HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-06-08-STM-min FT (WARRANT FOR SPECIAL TOWN MEETING - See Warrant Book) 3 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING HELD JUNE 8, 1964 Meeting called to order by the Moderator, Charles E. Ferguson, at 8:10 P. M. Invocation offered by Henry H. Clark. 8:11 P . M. There were 186 Town Meeting Members present. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, read the warrant for the meeting until further reading was waived by the Moderator. 8: 12 P . M. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, read the Constable' s Return. 8: 12 P. M. Article 1. J. Harper. Blaisdell, Jr. presents Appropriation Committee Report which was voted =to be accepted and placed on file. Carried Unanimously 8:13 P. M. Van T. Boughton, Jr. presents Report of the Capital Expenditures Committee which was voted to be accepted and placed on file. Carried Unanimously 8:13 P . M. Unless otherwise noted, all articles presented by Lincoln P. Cole, Jr-. , Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. Article 2. VOTED: That in addition to money already appropriated the sum of $3,000.00 be appropriated for Cary Memorial Library - Personal Services Account for the balance of the year 1964 and that said sum be provided by transfer from State Aid for Free Public Libraries Fund. Carried Unanimously 8:13 P. M. Article 3. VOTED: That in addition to money already appropriated the sum of $3,922.75 be appropriated for Cary Memorial Library - Expenses Account for the balance of the year 1964 and that said sum be provided by transfer from State Aid for Free Public Libraries Fund. Carried Unanimously 8:14 P. M. Article 4. VOTED: That the sum of $180.00 be appropriated for an unpaid bill for prior years for the following: Medical Expenses - Police and Fire Charles T. Mooney, M. D. $180.00 and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:15 P. M. Article 5. MOTION: That the sum of $20,000.00 be appropriated for the construction of a sewer main or mains in Worthen Road from Bedford Street to Massachusetts Avenue, or any part thereof orother land as the Selectmen may determine, subject to the assessment of betterments or otherwise, in accordance with Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897, as amended, or otherwise; and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. 8:17 P. M. Murray G. Dearborn speaks in favor of the article. 8:19 P .M. J. Harper Blaisdell, Jr. speaks for the Appropriation Committee against the article. 8:20 P. M. Motion declared lost by voice vote. 8:20 P. M. Voice vote doubted, so standing vote taken as follows : si 380 Article 5. In Favor Tellers Opposed (Cont. ) 13 Frederick E. Tucker 21 21 Richard H. Soule 34 r) 17 Alan G. Adams 19 19 J. S. Nason Whitney 23 70 - 97 Motion not adopted. 8:24 P. M. Lincoln P. Cole, Jr. moves that meeting be adjourned until the Special Town Meeting called for 8: 15 P . M. is completed. 8-:25 P. M. The Moderator, Charles E. Ferguson, declared the meeting now open under Meeting No. Two. 8:25 P. M. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, read the warrant for the meeting until further reading was waived by the Moderator. 8:26 -P P . M. James J. Carroll,- Town Clerk, read the Constable' s Return. 8:26 P . M. Article 1. J. Harper Blaisdell, Jr. presents the Report of the Appropriation Committee which was voted to be accepted and placed on file. Carried Unanimously 8:26 P. M. Norman T. May gives notice of reconsideration of Article 5. 8:26 P . M. Article 2. VOTED: To appropriate an additional sum of $15,000.00 for highway construction to be used in --conjunction with funds previously appropriated under Article 21 of the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting held on March 16, 1964, and to provide for payment of said sum by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:27 P. M. - Article 3. VOTED: To appropriate the sum of $3,000.00 for sidewalk construction and for the acquisition of such easements or other interests in land as the Selectmen may deem necessary in connection with the widening, altering or relocating of Waltham Street from Concord Avenuetothe Waltham-Lexington line, and to provide for payment of said sum by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 8:28 P . M. Mr. Cole moves that the