HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-25-STE-Referendum-Results 137 SPECIAL REFERENDUM NEW JUNIOR HIGH AND EQUAL E PLOYT. i`TT OPPORTUNITY - MINORITY GROUPS HELD JUNE 25, 1969 In pursuance of the foregoing warrant, the legal voters of the Town of Lexington met in their respective voting Places in said Town of Lexington Wednesday, June the twenty-fifth in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and sixty-nine at seven o'clock in the forenoon. The following places were designated as the voting places for the various Precincts: Precinct One, Harrington School; Precinct Two, 1 Adams School; Precinct Three, Cary Memorial Hall-; Precinct Four, Senior High School; Precinct Five, Central Fire Station; Precinct Six, Maria Hastings School. The following election officers having been duly appointed by the Selectmen, and Wardens of the various precincts were assigned for duty as follows: Precinct One Precinct Two Mary E. Clifford Warden Ilda J. Field Marjorie E. Wirpio Clerk Agnes Heimlich Eileen J. Fradette Inspector Henry P. Meade Virginia M. Warner Inspector Alice G. Marshall Precinct Three Precinct _Four Randall W. Richards Warden Michael H. Lovezzola Dolores M. Swan Clerk Mary G. Oliver Marjorie Modoono Inspector Mary G. McCauley Helen C. Rooney Inspector Edna F. Marshall Precinct Five Precinct Six Joseph 0. Rooney Warden Mary J. Ferry Mary F. Irwin Clerk Elizabeth F. Downey Mary C. Casey Inspector Irene V. Fenerty Ida B. Fisk Inspector Mary V. Spencer The polls were declared open in each precinct at seven o'clock a.m. and remained open until eight o'clock P. M., at which time, after due notice, they were closed. The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties. The total number of registered voters in each precinct as follows: Precinct One 2,874 (Twenty-eight hundred seventy-four) Precinct Two 2,489 (Twenty-four hundred eighty-nine) Precinct Three 2,397 (Twenty-three hundred ninety-seven) Precinct Four 2,382 (Twenty-three hundred eighty-two) Precinct Five 2,709 (Twenty-seven hundred nine) Precinct Six 2,513 (Twenty-five hundred thirteen) Total 15,364 (Fifteen thousand three hundred sixty-four) The Registrars of Voters and the Town Clerk canvassed the result as follows: Precinct One 1,220 (Twelve hundred twenty ) Precinct Two 1,170 (Eleven hundred seventy) Precinct Three 1,036 (One thousand thirty-six) Precinct Four 1,140 (Eleven hundred forty) - Precinct Five 1,384 (Thirteen hundred eighty-four) Precinct Six 1,135 (Eleven hundred thirty-five) Total 7,085 (Seven thousand eighty-five) 138 QUESTION NO. ONE Shall the Town vote to approve the action of the representative town meeting whereby it was voted to appropriate S5,515,000.00, to provide for payment of 65,000.00 thereof by certain specified transfers and for payment of 3.5,450,000.00 thereof by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, and to authorize the Permanent Building Committee to enter into a contract or contracts for the construction and original equipping of a new junior high school on the land on and, off Marrett Road that was acquired for school, playground and other public purposes in 1965, and to supervise the work? Pr.l Pr.2 Pr.3 Pr.11 Pr.5 Pr.6 Total mmirsorrn e•amam..m.1. m••• ••••=.• Yes 342 375 346 430 446 252 2,191 No 858 773 676 691 937 866 b„801 Blanks 20 22 14 19 1 .17 93 Totals 1,220 1,170 1,036 1,140 1,384 1,135 7,085 In accordance with Chapter 381 of the Acts of 1954: more than the necessary 20 having voted to reverse the action of the June 2, 1969 Special Town Meeting, the action stands reversed and Article 2 is not adopted. QUESTICH NO. TWO Shall the Town vote to approve the action of the representative town meeting whereby it was voted to amend the General By-Laws by" inserting in ARTICLE XXI thereof a new Section 2. to read as follows: "All boards, officers, committees, and other agencies of the Town, which deal on behalf of the Town in making contracts for the purchase of goods or services, or for the construction, renovation, or repair of buildings or other improvement of real estate, may make appropriate arrangements, for special Programs of recruitment and training with the objective of equal employment opportunity for minority-group members in the various grades and classes of work performed pursuant to such contracts, and, subject to appropriations specifically designated for such purposes, nay expend Town funds and may make such arrangements, when appropriate, in the form of requirements, to be included in such contracts, that contractors engage in such recruitment, training, and employment as a part of the work to be performed, or may make such arrangements in the form of collateral agreements with contractors."? Pr. 1 Pr. 2 Pr. 3 Pr, L Pr. 5 Pr, 6 Total Yes 1421 454 452 521 563 397 2,808 No 764 694 557 591 798 74 4,126 Blanks 35 22 27 28 23 14 149 Totals 1,220 1,170 1,036 1,140 1,384 1,135 7,085 In accordance with Chapter 381 of the Acts of 19514, more than the necessary 20 having voted to reverse the action of the June 2, 1969 Special Town Meeting, the action stands reversed and. Article 9 is not adopted r - Atoll Town Clerk