HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-21 to 1955-04-11 ATM-min TOWN METING HELD MARCH 21, 1955 Meeting called to order by Charles E. Ferguson, Moderator, 8:08 P.M. There were 194 Town Meeting Members 'present. Meeting opened with Invocation by Rev. Crawford 0. Smith. 8:10 P.M. Town Clerk, James J. Carroll, read warrant 'f or the meeting until further reading was waived by vote of the Town Meeting Members. 8 :12 P. M. The clerk read the Constables' Return of the warrant. 8:12 P. M. Article 2. Gardner C. Ferguson, Chairman, presented the report of the Appropriation Committee which was voted to be accepted and placed on file. 8:17 P. 14. A. Edward Rowse moves for the sense of the -Town Meeting Members that the Appropriation Committee should present any amendments as the various appropriations are presented. Carried Unanimously 8:19 P. M. Article 2. Sanborn C. Brown, Chairman, presented the report of the 'Capital Expenditures Committee which was voted to be accepted, placed on file and the committee discharged. 8:20 P. M. Donald K. Irwin, Chairman, presented the report of the Building and Plumbing By-yaw Study Committee as a report of progress which was accepted and placed on file. 8 :20 P. M. Mrs. Ruth Morey presented report of the High School Building Committee. 8:21 P. M. Article 3. Leon W. Bateman, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, presented the following: VOTED: That a Committee of three be appointed by the Moderator to have charge of the lectures under the wills of Eliza Cary Farnham and Susanna E. Cary for the current year. Carried Unanimously 8:22 P. M. Leon W. Bateman suggests, if no objections from the Town Meeting members present, to take up Article 44. No objections. Carried by voice vote. Article 114. Sanborn C. Brown, Chairman of the Capital Expenditures Committee, presented the following: VOTED: To amend the General By-Laws by adding thereto a new Article XXIX, to read as follows : ARTICLE XXIX CAPITAL EXPENDITURES COMMITTEE Section 1. The Town shall have a Capital Expenditures Committee consisting of five registered voters of the Town. No member of the Committee shall be an officer or employee of the Town, whether elected or appointed, ex- cept that Town Meeting Members may be members of the Committee. Initially the Moderator shall appoint two members to serve until the next annual Town Meeting, two members to serve until the annual Town Meeting in the second year thereafter, and one member to serve until the annual Town Meeting in the third year thereafter. There- after, on or before the first day of June in each year the Moderator shall appoint to the Committee one or two members (as the case may be) to serve until the annual Town Meeting in the third year thereafter and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy in the Committee shall be filled by appointment by the Mod- erator and the member so appointed shall serve for the unexpired term of his predecessor, If any member of the 513 �e Article 44. Committee shall cease to be a resident of Lexington, or (Cont. ) shall become an officer of the Town by election or by appointment and qualify as such, or shall become an em- `fid ployee of the Town, he shall forthwith cease to be a member of the Committee. The Committee shall choose its own officers. Section 2. Each year the Capital Expenditures Com- mittee shall make a thorough study 'of the capital ex- penditure projects that may be required by the Town within the ensuing five-;year period and shall file a report setting forth all such projects together with the Committee' s recommendations as to the projects that should be undertaken within the five-year period and the approximate date on which each recommended project should be started. Section 3. Prior to the date of the Annual Town Meeting of each year the Committee shall publish a report of its findings in the preceding year and its recommendations, -copy of which report shall be sent to each Town_ Meeting Member. Question by Rev. Harold T. nandley concerning -Section 2. " Motion as presented carried unanimously 9:29 P; M. motion by Leon W. Eateman, Chairman. VOTED: That the committee for the above article should be retained on an annual appointment basis. Carrie. by voice vote. 8:30 P. M. Chairman, Leon W. iatemar, moves that Article 4 be opened. Remarks by Selectman, daymond W. James. Appropriations under Article 4 offered by the Moderator, 'Charles E. Ferguson. Article 4. VOTED: That the following amounts be appropriated for the current year and be raised in the current tax levy except that where a transfer is indicated _they shall be provided by such a transfer: Selectmen' s Department Personal Services 8,580.00 Expenses 2,220.00 Elections 2,239.60 Insurance . 28,401.18 Unclassified ` 700.00 Printing Town Report 1,809.00 Town Clerk & Treasurer' s Department Personal Services 6,968.00 Expenses 1,600.00 Elections 550.00 Parking Meter Maintenance - 125.00 (This amount to be transferred from Parking Meter Fund) - Vital statistics C 25.00 Collector's Department - Personal services 5,440.00 Expenses 3,350.00 Trustees of Public Trusts Expenses 175.00 Article 4. Accounting Department (Cont. ) SO 9 Personal Services 4 9, 702.4.0 Expenses 500.00 Assessors' Department Personal Services 14•,166.00 Expenses - 2,000.00 Law Department Personal Services 4•,000,00 Special Fees 5,000.00 Expenses _ 1,500.00 Appropriation Committee Personal Services 600.00 t Expenses 1,250.00 Board of Appeals Expenses 1,378.00 Board of Retirement Accrued and Normal Liability 28,092.26 Expenses 325.00 Health De_partment Personal Services 5 ,793.07 Expenses 8, 798.00 Engineering 3,500.00 Animal Inspection 800.16 Dog Clinic 551.90 Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson, Chairman, Appropriation Committee, as follows : I move that item Health Dept. Personal Services be amended by striking out the figure 45,793.07 and inserting in place thereof the figure 44•, 800.00. Amendment lost by voice vote. 8:50 P. M. Veterans ' Day - Expenses 150.00 Gardner C. Ferguson Presented the following amendment : I move that item Armistice Day Expenses by amended by striking out the figure 4150.00 and inserting in place thereof the figure 4125.00. Amendment adopted by voice vote. 8 :51 P. M. Memorial Day - Expenses 500.00 Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that item Memorial Day Expenses be amended by striking out the figure 4500.00 and inserting in place thereof the figure 4350.00. Amendment adopted by voice vote. 8:52 P. M. Patriots' Day - Expenses 3,500.00 Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that item Patriots Day Expenses be amended by striking out the figure 43,500,00 and inserting in place thereof the figure 42,000.00.. Amendment adopted by voice vote. 8:52 P. M. Decision of the vote questioned. 5 I C) Article L •4. Patriots ' Day (Cont. ) (Cont. ) Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 20 Alan G. Adams 15 29 Rev. Harold T. Handley 7 89 Edward Hamlin 20 138 42 Amendment carried. 8:57 P. M. Planning Board. Personal Services 6,500.00 Expenses 3,300.00 Amendment presented by Alan. G. Adams as follows : I move that item #13 Personal Services - Planning Board be amended by striking out the figure 46,500.00 and in- serting in place thereof the figure 47,000.00. Amendment adopted by voice vote. 8 :54 P. M. Decision of vote questioned. Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 24 Alan G. Adams 13 17 aev. Harold T.Aandley 19 Edward Hamlin 40 108 72 Carried 9 P. M. Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows: I move that item Planning Board Expenses be amended by striking out the figure 43,300.00 and inserting in place thereof the figure 42,300.00. Amendment lost by voice vote. 9 :06 P. M. William E. Phillips asks for Personal Services of Planning Board be reconsidered. Reconsideration lost by voice vote. 9:08 P. M. Recreation Committee Personal Services 7,915.00 Expenses 10,500.00 Board of Registrars Personal Services 2,522.00 Expenses 475.00 Police Department Personal Services 1212477.49 Expenses 12,684.50 Parking Meter Maintenance 250.00 (This amount to be transferred from the Parking Meter Fund) Article 4, Lincoln P. Cole, Jr. asks for Patriots Day be re- (Cont. ) considered. 9 :14 P. M. 5 1 Reconsideration lost by voice vote. 9:15 P. M. Dog Officer Personal Services 235.00 Expenses 650.00 Fire Department Personal Services 140,793.20 Expenses - 21,810.00 Ambulance Maintenance 400.00 Forest Fires Personal Services 50.00 Wages & Expenses 500.00 Civilian Defense Expenses 5,800.00 Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that item Civilian Defense be amended by striking out the figure 45,800.00 and inserting in place thereof the figure 42,300.00. Amendment lost by voice vote. 9:27 P. M. Building & Plumbing Department Personal Services 7,340.00 - Expenses 1,245.00 wire Inspection Department Personal Services 2,000.00 Expenses 700.00 Weights & Measures Personal Services 800.00 Expenses 424.00 Public Works Su.erintendent' s Office Personal Services 26,860.53 Expenses 720.00 Engineering Department Personal Services 18,677.12 Expenses 1,470.00 Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that item Engineering Dept. Expenses be amended by striking out the figure 41,470.00 and inserting in place thereof the figure 41,220.00, Amendment carried by voice vote. 9:29 P. M. Decision of vote questioned. Standing vote taken as follows: In Favor Tellers Opposed Alan G. Adams 28 15 Rev. Harold T. Handley 20 41 Edward Hamlin 117 , Amendment lost. 9:32 P. M. = 5 1 2 Article 4. Town Offices & Cary Memorial Building -2-j (Cont. ) Personal Services 4 9,791.92 Expenses 18, 758.65 Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson, as follows : I move that item Town Off. & Cary Mem. Bldg. Expenses be emended by striking out the figure 418, 758.65 and inserting in place thereof the figure 314, 785.00. Amendment lost by voice vote. 9:36 P. M. Public works Building Wages & Expenses 14,370.00 Highway Maintenance Wages & Expenses 70,000.00 Highway Department - Road machinery Wages & Expenses 23,600.00 (This amount to be transferred from the Road Machinery Fund) Snow Removal Wages & Expenses 40,000.00 Amendment presented by Ernest Cutter as follows : I offer the following amendment to the motion; "that the amoUnt of 435,000.00 be substituted for 440,000.00 for wages and expenses for snow removal." Amendment lost by voice vote. 9:40 P. M. Decision of vote questioned. Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 6 Alan G. Adams 28 15 Rev. Harold T. dandley 20 41 Edward Hamlin 62 117 - Amendment lost 945 P. M. Traffic Regulation & Control Wages & Expenses 5,450.00 Street Lights Expenses 35,766.00 Street Signs Expenses 1,205.00 Sewer Maintenance Wages and. Expenses 9,000,00 Sewer Services Wages and Expenses 28,400.00 Garbage Collection 24,226.00 care of Dumps & Removal of Ashes 14,000,00 Article 4. Water Maintenance 513 (Cont. ) Wages and Expenses v4 '35, 268.75 Water Services Wages and Expenses 27,000.00 Parks wages and Expenses ' 26,988.00 Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that item Parks Wages & Expenses be amended by striking out the figure 426,988.00 and inserting in place thereof the figure 425;000,00. Amendment lost by voice vote. 9:50 P. M. Insect Suppression Wages and Expenses 5,000.00 Shade Trees Wages and Expenses 20,125,00 Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that item Shade Trees be amended by striking out the figure 42Q,125.00 and inserting in place thereof the figure 415,500.00. Amendment adopted by voice vote. 9 :56. P. M. School Operation Personal Services 811,552,85 Expenses 175,513.00 Out of State Travel 500,00 Lunch Room 500.00 Athletics 14,883.55 Americanization Classes 208.00 Vocational Education - Tuition 15,287. 70 Handicraft Classes 8,094.50 (In addition to the amount of 4300.00 received from the George Barden Fund) Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that item School Expenses be amended by striking out the figure 4175,513.00 and inserting in place thereof the figure 4173, 113.00. General discussion by various speakers. William E, Phillips requests ten minute recess. :!recess granted. 10:20 P. M. Meeting re-opened at 10:31 P. M. Gardner C. Ferguson withdraws his amendment. 10 :32 P. M. Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that item School Expenses be amended by striking out the figure 4175,513.00 and inserting in place thereof ` the figure 4173,113,00. Amendment adopted by voice vote. 10:4.0 P. M. 514 Article 4.4. Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : (Cont. ) I move that item School Expenses be amended by striking out the figure 4173,113.00 and inserting in place thereof the figure 4165,313.00. Amendment declared lost. 10:42 P. M. (By voice vote. ) Decision of vote questioned. Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 11 Alan G. Adams 23 9 aev. 'Harold T. Handley 27 221 'Edward Hamlin 61 58 , 111 Amendment declared lost. 10 :45 P. N. Dental Clinic Personal Services 4 3,910.00 Expenses 863.00 Posture Clinic Personal Services 1,560.00 Expenses 105.00 Cary Memorial Library_ Personal Services 39,160.00 Expenses 15,632.47 (In addition to the amount of 42,690.53 received from the County for Dog Licenses) Amendment presented by Frederick M. Gay as follows : I move to amend the Item Cary Memorial Library Expenses by striking out the figure 415,632.47 and inserting in place thereof the figure 417,012.47. Amendment adopted by voice vote. 10 :50 P. M. Public Welfare Personal Services 7, 287.20 Administration 925.00 Aid & Expenses 16,000.00 Disability Assistance - Aid & Expenses 8,350,00 Aid to Dependent Children, Aid & Expenses 14 040.00 Old Age Assistance Aid & Expenses 88,700.00 Veterans ' Benefits Personal Services 1,560.00 Administration 350,00 Aid & Expenses 9,000,00 Soldiers ' Burials 150.00 Article 4. Cemetery Maintenance 515 (Cont. ) Personal Services 4 2, 900.00 Wages & Expenses 26,899.07 (Of which 41,500.00 is to be transferred from the Perpetual Care Fund - Westview Cemetery; and 41,000.00 is to be trans- ferred from the Perpetual Care Fund - Munroe. Cemetery) Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that item Cemetery Dept. -Wages & Expenses be amended by striking out the figure 426,899.07 and in- serting in place thereof the figure 024,500.00. Remarks by George M. Hynes. Amendment lost by voice vote. 10:55 P. M. Presented. by Leon W. Bateman, Chairman: AND FURTHER VOTED: That the following amounts be appropriated: interest on Debt To be raised in the current tax levy 103,033.75 -Maturing Debt 364,000.00 and to be provided as follows : 4982.49 is to be transferred from Premiums on Loan AcCount; 48,854.52 is to be transferred from the School aeimbursement Fund; 416,162.99 is to be transferred from the Water Department Available Surplus ; and 4338,000.00 is to be raised in the current tax levy. So voted. 