HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-03-16-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF MARCH 16, 2011 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Office Building was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Vice Chairman Richard Canale with members, Charles Hornig, Michelle Ciccolo, and planning staff Maryann McCall-Taylor, Aaron Henry, and Lori Kaufman present. Mr. Zurlo and Ms. Manz were absent. DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION ************************************************** 71-79 East Street, sketch plan: Todd Cataldo, applicant, John Farrington, attorney, Rick Waitt, engineer, Brian Timm, project manager, Gary Larson, Landscape architect and Adam Prostee from Meridian Associates were present. Mr. Waitt said the site consists of two parcels totaling approximately 183,500 square feet and is relatively flat. There are only four changes in elevation; the perimeter has a dense screen of coniferous plants. There were seven test pits showing good drainage. On 71 East Street there is a farmhouse, barn and garage with a one year demolition delay on it. There is no demolition delay on the ranch house at 79 East Street and it will be torn down. The proof plan shows five lots. Under a balanced housing development (BHD) there could be 36,000 square feet of gross floor area, 38,000 square feet of impervious surface and 60,500 square feet of open space. Mr. Cataldo met with abutters to discuss neighborhood concerns, which are ground water in the basements, preservation of the existing farmhouse, maintenance of the viewscapes along East Street and no additional building to the right of the farmhouse. There were four plans distributed by the applicant. All the plans keep the farm house and maintain the tree buffers around the perimeter of the property. 1. Plan one has ten units, which would be too dense, with a house to the west of the farmhouse and two curb cuts. 2. Plan two a BHD with one house to the west of the farmhouse, three curb cuts and nine units. 3. Plan three has nine units, and a road to the west of the farmhouse. 4. Plan four has nine units, is a BHD with only a glimpse of the units in the back, 77,000 square feet of common open space, which includes the driveway and grass strip on the side, but would still meet the standard if it were not included, and has one curb cut. Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of March 16, 2011 Planning Board Comments:  The plan four BHD was preferred. Are the lots around the large houses mostly lawn? The house placement should be fine tuned to save additional trees. Mr. Waitt said the intention was to save as many trees as possible.  Pull the houses closer together to make the narrow open space more user friendly.  The single curb cut, the front of the site, and the retention of the farmhouse are positive features. Some recommendations are to use a tear drop at the end of the roadway to reduce pavement and minimize the need for irrigation and sprinklers.  Open space in the back does not appear to be useable and the house closest to East Street should have better orientation to look like it is part of East Street. Mr. Cataldo said that the neighbors wanted the farmhouse without a house to the side, which affect where the open space can be. Audience comments:  Water issues are a major concern. Since Wisteria Road, Fiske Commons and Porter Lane have been built there has been major basement flooding in existing homes; The soil changes to the right of the property but on the site they were finding good drainage with groundwater at over 8’.  There was concern about the mature trees on the site when the road goes through. Three photos were submitted.  The abutters appreciate the developer keeping the farmhouse and were pleased with the front streetscape being maintained to look similar to what currently exists, which is keeping with the integrity of the neighborhood.  The changes made to the plan are positive, but eight new houses will bring large families with lots of children going to school and cutting through the right of way in Fiske Commons and could create a safety concern.  Most of the common open space is in the back where there are existing water problems.  The sump pump in one house has been running two weeks straight and the owner believes that Wisteria Lane caused this water problem. Who is responsible for doing the annual inspection? Mr. Henry stated the infiltration system and catch basins were clear at a recent inspection he had done.  The treescape and open space along East Street should be maintained to preserve the historic nature of the neighborhood. Minutes for the Meeting of March 16, 2011 Page 3 Board Comments: The Board said some of the changes have been addressed already and there is support for the BHD in plan four. The Board saw no reason for the applicant not to proceed to a preliminary plan. The concerns were about ground water, tree retention, the quality of the open space in the back, retention of open space in the front, and treating the house closest to East Street so it would look like part of East Street. Mr. Waitt said that he will do test pits in spring under the supervision of the Town Engineer John Livsey and will work with abutters on the ground water issues. 