HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-05-19-REC-min4`G U5 MOR 177 a O k y. � nr ua � r 4 m z rn APRIL IV L fXI NG G Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Richard Thuma, Vice Chairman Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Howard Vogel Tel: (781) 862 -0500 x262 Fax: (781) 861 -2747 RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, May 19, 2010 Town Office Building Room 207 Members Present: Rick DeAngelis (Chairman) Wendy Rudner, Sandra Shaw, and Dick Thuma (Vice Chairman) Staff Present Karen Simmons, Sheila Bugs and David Pinsonneault Citizens Present: Robert O'Neil (LHS Girls Tennis Coach), David Pronchick, (LHS Girls Tennis Assistant Coach), Peter Holland The meeting of the Recreation Committee carne to order at 7:05 PM. The following items were topics of discussion: 1. Citizens and Other Boards: One citizen was present and observing the meeting. She did not wish to speak or offer her name. 2. Bob O'Neil - Tennis Bob O'Neil, Head Tennis coach for the LHS Girls Team, David Pronchick, Assistant Coach, and Peter Holland requested that the Recreation Committee consider two proposals that they believe will improve the tennis program in Lexington. The first proposal is for the construction of a. shade structure between the tennis courts and the track similar to the existing structures in the pool complex and at. the Bowman School. Mr. O'Neil explained the reasoning behind this recommendation -- shelter from rain, sun and lightning - and .noted that this would be an asset not only to the LHS Tennis Teams, but for the community at- large. Mr. O'Neil has spoken with Naomi Martin, LHS Athletic Director, and she also thinks this would be a positive action. Mr. O'Neil stated that he would raise the money privately for the shade structure. Mr. O'Neil's second request addressed the lack of a working water fountain at the tennis courts. There is fountain located on the back side of the courts, which has been inoperable for many years. There is another fountain between the track and the Center l outfield, and a third outside of the Tennis Booth. The fountain at the Tennis Booth has not been turned on yet for the season. Mr. O'Neil is requesting the installation of a fountain near the tennis courts. He noted that the Gallagher Courts are used annually for MIAA Boys and Girls tournaments. Mr. O'Neil believes that installing a new water fountain near the courts is not only necessary, but also environmentally sound as it will eliminate the numerous plastic bottles used by and often left on site by high school players using the courts. 'Dave Pinsonneault indicated that the cost of running a new water line Town of Lexington Recreation Committee 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE e LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 from the pool could be $7,000 to $10,000 plus approximately $3,000 for the purchase of a new fountain, and annual operating costs. Mr. O'Neil noted that he had spoken with several merchants who were willing to assist with the financing of these projects. Mr. Thuma asked what Mr. O'Neil wanted from the Recreation Committee. Mr. DeAngelis explained to Mr. O'Neil that there is a process that needs to be followed to get things done. In terms of the Shade Structure this would include presenting a design and indicating location and cost. Mr. Thuma concurred and added that Mr. O'Neil would not need permission to raise money but that the projects would require review and approval from the Recreation Committee, Building Commissioner, Recreation Department and Board of Selectmen. He also suggested that as part of the proposal, Mr. O'Neil would need to address who would be responsible for maintaining and replacing the shade structure, and pay for the ongoing costs of a water fountain at the courts. Sandra Shaw told Mr. O'Neil that the Recreation Committee was not opposed to his proposals, but that they needed a plan before acting. Karen Simmons told Mr. O'Neil that she and Dave Pinsonneault would work with him to facilitate the proposed location of the shade structure. She also suggested that Mr. O'Neil speak with Minuteman Tech about the project. 3. Meeting Minutes from April 7,2010: Wendy Rudner moved and Sandra Shaw seconded acceptance of the Recreation Committee meeting minutes of April 7, 2010 The motion was approved by a vote of 3 — 0. 4. Liaison Reports Karen Simmons expressed concerns about the April 7 meeting minutes of the Lincoln Park Subcommittee. The minutes indicated that after a rain storm, water rushes off the fields at Lincoln Park and flows down towards Worthen Road, negatively impacting the LHS fields. Mr. Thuma suggested that a letter be sent to the Lincoln Park Subcommittee (LPSC) regarding this misconception and requesting that the April 7 LPSC meeting minutes be amended. Sandra Shaw also noted that she had heard from residents expressing concern about the amount of money the Town was spending on the new "mounds" built on site. These have actually been funded by the LPSC not the Town, and the record should so state. Wendy Rudner, Recreation Committee Liaison to the LPSC, will address these two issues at the next LPSC meeting. Dick Thuma expressed concerns that a representative from the LPSC was asked to attend the May 2010 Recreation Committee meeting, but was currently not present. He asked Ms. Rudner if the LPSC .met with the Conservation Commission prior to work being done at Lincoln. Mr. Rudner indicated that they do attend Conservation Committee meetings. Sandra Shaw, Recreation Committee Liaison to the Bicycle Advisory Committee, told the Committee ' that the BAC is preparing to collect bicycle donations at Discovery Day for the "Bikes Not Bombs" organization. 