second Special Town Meeting be dissolved. Carried Unanimously 8:29 P . M. Mr. Ferguson declares the first Special Town Meeting now open. 8:29 P. M. Norman T. May moves for reconsideration of Article 5. Carried Unanimously 8:30 P. M. Motion under Article 5 declared lost. 8:36 P. M. Article 6. MOTION: That the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized on behalf of the Town to acquire by purchase, eminent domain or otherwise, or by lease, not to exceed five years, for the purpose, of establishing an off-street parking area, and access thereto, all or any part of land or interests therein situated on Waltham Street in Lexington and shown as Lot A on a plan recorded in Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds, Book 10436, Page 153,, and containing 10,436 square feet according to said plan, and appropriate for such land acquisition and construction and operation of the parking area and facilities the sum of X52,500.00 and to provide for pay- ment thereof by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. 8:38 P . M. Article 6. Ephraim Weiss presents the following amendment: (Cont. ) Motion to amend Article 6, by adding at the end: "except that the amount To be paid for the property shall not exceed 130% of the assessed valuation of that property for tax purposes." 8:38 P . M. Mr. Cole reads a letter from the Board of Assessors. 8:44 P . M. Mr. Weiss withdraws his amendment. 8 :49 P. M. Ephraim Weiss presents the following amendment: Article 6: Change figure to 630,000. 8:49 P . N. Amendment of Mr. Weiss declared lost by voice vote. 9 P. M. Gordon E. Steele moves for indefinite postponement. 9:05 P . M. Indefinite postponement declared lost by voice vote. 9:10 P . M. Earl F. Baldwin, Jr. moves the previous question. Carried by voice vote. 9:11 P . M. Voice vote on main motion not unanimous, so standing vote taken as follows: In Favor Tellers Opposed 22 Frederick E. Tucker 13 23 Richard H. Soule 35 27 Alan G. ,Adams 14 23 J. S. Nason Whitney 21 95 83 Less than the required two thirds voted in favor, so motion not adopted. 9:14 P . M. Article 7. VOTED: That an additional sum of $2,000.00 be appropri- ated for Traffic Regulation and Control - Expenses, for the balance of the year 1964, and that said sum be pro- vided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:16 P . M. Article 8. VOTE: That the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized to install such sewer and water mains, conduits or drains as they may deem appropriate under the portion of Route 2 to be reconstructed in the Town and under any roads con- structed in the Town in connection therewith, including ramps, maintenance roads and adjoining land, by entering into a contract with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, represented by its Department of Public Works, to have the work performed by the contractor engaged by the Common- wealth for such reconstruction, that the sum of 665,000.00 be appropriated therefor and that said sum be provided by transfer of $45,000.00 from the Water Department Available Surplus and the balance of $20,000.00 to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:17 P. N. Article 9. Presented by Jules P . Sussman. MOTION: To establish a Conservation Fund as authorized by law and appropriate therefor the sum of $11,900.00 and provide for payment thereof by transfer froth the Excess and Deficiency Account. 9:19 P . M. 8.Lr Article 9. J. Harper Blaisdell, Jr. presents the following amendment: (Cont. ) Under Article 9 I offer the following motion: The sum of $11,900.00 be struck out and the sum of $1,500.00 be inserted in its place. 9:20 P . M. " David F. Toomey moves the amendment. 9:30 P. M. Amendment declared adopted by voice vote. 9:32 P. M. Irving H. Mabee gives notice of reconsideration of Article 6. 9:32 P . M. Main motion, as amended, under Article 9, declared carried by voice vote. 9:32 P . M. Article 10. Presented by Jules P. Sussman. VOTED: That the Conservation Commission be and hereby is authorized to contract, in the name of the Town and with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, with any agency of the United States Government in order to obtain financial assistance for the purchase of open space land, and to receive and expend Federal and other funds. Carried Unanimously 9:33 P . M. Irving H. Mabee movesfor' reconsideration of Article 6. Reconsideration declared lost by voice vote. 9:34 P . M. Voice vote doubted, so standing vote taken as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 21 Frederick E. Tucker 15 19 Richard H. Soule 36 25 Alan G. Admas 13 21 J. S. Nason Whitney 19 86 83 Reconsideration of Article 6 prevails. 