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Lexington Sidewalk Committee Minutes
Monday, November 1, 2010
Attendees: Jerry Van Hook (chair), Wayne Brooks (DPW), Elaine Celli (LPS
Transportation), Judy Crocker, John Davies, Bettina McGimsey, Francine Stieglitz,
Marc Valenti (DPW)
Guests: Jill Hai, Trishe Greene
The meeting was called to order at 11:08 by Chair Jerry Van Hook
The October 4, 2010 minutes were accepted.
Citizen Petition for New Sidewalks
Citizens Jill Hai and Trishe Greene from the Winthrop St neighborhood presented a
petition with 68 plus signatures requesting construction of a new sidewalk on Winthrop
St from Highland Ave to Waltham St. Sidewalk already exists from Mass Ave to the
junction of Highland St. The signatures included the majority of residents on Winthrop
Rd, Sherborne Rd, and other feeder streets. They argue that the proposed construction
would provide connectivity to many schools, the town center, and other amenities. The
street does serve as a cut-thru for town center access, thusly posing dangers for
pedestrians due to road volume. They have met with John Livsey of Engineering and
performed a walk-through of the area. No significant obstructions or conservation
concerns were noted.
The Winthrop St petition was presented to Wayne Brooks. Mr. Brooks stated that
realistically, the timeline would be 3 years before completion of the project. He will
contact Ms. Hai concerning the next step in the bureaucratic process.
Mr. Brooks wishes to review his procedural draft regarding the process for new
sidewalk requests with Jeanne Krieger in order to obtain the Selectman’s perspective.
School Bus Routing at Diamond Middle School
Elaine Celi reported that lack of staff is why Diamond Middle School will not change
the routes of two Lexington and one Boston school buses from Hancock Rd to the
Sedge Rd entrance. Judy Crocker will schedule an appointment to meet with Asst
Principal Mr. Wettstone to discuss the situation. The outcome of that meeting will
determine if Pat Goddard of Facilities should be requested to attend the December
SWC meeting to review the status of the two middle schools.
Crosswalks on School St near Hastings School
Bettina McGimsey of the Hastings SRTS questioned the change in the positioning and
number of crosswalks on the newly reconstructed School St. Crosswalks currently exist
at Mass Ave/School St, Marrett Rd/School St, and Eastern/School St. The need for
additional crosswalks between Mass Ave and Marrett Rd beyond that at Eastern
Ave/School St was discussed. Two previously existing crosswalks in this area have
been eliminated for their terminus was incorrect. Francine Stieglitz has spoken with
Town Engineer John Livsey who reported that there were no current plans for
relocating those removed or for the creation of additional crosswalk(s). Mr. Livsey said
that Dave Canon from his department would review the situation. Mr.Canon will
perform another walk-through of the road if necessary.
Ms. McGimsey said ideally there should be crosswalks at Stimson Ave/School St and
Rolling Lane/School St. Mark Valenti said that no more crosswalks could be painted
this calendar year. Spring 2011 would be the earliest the job could be performed and that
Dave Canon is working on a solution for this problem. Ms. Stieglitz asked why public
input was not involved in the design process. Mr. Valenti cited minimal design aspects
required for crosswalk construction, such as a landing on each side of the street, for the
changes. The previous crosswalks landed in either a cross-street or a driveway.
Update on Safe Routes To School Program
Judy Crocker reported that the October International Walk was a success even though
most schools moved the date due to inclement weather. November’s Turkey Trot
featuring Wilson Farms pumpkins on November 3 was looking forward to clear skies.
SRTS addressed the PTA Presidents group regarding an overview of the program and
plans for the school year. A Diamond Middle School meeting with administration will
be scheduled as follow-up to previous SRTS meetings. Re-education of pedestrian
safety and the program’s goals were discussed as many families have moved thru the
elementary and into middle school since the program has begun. Therefore, there is a
new generation of parents to educate. The SRTS Committee discussed how cultural
barriers may be interfering with the learning curve of some families. Brief translated
safety tips will composed in Korean and Mandarin and then published in school
newsletters in order to overcome this perceived barrier.
Safe Mass Ave plans in light of TSAC Review
Safe Mass Ave Committee has worked with the Town to introduce pedestrian crosswalk
flags at 3 existing crosswalks on Mass Ave in East Lexington. The group submitted a
report to TSAC this spring which described how pedestrians were asked to use the flags
to enhance visibility and quantified how motorists reacted i.e. how many cars passed
without allowing for pedestrian crosswalk access for both before the flags were
available and after. This data demonstrated an improvement correlating with flag use.
At their October 20, TSAC discussed the Safe Mass Ave Committee report and had
several suggestions for further improvements to the area. Their first was adding vertical
reflective strips on poles adjacent to the flagged crossings. Adding this measure to
existing signs would further highlight the crosswalks. Second, the Committee should
pursue a closer collaborative relationship with SRTS for student safety on Mass Ave.
The third was to create a plan for more extensive training for in flag use and its
reasoning among the general public. The Safe Mass Ave Committee is now trying to
determine how to best meet the TSAC suggestions.
The SWC had no problem with the first and third suggestions put forth by TSAC. A
brief discussion followed concerning how to promote the Safe Mass Ave initiative in
the schools. SRTS has stated previously that it is not the proper forum for this topic for
it is not a child-friendly proposition. It suggested that perhaps the organization could
speak to PTA groups individually and that nothing could go home via student
backpacks. Ms. Celi mentioned how cars do not always stop when a school bus is using
its flashing lights when at a bus stop. In turn it is not reasonable to expect safe passage
when a child uses a pedestrian flag at a crosswalk. She stated that school bus stops were
designed to avoid whenever possible the need for children to cross Mass Ave because of
the danger.
Other Business
Mr. Van Hook inquired about whether a letter originally addressed to the Selectmen in
2008 regarding priorities in school safety access should be revised and resent to the
School Committee. It was questioned whether such a letter was needed at this date. No
vote was taken. Ms. Stieglitz offered to discuss the matter further with Ms. Krieger.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:40. The next meeting will be on December 6, 2010 at
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Crocker