5. Parks Report Dave Pinsonneault reported the following: • The Parks Department is currently working to prepare the pool and Old Res for their opening on June 5. The annual inspection is schedules for Tuesday, June 1. This year there are several issues that have arisen, which are the result of the age of the facilities. Necessary repairs are being completed. • Temple Isaiah is again volunteering to clean up the Old reservoir area. This will take place the weekend of May 23. DPW will put additional sand at the Res, repair the dock and fix the roadway, which washed out during the March storms, prior to the June 5 opening. Since January Y the Parks Department has been operating short -- handed, due to injury and illness. This has caused some delays in completion of work, however Dave hopes that they be more fully staffed in the near future. Mr. Thuma requested again that the bleachers located behind the first base dugouts on Center 2 be moved so that spectators at upcoming regular season and tournament games can see the field. 6. Recreation Report Karen Simmons provided the members of the Recreation Committee with the following information: • May 29 is the Annual Discovery Day. Department staff will again be present, providing information, selling swim tags, and tennis and golf ID cards. Recreation Committee members are also invited to assist during the day. It is a great day to talk with the community. • The Department fully implemented an Online Program Registration System on March 22. Since that date there have been 727 transactions and over $85,000 in registrations. • The Town has reapplied for a 319 Grant for the Old Reservoir Water Mitigation Project. The Town was denied grant money last year. The state offered a critique of the original grant finding, and . suggested adding, among other things, an educational component, and refiling the application. • The Town Pool and Old Reservoir will open for the summer on June 5. • Pine Meadows Golf Course has not recovered from the winter as well as anticipated. The problems faced are not specific to Pine'Meadows, but rather have affected several courses in the area, due to weather patterns this winter. There is a temporary green on Hole 8. When that reopens the 4 th green will betaken out of service. The 5 th green will reopen on June 4. New England Golf is considering the purchase of insulating blankets for the greens and fine turf areas. This "blanket" will heat and protect the greens and stimulate the growth of turf. New England Golf has been very aggressive in its work to revitalize the course. The USGA was onsite on May 18 for its third inspection. In response to questions from Mr. Thuma about revenues, Ms. Simmons reported that revenue is down 16.5% from this time in 2009. However, due to the conditions at the course, fees were reduced until June 1, which naturally affected total revenues. 7. New Business: The next meeting of the Recreation Committee is scheduled for 7:00 PM in Room 207 of the Town Office Building, Wednesday, June 16, 2010. The May 19, 2010 meeting of the Recreation Committee adjourned at 8 :15 p.m. RCN Webmail 4/28/10 9:45 PM wendyergolf@ rcn.com .ate: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 15:52:33 -040.0 L: From: <wendycrgol#@rcn_corn> Subject: following up To: williamsdg@verizon_net , scolesmom @verizon.net ," , kmhurton @mindspring.corn , brianpkelley@gmail.com , pwhirtle@alum.mit_edu April 15, 2010 Good afternoon, all! From questions from our last meeting, I was able to get information for all of us regarding.the Lincoln Park bathroom. It was recommended that Peter Kelley be contacted for an update on the project -. The Recreation Committee and Recreation Department are not ovrerseeing the project, as the funding is from PRIVATE monies. Town Counsel is drawing up a contract between the Lions club, who has agreed to spearhead the project, and the Town. The bathroom facility will be built and donated back to the Town. Another topic that arose regarded a possible problem with the Methane Litigation. It is suggested that John Livsey, the Town Engineer, be contacted, a- this is not a Recreation Committee project, either. Also, as we have done in the past, we, on the Recreation Committee, would like for you to agal join us at our next meeting, May 19, 2010, 7 :00pm, Town Hall, room 206, to inform the group of the Lincoln Park Subs -- Committee activities over the past year and any possible future plans. We look forward to having you join all of US. sincerely, Wendy Rudner http: //ms 13 Anh.mail_rcn. net /wm/emI/ login_ html? sessionid= 430e9e5b1f3467c000dc6d00971f496a8 &op —entry J. l f - Page 1 of 1 Wi- Wes are schedulin seed sowin at Lincoln Park either Mon 10 _aa in the afternoon at 2,-.00 PM,, Tuesda at 9:00 AM, or Wednesda at 9:00 AM. Sorr to be so va but there are a number of factors ..'4ncludin weather and e on our end which are pla Int phis . The list.of -plant.species in the mix are 2009 New En Wetmix ( wetland seed mix Botanical Name. Common Name Ind. Alisma planta Asclepias incarna Aster novi-bel Bidens cernua Mud Plantain OBL Swamp Milkweed OBL New York Aster FACW+' Noddin Bur-Mari OBL Carex comosa Carex crinita Carex lupulina Carex lurida Carex scoparia Carex vulpinoidea Eupatorium maculatum Eupatorium perfoliatum. ,I canadensis Gl striata Juncus effusus Mimulus rin Onoclea sensibilis Scirpus atrovirens Scirpus c -Scirpus validus Verbena hastata Bill ' William E. Brumback Conservation Director ew En Wild Flower Societ .30 Hemenwa Framin MA 01701 Bristl Sed OBL Frin Sed (Noddin OBL Hop Sed OBL Lurid Sed (Shallow OBL Blunt Broom Sed FACW Fox Sed OBL Spot Joe P Weed FACW Boneset FACW Rattlesnake Grass OBL Fowl Manna OBL Soft Rush FACW+ S Stemmed Monke Flower OBL Sensitive Fern FACW Green Bulrush OBL Wool Grass FACW Soft Stem Bulrush OBL Blue Vervain FACW 0& Ma 12, 2010 email from Wes was at Matt Foti's plant sale last fri and su we plant the followin Matt a to install -all of them for $780.00, and the cost of the plants ' ( which is a reduced price is $911,00s 7 Button bush 5 Clethra summer sweet 3 Sweet shrub 6 Fothere 3 Arnold promise witchhaz-el 10 Az white viscosum. 11 Az pink *v_i"scosum 1 Az'pinxter'bloom 2 Blackhaw viburnum 3-Choke--berr 5.Sumac low g row, Wes Wesle Wirth