10 :57 P. M. Moderator, Charles E. Ferguson, declared all appropriations as read, amendments as recorded, voted. 10 :58 P. M. Leon W. Bateman, Chairman, moves to adjourn meeting to Monday, March 28, 1955 at 8 o'clock P. M. So-voted. 11:00 P. N. Tirri Clerk /1/ 5/6 ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING HELI) MARCH 28, 1955 vu' There were 189 Town Meeting Members present. Meeting called to order by the Moderator, Charles E. Ferguson. 8L04 P. M. Invocation by Rev. Harold T. Handley. 8:05 P. M. Article 5, Presented by Leon W. Bateman, Chairman, Board of Selectmen. VOTED: That the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is authorized to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1956, and to issue a note or notes therefor payable within one year and to re- new any note or notes that may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17 of Chap- ter 44 of the General Laws. Carried Unanimously 8 :05 P. M. Article 6. Presented by Leon W. Bateman. VOTED: To establish the salary and compensation of the Town Treasurer, Town Clerk and Town Collector of Taxes at the following annual rates : Town Clerk 4 2,500.00 Town Treasurer 2,700.00 Town_ Collector of Taxes 5,200.00 and to raise and appropriate therefor the sum of 410,400, Carried Unanimously 8:06 P. M. Article 7. Moved for indefinite postponement. Carried Unanimously 8 :07' P. M. Article 8. Presented by Leon W. Bateman. VOTED: To raise and appropriate the sum of 43,113.60 for the unpaid bills for prior years of the following accounts : Public Welfare , Town of. Arlington % 1,133.60 School Department Mdsx. & Boston Street Railway Co. 1,980,00 Carried Unanimously 8:08 P. M. Article 9. VOTED: To appropriate 420,000.00 for the 3eserve Fund and Presented to provide for the apyment thereof by a transfer of by Leon W. 410,000 from the Overlay Reserve and the balance of Bateman 410,000 to be raised in the current tax levy. Carried Unanimously 8:08 P. M. Article 10, VOTED: That the Board of Selectmen be authorized to Presented petition the Director of Accounts of the &tate for an by Leon W. audit for the year 1955. Bateman Carried Unanimously 8:08 P. IVI, Article 11. Presented by Haskell W. Reed. Voted; That the Selectmen be and they hereby are auth- orized to install water mains not less than six inches but less than sixteen inches in diameter in such accepted or unaccepted streets or other land as the Selectmen may determine, subject to the assessment of betterments, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor; and to appropriate for such install- ation and land acquisition the sum of 420,000.00 of which 410,000.00 is to be transferred from the Water Assessment Fund and the balance of 410,000 is to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8 :10 P. M. Article 12. Presented by Haskell W. Reed. 517 VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are auth- orized to install sewer mains, subject to the assessment of betterments or otherwise, in such accepted or un- accepted streets or other land as the Selectmen may determine in accordance with Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and all acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor; and to appropriate for such in- stallation and land acquisition the sum of 4106 190. 00 of which 436,190,00 is to be transferred from the Sewer Assessment Fund; and the balance of 470,000.00 is to be provided by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of 470,000,00 and issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor, to be payable in accordance with the provisions of Chap- ter 44 of the General Laws, as amended, within a period not exceeding twenty years. Carried Unanimously 8 :13 P. M. Article 13. Moved for indefinite postponement. Carried Unanimously 8:13 P. M. Article 14. Presented by Haskell W. Reed. VOTED: That the sum of 413,190,05 be raised anal appro- priated for pensions for retired members of the Police Department, and that the sum of 43,844.68 be raised and appropriated for pensions for retired members of the Fire Department, under Chapter 32 of the General Laws. Carried Unanimously 8:13 P. M. Article 15. Presented by Haskell W. Reed, VOTED: That the sum of 43,000 be appropriated for Chap- ter 90 highway maintenance and be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account, Carried Unanimously 8:14 P. M. Article 16. Moved to be set aside for the time being. 8:14 P. M. The following articles presented by Leon W. Bateman unless other- wise noted. Article 17. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are author- ized to construct concrete, bituminous concrete or other sidewalks, at such locations as they shall determine, where the abutting owner pays one-half of the cost, or otherwise, and to raise and appropriate therefor the sum of 47,000.00. Amendment presented by Donald N. Fifield as follows : Mr. Moderator, I move to amend the motion by' adding at the end, the following:-, and that the Selectmen be and hereby are directed to. so construct a concrete or bituminous concrete sidewalk on the southerly side of Adams Street from Neriam Street to the road from Adams Street to the Fiske School, during the year 1955. Amendment not. adopted. 8 :24 P. M. Original motion as presented, carried by voice vote. 8 :24 P. M. Article 18. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are author- - ized to install curbing at such locations as they may determine, and that the sum of 44500 be raised and appro- priated therefor. Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : 518 Article 18. I move that item Curbing Construction be amended by (Cont. ) striking out the figure 44,500.00 and inserting in place thereof the figure 4500.00. Amendment adopted. 8 :27 P. N. Motion as amended carried by voice vote. 8 :27 P. M. Article 19. VOTED: That the sum of 45,000 be raised and appro- priated for the improvement of lowlands and swamps in the eradication of mosquitoes, under Section 4A of Chapter 252 of the General Laws. Carried 8:27 P. M. Article 20. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are author- ized to install drains in such accepted or unaccepted streets or other land as they may determine, in accord- ance with Chapter 263 of the Acts of 1926, as amended, or otherwise, subject to the assessment of betterments or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor, and to raise and appropriate for such installation and: land acquisition the sum of 463,000. Carried 8 :30 P. Me Article 21. VOTED: To appropriate the sum of 47000 for the purchase by or with the approval of the Selectmen of equipment for the Department of Public Works and to provide for the payment thereof by transfer from the road Machinery Fund. Carried 8:32 P. M. Article 22. VOTED: To enlarge the scope of the Road Machinery Fund by crediting to said Fund an amount based on hourly rental for the use of motorized equipment of the Depart- ment of Public Works when used on various projects carried on under the direction of said Department or other Departments of the Town, the amount of said charge not to exceed the amount allowed by the State for the use of similar equipment. Carried 8 :33 P. M. Article 23. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are author- ized to appoint one of their members to the Board of Appeals in accordance with Section 4A of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Carried 8 :33 P. M. Article 24. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are author- ized to install street lights in such unaccepted streets as they may determine prior to the final adjournment of the 1956 Annual Town Meeting. Carried 8:34 P. M. Article 25. VOTED: To accept Chapter 141 of the Acts of 1954 of the General Court entitled "An Act Authorizing the Board of Selectmen to appoint the Inspectors of Plumbing in the Town of Lexington". Carried 8:34 P. M. Article 26. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized to sell and convey to the Lexington Golf Club for 4225.00, and upon such other terms and conditions as they may deem proper, a portion of the so-called Poor Farm tract, bounded and described substantially as follows : EASTERLY by land of the Lexington Golf Club, four bund- red and eighty (480) feet more or less; NORTHERLY by land of the Lexington Golf Club, one hund- red and thirty-five (135) feet more or less; WESTERLY by land of the Town of Lexington, five hund- red and fifty(550) feet more or less; and SOUTHEASTERLY by land now or formerly of Anthony P. and Margaret J. Zarella, one hundred and twenty (120) feet more or less; and containing approximately one and five-tenths (1 5/10ths) acres. Carried 8:37 P. M, 519 Article 27. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and hereby are author- ized to sell- and convey- at any time on or before March 2, 1956, the land on Meriam Street known as the Old Fire Station Site, upon such terms and conditions as they deem proper; said land being described as follows : Beginning at a stone bound on the southeasterly side line of eieriam Street at the property now or formerly of Henry P. Boutelle; thence running northeasterly along Heriam Street a distance of 42. 90 feet to a stone bound; thence turning at an angle of 90° 00' and running southeasterly by land now or formerly of Henry P. Boutelle a distance of 79.56 feet to a stone bound; thence turning at an angle to 90° 20' 30" and running southwesterly by land now or formerly of Henry . P. Boutelle a distance of 42.68 feet to a point; thence turning at an angle of 89° 49' 30" and running north- westerly by land now or formerly of Henry P. Boutelle a distance of 79.73 feet to the point of beginning; and containing 3,407 plus or minus square feet. Carried Unanimously 8:42 P. M. Article 28. VOTED: To authorize the Planning Board to obtain options for land or rights therein that it desires to recommend be acquired by- the Town as locations for future streets; that the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized on be- half of the Town to acquire by purchase, by eminent domain or otherwise, such land or rights therein as are or may be included in options obtained by the planning Board; and that funds already appropriated for such pur- poses be available therefor. Carried Unanimously 8 :45 P. M. Article 29. Presented by Mrs. Ruth Morey. VOTED: That the High School Building Addition Committee, appointed under the authority of the vote adopted under Article 3 of the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting held on November 22, 1954, be and hereby is authorized on behalf of the Town to retain architectural services and obtain final plans and specifications for the construction, original equipping and furnishing of additions to the new High School building, consisting of a shop wing, an auditorium and new classrooms; to obtain bids and to enter into a contract or contracts for such construction, original equipping and furnishing, and to -supervise the carrying on of the work; and that the sum of 4889,000.00 be end hereby is appropriated for such construction, original equipping and furnishing, and that payment be - provided by the raising of 4114,000.00 in the current tax levy and by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town for the balance of 47?5,000.00; and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is auth- orized to borrow the sum of 4775,000.00 under the auth- ority of Chapter 645 of the Acts of 1948, as amended, and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor, to be pay- able in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 44 of the General Laws, as amended, within a period of twenty years. Carried Unanimously 9 :03 P. M. VOTED: That in connection with the construction of a shop wing addition to the new -High School building, as provided in the preceding vote adopted under this Article, said High School Building Addition Committee be and hereby is authorized on behalf of the Town to retain architectural services and obtain plans and specifications for altering, equipping and furnishing, for its originally designed school purposes, that portion_ of the present building that is now being used temporarily for shop purposes; to obtain bids and to enter into a contract or contracts for such alteration, equipping and furnishing, and to supervise the carrying on of the work; and that the sum of 436,000.00 be raised and appropriated therefor, Carried Unanimously 9:06 P. M. 52O Article 30. Presented by George P. Wadsworth. nrj VOTED: That the School Committee be and hereby is auth- orized, to retain expert assistance and make a survey of the junior high school program of study, facilities and building needs in the Town, and, that the sum of 43,500.00 be raised and appropriated therefor. Amendment offered by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that item Jr. High School Survey be amended by striking out the figure 43,500.00 and inserting in place thereof the figure 4500.00. Amendment declared carried by voice vote. 9:11 P. M. Decision doubted. Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 15. . Alan G. Adams 22 54 Murray G. Dearborn 43 George H. Anker 92 84 Carried 9:13 P. M. Amendment adopted. 9:15 P. M. Article 31. Presented by Haskell W. Reed. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and, hereby are authorized on behalf of the Town to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherT;rise acquire for school and playground purposes a parcel of land, together with any rights of way or other rights appurtenant or approptqate thereto, believed to belong to Henning W. Swenson, said parcel being situated on Stedman Road in 1,exington, adjacent to the Franklin. School lot, and being bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a point in the easterly sideline of Stedman Road, said point being the southwesterly corner of the Franklin School lot, thence South 86° 43' 50" East, dis- tant approximately 585 feet to a point; thence North 31° 16' 10" East, distant approximately 170 feet to a point ; thence North 86° 43 ' 50" West, distant approximately 377.11 feet to a point ; thence South 62° 39 ' 30" West, distant approximately 339 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 1.66 acres more or less, all as shown on a plan entitled "Plan Showing Proposed Addition to Frank- lin School Lot, Lexington, mass . , Scale 1 in. = 100 ft. , Mar. 16, 1955 , William A. Burns, Town Engineer" , a copy of which is on file in the office of the Town Engineer; and that the sum of 41,500,00 be appropriated therefor and be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9 :20 P. N. Article 32. Presented by Haskell W. Reed. VOTED: To raise and appropriate the sum of 45,989.00 for the purchase by or with the approval of the Selectmen of equipment for the Shade Tree Division of the Department of Public Works. Amendment Presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that item Shade Tree New Equipment be amended by striking out the figure 45,989.00 and inserting in place thereof the figure 42,789.00. Amendment declared lost. 9:25 P. M, Decision doubted. Standing vote taken as follows : _ . Article 32. In Favor Tellers OpJDosed 521 (Cont. ) 10 , Alan G. Adams 26 39 Murray G. Dearborn 64 21 George H. Anker 21 70 111 Amendment lost. 9:27 P. M. Motion as presented carried by voice vote. 9 :28 P. M. Article 33. Presented by William G. Potter. VOTED: To raise and appropriate the sum of 41,650.00 for the erection of a fence around the Colonial Cemetery. Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that this item be indefinitelypostponed. Indefinite postponement declared lost. 9:29 P. M. Decision doubted. _Standing vote taken as follows: In Favor Tellers Opposed 9 Alan G. Adams 27 50 - Murray G. Dearborn 48 28 George H. Anker 11 87 73-6 Amendment carried. 9 :30 P. M. Article 34. Presented by William G. Potter. VOTED: That the sum of 42,000.00 be appropriated for the development and grading of additional land in Westview Cemetery and, the development of additional roadways there- in, and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Westview Cemetery Sale of Lots Fund. Carried by voice vote. 9:30 P. N. William H. Lyon asks for five minute recess . aecess declined. 9:31 P. Article 35. VOTED: To authorize the Selectmen to install a sanitary sewer main from the sewer pumping station in a general southerly direction toward the intersection of Massa- chusetts Avenue and Paul Revere .aoad in such locations as the Selectmen may determine and, to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor; and to appropriate for such installation and land acquisition the sum of 4400,000.00 and to provide said sum by the issue of bonds or-notes of the town, and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is authorized- to borrow the sum of 4400,00000 and issue bonds or notes of the town therefor, to be payable in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 44 of the General Laws, as amended, within a period not exceeding twenty years. Harold B. Lamont offers the following amendment : "That the term of payment be thirty years instead of twenty years. " Amendment declared lost. 9 :40 P. M. Main motion as presented carried unanimously 9 :40 P. M. Article 36. VOThD: To appropriate- the sum of 476,500.00 for the re- placement and alteration of pumps and other equipment in the sewer pumping station, and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9 :44 P. M. 522 Article 37. VOTED: That the sum of 42,000.00 be raised and approp- riated for the purchase of one additional cruising car , for the Police Department. Amendment offered by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that this article be indefinitely postponed. Amendment declared carried. 9:45 P. M. Decision doubted. Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 8 Alan G. Adams 24 61 - Murray G. Dearborn 41 24 George H. Anker 12 93 77 Indefinite postponement carried. 9:47 P. M. Article 38. VOTED: That the sum of $2,500.00 be raised and approp- riated toward the development and maintenance of complete block plans and base maps of the Towne Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that this article be indefinitely postponed. Amendment for indefinite postponement lost. 9:54 P. M. Notion as presented carried 9:55 P. M. Article 39. VOTED: To amend Article XXVII of the General By-Laws entitled "Loam, Sand and Gravel Removal" by changing the number of said Article to XXVIII, and by inserting after the word "erection" in paragraph a. the following:-, on the land from which the removal is made, - so that said paragraph a. will read as follows : When such removal is incidental to and in connection with the erection, on the land from which the removal is made, of a building for which a permit has been issued by the Building Inspector of the Town. Carried Unanimously 9:55 P. N. Edward H. Copithorne asks for reconsideration of Article 30. 9 :56 P. N. The Moderator states the time had elapsed for reconsideration. Leon W. Bateman, Chairman, moves that if no objections, Article 41 be taken up. No objections, unanimous. 9:57 P. M. Article 41. Presented by Frederick N. Gay. VOTED: That the Moderator be and hereby is authorized and directed to appoint a Cary Memorial Library Addition Building Committee of five residents of the Town, one of whom shall be a member of the School Committee and another of whom shall also be a member of the Board of Trustees of the Library at the time of their appointment, to re- tain architectural services and obtain preliminary plans, specifications and cost estimates for the con- struction and original equipping and furnishing of an addition to the Cary Memorial Library building; and that the sum of 55,000.00 be appropriated for the expenses of the Committee and be provided by transfer from the Excess and. Deficiency Account. Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follow&: I move that. this: article be indefinitely postponed. Article 41. Indefinite postponement lost by voice vote. 1523 (Cont. ) 10 :47 P. M. Main motion as presented carried unanimously. 10 :49 P. M. Chairman, Leon W. Bateman, moves, that meeting be adjourned until April 4, 1955 at 8 P. N, So voted. 10 :50 P. M. im Clerk SPECIAL ELECTION, TOWN MEETING MEMBERS, PRECINCT TWO, MARCH 28, 1955 There were 30 Town Meeting Members present. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, called the meeting to order at 7:35 P. M. James J. Carroll was elected to serve as Chairman for the meeting. Roland B. Greeley was elected to serve as clerk. Albert E. Pratley was nominated, which was duly seconded, to be elected to fill the unexpires term of one year. Unanimously voted. Roland B. Greeley Clerk 525. ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING HELD APRIL 4, 1955 Meeting called to order by the Moderator, Charles E. Ferguson. 8:05 P. N. There were 189 Town Meeting Members present. Invocation by Floyd J. Taylor. 8:06 P. M. Article 2. Additional report of Appropriation Committee filed. 8:06 P.A. Haskell W. Reed, Selectman, moves to take up Article 16, Article 16. VOTED: That the sum of 00,000.00 be appropriated for the construction of all or any part of Hill Street and Winchester Drive, or either or both of them, under Chap- ter 90 highway construction, and that said sum be trans- ferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:07 P, M. Raymond W. James, Selectman, moves to take up Articles 45 through 52 inc1usive. Approval by Town Meeting Members. 