341 Marrett Road, Surety Reduction: The applicant has requested a reduction of the performance guarantee from $204,000 to $26,250.00. This would be less than the 15% of the original amount required by the regulations. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 3-0, to reduce the surety to $30,600, which is 15 % of the original amount, as required by the regulations. TOWN MEETING *********************************** ********************************* Frances Road, Street acceptance recommendation to the Board of Selectmen: On a motion duly made and seconded it was voted, 3-0, to recommend to the Board of Selectmen the acceptance of Frances Street as a public way. Article 8 & 17 : The Board discussion will be put off until Ms. Manz can join the meeting. Articles 20 & 21: These articles were to set up stabilization funds and appropriate monies to those funds. The Board will wait to see if there is a need to comment on these. Article 42, Acquire sidewalk walking easement to Fiske School: When this site was rezoned to a RD zone there was a condition of approval that an easement would be given to the Town for access to the Fiske School. The Board should continue its position from the past; Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of March 16, 2011 the condition giving the easement to the Town should be enforced and the BOS be allowed to acquire the easement to complete the process. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 3-0, to recommend to Town Meeting to authorize the BOS to complete the process for acquiring the easement leading to the Fiske School as set forth in the Board of Appeals decision dated July 14, 1977. Audience Comments: A Trustee of the Fiske Common said the easement was a walking easement and the children have always been allowed to use the path to the Fiske School. When the new Fiske School opened its elevation was changed and the school added steps to the path. Recently a proposal was made in the Town Warrant for the Condo Association to provide a 10 foot wide path for recreation and pedestrian use without any notification. The Town should try to work out details with the Condo in good faith. The reason for the Warrant Article was to have Town Meeting authorize the BOS to complete the process to acquire the easement to prevent a violation of zoning. Article 10i, Appropriate monies for the South Lexington Transportation Master Plan: The Board should move forward with the plan and get the RFP to reflect what the Planning Board needs. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 3-0, to recommend to Town Meeting they adopt the appropriation under Article 10i for the South Lexington Transportation Master Plan. Article 37, Commercial Assessments: The proponent of Article 37 had asked what position the Board would take on this matter. Some of the underlying and adjacent items might be something the Planning Board would want to weigh in on, but based on the wording in the warrant, it is not within the Board’s scope and therefore the Board will not be taking a position. PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION, SCHEDULE ******************* ****************** The Board will meet on Monday, March 21 at 6:45 p.m. and Wednesday, March 23 at 6:00 p.m. in the Planning Office, Room G-1 for the continued public hearing on Rangeway. The applicant has made a Minutes for the Meeting of March 16, 2011 Page 5 request to withdraw the application without prejudice. April 6 at 6:00 p.m. in the Planning Office will be the next meeting. PLANNING BOARD REPORTS ***************************** *************************** The Center Streetscape Workshop meeting was yesterday, check their website for updates. The center Committee is working on height, residential use, and parking for the next Annual Town Meeting. The Battle Road Scenic Byway Meeting is on March 31 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Battle Road Park Visitor Center. Vision 2020 is meeting on Friday. The meeting was recorded by Lexmedia. The following documents used at the meeting can be found on file with the Planning Department: 1. Sketch Plan Application for 71-79 East Street, dated February 2, 2011 (9 pages). 2. Record Conditions Plan of Land 71-79 East Street, dated February 2, 2011 (4 pages). 3. Sketch Plan proof plan 71-79 East Street, dated February 2, 2011 (3 pages). 4. Three photographs submitted of mature trees on site. (3 pages). 5. Memo dated February 15, 2011 from Board of Selectmen regarding Intention to Layout Frances Road, and approved plan by Board of Selectmen, (4 pages). On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:08 p.m. Michelle Ciccolo, Clerk