HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-10-14-TREE-min Town of Lexington Tree Committee Minutes – October 14, 2010 A meeting of the Lexington Tree Committee was held on Oct 14, 2010, 7:35-8:30 a.m. at the Samuel Hadley Public Services Building, Room 125. A quorum of six was present. Meeting called to order: 7:35 a.m. Members present: John Frey, (Chair); Jewel Kuljian, Karen Longeteig, Gerry Paul, David Pinsonneault, (Supt. of Public Grounds/Tree Warden); Anne Senning, Nell Walker, Susan Solomon, (Emerita); Friends of Trees: Jane Beswick Absent: Deborah Mauger (Selectman Liaison); James Wood The meeting acted on the following items: 1. Nell Walker was appointed as scribe. Minutes of Sept. 10, 2010 were approved as corrected. 2a. Tree Warden David Pinsonneault’s report of tree removal applications and activity since 9/16/10: Total sites: 727 Total closed: 608 Total to plant: 2185 Total planted: 1439 Total to remove: 904 Total removed: 728 Since 8/4/08 a total of 2,737 inches in permitted diameter were removed and total fees collected to date are $27,370. b.Tree Bylaw expansion: Dick Canale will be the liaison to work with the bylaw changes. Gerry Paul said we need a placeholder in the warrant. The Tree Warden stated that the changes in the last few years have made the Tree Bylaw clearer to understand and administer. Chairman Frey notes that the Attorney General’s office has accepted Bylaw changes and updates will be sent to the TreeCom. c.New plantings: A hard summer has compromised many new street trees. Fletcher Rd: 2 oaks dead, ironically, to overwatering . Yellowwood on Clark st. (?) affected by borers, Tuliptree (Lincoln Park ) scale (control w/soap and water?) David Pinsonneault reports that the dead Pin Oaks (16?) at the Lincoln St. parking athletic fields have been removed and new plants ordered. d. Off-berm letter: Jewel’s sample letter to homeowners spells out the care required by recipient for new trees in front yards. The letter requires that a copy is to be given to homeowner for a signature at time of planting. e. Jewel has asked David P. for the list of ten off berm trees being planted this fall. She will include native species in the "Native Tree Contest" taking place between Nov. 1, 2009 and April of 2011. This contest is sponsored by the Federation of Garden Clubs. f. Dave P. and Anne Senning are applying for funds for a State Urban and Community Forest Challenge Grant for fiscal yr. 2011. The benefits are: 1. 2 interns( at $7500+) will permit the completion of the Town Tree Inventory with mapping of Precincts 7, 8 and 9. ( There is a problem of timing - the work availability of interns vs. funding availability are not in sync. Full time interns receive $10/hr.+) Maybe save funding for spring and fall; 2. The computer can accurately show the R.O.W. and street centerlines, the footprint and no. of the house, and the accurate placement of the street tree on a GIS base. This updating is a major step forward. g. Report GIS Meeting. Anne is preparing the grant application , as project director, and John Frey is responsible for overall supervision. Jewel, Karen and Judy Seppala, GIS data base administrator in the IT/MIS Department. Her charge is the gathering of information and then production of a map, which integrates with the inventory. The grant application is due Nov. 1. h. Tree planting protocol: Postponed to next meeting. i. Brush Cutter : donated to the Committee by Kay Tiffany, is now in J. Frey’s garage. Need to send her a note on its value for gift status and tax deduction. j. Black Swallowwort Vine: needs regular herbicide application at Belfry Hill and Tower Park walk. Time to be arranged. k. Tree Bylaw: House bill #4791 amendment to chapter 87 filed by Rep. Finegold has no new action according to John Frey. l. John Frey: Urged all to attend who are new to the useful Tree Steward Training Day at Harvard Forest in Petersham, Nov 5&6. 3. Friends of Trees: The Lexington Minute-Man ran an article on the latest Distinctive Tree: A Bigleaf Magnolia, Magnolia macrophylla, native to eastern U.S.,has been selected and waves its enormous leaves on the DPW grounds, 210 Bedford Street. Jane Beswick is the sponsor. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m. There was no remote participation and this meeting was not audio recorded. Next regular Meeting: November 4, 2010 at 201 Bedford Street, Room 125.