8:09 P. M. Article 45, VOTED: To establish as a town way, and accept the layout of as a town way, Bertwell Road from Fuller Road north- - westerly, a distance of approximately 805 feet to Simonds Road as laid out by the Selectmen under the Betterment Act, and shown upon a Dian on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated January 6, 1955, and to authorize the Selectmen to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land nec- essary therefor. Carried Unanimously 8 :10 P. M. Article 46. VOTED: To establish as a town way, and accept the layout of as . a town way, Bridge Street from Spring Street east- erly, approximately 1525 feet to Valleyfield Street as laid out by the Selectmen under the Betterment Act, and shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated January 6, 1955, and to authorize the Sel- ectmen to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land nec- essary therefor, Carried Unanimously 8 :11 P. M. Article 47. VOTED: To establish as a town way and accept the layout of as a town way, Fuller Road from Harding Road easterly, approximately 735 feet to Bertwell Road as laid out by the Selectmen under the Betterment Act, and shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated Jan- uary 6, 1955, and to authorize the Selectmen to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor. Carried Unanimously 8 :12 P. M. Article 48. VOTED: To establish as a town way, and accept the layout of as a town way, Crosby Road from Massachusetts Avenue southerly, approximately 595 feet as laid out by the Sel- ectmen under the Betterment Act, and shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated January 6, 1955, and to authorize the Selectmen to take by eminent , _ domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor, Carried Unanimously 8 :23 P. M. Article 49, VOTED: To establish as a town way, and accept the layout of as a town way, Sherburne Road from Vine Brook Road southerly, approximately 900 feet to Winthrop Road as laid out by the Selectmen under the Betterment Act, ard shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated January 6 , 1955, and to authorize the Selectmen to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor. Carried Unanimously 8:24 P. M, OA; Article 50. VOTED: To establish-as a town way, and, accept the layout of as a town way, Brandon Street from Fottler Avenue southeasterly, a distance of approximately 310 feet, and northwesterly a distance of approximately 600 feet as laid out by the Selectmen under the Betterment Act, and shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated January 6, 1955, and to authorize the Selectmen to take by eminent domain, -purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor. Carried Unanimously 8:25 P. Mn Article 51. VOTED: To establish as a town way, and accept the layout of as a town way, Fottler Avenue from Massachusetts Avenue northeasterly, approximately 795 feet as laid out by the Selectmen under the Betterment Act, and shown upon a . plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated Jan- uary 6, a955, and to authorize the Selectmen to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary- therefor, Carried Unanimously 8:26 P. MO- A rticle 52.VOTED: To establish as a town way, and accept the layout of as a town way, Hayes Avenue from Meriam Street north- easterly, approximately 230 feet to Woodland Hoad as laid out by the Selectmen under the Betterment Act, and shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated January 6, 1955, and to authorize the Selectmen to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement, or other interest in land necessary therefor., Carried Unanimously 8 :27 P. M. VOTED: To appropriate for land acquisition and for con- struction of the ways enumerated in Articles 45 to 52 inclusive, the sum of 4114,045.00 and to provide for pay- ment thereof by the transfer- of 414,045.00 from the Ex- cess and Deficiency Account, by the raising of 450,000,00 in the current tax levy, and by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town for the balance of 450,000.00; and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, he and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of 450,000.00 and issue bonds or ,notes of the Town therefor, to be payable in accordance with the provisions ofChapter 44 of the General Laws, as amended, within a period not exceeding ten years, Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : Mr. Moderator, I move to amend the motion by striking out everything after the words "Excess and Deficiency Account" and by inserting in place thereof, the follow- ing:- and by the raising of 4100 ;000.00 in the current tax levy.- so that the motion, as amended, will read as follows : VOTED: To appropriate for land acquisition and for con- struction of the ways enumerated in Articles 45- to 52 in- clusive, the sum of 4114,045.,00 and to provide for pay- ment thereof by the transfer of 414,,045.00 from the Ex- cess and Deficiency Account and by the raising of 4100,000.00 in the current tax levy. Amendment declared lost by voice vote. , 8 :33 P. M, Main motion as presented carried unanimously 8 :33 P. 144 Article 40. Presented by Leon W. Bateman. VOTED: That the Moderator be and hereby is authorized and directed to appoint an Additional Town Office Build- ing Committee of five residents of the Town, two of whom shall be members of the Board of Selectmen at the time of their appointment, to retain architectural services and obtain plans and specifications and cost estimates for the construction and original equipping and furnishing of an additional town office building, similar in design to the present town office building, and to report to the Article 40. 1956 annual Town meeting; and that the sum of 527 (Cont. ) 410,000.00 be appropriated for the expenses of the Committee and be provided by transfer from the Excess and. Deficiency Account. . . Leon W. Bateman asks for a recess of twenty minutes for the Town Meeting liembers to visit and inspect the Town Office Building. 8:35 P. M, Suggestion for recess declared lost. 8 :39 P. M. Slides shown on various offices in the Town Office Build- ing. , . John W. Rycroft, Chief of Police, called upon and admitted, explaining the undesirability of the Police Station. 9:08 P. M. Amendment presented by Gardner C. Ferguson as follows : I move that this article be indefinitely postponed. Indefinite postponement declared lost by voice vote. 9:26 P. M. Main motion as presented carried unanimously. 9:31 P. M. Nathaniel P. Blish asks for reconsideration of Article 37. 9:32 P. M. Moderator declares reconsideration out of order. 9:32 P. M. Nathaniel P. Blish asks to reopen Article 37. 9:33 P. M. To reopen - declared lost by voice vote. 9:33 P. M. Article 42. Aiden L. Ripley asks to have the article placed on the table. Approved by the Town Meeting Members. 9:35 P. N. Article 43. Presented by Joseph E. Belcher, Chairman. MOTION: To instruct the Selectmen to petition the Gen- eral Court for the enactment of Legislation authorizing . the establishment in the Town of Lexington of a Selectmen- Town- Manager form of government in accordance with the proposed legislation prepared and submitted by the Town Manager Plan Committee. General Discussion by various speakers. Motion by Harold B. Lamont to adjourn until A pril 11, 1955. Lo . 42 P.M Main Motion declared lost.by voice vote. 10 :47 P. M. Article 2. Rev. Harold T. Handley proceeded to offer a motion which the Moderator declared not in order. 10 :47 P. H. Article 2. Presented by Joseph E. Belcher, Chairman. VOTED: That the report of the Town Manager Plan Committee be accepted and placed on file and the Committee discharged. Carried 10 :48 P. M. Leon W. Bateman moves that meeting be adjourned until Tuesday, April 5, 1955 at 8 P. M. 10:54 P. M. Amendment offered by Alfred P. Tropeano that meeting be adjourned until Monday, April 11, 1955 at 8 P. X. 10 :55 P. N. Amendment by Alfred P. Tropeano adopted. 10:55 P. M. motion as amended adopted. 10 :56 P. M. Meeting adjourned until April 11, 1955 at 8 P. M. / (7,4 Clerk 528 ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING HELD APRIk11, 1955' tZ,J Meeting called to order by the kloderator, Charles E. Ferguson, 8:04 P. M. Invocation by Rev. George W. Casey. 8:05 P. M. There were 182 Town Meeting Members present. Leon W. bateman, Chairman, Board of Selectmen, declares Article 2 .croen. Article 2. Frank A. Currier, Jr. presents Report of the Committee on Colonial Architecture for Town Building which was voted on to be accepted, placed on file and committee dis- charged. 