HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-10-28-TCC-min Minutes Town Celebrations Committee October 28, 2010 Ellen Stone Room, Cary Hall Members present Suzie Barry, Linda Dixon, Mary Gillespie, Jo-Anne Granger, Julie Miller, Wayne Miller, Henry Murphy, Sandy Podgorski, Charlie Price, Jim Shaw, Dave Taylor and Bob Tracey Members not present Paul Jenkins, Sondra Lucente, Bill Mix and John Rossi Business  Suzie Barry called the meeting to order at 7:27 pm.  Approval of the October 14, 2010 minutes was tabled. Veterans’ Day, Thursday, November 11, 2010 Updates  Essay contest. Mary Gillespie will collect the essays on Monday, November 1. Two elementary school classes are making thank you cards for the veterans. (Essays will be placed in a binder and made available for reading at Cary Library.)  Cub/Boy Scouts. Sandy has had positive responses from Troops 119, 137 and 197.  Brownies/Girl Scouts. Jo-Anne Granger has not yet had any response.  Clergy. Linda will send a letter to Rabbi Carey Brown at Temple Isaiah confirming her participation.  Publicity. We have good coverage of the day’s events.  Flowers. Sandy will pick up the flowers from Wilson Farms.  Chief Marshal. Suzie will ask Steve Newell if he has chosen his aides.  Veterans. Bob reports that the participating veterans are all set. One or two cars will be needed to transport those needing rides.  Miscellaneous. Police honor guard will be present. o Five wreaths have been ordered. o Essay contest winners and card makers will be encouraged to march with us. Mary will o obtain parental permission for the children who want to. Certificates will be given to the wreath bearers and letters given to the essay contest o winners. Up to four scouts from either Troop #119 or together with Troop #160 will assist the o Minutemen with flag raising on the green. th Committee picture will be taken at the November 4 meeting. Bring tricon hats. o Patriots’ Day, Monday, April 18, 2011  The committee assembled marching unit applications and additional materials for mailing.  January 6, 2011 (snow date January 13, 2011) was discussed as a meeting date with potential float entrants.  Possible candidates for chief marshal of the afternoon parade were discussed. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. Respectfully submitted, Sandy Podgorski