HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-06-SE-Results 584 (See Warrant Book - Page 7 r-v STATE ELECTION P 'i H„ November 6, 1956 The following election officers had been appointed by the Sel- ectmen and were assigned to duty at the Town Precincts as follows: Precinct One Precinct Two John J. Rudd Warden J. Carroll Ryan George E. Foster Inspector Mary A. Spellman Rose I. McLaughlin Inspector Florence M. Bruce Helga M. Carlson Clerk Ilda J. Field Mary A. Rowland Teller Christine Stewart Annie H. McDonnell Teller Henry P. Meade' Mary Ella Clifford Teller Alice G. Marshall George F. Stygles Teller Catherine Belliveau George D. Smith Teller Agnes T. Buckley Madeline Towle Teller Elizabeth Fardy Gaetano Buttaro Teller Lena S. Rochette Dorothea Tocio Teller Woodrow W. Sayre Precinct Three Precinct Five Lester L. Andrews Warden Emma Zits() Randall W. Richards Deputy Warden Richard B. Ford Edna D. Anderson Clerk Veronica Belcastro (Deputy), Joseph 0. Rooney (Deputy) Clerk Jean E. Baker Mary A. Hallett Assistant Harvey F. Winlock Assistant Harry L. Garrett Precinct Four Precinct Six Louise E. Ahern Warden William W. Ferguson Ralph I. Dale Inspector Helen M. Smith Mary G. Oliver Inspector Clarence E. Delp Elizabeth F. Downey Clerk Mary J. Ferry Dorothy Parker' Teller Caroline F. Deloury Rosalie MacDonald Teller Agnes Hall Ella G. Callahan Teller Mary S. H. Ellis -- Alice Jorgensen Teller Sally S. Hooper Janet H. Pigott Teller Eleanor M. Cosgrove Beatrice F. Morse Teller Abram Chayes Gladys T. Watson Teller Marion E. Whiting Evelyn Silva Teller Catheryne M. Ferry Teller Mary R. McDonough The polls were declared open in each precinct at seven otclock A. M. and remained open until eight o'clock P. M. at which time after due notice they were delcared closed. The election officers were sworn to the faithfnll performance of their duties. The total number of registered voters in each precinct as follows: Precinct One Males 970 Females 976 Totals 191+6 Precinct Two Males 1,002 Females 1,082 Totals 2084 Precinct Three Males 873 Females 1,023 Totals 1896 Precinct Four Males 908 Females 1,062 Totals 1970 Precinct Five Males 1,024 Females 1,074 Totals 2098 Precinct Six Males 932 Females 1,011 Totals 1943 5,709 6,228 11937 1 The ballots were counted by the election officers in each precinct, the tally sheets and -btal vote sheets prepared by the Town Clerk being used. The ballots cast were counted, encJred in envelopes, sealed, signed by the election officers, together with the unused ballots and delivered to the Town Clerk at his office. The Town Clerk and the members of the Board of Registrars 585 canvassed the results as follows: Precinct One Eighteen hundred three 1803 Precinct Two Nineteen hundred sixty-wive 1965 Precinct Three Seventeen hundred ninety-eight 1798 Precinct Four Eighteen hundred ninety-one 1891 Precinct Five Nineteen hundred sixty-five 1965 Precinct Six Eighteen hundred thirty-siven 1837 11259 } PRESIDENT and VICE PRESIDENT Pr. 1Pr.2 Pr. Pr.Lj.. Pr.5 Pr.6 Total Eisenhower and Nixon 1213 1)112 1498 1465 1561 1363 8512 Hass and Cozzini 2 2 3 1 1 3 12 Holtwick and Cooper -0 02 1 2 9 Stevenson and Kefauver 562 538 268 398 384 457 2607 Andrews and Werdel 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Blanks 26 i 2 24 18 12 118 1757 19651798 1891 175 1837 11259 GOVERNOR Foster Furcolo 782 674 358 511 483 586 3394 Sumner G. Whittier 995 1268 1412 1358 1437 1231 7701 Henning A. Blomen 2 2 3 3 2 3 15 Mark R. Shaw 1 0 1 2 2 1 7 Blanks _22 21 2L 17 1 16 1803 1965 179 1691 1965 1837 —#9.11 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Charles Gibbons 1024 1287 1)119 1409 1)136 1258 7833 Robert F. Murphy 722 643 295 4368 Harold E. Bassett 1 2 4 6 44 5 1 3018 Francis A. Votano 3 4 5 6 5 3 26 Blanks 1803 19695 1798 1891 1965 1837 11259 SECRETARY Edward J. Cronin 737 637 308 439 438 557 3116 Richard I . Forbush 1003 1279 1393 1392 1.447 1233 77�7 E7 6 2 5 arl F. Dodge 1 2' Lawrence Gilfedder 2 Blanks 60 4 85 3 74. 