HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-04-04-AC-min April 4, 2011 Minutes Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee April 4, 2011 Time and location: Ellen Stone Room, Cary Hall, 6:45 p.m. Members present: Glenn Parker, Chair; John Bartenstein, Vice Chair and Secretary; Joe Pato, Vice Chair; Robert Cohen; Mollie Garberg; Alan Levine; Eric Michelson; Susan McLeish; Richard Neumeier; Rob Addelson (non-voting, ex officio) Also present: Micah Niemy, Budget Officer The meeting was called to order at 6:50 p.m. Reserve Transfer for PCB Mitigation 1.. Following up on a discussion with Facilities Director Pat Goddard at the Committee’s meeting on March 14, 2011,Micah Niemy addressed the question whether further Committee action isrequired to approve the use of $41,000 remaining from the PCB remediation effort at EstabrookSchool for related work now being undertaken at the Bridge School. He distributed a spreadsheet showing thatthe $400k transferred by the Appropriation Committee from the Reserve Fund for use at Estabrook was fully spent prior to the appropriation made at the November 2010 Special Town Meeting. The balance in the DPF budget of $41,260 represents unused funds appropriated at the Special Town Meeting for use by the Department of Public Facilities that were not restricted to the Estabrook PCB mitigation project. Under the circumstances, it was agreed that there is no need for the Committee to act. Any unused funds will flow to free cash at the end of the fiscal year. Article Discussion and Presentations. 2.The Committee discussedseveral warrant articles expected to come up later in the evening at Town Meeting and the presentationsto be made, including: Articles 37 and 38 –Commercial and Residential Assessments. Ms. McLeish changed her abstention to a no vote on Article 37. Final vote on Article 37 is now: 4-5-0. The Committee discussed the presentation of majority and minority positions on both Articles 37 and 38, the validityof the data presented in support of the articles,what additional information might supportmore persuasively the relief requested, and what procedures might be followed to develop such information if the matter were disapproved at this year’s Annual Town Meeting. Mr. Addelson reported that the Board of Assessors had voted to recommend disapproval ofArticle 37: 0-2-1 and Article38: 0- 3-0. The Committee briefly discussed assessment methods as well as concerns and issues with the requests being made through these articles. Article 24 –Amend FY2011 Operating and Enterprise Budgets. Mr. Addelson summarized proposed amendments tothe FY2011 operating budgets, including a decrease in the health benefits budget of $65,000, an increase in the unemployment 1 April 4, 2011 insurance budget of $60,000, an increase in the Human Services budget of $5,000 for increased veterans’ assistance costs, and anappropriation to the public works budget of $242,036 in free cash (representing $200,000 that had originally been set aside as a hedge against possible FY2011 shortfalls and an additional $42kfreed up by the application to municipal capital projects under Article 10 of excess bond proceeds from prior-year projects). A motion was made and seconded to recommend approval of Article 24. Vote: Approved 9-0-0. Article 4 –FY12 Operating Budget–Motion to Reconsider Amendment to Create Fiscal Impact Study Committee. The Committee discussed the additional funds ($20k) suggested by Town Manager Carl Valente for an outside consultant, and the added demands on of staff time,in the event that a sub-committee to improve financial liability analysis was formed per the motion to amend Article 4. No vote was taken at this time as Committee members wished to hear the debate at Town Meetingbefore taking a position. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. A list of documents and exhibits used at the meeting is attached. Respectfully submitted, Andrea Yepez Recording Secretary Approved April 20, 2011 2 April 4, 2011 Exhibits Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee April 4, 2011 1.Meeting Agenda posted by Glenn Parker, Chair. 2.PCB Mitigation Spreadsheet showing total projections asof 3/11/2011distributed by Micah Niemy, Budget Officer. 3