HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-08-18-REC-min`O V5 MOR 77S �0 a � A a z�D �w APRIL 19" t F x 1 N G - V Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Richard Thuma, Vice Chairman Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Howard Vogel Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes August 18, 2010 Tel: (781) 862 -0500 x262 Fax: (781) 861 -2747 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 207. A quorum of 4 was present. Members Present: Dick Thuma, Vice Chairman, Wendy Rudner, Howard Vogel, and Sandra Shaw Members Absent: Rick DeAngelis, Chairman Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation and Sheila Butts Others Present: Erik Grueter The meeting acted on the following items: 1. Citizens and Other Boards — none present 2. Meeting Minutes from June 16, 2010 and July 21, 2010 Wendy Rudner moved to accept the minutes of the June 16, 2010 Recreation Committee meeting as presented. Howard Vogel seconded the motion. The minutes of the June 16, 2010 Recreation Committee meeting were accepted by a vote of 4 — 0. Howard Vogel moved to accept the minutes of the July 21, 2010 Recreation Committee meeting as presented. Wendy Rudner seconded the motion. The minutes of the July 21, 2010 Recreation Committee meeting were accepted by a vote of 4 — 0. 3. Erik Grueter — Wood Carving Project Mr. Grueter presented a preliminary proposal to the Recreation Committee to facilitate the construction/carving of the 10 -foot white pine tree stump located in center field of the Center # 2 Softball field. The tree was struck by lightning and toppled during a July storm. Mr. Grueter reported when he saw the fallen tree he contacted the Town Manager's Office and the Selectmen's Office about preserving the tree stump as a potential art /wood carving project. He also approached Dave Pinsonneault who agreed to stop the removal until a determination was made by the Town. Mr. Grueter noted that he 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE * LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 had yet to obtain cost estimates for a carving, or a firm idea of what could or would be carved. He does not have the funding, but asked the Town to pay for the carving. Mr. Thuma told Mr. Grueter that tree carvings are not in the recreation operating budget. He was merely approaching the Committee with his initial brainstorm idea that the stump could be reused. Mr. Thuma posed a series of questions to Mr. Grueter about his idea to reuse the tree stump. He suggested that it was not within the authority of the Recreation Committee to approve the actual art work. The Committee should not be responsible for determining what gets carved, only the location if on park and recreation land. Mrs. Simmons suggested that Mr. Grueter contact the Lexington Arts Council and /or private art organizations that may have funding for this type of project. Ms. Simmons explained to the Committee and to Mr. Grueter that keeping the tree stump may be problematic due to the upcoming Center Drainage Project. That area is one in which water storage tanks will be installed underground. The tree may have had to be removed during the project. Sandra Shaw suggested that if the tree stump was removed and taken offsite to be carved, it would be the Committee and Department's decision as to where the carving could be relocated if on park and recreation land. Mr. Grueter needs to contact Mr. Pinsonneault if he would like to have the 10' section of the tree salvaged once construction begins. The carving will have to occur off site. The Recreation Committee applauded Mr. Grueter's enthusiasm and noted that they were looking forward to receiving a more specific proposal in the near future. 4. 5 — Year Capital Projects Karen Simmons presented the Recreation Committee with an overview of the 5 -year capital plan (2012 — 2016) She distributed a copy of the summary sheet from FYI 1, and discussed revisions she was recommending, including moving the Center Athletic Field Light Proj ect from FY 12 and FY 14 to FY 13 and FY 15 and Pine Meadows Equipment from FY12 to FY13. The Committee briefly discussed what projects would be considered Enterprise Fund Capital Article versus Tax Levy Articles as well as the priority of projects. Mr. Thuma commented that members of the Recreation Committee should meet with the Finance Department and boards to talk about how the Recreation Department should fund Capital Projects. The Recreation Committee had a lively debate about the viability of the Enterprise Fund. The deadline to submit the Recreation 5 -Year Capital Plan is September 16, 2010. Ms. Simmons will send members of the Committee the revised information for their review prior to the next Recreation Committee meeting on September 15 tH . 5. Parks Report Dave Pinsonneault was unable to attend the meeting. 6. Recreation Report — Karen Simmons • The 2010 summer season has been an excellent one. We had fantastic weather for residents to recreate. Attendance at the Pool and Reservoir was up from last summer. Seasonal staff has worked very hard and received positive comments from the public. Ms. Simmons commended Sheila Butts, Assistant Director of Recreation and Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation for their exceptional work this summer. They take pride in their job and work many 12 hour days, 7 days a week during the summer months. Most summer program evaluations were excellent. The fall /winter brochure will be mailed within the next week. The number of rounds at Pine Meadows is slightly down this summer due to the excessive heat, but that is to be expected. The winter damage to the greens had an overall impact to the revenue reduction. • The Town Office Building renovation project will begin in the fall. The Recreation Department will temporarily move to the lower level of Cary Hall. • Ms. Simmons updated the committee on the Pine Meadows capital project. The Army Corp of Engineers has determined that the project is a category 2 filing, which will result in addition documentation being provided and potentially more money. Additionally, it has been determined that there can be no four -bay culverts installed in on the outlets near the 5th hole cart p ath because it is in the brook. • The Center Drainage Project has fallen behind schedule. It can not go out to bid until it goes in front of the Selectmen which is scheduled for August 30 Selectman Peter Kelley has raised issues with the old drainage system. Mr. Pinsonneault walked the site with Mr. Kelley reviewing the plans. In addition, a meeting was held with the engineer from Stantec, Mr. Livsey, Mr. Pinsonneault and Mrs. Simmons to address Mr. Kelley's concerns and answer his questions. • 'Dave Pinsonneault is obtaining price quotes for the Hastings School Athletic Field renovation. Karen Simmons reported that Mr. Pinsonneault is also working with the Public Facilities Department to renovate the Park Drive Restroom building and has requested their assistance with the specifications for the pool ventilation system, exhaust system and water heater. Sandra Shaw moved and Wendy Rudner seconded at motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 p.m. The Recreation Committee voted 4 - 0 to adjourn. The following documents /exhibits used at the meeting are attached: Recreation FY2011 -2015 Capital Summary Sheet Consideration should be given to; • The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will be held on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 207 of the Town Office Building. Respectfully submitted, Sheila Butts Assistant Recreation Director .0 N CUD tu ut 40 � a r. N r U- t CL a) •�. L N CL 4� E N (1) I-# > 0 0 N E N m 4-3 V-i ... _. p N u 0 i�- E E M 4-J c: Q ! 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