9 .35 P . Me Irving H. Mabee presents the following amendment: Move to amend Article 6 by striking therefrom the sum of $52,500. and-substituting in lieu thereof the sum of $3,000. 9:37 P . M. Amendment declared lost by voice vote. 9:42 P. M. Alan G. Adams presents the following amendment to Article 6: By striking out eminent domain or otherwise or by lease not to exceed 5 years. 9:42 P. M. Amendment declared lost by voice vote. 9:48 P . M. Main motion under Article 6 voted on by standing voteas follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 22 Frederick E. Tucker 14 23 Richard H. Soule 36 25 Alan G. Adams 15 16 J. S. Nason Whitney 21 -$6 Less than the required 2/3 vote in favor, so motion not adopted. 9:50 P. M. Article 11. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized to purchase four voting machines, and that the sum of $7,000.00 be appropriated therefor, and that the money be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 9:51 P . M. Article 12. Presented by Robert C. Hargrove. VOTED: That the Standing School Building Committee, appointed under authority of the vote under Article 37 of the warrant for the 1957 Annual Town Meeting be and hereby is authorized to retain professional services and prepare final plans and specifications and to obtain bids for the construction and original equipping and furnishing of a new elementary school building on the - parcel of land situated on the southwesterly side of Middleby Road that was acquired for school and other public purposes in 1958, that the sum of $52,000.00 be appropriated therefor, and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 10: 03 P . M. Article 13. VOTED: That the Standing School Building Committee, appointed under authority of the vote under Article 37 of the warrant for the 1957 Annual Town Meeting be and hereby is authorized to retain professional services and prepare final plans and specifications and to obtain bids for the construction and original equipping and furnishing of a new elementary school buildingurps:: the parcel of land situated on and off Moreland Avenue that was acquired for school and other public p pursuant to vote adopted under Article 42 of the 1962 Annual Town Meeting, that the sum of $26,000.00 be appropriated therefor, and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Carried Unanimously 10:19 P . M. James F. Flynn moves that meeting be adjourned to Monday, June 15, 1964 at 8 P. M. 10:19 P. M. Mr. Flynn withdraws his motion. 10:20 P . M. Article 14. VOTED: That the time within which the Historic Districts Study Committee, appointed under Article 8 of the Special Town. Meeting of January 28, 1963, shall report is hereby extended to the 1965 Annual Town Meeting. Carried Unanimously 10:21 P . M. Lincoln P . Cole, Jr. moves that meeting be adjourned to Tuesday, June 9, 1964 at 8 P. M. 10:22 P . M. Robert E. Meyer makes an amendment to Mr. Cole' s motion that meeting be adjourned to Monday, June 15, 1964 at 8 P. M. 10:22 P. M. Amendment declared lost. 1Q:23 P . M. Motion of Mr. Cole declared lost. 10:24 P. M. James F. Flynn moves for a fifteen minute recess which was declared lost. 10:24 P. M. Article 15. Presented by Robert E. Meyer. MOTION: To amend the Zoning By-Law by adding to the end of Section 4. (g) , under the caption "A 1 - Garden apart- ment districts . ", a new paragraph to read as follows : A district on the northwesterly side of Worthen Road, lying between Massachusetts Avenue and Bedford Street, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a point on the Northwesterly side of Worthen Road at land, now or formerly, of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston shown as parcel D on said plan; thence running Northeasterly by Worthen Road, by four bounds, 111.63 feet, 348.26 feet, 119.02 feet, and 92.97 feet to land of First National Stores, Inc. ; thence running and turning Northwesterly by land of First National Stores, Inc. and Custance