6 2)q 1803 19 1758 1891 1965 1837 11259 TREASURER John F. Kennedy 733 600 315 )123 434 535 3040 Robert H. Beaudreau 987 1301 1395 1398 1439 1256 7776 Isaac Goddard 2 2 9 3 Willy N. Hogseth 7 3 7 5 3 4 29 BlanksI 6q 86 38 1803 19 17998 1 991 1 1965 137 11259 AUDITOR Thomas J. Buckley 855 746 343 553 514 659 3670 Joseph A. Mobile 868 1155 13)12 1266 134.6 1131 7108 John B. Lauder 1 2 5 5 1 2 16 Anthony Martin 4 5 11 9 Blanks 75 l 9 8 101 38 39 4 17,8 1891 19 1837 11259 586 = y ATTORNEY GENERAL Pr.l Pr.2 Pr.'s Pr.4 Pr.5 Pr.6 Total .� George F Ingo ld 1089 1350 11;34 1)101 1461 1315 8050 Edward J. McCormack, Jr. 665 580 300 1132 432 483 2892 Fred H. Ingersoll 3 5 4 6 3 7 28 Howard B. Rand 0 2 5 4 1 !.i. 16 Blanks L 6 28 Z 8 68 2$ 2 1803 1775 1798 1891 377 1837 11,2 9 CONGRESSMAN Edith Nourse Rogers 1265 1)189 1500 1500 15658 8767 Lawrence E. Corcoran 488 11)(2 224 3)11! 334 365 2197 Blanks 50 711 _ 66 24 29 1803 1965 1798 1891 177 1837._ 11,259 C 0 UNC I LT,OR Joseph Ray Crimmins 796 682 282 452 423 552 3187 Lawrence W. Lloyd 913 1202 1366 1347 1393 1208 7129 Blanks 9 9 81 150 92 1 77 6t� 1803 1965 1798 191 1965 1837 11,251 SENATOR Joseph M. Curley 528 491 2)12 350 344 410 2368 Charles E. Ferguson 1219 11126 1);64 1494 11153 1394 8450 Blanks 892 7 65 3303 1965179 1891 1965 1 37 2.3-- REPRESENTATIVES 1REPRESENTATIVES IN GENERAL COURT John Brox 880 1130 1368 1232 1380 1101 7091 William E. Maloney 1278 1517 . 1500 1)197 1601 1421 8814 James C. Piper, Jr. 543 463 282 361 408 )1)10 2497 Robert M. Ready 410 381 210 327 290 330 19148 j Blanks __431 3_Lai 33596 37 2 3930 3674' 251 X__ 2168 322,518 COUNTY coMLuss_T oNERs William G. Andrew 1022 1302 .1402 1400 1)30 1263 7819 H. Herbert Applin 91.1.5 1219 1397 1331 1401 1181 7474 Edward L. Buckley 668 590 273 399 413 500 2843 Patrick Joseph IvIcGlinchey 520 453 257 319 374 411 2334 Blanks i 1 366 __26-7 312 19 20 3606 393o 3596 3782 393o 3674 22,518 SHERIFF Howard W. Fitzpatrick 784 669 319 463 456 596 3287 John Frederick Cahill 911 1212 1363 1329 1377 1175 7367 Blanks 108 8 116 99 _ 132 66 60 1803 19655 1� 79... 1891 1965 1837 11,259 DISTRICT ATTORNEY Ephraim Martin 1001 12112 1385 1326 1404 1222 7580 James L. O'Dea, Jr. 726 670 316507 467 568 3254 Blanks 76 97 58 229 1803 19 17981 91 19651837 . 11259� QUESTION NO. 1 - A. -- ±00-LL MI-CENSE Yes 529 527 329 416 392 464 2657 No 889 1035 768 1115 927 1002 5736 Blanks 385 403 701 � X�-6-0 6116 371 2866 1803 1965 1798 1 19 1837 11,259 587 QUESTION NO. 1 - B. - WINES & BEERS Pr.1 Pr.2 Pr.3 Pr.4 Pr.5 Pr.6 Total Yes 524 516 312 Ji23 371 436 2582 No 853 1011 849 1073 890 98L 5660 Blanks 03 -96 _. 98 _ 70 - 1803 1965 179 1891 1965 183737 11,259 QUESTION NO. 1 C. - PACKAGE STORES Yes 1268 1391 1050 1299 1227 12977532 No 382 J21}. 427 455 430 404 2522 Blanks 153 ]_ 0_ 321 137 308 136 120 1803 1965 1798 1891 1965 1837 11,259 SPECIAL TABULATION OF 0.er'ICIAL WAR BALLOTS ONLY BIENNIAL STATE ETFCTION, NOVEMBER 6, 1956 NUMBER of service persons who personally applied by Federal postcard or otherwise for State War Ballot 98 NUMBER of service persons who were registered voters for whom State War Ballot applications were made by kindred 5 NUMBER of service persons who were not registered voters, for whom registration as voters and State War Ballots were made by kindred 9 1 NULBER of ballots mailed to service persons 112 NUMBER of such ballots cast 99 NUMBER of such ballots rejected 1 11 (7 o Clerk I I