HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-11-22-STM-min 496 (See Warrant Book - Page SPECIAL TOWN MEETING -1-E.-10 NOVEliBEla 22, 1954 77:.11 Meeting called to order by the Moderator, Charles E. Ferguson. $ :05 P. ,i,10 There were 155 Town Meeting Members present. Town Clerk', James J. Carroll, read the warrant for the meeting until, by motion of Haskell W. deed, further reading was waived 8 :06 P. M. Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, read the Constable ' s aeturn. 8 :07 P® M Article 1. Gardner C. Ferguson, Chairman of the Appropriation Comm- ittee, presented report of the committee which was voted to be accepted and placed on filee 8 :07 Pe M® Alfred P. Tropeano , Chairman of the Maple Street School Building Committee, read report of the committee® 8 :08 P. H, A rtio3e 2, George P. Wadsworth, Chairman of the School Committee - presented the following: VOTED: That the Maple Street School Building Committee, appointed under the authority of the vote adopted under Article 11 of the Warrant for,the Special Town Meeting held, on October 5, 1953, be and hereby is authorized on behalf of the Town to retain architectural services and obtain final plans and specifications for the construction, original equipping and furnishing of a new elementary school to be Ifflown as The Harrington School, and to be constructed or the land situated westerly of Lowell Street and northwesterly of Maple Street that the Town acouired for school and Playground purposes in 1951; to obtain bids and to enter into a contract or contracts for such construction, original equipping and furnishing, and to supervise the carrying on of the work; and that the sum of 4733,000.00 be and hereby is appropriated for such con- struction, original equipping and furnishing, and that Payment be Provided by the transfer of "633,000.00 from the Excess and Deficiency Account and by the issue of bonds or notes of the Tom for the balance of . 700,000.00; and that the Treasurer, with the apProval of the Select- men, be and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of S700,000e00 under authority of Chapter 6L!5 of the Acts of 1948, as amended, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor, to be payable in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 44 of the General Laws, as amended, within a period not exceeding twenty years, 8 :19 P. M. A. Edward aowse presented the fol amendment: MOTION TO Ai,1END Mr Moderator, I move to amend the motion by striking it cut and substituting in Place thereof the following motion: That the Maple Street School Building Committee, appointed under the authority of the vote adopted under Article 11 of the warrant ''cr the Specil Town Aeeting held or October 5, 1953, be and hereby is authorized on behalf of the Town to T'etan architectural services and 7-bta'n fina7 plans end R;eC'fi3atiOnS for the COnStrii:CtLOn, Original equipping and furnishing of a new elementary school to include eighteen classrooms and to be known as Che Harrington School, and to be constructed on the lard situated westerly of Lowell Street and northwesterly of ale Street that the mown acquired for school and playground purposes in 1931; to obtain bids and to enter Into a contract or con- tracts for such co--str-,),cton, original equipping and furn- ishing,_ and to supervise the carrying on of the work; and A rticle 2e that the sum of ; 759,000.00 be and hereby is approp- 41 (Cont. ) ritea for such omstruction, original equipping and 4.-arr_ishinz, and that payment be provided by the transfer of „a9000,C0 from the Excess and Deficiency Account and by the issue of bonds or notes of the To for the bal ance of 47202000.00; and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of 720,000,00 under authority of Chap- ter 645 of the Acts of 1948, as amended, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor, to be payable in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 44 of the General Laws , as amended, within a period not exceeding twenty years. 8 :30 P. Me Amendment voted on and declared lost unanimously by voice vote® 80 P. H® Main motion as presented by GeorgeP. Wadsworth voted on and declared carried unanimously by voice vote® Article 3 Presented by George P. Wadsworth. VOTED: That the Moderator be and he hereby is authorized and directed to appoint a High School Building Addition Committee of five residents of the Town, one of whom shall be a member of the School Committee at the time of appointment, to retain architectural services and obtain preliminary plans and specifications for en addition or additions to the Senior High School Building; to obtain cost estimates for the construction, original equipping and furnishing of such addition or additions, and to report to the 1955 Annual Town Heeting; and that the sum of ,=,-.5,000. 00 be appropriated, for the expenses of the committee ana be provided by transfer from the Excess and. Deficiency Account. Voted an and declared carried unanimously by V013S vote. 8 :54 P. M. Haskell W. Heed, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, moves that meeting be dissolved. Carried Unanimously 8 :54 P. M. // / Town Clerk //'