Brothers, Inc. , 476.82 feet to a point; thence turning and running Northeasterly by land, now or formerly, of Custance Brothers, Inc. , 152.85 feet to land of Alice T. McCarthy; X84 Article 15. thence turning and running Northwesterly by land of (Cont . ) Alice T. McCarthy, by two bounds, 50.36 feet and 114.20 feet; thence running Northwesterly again by land of Edward P . and Gloria D. Colbert, 120 feet; thence running Northwesterly again by land of owner unknown, 117.29 feet to land of Walter F. and Mary A. Spellman; thence turning and running Southwesterly by land of Walter F. and Mary A. Spellman, and land of John R. Driscoll, Jr. and Kathleen Driscoll, and by land of Albert J. Saganich, 150.75 feet to a point; thence turning and running North- „ westerly by land of Albert J. Saganich, 136.15 feet, by the layout of Shirley Street, 40.14 feet, by land of John F. Murphy, 123.34 feet, and by land of Lincoln P. Cole, 16.1.01 feet to Hill Street; thence turning and running Westerly by Hill Street, 40.78 feet to a point;. thence turning and running Southeasterly by land of Mary J. Bullock, John F. Bullock, Ralph L. Bullock and George E. Bullock, to a point, 172.97 feet; thence turning and running Southwesterly by land of said Mary J. Bullock, John F. Bullock, Ralph L. Bullock, and George E. Bullock, and -by land of Arthur C . Ruge and Florence B. Ruge, 780.61 feet to other land of said Arthur C. Ruge and Florence B. Huge; thence turning and running Southeasterly by other land of Arthur C. Ruge and Florence B. Ruge, 60.70 feet, 205.61 feet, 42.59 feet, 71.15 feet, 132.14 feet, and 102.80 feet, respectively; thence running Southeasterly again by land of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, 220.26 feet and 229.69 feet respectively to the point of beginning. 10:25 P. M. Mr. Meyer presents Report of the Planning Board. 10:28 P . M. Lois W. Brown moves the previous question. Carried Unanimously 11: 10 P . M. Standing vote on main motion as follows : In Favor Tellers Opposed 19 Frederick E. Tucker .17 17 - Richard H. Soule . 35 20 Alan G. Adams 18 J. S. Nason Whitney 27 70 97 Motion declared lost. 11: 12 P . M. Lincoln P. Cole, Jr. -moves that meeting be adjourned until Thursday, June 11, 1964 at 8 P . M. Carried Unanimously 11:13 P . M. 9/49144' A Td Clerk ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING HELD JUNE 11, 1964 Meeting called to order by the Moderator, Charles E. Ferguson at 8:06 P. M. There were 166 Town Meeting Members present. Invocation offered by Rev. Floyd J. Taylor. 8:07 P. M. Article 16. Presented by Robert E. Meyer. MOTION: To amend the Zoning By-Law by adding at the end of sub-section (h) of Section 4 thereof, under the caption "C 3 - Special commercial districts . ", the following new paragraph: 4. A district on the southwesterly side of the Concord Turnpike (Route 2) , also known as the Cambridge-Concord Highway, and the easterly side of the Northern Circum- ferential Highway (Route 128) , on both sides of Spring Street, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the common boundary of Lexington and Waltham with the easterly sideline of the Northern Circumferential Highway (Route 128) , as laid out and altered on June 14, 1960; thence by said easterly sideline of said Northern Circumferential Highway N 09° 12 ' 42" W, a distance of 1Y17.13 feet more or less; thence by the sideline of said Northern Circumferential Highway N 39° 48' 13" E, a distance of 132.22 feet more or less; thence by the sideline of said Northern Cir- cumferential Highway N_ 59°. 18' 24" E, a distance of 383.3 feet more or less; thence by the southwesterly sideline of said Concord Turnpike (Route 2) running southeasterly, a distance of 319 feet more or less; thence by the southeasterly sideline of said Concord Turnpike running northeasterly, a distance of 293. feet more or less; thence by the southwesterly sideline of said Concord Turnpike by three courses, running south- easterly a distance of 360.8 feet more or less, running northeasterly, a distance of 33 feet more or less, and again southeasterly, a distance of 1150 feet more or less, to the intersection with the westerly sideline of an access road identified as parcel 12-35, section V of the layout No. 5393, dated February 25, 1964, by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the alteration of said Concord Turnpike (Route 2) ; thence by said westerly side- line of parcel 12-35 turning more southerly and westerly by several courses, a total distance of 754.26 feet more or less, to the southwesterly limit of said section V; thence S 27° 51' 35" E, a distance of 95.00 feet, to the southeasterly boundary of said section V, as shown on said layout of February 25, 1964; thence by said boundary of section V N . 