for construction and operation of the parking area and facilities the sum of 415,000.00 and to 'provide for -payment thereof by a transfer of said sum from the Parking Meter Account. Carried Unanimously 8:30 P. M. Article 40. Alan G. Adams presents the following: VOTED: To amend the Zoning By-Law so as to change certain land from an R 1 District to a C 1 District by adding in Section 4. (c) C 1 - Local business districts, the following new paragraph: A district on the southeasterly side of Waltham Street beginning at the point of intersection of the southerly sideline of vine Brook Road and the easterly sideline of Waltham atreet, thence running southerly along said easterly sideline of Waltham Street a distance of 471 feet plus ar minus to a point; said point being the intersection of the easterly sideline of Waltham Street and the northerly sideline of the vine Brook easement, so called, thence turning and running easterly along said northerly sideline of the Vine Brook easement a distance of 247.53 feet to a point; thence turning and running northeasterly along land now or formerly of Ryder 183 feet plus or minus to a point; thence turning and running westerly along land now or formerly of J. Joseph and Anne T. Hurley, 14 feet plus or minus to a point; thence turning and running northeasterly along land now or formerly of J. Joseph and Anne T. Hurley, 75 feet plus or minus to a point; thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction along land now or Article 40. formerly of Morse, 174 feet plus or minus to a 431 (Cont. ) point; thence turning and running northeasterly along land now or formerly of Morse, 58 feet to Vine Brook Road; thence turning and running westerly along the southerly sideline of vine Brook Road a distance of 92 feet plus or minus to the point of beginning. 8:33 P. M. Alan G. Adams reads report of the Planning Board. 8:34 P. M. Rev. Harold T. Handley moves for indefinite postponement. Indefinite Postponement carried by voice vote at 8 :44 P. M. Article 41. Presented by Alan G. Adams. VOTED: To amend the Zoning By-Law so as to change certain land from an R 1 District to a C 1 District by adding in Section 4. (c) C 1 - Local busines districts, the following new paragraph: A district on the southwesterly side of Bedford Street, said district being the lot of premises now numbered 30 Bedford Street, having a frontage along Bedford Street of 75 feet and a depth of approximately 160 feet. 8:44 P. M. Alan G. Adams reads report of the Planning Board. 8:44 P. M. Harold B. Lamont moves for indefinite postponement. 8:44 P. M. Standing vote taken on Indefinite eostponement as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 18 Winfield S. Caouette 23 23 Woodruff M. Brodhead 74 7 Milton F. Hodgdon 26 48 123 Indefinite Postponement Lost 8:47 P. M. Rain motion of Article 41 as presented, voted on with the following results by standing vote : In Favor Tellers Opposed 6 Winfield S. Caouette 28 '8 Woodruff M. Brodhead 83 4 Milton F. Hodgdon 28 18 139 Lost 9 P. M. Article 42. Alan . Adams reads report of Planning Board. 9 :03 P.M. Clarence Shannon presented the following: VOTED: To amend the Zoning By-Law so as to change certain land from an R 1 District to a -C 1 District by adding in Section 4. (c) C 1 - Local business districts, the following new paragraph: A district on the northerly side of Marrett Road beginning at the westerly terminus of a curve of 215.47 feet radius thence westerly along the northerly line of said Marrett Road distant 69.5 feet to a point, thence northerly dis- tant 200.9 feet to a point, thence easterly distant 60.00 feet to a point, thence southerly distant 214.9 feet to a point in the northerly line of said Marrett Road, thence westerly by a curve bearing to the right of radius 215.47 feet distant 137.34 feet to the point of beginning, said described district being shown as Lot 240 on a plan recorded in the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 321, Page 5. 9 :04 P. M. 432 Article 42. Standing vote taken as follows : (Cont. ) In Favor Tellers Opposed p� 0 Winfield S. Caouette 37 0 Woodruff M. Brodhead 101 0 Milton F. Hodgdon 0 174 Lost 9 :15 p. m. Articles, 43 - 44- 45 . Alan G. Adams reads the Planning Board' s - Report on the three articles and moves for Indefinite postponement. Indefinite Postponement carried 9 :24 P. M. Article 44. - Indefinite Postponement carried by voice vote. 9 :24 P. M. Article 45. Indefinite Postponement carried by voice vote. 9:24 P.M. Article 46. Indefinite Postponement carried by voice vote. 9:24 P.M. - Article 47. Presented by Alan G. Adams as follows : VOTED: To amend the Zoning. By-Laws' so as to add to the definition of "Street" in Section 2 (f) the following sentence : A public or private way as aforesaid shall not be deemed to be a "street" as to any lot of land that does not have rights of access to and of passage over said way. Alan G. Adams reads the report of the Planning Board. Wilbur M. Jaquith questions "Section 2" if it should read "Section 2 (g) " instead of 'Section 2 (f) " . Alan G. Adams answers to the effect that same should read corrected as "in Section 2 (g) " instead of "Section 2 (f) " . As corrected, Carried Unanimously 9 :28 P. M. , Article 48. Alan G. Adams reads the report of the Planning Board. Alfred P. Tropeano moves the article be indefinitely postponed. Indefinite Postponement carried unanimously 9:29 P. M. Article 49. Presented by Sanborn C. Brown. Voted that Section 39A of Article XXIV of the General By-Laws of the Town of Lexington be amended by adding thereto the word "shot-gun" after the word "rifle" in the first paragraph of said section, so that this first paragraph shall read: "No person shall without a written permit from the Board of Selectmen or the Chief of Police and a written permit from the owner or occupant of land fire or discharge any rifle, shot-gun, air-rifle or pistol on or across any land within the confines of the Town, but this section shall not prevent the use of such fire-arms in the lawful defense and protection of one' s person or other human being or property, nor to veterinarians in the practice of their profession, nor in the performance of any duty .required or authorized by law, nor to members of the Police Department in carrying out their duties and for target practice upon ranges duly approved by the Chief of Police." Article 49. Alfred P. Tropeano 6, 9 p presents the following ��� (Cont. ) amendment: MOVED: To amend the Motion by adding at the end thereof the following: "and the provisions pertaining to the obtaining of a written permit from the owner or occupant of land, shall not apply to a person duly licensed under the provisions of General Laws Chapter 131, using a shotgun during the legal hunting season." Amendment declared lost by voice vote. 10 :03 P. M. Main motion voted on. Carried unanimously ,by voice vote. 10:04 P. M. , Article 50. Haskell W. deed moves for indefinite postponement. Indefinite Postponement Carried Unanimously 10:05 P. M. Article 51. Presentedby Alan G. Adams. VOTED: That the authority of the Planning Board to obtain options for land or rights therein as locations for future streets, as voted under Article 42 of the warrant for the 1952 Annual Town Meeting, be continued; that the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized on be- half of the Town to acquire by purchase, by eminent domain or otherwise, such land or rights therein as are or may be included in options obtained by the Planning Board, and to raise and appropriate, in addition to the sum of. 4500 that was appropriated under said Article 42, the sum of 42,000 for such options and land acquisition. 10:07 P. M. Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 42 Winfield S. Caouette 0 100 Woodruff M. Brodhead 0 _36 Milton F. Hodgdon 0 178 0 Carried Unanimously 10 :11 P. M. Article 2. William .oger Greeley offered a vote that it was a sense of the meeting that the Planning Board should be rec- ognized and recommended for the good work they had done in the past and that the Planning Board secure assistance in preparing general plan for guidance of the Town in its future growth. Carried Unanimously by voice vote 10:14 P. M. Haskell W. Eeed states all articles being dispensed with, the meeting be dissolved. 10:15 P. M. Attest: ah. ., _ /� fir Tc°°yni Clerk 436 ATTORNEY GENERAL'S APPROVAL OF ARTICLE 39 AS PASSED AT THE ANNUAL TOWN MEETING HELD MARCH 16, 1953. Article 39. VOTED: To amend Section 6 of Article VI of the General By-Laws by striking out the words "and shall be kept open one evening each week for at least two consecutive hours, the day and time for such evening hours to be determined by the Board of Selectmen" and inserting in place thereof the following: "and may be kept open during such evening hours as the Selectn;n may from time to time determine, " so that said section will read as follows : Section 6. That portion of the Town Office Building which is occupied by the offices of the Board of Selectmen, or Board of Public Works, the Town Clerk, the Town Treasurer, and the Collector of Taxes, shall be kept open continuously for the transaction of bus- iness for eight hours each week day except holidays and Saturdays, the particular hours to be arranged by the Selectmen for the convenience of the public, and may be kept open during such evening hours as the Selectmen may from time to time determine. Carried Unanimously 10:32 P. M. There were 194 Town Meeting Members present. / 44i AIDA IIP // Town 1- -k Lexington, Mass. , March 19, 1953 I, James J. Carroll, Town Clerk of the Town of Lexington, do hereby certify that the above is a true, and. exact copy. of Article 39 as passed at the Annual Town Meeting held March 16, 1953 and as same appears on record. Tow4 4erk Boston, Mass. , April 6, 1953 The foregoing amendment to=by-laws ..is. hereby.