HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-20-STM-min 533(See Warrant Book - Page SPECIAL TOWN MEETING HELD JUNE 20, 1955 Meeting called to order by the Moderator, Charles E. Ferguson. 8:08 P. M, Invocation offered by Hey. F. J. Murphy. There were 157 Town Meeting Members present. Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, read the warrant for the meeting until further reading was voted to waived. Town Clerk read the Constable' s Aeturn for the meeting. 8 :10 P.M. Article 1, Donald T. Clark, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, presented report of the Appropriation Committee which was voted to be accepted and placed on file. 8 :11 P. Me Article 2. Presented by Leon W. Eateman, Chairman, Board of Selectmen. VOTED: To establish as a town way, and accept the alter- ation, relocation and layout of as a town way, School street, northeasterly a distance of approximately 2400 feet from Marrett Head at Lincoln Street to massachusetts Avenue as altered, relocated and laid out by the Select- men and shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town' Clerk, dated march 21, 1955, and to authorize the Selectmen to take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor, and to appropriate for the construction of said street and for land acquisition the sum of 48,000 and to provide for payment thereof by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8 :15 P. M. Article 3. Presented by Leon W. Bateman. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are author- ized to construct concrete, bituminous concrete or other sidewalk in School Street subject to the assessment upon abutting estates of one-half of the cost, and to approp- riate the sum of 45,000 for such construction and to provide for payment thereof by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8 :16 P. M. Article 5. Leon W. Bateman states, if no objection, that Article 5 would be presented. There were no objections from the Town Meeting members present. 8 :16 P. M. VOTED: That 02,000 be appropriated for the purchase of one additional cruising car for the Police Department and be provided by transfer from the Excess and Defic- iency Account . Carried by voice vote. 8:24 P. N. Article .6. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized on behalf of the Town to acquire by purchase or by eminent domain or otherwise, or by lease not to exceed five years, land or interests therein situated north- westerly of Waltham Street, southweSterly of Massachusetts • Avenue and southeasterly of Muzzey Street, and being any portion or portions or all of the parcels numbered 1 to 45 inclusive Waltham Street, 1752 to 1778 inclusive Mass- achusetts Avenue, and 6 to 16 inclusive Muzzey Street, and, unnumbered parcels adjacent thereto, or any of them, for the purpose of establishing an off-street parking area with access thereto; and to appropriate for acquis- ition of the land the amount of 465, 000 and provide for payment thereof by the transfer of 415,000 from the Parking Meter Account and by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town for the balance of 450,000; and to appropriate for the construction of the parking area the sum of 420,000 and provide for payment thereof by the issue of 534 ga<7 Article 6. bonds or notes of the Town; and that the Treasurer with (Cont, ) the approval of the Selectmen be and hereby is author- ized to borrow said sums totalling 470,000 and issue bonds or. notes of the Town therefor, to be payable in accord- ance with the provisions of Chapter 44 of the General Laws, as amended, within a period not exceeding ten years.) , Donald T. Clark, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, states unfavorable action recommended by the Appropriation Committee. Voice vote not unanimous . Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 34 Errol H. Locke 0 81 Harold T. Handley , 4 25 Ernest Giroux 140. 7 Carried 8 :56 P. M. Article 7. Presented by Alan G. Adams, Chairman, Planning Board. Acted upon in two parts. a) VOTED: That the name of Hill Avenue, an unaccepted way extending from Grandview Avenue to Summit Avenue, be and hereby is changed to the name of welch Road. Carried Unanimously 9 P. M. b) VOTED: That the name of Summit Avenue, an unaccepted way extending from Massachusetts Avenue to Grandview Avenue, be and hereby is changed to the name of Estabrook Road. Carried Unanimously 9 P. M, Article 8. Presented-by-Alan G. Adams, Chairman, Planning Board. VOTED: To amend the Zoning By-Law by adding in Section 2. Definitions, the following: (p) Sanitary Sewer. A public sanitary sewer of the Town of Lexington. Alan G. Adams read Report of the Planning Board. Article as presented carried unanimously 9 :02 P. M. Article 9. Presented -by-Alan G. Adams, Chairman, Planning Board. VOTED: To amend the Zoning By-Law by changing a .certain area from an. Al district-One family dwelling, to a Cl district-Local business, by adding to Section 4(c) Cl- Local business districts, the .following new paragraph: 24. A district on the easterly side of Waltham Street, adjacent to the Lexington-Waltham line, bounded and described as follows : Westerly by Waltham Street, 350 feet; Northerly by land now or formerly of Edith L. Short, 200 feet; 'Ea8terly by 'land now or formerly of said Short, by a line parallel to and distant 200 feet Easterly from the Easterly sideline of Waltham Street; Southeasterly by land now or formerly of John McCarthy; and Southerly by the Lexington-Waltham line. Alan G. Adams read Report of the Planning Board. Vote not unanimous . 9:09 P. M. Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers ' Opposed 35 Errol H. Locke 0 76 Harold T. Handley 5 _12 Ernest Giroux 6 130 , 11 Carried 9:12 P. M. 535 Article 4. Haskell W. seed moves that article be indefinitely postponed. Indefinite postponement lost by voice vote. 9 :38 P. H, Haskell W. Lieed presented Article 4. VOTED: To establish as a town way, and accept the layout of as a town way, Worthen Road from Bedford Street to Massachusetts Avenue, southwesterly, a distance of approx- imately 1930 feet as laid out by the Selectmen and shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated February 9, 1955, and to authorize the Selectmen to take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor, and to appropriate for land acquisition and for con- struction of said way the sum of 4140,000 and to provide for payment thereof by transfer of 420,000 from the Excess and Deficiency Account and by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town for the balance of 4120,000; and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of 4120,000 and issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor, to be payable in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 44 of the General Laws, as amended, within a period not exceeding ten years. . Donald T. Clark, Chairman, Appropriation Committee, states committee recommends unfavorable action. Vote taken on article which was not unanimous. 10 :09 P. M. Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 35 Errol H. Locke 0 77 Harold T. Handley 7 24 Ernest Giroux 136 10 Carried 10 :10 P. M. Leon W. Bateman, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, moves that meeting be dissolved. 10 :11 F, Me AWL 51 /. Town Clerk (IF