62° 08' 25" E, a distance of 480.61 feet; thence by said boundary turning to the right or more easterly by a curve of 525.00 feet radius,a distance of 121.3 feet; thence by the southerly sideline of parcel 12-28-T, section 10 of said layoutof February 25, 1964, turning to the right or more easterly by a curve of 525.00 feet radius, a distance of 60.00 feet; thence on land now or formerly of Florence Baldwin S 34° 49' 32" W, a distance of 465.00 feet: thence on an approximate bearing S 05° 48' 25" W, a distance of 785 feet more or less to the intersection of the common boundary line of land owned now or formerly by Joseph and Odele Medas and of land owned now or formerly by William F. and Eileen A. Cowles with the westerly boundary line of land owned now or foLauierly by said Florence Baldwin; thence generally southwesterly by the common boundary line of said land now or formerly of Baldwin and :said land now or formerly of Medas, a distance of 103 feet more or less, to the common boundary of Lexington and Waltham; thence by said common boundary of Lexington and Waltham N 66° 17' 17" W, a distance of 2300 feet more or less, to the point of beginning. 8:12 P . M. X86 Article 16. Roland B. Greeley read the Majority Report of the (Cont. ) Planning Board. 8:19 P . M. rs Robert E. Meyer read the Minority Report of the Planning Board. 8:22 P . M. • Allan Green presented petition of residents in the area who are opposed to this article. 8:32 P . M. Apollo C . Bougas 'moves that debate on this article be completed at 9:20 P . M. Declared lost by voice vote at 9:10 P . M. Martin A. Gilman moves the previous question. Carried Unanimously 9:23 P . M. Standing vote taken as follows: In Favor Tellers Opposed 18 Gordon E. Steele 13 19 Edward T. Martin 32 25 J. S. Nason Whitney 19 20 Alan G. Adams 12 82 76 Less than the required 2/3 voted in favor, so motion not adopted. 9:25 p. m. Article 17. Presented by Robert E. Meyer. VOTED: To amend the Zoning By-Law by adding in sub- paragraph (1) of paragraph l.a. of subsection (c) of (Approved section 8 thereof, under the caption "C 2 Districts. ", by Attorney the designation "A 1, ", immediately preceding the words General, "R 1 or R 2 district", so that said subparagraph (1) Edward W. shall read follows: Brooke, June 24, (1) If a boundary of the lot abuts on land in an 1964.) A 1, R 1, or R 2 district, a side yard adjoining such boundary of not less than 20 feet in width, which may be used for parking area if otherwise lawful. 9:28 P. M. Robert E. Meyer read the Planning Board Report. 9:28 P .M. Main motion carried unanimously. 9:30 P. M. Article 18. Presented by Robert E. Meyer. MOTION: That the Selectmen be and hereby are author- ized in the name and on behalf of the Town to purchase, take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire for play- ground and recreational purposes and other public pur- poses all or any part of a parcel of land situated south- westerly of Concord Avenue and bounded in part by Concord Avenue, said parcel of land consisting of the land substantially as described in a deed recorded in Middle- sex South District Registry of Deeds, Book 7344, Page 227, and ,that the sum of $26,000.00 be appropriated for such land acquisition and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. 9:31 P . M. Robert E. Meyer read the Planning Board Report. 9:31 P .M. Lincoln P . Cole, Jr. moves for indefinite postponement. 