-_- approved. /Si_.ed/ George Fingold Attorney General __ 1 427 ATTORNEY GENERAL'S APPROVAL OF ARTICLE 49 AS PASSED AT THE ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING HOLD MARCH 239 1953 Article 49. Presented by Sanborn C. Brown. Voted that Section 39A of Article XXIV of the General By-Laws of the Town of Lexington be amended by adding thereto the word "shot-gun" after the word f°rifle1° in the first paragraph of said section, so that this first paragraph shall read: "No person shall without a written permit from the Board of Selectmen or the Chief of Police and a written permit from the owner or occupant of land fire or dis- charge any rifle, shot-gun, air- rifle or pistol on or across any land within the confines of the Town, but this section shall not prevent the use of such fire- arms in the lawful defense and protection of one 's person or other human being or property, nor to veter- inarians in the practice of their profession, nor in the performance of any duty required or authorized by law, nor to members of the Police Department in carrying out their duties and for target practice upon ranges duly approved by the Chief of Police." Alfred P. Tropeano presents the following amendment: MOVED: To amend the Motion by adding at the end thereof the following: rand the provisions pertaining to the obtaining of a written permit from the owner or occupant of land, shall not apply to a person duly licensed under the provisions of General Laws Chapter 131, us` .;_ a shotgun during the legal hunting season.* uendment declared lost by voice vote. 10:03 P. M. Main motion voted on. Carried unanimously by voice vote. 10:04 P. M. 1 i. : /1a - / __...i►s ,ct 4 - /� T.' n Clerk / / ' April/15, 1953 I, James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, Town of Lexington, do hereby certify the above to be a true and exact copy of Article 49 as passed at the Adjourned Town Meeting held March 23, 1953, and as same appears on record. // /1 To i Clerk - / Boston, Mass. , April 21, 1953 The foregoing amendment to by-laws is hereby approved. , /Signed/ George Fingold Attorney General ATTORNEY GENERAL'S APPROVAL OF ARTICLE 47 AS PASSED AT THE 451 ADJOURNED TOWN i RTING iNALD MARCH 23, 1953 Article 47, Presented by Alan G. Adams as follows : VOTED: To amend the Zoning By-Laws so as to add to the definition of "Street" in Section 2 (f) the following sentence: A public or private way as aforesaid shall not be deemed to be a "street" as to any lot of land that does not have rights of access to and of passage over said way. Alan G. Adams reads the report of the Planning Board. Wilbur M. Jaquith questions "Section 21e if it should read "Section 2 (g)" instead of °Section 2 (f)" Alan G. Adams answers to the effect that same should read corrected as "1n Section 2 (g)" instead of "Section 2 (f) , As corrected, Carried Unanimously 9:28 P. 14. Agik 00.11" Town/C erk Lexington, Mass. , June 22,1119 3 I, James J. Carroll, Town Clerk of the Toiwn of Lexington, Mass® , do hereby certify the above to be a true and exact copy of Article 4.7 as passed at the Adjourned Town- Meeting held March 23, 1953 and as same appears on record, To A erk Boston,/M s® , June 24, 1953 The foregoing amendment to zoning by-laws is hereby approved® /Signed/ George Pingold Attorney General ATTORNEY GENERAL'S APPROVAL OF ARTICLE 50 AS PASSED AT THE 455 ADJOURNED TOWN IEETING HELD MARCH 24, 1952. Article 50 as passed at the Adjourned Town Meeting held March 24, 1952. Article 50. Presented by Alan G. Adams. W VOTED: To amend the Zoning By-Law by striking out Sub- paragraphs 1. and 2. of Paragraph (f) of Section 4. thereof, and by substituting therefor new Sub-paragraphs 1. and 2. as follows: 1. A district 1,200 feet wide on the northeasterly side of the railroad right of way extending from the- north- - he- north-m- westerly line of the northern circumferential highway to ' the southeasterly line of Westview Street. 2. A district 2,400 feet wide on the southwesterly side of the railroad right of way extending from the north- westerly line of the northern circumferential highway to the southerly line of Westview Street and the Lexington- Bedford town line. Report of Planning Board read by Alan G. Adams. Article 50. The Planning Board on Monday, March 10 held a public hearing on this proposed amendment which was on the petition of Mrs. Ethel Bean and others. Several owners and abuttors were present, and of those 6 present wished to be recorded in favor and there were none who opposed. The Planning Board voted to recommend the adoption of the proposed amendment. The small area of land proposed to be added to the M-1 or light manufacturing zone, is a small portion of the total M-1 area. At the time of the revision ofthe Zoning Z By- laws i g Y laws of the town it was felt that if Route 128 had then been con- i' structed the proposed area would ha 'e quite logically have been in- eluded in the M-1 area then. Alan G. Adams, Chairman William G. Potter Aiden L. Ripley Donald K. Irwin Carried Unanimously 9 :58 P. M. There were 184 Town Meeting Members present. 4ird, Clerk Lexington, I�'Iass. , December //c,3. ,, 1953 I, James J. Carroll, Town Clerk of the Town of Lexington, do hereby certify that the above is a true and exact copy of Article 50 as passed at the Adjourned Town Meeting held March 24, 1952 and a true and exact copy of the Planning Board Report on said Article 50 and as both on record. Tofan/Clerk ://// // Boston, Mass. , February 15, 1954 The f oreoing amendment to zoning bylaw is hereby approved. /Signed/ George Fingold Attorney General