8:07 P. M. Article 42. :drank A. Currier, Jr. moves that Article 42 be taken from the table. 8:07 P. M. MOTION: To accept Sections 82 to 84, inclusive, of Chap- ter 41 of the General Laws, which provide for the esta- blishment of an art commission and to designate the School Committee, the Planning Board and the Trustees of Public Trusts as the boards to nominate to the Selectmen the names of citizens of the Town from whom the Selectmen shall appoint an art commission of three members as prov- ided in said Section 83. Main motion voted on. Decision of vote in doubt, there- fore standing vote taken as follows : • ' ' In Favor Tellers Opposed 16 : - George P. Wadsworth 15 29 Rev. Harold T. Handley 18 15 Frederic B. Fletcher , 90 60 63 - Motion as presented not adopted. 8:20 P. M. Article 53 . Alan-G. Adams moves for Indefinite Postponement. Carried Unanimously 8 :21: P. M. Article 54. Alfred P. Tropeano moves for Indefinite Postponement. Carried Unanimously 8:24 P. M. • Article 55. Presented by Bertram P, Gustin. 3 . A district situated on the westerly side of the state highway (Route 128) and the easterly side of Marrett Road bounded and described as follows : o O EASTERLY by the westerly side of the State highway 0 H (Route 128) four hundred (400) feet, more or less; cz " NORTHERLY by other land of Frida Semler Seabury and Arthur F. Hinds et als twelve hundred sixty (1260) 4-3 feet, more or less ; 0 Ca -P -P tIO EASTERLY by land of said Hinds one hundred seventy gl C.) (170) feet, more or less; f:Q 4-3 g NORTHWESTERLY by land of Maurice D. Healy bytwo o b.() bounds, said bound S being of to hundred ninety-two H C Q) (292) feet, more or less and two hundred one (201) • H 4-3 o ria o feet, more or less- respectively; • g4-Dro SOUTHWESTERLY by Marrett Road nine, hundred thirty Ct •• (930) feet, more or less ; - , u -P z ! rrg SOUTHEASTERLY SOUTHWESTERLY • 4-1 CO SOUTHEASTERLY o • CZ PH 4-) O 0 I • a) z r4 -P rd • ;-1 0 CD rt 529 Article 55. SOUTHWESTERLY as shown by land now or formerly. of (Cont. ) Grigor by five bounds of twenty-eight (28) feet, more or less, two hundred three (203) feet, more or less, seventy(70) feet, more or less, three hundred seventy (370) feet, more or less; _ SOUTHERLY three hundred forty (340) feet, more or less. To the point of beginning at the State highway (Route 128) ' Voice vote not unanimous. 8 :40 P. M. Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 30 George P. Wadsworth 2 43 Rev. Harold T. Handley 9 29 Frederic B. Fletcher 102 16 Being a two-thirds vote , article adopted. 8 :41 P. M. Article 56. Presented by Haskell W. Heed. VOTED: That the Planning Board be and hereby is author- ized and directed to study the matter of acquiring by purchase or by eminent domain or otherwise, or by lease, lard or interests therein situated northwesterly of Wal- tham Street, southwesterly of Massachusetts Avenue and southeasterly of Muzzey Street, for the purpose of establishing an off-street parking area and access there- to, and to report thereon at the next available Town Meeting; and that the sum of 43,500.00 be appropriated for the expenses of the Board and be provided by trans- fer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Declared carried by voice vote. 9 :47 P. M. Article 57. Alan G. Adams presents report of the Planning Board. 9:50 P. M. He then presented the following vote : VOTED: To amend the Zoning By-Law by adding under para- graph 7 of Section 5 (a) R 1 Districts, the following new subparagraph: f. Open-air parking areas for use only in connection with one or more of the other permitted uses in the district. Carried Unanimously 9:54 P. M. Article 58. Presented by Alan G. A dams - Report of Planning Board. 9:57 P. N. He then presented the following vote : VOTED: To amend the Zoning By-Law so as to change certain land from an H 1 District to an M 1 --Light Manufacturing District, by striking out subparagraph 1 of paragraph (f) of Section 4 thereof and by substituting therefor a new sub- paragraph 1 as follows : 1. A district bounded southwesterly by the southwesterly side of the railroad right of way; northwesterly by the southeasterly line of Westview Street; northeasterly by a line parallel to and, at all points 500 feet southwesterly I I of the southwesterly line of Bedford Street; southeasterly by the northwesterly line of Hinchey Road; northeasterly by a line parallel to and at all points 1285 feet north- easterly of the southwesterly side of the railroad right of way; and southeasterly by the northwesterly line of the Northern Circumferential Highway. General discussion by various speakers. Voice vote taken, not unanimous, therefore 530 Article 58. Standing vote taken as follows : (Cont. ) In Favor Tellers Opposed 30 , George P. Wadsworth 6 67 Rev, Harold T. Handley 27 21 Frederic B. Fletcher 12 118 45 Being a two-thirds vote, article adopted. 10 :29 P. M, Article 590 - Leon W. Bateman, Chairman, moves for Indefinite Post- ponement, Carried 10:30 P. M. Leon W. Bateman moves that meeting be dissolved. 10 :30 P. P10 fl 0own Clerk G/// ATTORNEY GENERAL'S APPR. AL OF ART LE 57 AS PASSED AT THE ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING HELD APRIL 11, 1955 Article 57, Alan G. Adams presents report of the Planning Board, 9:50 2® A. He then presented the following vote : VOTED: To amend the zioning By-Law by adding under para- graph 7 of Section 5 (a) R 1 Districts, the following new subparagraph: f. Open-air parking areas for use only in connection with one or more of the other permitted uses in the district. Carried Unanimously 9:54 P. MeJL I I ff I I Tow /Clerk Lexington/ ass. , April 15, 1955 James J. Carroll, Town Clerk of the Down of Lexington, do hereby certify the above to be a true and exact copy of Article 57 as passed at the Adjourned Town Meeting held april 11, 1955 and as same appears on record, / Zd Tc‘wil. Clerk // Boston, Mass. , April 29, 1955 The foregoing amendment to zoning by-law is hereby approved. /Signed/ George -eingold Attorney General Advertised in Lexington Minute Man - hay 5, 12, 19, 1955 . 1536 ATTORNEY GENERAL'S APPROVAL OF ARTICLE 44 AS PASSED AT THE_ E .''-7 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING HELD MARCH 21, 1955 b Article 44. Sanborn C. Brown, Chairman of the Capital Expenditures Committee, presented the following : ARTICLE XXIX . CAPITAL EXPENDITURES COMMITTEE Section 1. The Town shall have a Capital Expenditures Committee consisting of five registered voters of the Town. No member of the Committee shall be an officer or employee of the Town, whether elected or appointed, except that Town Meeting Members may be members of the Committee. Initially the Moderator shall appoint two members to serve until the next annual Town Meeting, two members to serve until the annual Town Meeting in the second year thereafter, and one member to serve until the annual Town Meeting in the third year thereafter. Thereafter, on or before the first day of June in each year the Moderator shall appoint to the Committee one or two members (as the case may be) to serve until the annual Town Meeting in the third year thereafter and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Any vacancy in the Committee shall be filled by appointment by the Mod- erator and the member so appointed shall serve for the unexpires term of his