9: 32 P . M. Indefinite postponement carried by voice vote. 9:38 P.M. 0ou Article 19. Presented by Robert E. Meyer. MOTION: To amend the Zoning By-Law as follows : I. By inserting after Paragraph 1, in sub-section ( i) of Section 1 thereof, under the caption CH 1 - Commercial and hotel districts, a paragraph 2 to read as follows : There is excluded from the above district the land on the Southwesterly side of Bedford Street at the corner of Hartwell Avenue and said Bedford Street being bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a point at the intersection of the Southwesterly sideline of Bedford Street and the South- easterly sideline of Hartwell Avenue; thence • S 31°-34' -19"E 273.10 feet along the Southwesterly sideline of Bedford Street to the Northerly corner of the lot of Howard A. Smith; thence in three (3) courses along the 'Northwesterly and the Southwesterly bound- aries of the land of. said Smith, being S 53°-46' -11"W 98.52 feet, S 43°-39' -41"W 101.78 feet and S 31°-34' -19"E 135.70 feet to a point; thence S 47°-52' -13"14 335.62 feet to a stone bound angle point; thence S 42°-50' -51"W 516.19 feet to a point 1200 feet distant and at a right angle from the North- easterly sideline of the Boston and Maine Railroad right of _way; thence N 43°-02'-47"W 640.21 feet on a line parallel to the Northeasterly sideline of the Boston and Maine Railroad right of way to a point on the Southeasterly sideline of Hartwell Avenue; thence by two (2) courses along the Southeasterly sideline of Hartwell Avenue, being N 53°-56'-26"E 1079.05 feet and S 87°-04' -59"E 115.32 feet to the point of beginning. II. By adding at the end of Section 4, (g) A 1-Garden apartment districts, the following new paragraph: A district on the southwesterly side of Bedford Street at the corner of Hartwell Avenue and said Bedford Street being bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a point at the intersection of the South- westerly sideline of Bedford Street and the South- easterly sideline of Hartwell Avenue; thence S 31 °- 34? -19"E 273.10 feet along the Southwesterly sideline of Bedford Street to the Northerly corner of the lot of Howard A. Smith; thence in three (3) courses along the Northwesterly and the Southwesterly boundaries of the land of said Smith, being S 53°-460 -11"W 98.52 feet, S 43°-391 -41"W 101.78 feet and S 31°-341 -19"E 135.70 feet to a point; thence S 47°-52,-13"W 335.62 feet to a stone bound angle point; thence S 420-50' -511TW 516.19 feet to a point 1200 feet distant and at a right angle from the Northeasterly sideline of the Boston and Maine Railroad right of way; thence N 43°- 02' -47"q 640.21 feet on a line parallel to the North- easterly sideline of the Boston and Maine Railroad right of way to a point on the Southeasterly sideline of Hartwell Avenue; thence by two (2) courses along the Southeasterly sideline of Hartwell Avenue, being N 53°-561 -26"E 1079.05 feet and S 87°-041 -59"E 115.32 feet to the point of beginning. 9:42 P. M. Mr. Meyer asked that the Town Meeting recognize Frederick J. Conroy. There were no objections, so Mr. Conroy spoke on the article. 9:45 P . M. Roland B. Greeley read the Report of the Planning Board, 9:49 P. M. 388 ; Article 19. Standing vote taken as follows : (Cont. ) Cr In Favor Tellers Opposed 1)4 Gordon E. Steele 14 8 Edward T. Martin 40 10 J. S. Nason Whitney 31 12 Alan G. Adams 19 1111 104 Less than the required 2/3, so motion not adopted. 10:19 P . M. Article 20. Presented by Wallace Cupp. I move that the town establish a policy that the personal services budget of the fire department be administered so as to eliminate disparity of salary between fire and police positions. 10:20 P. M. Mr. Cupp asked for permission for William C . Madden to speak and permission granted. 10:21 F. M. Mr. Madden spoke in favor of the article. 10:30 P . M. Declared lost by voice vote. 10:47 P . M. Voice vote doubted, so standing vote taken as follows: In Favor Tellers Opposed 14 Gordon E. Steele 14 12 Edward T. Martin 30 10 - J. S. Nason Whitney 36 Alan G. Adams 28 40 108 Motion not adopted. 10:49 P . M. Article 21. Presented by Jules P . Sussman. VOTED: That the Conservation Commission be and hereby is authorized to secure from the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, a detailed soil survey and natural resources inventory for the Town, including an interpretive report, and to enter into a contract or contracts therefor; and that the sum of $3,000.00 be appropriated therefor, and that said sum be provided by transfer from the Excess and Deficiency Account. 