HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-10-30-STM-AG-Approval 498 ATTONEY GENERAL.' S APPROVAL OF ARTICLE 17 AS VOTED AT THE SPECIAL r.= TOWN MEETING HELD OCTOBER 3O, 1950 n72 Article 17. VOTED: To adopt a civil defense by-law as follows : CIVIL DEFENSE BY-LAW OF THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON SECTION 1. DEP4RTkiENT OF CIVIL DEFENSE® There is hereby established a department of civil defense (here. inafter called the "department" ) . It shall be the function of the department to have charge of civil de- fense as defined in Section 1, Chapter 639, Acts of 1950 and to perform civil defense functions as authorized or directed by said chapter or by any and all executive orders or general regulations promulgated thereunder, and to exercise any authority delegated to it by the governor under said Chapter 639, SECTION 2. DIRECTOR OF CIVIL DEFENSE® The department shall be under the direction of a director of civil de® fense (hereinafter called the "director" ) who shall be appointed by the board of selectmen. The director shall have direct responsibility for the organization, admin- istration andoperationof the department, subject to the direction and control of the board of selectmen, and shall receive such salary, if any, as, subject to approp- riation, may be fixed from time to time by the board of selectmen® The director may, within the limits of the amounts appropriated therefor and with the approval of the board of selectmen, appoint such experts, clerks and other assistants as the work of the department may re- quire and may remove them, and, within the limits afore- said, may make such expenditures as may be necessary to execute effectively the purposes of Chapter 639, Acts of 1950. The director shall also have authority, with the aooroval of the board of selectmen, to appoint district co-ordinators and may accept and receve on behalf of the town, subject to approval of the board of selectmen, services, equip- ment, supplies, materials or funds by way of gift, grant or loan, for purposes of civil defense, offered by the federal government or any agency or officer, thereof or any Person, firm or corporation, subject to the terms of the offer and the rules and regulations , if any, of the agency making the offer® The director shall cause apP- roPrite records to be kept of all matters -elating to such gifts, grants or loans. SECTION 3. CIVIL DEFENSE ADVISORY COUNCI1, There is hereby established a civil defense advisory council (hereinafter called the "council" ) . Said council shall serve without Pay and shall consist of the director of civil defense and such other department heads and such other persons as the board of selectmen may deem nec- essary. Such member of said council as said board of selectmen shall from time to time designate shall serve as chairman of said council. Said council shall serve subject to the direction and control of the board of selectmen and shall advise said board and the director on matters Pertaining to civil defense® SECTION 4, POL,ICE AID TO OTHER CITIES A.ND TNS IN EVENT OF iIJTS Ca (=EE VIOLENCE THEAEIN. The police depart- ment IS hereby authorized to go to aid another city or town at the request of said city or tc in the sulop- ressior of riots or other forms of violence theren whene7 - directed so to do by the chief of the police dePertment with the approval of the director. SECTION 5® TERINATION OF BY-LAW. This by-law shall remPin in force only during the effective Period of Chapter 639, Acts of 1950 and any act or amendment or continuation thereof or substitution therefor. Article 17. SECTION 6. DEFINITIONS All references to Chapter 499 (Cont. ) 639, Acts of 1950, as now in force, shall be applicable to any act or acts in amendment or continuation of or substitution for said Chapter 639. Carried Unanimously 8:29 P. M. November 3, 1950 I, James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, Town of Lexington, do hereby certify the above to be a true -and-- exact copy of Article 17 as voted at the Special Town Meeting held October 30, 1950 and as same appears on record. ,James . Carro' =-, Town Clerk Boston, Mass. , November 28, 1950 The foregoing by-law is hereby approved. /Signed/ Francis E. Kelly Attorney General ATTORNEY GENERAL'S APPROVAL OF ARTICLE 41 AS PASSED AT THE ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING HELD MARCH 24, 1952. Article 41, VOTED: To amend the General By-Laws by adding thereto a new Article to be known as Article XXVII and entitled "School Traffic Patrol" and to read as follows: Article XXVII. Section 1. The Board of Selectmen may appoint special policemen or policewomen for part time and intermittent work for the protection of school children going to and frou schools. Section 2. . Such special police shall be known as "Lex- ington School Traffic Patrol" and shall wear a prescribed uniform, to be furnished by the Town, when on duty and display a police badge with an appropriate designation thereon. In the enforcement of Chapter 90 of the Gen- eral Laws of Massachusetts and all Town Bylaws and traffic rules, regulations, and orders relating to the operation, parking,. standing, and use of vehicles, they shall have all the powers of constablds except the power of serving and executing civil process. They shall be subject to all the rules and regulations of the Lexington Police Department not inconsistent with their authority and duties except that they may be dismissed at any time by the Board of Selectmen without a hearing or the preferment of charges, and shall be entitled only to such provisions, if any, as to absence and disability as the Board of Selectmen may from time to time determine. Carried Unanimously by voice vote. 9:17 P. M. , // j /To ,Clerk Lexingt9n,/ Mass. , April 3, 1952 I, James J. Carroll, Town /Clerk of the' Town of Lexington, do hereby certify the above to be a true and exact '-dopy of Article 41 as passed at the Adjourned Town Meeting held March 24, 1952 and as same appears on record. 1111 /U / ' T6wn Clerk Boston, Mass. // /fApril 23, 1952 The foregoing bylaws are hereby approv/ed. /Signed/ Francis E. Kelly, Attorney General