predecessor. If any member of the Committee shall cease to be a resident of Lexington, or shall become an officer of the . Town by election or by - appointment and qualify as such, or shall become an employee of the Town, he shall forthwith cease to be a member of the Committee. The Committee shall choose its own officers. Section 2. Each year the Capital Expenditures Comm- ittee shall make a thorough study of the capital expend- iture projects that may _be required by the Town within the ensuing five-year period and shall file a report setting forth all such projects together with the Comm- ittee' s recommendations as to the projects that should be undertaken within the five-year period and the approx- 1 imate date on which each recommended project should be started. Section 3. Prior to the 'date of the Annual Town Meeting of each year the Committee shall publish a report of its findings in the preceding year and its recommendations, copy of which report shall be sent to each Torun Meeting member. question by Rev. Harold T. Handley concerning section 2. Notion as presented carried unanimously 9:29 P. Me To /lerk 4' Lexington, Ma . , April 15, 1955 I, James J. Carroll, Town Cl rk of the Town of Lexington, do here- by certify the above to be a true and exact copy of Article 44 as passed at the Annual Town Meeting held March 21, 1955 and as same appears on record. P .// To clerk Boston, Hass. , ' /l8, 1955 The within amendment to by-la s is hereby roved. /Signed/ George Fingold Attorney General Published in Lexington Minute Man June 23, 30 and July 7, 1955. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S APPROVAL OF ARTICLE 39 AS PASSED AT THE 537 ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING HELD MARCH 28, 1955 Article 39. VOTED: To amend Article XXVII of the General By-Laws entitled "Loam, Sand and Gravel Aemoval" by changing the number of said Article to XXVIII, and by inserting after the word "erection" in paragraph a. the following:-, on the land from which the removal is made, - so that said paragraph a. will read as follows : when such re- moval is incidental to and in connection with the erection, on the land from which the removal is made, of a building for which a permit has been issued by the Building In- , ,spector of the Town. Carried Unanimously 9 :55 P. m. 'o/wn Clerk Lexingto ss. , Aprl 15, 1955 I, James J. Carroll, Down Clerk or ihe Town of Lexington, do hereby certify the above to be a true and exact copy of Article 39 as passed at the Adjourned Town Meeting held March 28, 1955 and as same appears on record. ..4.4 , ii. ,...-......ir ......,... . • ToIwn Clerk Boston, Mass74 18, 194 The foregoing amendment by-laws/is hereby approved. //Signed/ George Fingold Attorney General Published in Lexington Minute Man June 23, 30 and July 7, 1955. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S APPROVAL OF ARTICLE 55 AS PASSED AT THE ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING HELD 1,Paii., 11, 1955 Article 55. Presented by Bertram P. Gustin. VOTED: To amend the Zoning By-Laws to change a certain area from an R-1 district to an A-1 district by adding to Section 4 (g) A-1 -- Garden Apartment and Hotel Dis- tricts, the following new paragraph: 3. A district situated on the westerly side of the State highway (Route 128) and the easterly side of marrett Road bounded and described as follows : EASTERLY by the westerly side of the State highway (Route 128) four hundred (400) feet, more or less; NORTHERLY by other land of Frida Semler Seabury and Arthur F. Hinds et als twelve hundred sixty (1260) feet, more or less; EASTERLY by land of said Hinds one hundred seventy (170) feet, more or less; NORTHWESTERLY by land of Maurice D. Healy by two bounds, said bounds being of two hundred ninety-two (292) feet, more or less and two hundred one (201) feet, more or less respectively; SOUTHWESTERLY by Narrett Road nine hundred thirty (930) feet, more or less ; SOUTHEASTERLY SOUTHWESTERLY SOUTHEASTERLY 538 ATTORNEY GENERAL'S APPROVAL OF ARTIC.i.1-7, 55 (CONT. ) 0,....T. ,nt!' Article 55. SOUTHWESTERLY as shown by land now or formerly of 7.z (Cont. ) Grigor by five bounds of twenty-eight (28) feet, more ^ or less, two hundred three (203) feet, more or less, seventy (70) feet, more or less, three hundred seventy (370) feet, more or less; SOUTHERLY three hundred forty (340) feet, more or less. To the point of beginning at the state high (Route 128) Voice vote not unanimous. 8:40 P, M Standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 30 George P. Wadsworth 2 43 Rev. Harold T. Handley 9 29 Frederic B. Fletcher 102 16 Being a two-thirds vote, article adopted. 8 :41 P. N. ' Lexington, Hass , Alpril 15r-: /// ki own/ Clerk I, James J. Carroll, Town Cler of the Tom of Lexington, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and exact copy of Article 55 as passed at the Adjourned Town Heeting held April 11, 1955, and as same appears on record. , /// Town Clerk Boston, Mass . , '14 18, 1955 The foregoing amendment to zoning by-laws is hereby approved. /Signed/ George Fingold Attorney General Published in Lexington Hinute Han June 23 , 30 and July 7, 1955. 539 ATTORNEY GENERAL'S APPROVAL OF ARTICLE AS PASSED AT rHE SPECIAL TOWN MEETING HELD JUNE 20, 1955 Article 8. Presented by Alan G. Adams , Chairman, Planning Board. VOTED: To amend the Zoning By-Law by adding in Section 2. Definitions , the following: (p) Sanitary Sewer. A public sanitary sewer of the Town of Lexington. Alan G. Adams read Report of the Planning Board. Article as presented carried unanimously 9:02 P. M. /own Clerk Lexington, Mass. , July 19, 1955 I , James J. Carroll, Town Clerk of the Town of Lexington, do hereby certify the above to be a true and exact copy of Article 8 as passed at the Special Town Meeting held June 20, 1955 and as same appears on record. Town Clerk Boston, Mass. , July 28, 1955 The foregoing amendment to zoning by-law is hereby approved. George Fingold Attorney General ATTORNEY GENERAL'S APPROVAL OF ARTICLE 9 AS PASSED AT THE SPECIAL TOWN MEETING HELD JUNE 20, 1955 Article 9. Presented by Alan G. Adams , Chairman, Planning Board. VOTED : To amend the Zoning By-Law by changing a certain area from an R1 district-One family dwelling, to a Cl district-Local business, by adding to Section 4 (c) Cl-Local business districts , the following new paragraph: 24. A district on the easterly side of Waltham Street , adjacent to the Lexington-Waltham line , bounded and described as follows: Westerly by Waltham Street , 350 feet; Northerly by land now or formerly of Edith L. Short , 200 feet; Easterly by land now or formerly of said Short , by a line parallel to and distant 200 feet Easterly from the Easterly sideline Qf Waltham Street; South- easterly by land new or formerly of John McCarthy; and Southerly by the Lexington-Waltham line. Alan G. Adams read Report of the Planning Board. Vote not unanimous. 9:09 P. M. Standing vote taken as follows : 5 40 In Favor Tellers Opposed rmf 35 Errol H. Locke 0 76 Harold T. Handley 5 19 Ernest Giroux 6 130 11 Carried 9:12 P. M. (Th Li<4.- Aie To Clerk Lexington,' Mass. , Jul /19, 1955 James J. Carroll, Town ClerkI of the Town of Lengton, do here- by certify the above to be a true and exact copy of Article 9 as passed at the Special Town Meeting held June 20, 1955 and as aame appears on record. To Clerk Bostos , ass. , Jul/ 28, 1955 The foregoing amendm-nt to zonin; by-law is hereby approved. George Fingold Attorney General I 1 1