HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-01-13-LBAC-min APPROVED MEETING MINUTES Committee Name: Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time and Location of Meeting: January 13, 2011, 7 pm, Ellen Stone Room, Cary Hall. Members Present: Peggy Enders (Chair), Stew Kennedy, John Frey, Marita Hartshorn, Jerry Van Hook, George Gagliardi, Laurel Carpenter, Bob Hausslein (FoLB Chair), Richard Canale (Planning Board Liaison) Others Present: Bob Dangel, Rohi Sukhia Members Absent: Mike Tabaczynski, Peter Kelley (Selectmen’s Liaison), Sandra Shaw (Recreation Committee Liaison) Minutes : The December 2010 minutes were accepted as corrected. Snow Plowing Update : Peggy reported that, based on an agreement between the two DPW directors and in consultation with her, the section between Westview and Wiggins Streets will be plowed alternately by the contractor hired by LBAC and the town of Bedford on a trial basis. She asked for volunteers to shovel after the current storm was over. Mr. Rohi asked the LBAC to come up with system for plowing which would provide a corridor for x-country skiing. Roads Heavily Traveled by Cyclists: Peggy, Dick, Stew, and Bob Dangel met and developed a draft version of a map and spreadsheet identifying roads and streets most heavily used by bicyclists. Bob D distributed two color coded maps – one for rush hour and one for non-rush hour traffic -- and a spreadsheet including information about major routes, roadway conditions, roadway classification, safety concerns, committee recommendations, etc. Bob D asked members to review the maps and said more information will be completed on the spreadsheet as the work progresses. Eventually, the recommendations will be provided to John Livsey to use when upgrading Lexington roads. Richard distributed two color-coded maps indicating which streets are state-managed, major arterials, minor arterials, collector roads, and local roads. This information will be incorporated into the spreadsheet. Design Plans for the Hayden/Spring Intersection for Bicycle Pedestrian Accommodations : Peggy reported that John Livsey has invited bike committee members to review the plans; the meeting has been set for January 19, 8 am at the DPW building. Bikeway Usage Guidelines : George distributed his draft document for discussion. Comments included: Laurel recommended the word “safety” replace “inconvenience;” whether there was value to asking for a security deposit; the importance of asking that monitors be required at intersections for major events; that a form be developed where usage rules are included; Maria argued for less detailed guidelines that provide for more leeway and a less cumbersome process. George will email a draft for further comments. Greenways Corridor Committee : Stew reported that he and Keith Ohmart, working with Hank Manz, are proposing a new Selectmen’s Advisory Committee to advocate and protect links between various green spaces in Lexington including the West Lexington Greenway. Paul Knight has done much of the preliminary work establishing these links. A charge is being written to be presented to the Board of Selectmen at a late January session. He said there would be 7 to 9 members as well as liaisons. Bob, Stew, Peggy, and Mike have volunteered to serve. LWV First Friday Forum on Alternate Transportation : Peggy reported that she is assembling a group to talk about the future of transportation planning in Lexington – with an emphasis on planning for fewer single occupancy vehicles and more cyclists, walkers, and public transportation -- at the League of Women First Friday Forum on April 1. Currently, John Livsey has agreed to be one of the panelists. Travel Writer Rides to Lexington: Robin Tierney, a travel writer from Washington, D.C. plans to ride on the Bikeway from Alewife to Lexington on Saturday. The storm may delay her plans. Peggy has promised to help the Tourism Committee by finding someone to meet her and tell her about cycling opportunities in this area. Adams Art Grant: Laurel distributed her notes from a December 22 meeting chaired by Dawn McKenna, who is planning a special month of arts and recreation activities in May. We would like to have a booth on the bikeway on May 1and help host other cycling activities. Laurel will continue to work with Dawn McKenna and her committee on this endeavor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. Record of the Discussions of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways Pot Luck Supper: Laurel was congratulated on the fabulous job she did organizing our first potluck supper. Treasurer’s Report : Bob H reported a balance of $6,179.51. Of this amount $1,605 in donations were received between November and now as a result of letter writing and various solicitations. Bob H is writing thank you notes to all donors. 501(c)3 Application: Richard will help Bob H to apply for non-profit status for FoLB. We need to first apply as a Massachusetts Non-Profit to get non-profit status and then apply on the Federal level. …Next LBAC/FoLB meeting is Thursday, February 10, 7 pm in Room 111 of the Town Office Building. Marita Hartshorn: Recorder Peggy Enders: Editor Hand Outs : December Meeting Minutes, December Pot Luck Notes, January Agenda, Roadway maps and spreadsheet prepared by Bob Dangel, Notes from the Adams Art Grant meeting, Draft Bikeway Usage Guidelines