10:50 P . M. Carried by voice vote. 11:03 P . M. Article 22. Presented by Leonard J. Colwell. MOTION: To amend the Zoning By-Law by adding at the end of Section 4, ( c) C-1 Local Business Districts, the following new paragraph: 26. A district on the northeasterly side of Bedford Street beginning at a stone bound on the easterly side of Bedford Street and land formerly of Middlesex and Boston Street Railway Company; thence northeasterly by land formerly of the Middlesex and Boston Street Rail- way, 212.52 feet to land of Johnson; thence in a southerly direction, 215.74 feet to Larchmont Lane; thence southwesterly by two lines, 67.03 and 25.64 feet to Bedford Street; thnce northwesterly along the north- easterly line of Bedford Street, 141.64 feet to the point -of 'beginning. Said land is more fully shown on a plan entitled "Plan of Lots in Lexington, Mass. " dated March 9, 1960, by Albert A. Miller and Wilbur C. Nylander, C. E. ' s recorded with Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 9577, Page 601. 11:05 P . M. J Article 22. Robert E. Meyer read Majority Report of the Planning O U (Cont. ) Board. 11: 11 P. M. Joseph A. Campbell read Minority Report of the Planning Board. 11:12 P . M. _ Standing vote taken as follows: In Favor Tellers Opposed 12 Gordon E. Steele 13 14 Edward T. Martin 29 15 J. S. Nason Whitney 25 23 Alan G. Adams 64 73 Less than the required 2/3, so motion not adopted. 11:26 P . M. Article 23. Presented by Robert E. Meyer. MOTION: To amend the Zoning By-Law by inserting, immediately following the word "sanitaria" in sub-para- graph c. of paragraph 7, of Section 5 (a) thereof, under the caption "R 1 Districts. ", the words and punctuation "including nursing homes, convalescent homes and rest homes" so that said sub-paragraph c. shall read as follows : Hospitals, sanitaria including nursing homes, con- valescent homes and rest homes, charitable institutions, private schools, halls, clubs and other meeting places and cemeteries. 11:27 P . M. Mr. Meyer read the Report of the Planning Board. 11:27 P .M. Allan Lee Whitman,Jr. moves that this article be committed to the Planning Board for further study and to be reported on at the next annual town meeting. 11:36 P .M. Carl Blake amends motion of Mr. Whitman as follows : I move that Article 23 be recommitted to the Planning Board, to study and report at the first Town Meeting after September 1, 1964. 11:40 P . M. Amendment of Mr. Blake voted on and declared lost by voice vote. 11:41 P . M. Voice Vote doubted, so standing vote taken as follows : In_ Favor Tellers Opposed 12 Gordon E. Steele 8 31 Edward T. Martin 7 21 J. S. Nason Whitney 21 10 Alan G. Adams 11 74 47 Amendment adopted. 11:13 P . M. Motion of Mr. Whitman, as amended by Mr. Blake, voted on and declared carried by voice vote. 11:4)1 P. M. Article 24. Presented by Lincoln P. Cole, Jr. VOTED: That the Selectmen be and hereby are authorized in the name and on behalf of the Town to convey to the Trustees of Valleyfield Realty Trust under a Declaration of Trust dated July 29, 1960 and registered in Middlesex South Land Registry District as Document No. 357161 a 390 Article 24. certain parcel of land substantially as shown and marked ( Cont. ) Lot 65B on plan entitled "Plan of Land Off Valleyfield r.z St. Lexington, Mass.", dated, May 1, 1964, John J. Carrol, Town Engineer, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Town Engineer, such conveyance to be in considera- tion of the conveyance by said trustees to the Town of a parcel of land substantially as shown and marked lot Bl on said plan, and the release by said trustees to the Town of all claims for damages arising from the taking by the Town of rights and easements for sewer purposes, said taking having been made by order of the Board of Selectmen dated April 22, 1963 and registered in said Land Registry District as Document No. 391523. Carried Unanimously 11:47 P . M. Lincoln P . Cole, Jr. moves that the meeting be dissolved. Carried Unanimously 11:47 P . M. Town Clerk Robert W. Fawcett resigned as a Town Meeting Member in Precinct Three as of June 12, 1964. Milton F. Hodgdon, 3 Diehl Road, was moved up, and has accepted, filling the vacancy caused by Mr. Fawcett's resignation. Term ends in March, 1965. Donald F. Turner, 21 Robbins Road, resigned as aTown Meeting Member in Precinct Two, as of July 13, 1964. Milton L. Gould, 36 Webster Road, was moved up, and has accepted as of July 17, 1964, filling the vacancy caused by Mr. Turner's resignation. Term ends in March, 1965.