HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-08-26-BLUPC-min Busa Land Use Proposal Committee Minutes o 8-26-2010 meeting (Approved on 9-28-2010) Room 207, Town Hall Member Attendees: David Horton, Chair; Pamela Shadley, Ginna Johnson, Bill Dailey, Deborah Strod, Ric Fulop Absent: Al Zabin Audience Attendees who signed in: Janet Kern, Igor Tsvetkova, Bella Tsvetkova, Nicholas Briggs, Todd Hay, Sergia Hay, Hank Manz 1.David Horton, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:10pm and opened the floor for audience comments, which are held at the beginning of each meeting. Ms. Strod was asked to take minutes, as the Committee will rotate alphabetically (and Mr. Manz would not be able to stay the whole meeting, although he has kindly taken minutes previously). 2.Public Comment Bella Tsvetskova, of 42 Lowell Street, asked the following questions (answers appear below each question): a.Is David Horton the permanent chair? i.He is the interim chair for now. b.Is a meeting with the Goldinger family within the charge of the committee? She thought not. She is also against any landswap involving losing the entrance from Farm Road. i.The meeting will be public, an open conversation. There is no agenda, and this committee is not involved in negotiating anything. It was suggested by the Town Manager that the committee meet with the Goldinger family. c.Concern about opposition to the proposed Survey of the land at the last meeting i.Mr. Horton cautioned that public comments should not address other’s motives or behavior, and noted that the process resulted in a proposal with which everyone is happy at this point. d.Will the meeting with Arlington be open to the public? i.Yes, the town manager has been invited to attend one of the scheduled, open meetings. 3.Minutes a.David Horton asked if there were any comments on the minutes of the prior two meetings. None were raised. Bill Dailey moved that the minutes be approved. Approval was unanimous. 4.Site Survey update a.Hank Manz reported that the funding for the survey will come up for approval at Tuesday’s meeting of the Selectmen. Although the Selectmen cannot sign contracts, they do approve expenditures by this Committee. If approved, the contract will be negotiated and signed by staff. Thanks were offered by the committee to Pam Shadley for writing the specifications and reviewing bids. The lowest bid was significantly lower than the original estimates, made by a responsible bidder, and is expected that something close to the bid will be negotiated by the town. Ms. Shadley will check with the Town Manager to see if it would be helpful for committee members to attend and answer any questions at the Selectmen’s meeting. She offered to attend, as she is most familiar with the bidding process and the reasons for the survey. 1 b.If everything moves quickly, it may be possible that a draft will be available for the th September 15 meeting, but at the very least the final will likely be available for the subsequent meeting. c. Mr. Dailey asked if it was possible to include the Goldinger property in the survey. Ms Shadley responded there is no authorization to survey private land. Mr. Horton added that there is no proposal, it is just a meeting to see what might be on their mind, and not that the town has anything to offer either. Mr. Dailey said that if there were anything to consider, it would be better for this committee to have such information earlier rather than later; Mr. Horton responded that he would invite the family to the next committee meeting. 5.Communication a.Ms. Strod reported that although non-overlapping vacation schedules prevented all interested parties from meeting since the last meeting, progress was made. She met with Donna Hooper, the Town Clerk, to review the Committee’s wishes in light of the Open Meeting law and current functionality as well as the new Laserfiche record keeping which will make available minutes and reports. Much will be possible on a standard webpage, and, in addition, Mr. Fulop will also arrange a demonstration of BaseCamp, a collaboration tool which might be useful for enhanced functionality in communicating with the public and/or committee work, but the use of which would need to be reviewed in light of the Open Meeting Law. The first priority will be to get some of the conventional functionality up and running, and explore the enhancements as a second step. Deborah will follow up on implementing the webpage, obtaining the email address for the group and identifying who the staff member is who will receive the emails and then forward to us. 6.Goldinger Family a.As noted earlier, Mr. Horton had left a message for the Goldinger family, but had not heard back. He will invite them to the next meeting of the Committee. 7.Communication with Arlington a.As noted earlier, Mr. Horton invited Mr. Sullivan, the Town Manager of Arlington, to choose a meeting for himself or another representative of Arlington’s interests to meet with the committee at one of the scheduled meetings. 8.Design and Program Criteria The Committee discussed criteria for analyzing proposals for re-use of the land, and the scope of elements which it would be useful to hear about in proposals. The Town staff had been asked if any standard criteria for review of land use proposals were established, and they said none, but based on their experience, they suggested: a.The Value/Benefit of the proposed re-use to the community b.The impact of the proposed re-use on the neighborhood c.The need for public utilities to get the re-use up and running (such as water, sewer, drainage, power…) d.Security requirements (fencing, police, other) e.Ability to provide pedestrian access for the proposed re-use. These were overlapping and supplementing the items listed in the charge of the committee as review criteria: a.Whom the use(s) will serve b.How the use(s) is (are) consistent with any Town master plans c.Impact the use(s) will have on abutters and the surrounding neighborhoods 2 d.Environmental impact use(s) will have (such as, but not limited to, traffic, noise, dust and stormwater runoff) e.Types of public access to the property for the proposed use(s) f.Impact on the riverfront buffer area g.Impact on surrounding topography h.Financial feasibility of the uses i.Impact the uses will have on the Arlington reservoir Further discussion among the committee included: Mr. Horton added: a.How much of the property would a group want to use – all or some? b.Cost to the town c.Cost to the proponents Ms. Shadley added: Financial benefit to the town (taxes, fees, etc paid to the town) Ms. Johnson added: there should be some referenc to Lexington’s Core Values (we will seek the proper statement of these.) Ms. Strod added: that her initial thoughts had been that the re-use should be legal, economically sustainable, environmentally sound and good for the community. Mr. Horton added: we should review the Community Preservation Act language as well. In discussion what the scope of concept presentations/proposals should contain, Ms. Strod reviewed the list the committee came up with last meeting:  Land use  Layout/site plan  Implementation cost (who pays)  Maintenance  Time frame  Benefit to the town including the public  Self-sustainability for the future  Remediation needed  Noise impact  Connectivity (to other nature trails and to roads/sidewalks) In addition, the committee added:  Interaction of multiple uses  Parking needed 9.Plan for Open Forum on September 15 a.Introduction to the Committee and its charge – David Horton b.Brief overview of the land and what we have learned about it so far – Pamela Shadley (with visuals requested from Town Manager to be displayed on posterboard and one comprehensive one to be projected with factors overlayed such as property boundaries, wetlands, etc.) c.Open Forum for anyone to speak for 3 minutes (or 4 minutes, David Horton will decide which and then implement in advertising) about their ideas, hopes, opinions, vision, and values for future use of the land. The Committee will primarily listen at this meeting. This is explicitly words/talking and not presentations/drawings. This is explicitly open to all, not by pre-invitation, and the committee will endeavor to publicize the meeting 3 widely, as well as invite those with known interest in the land to listen to the general public’s concerns, and have 3 minutes if they wish (recreation, conservation, community farm, etc). d.David Horton will chair the meeting. A podium will be at the front for Mr. Horton and Ms. Shadley’s presentations, and where Mr. Horton will chair the meeting. The Committee will be seated at a table at the front of the hall. A microphone for the public will be set up in each of the two aisles among the public seating. The Committee will request newsprint to scribe summary phrases about the comments; Ms. Shadley, Ms. Johnson and Ms. Strod will share the scribing duties. Each member of the committee will bring home a page of scribing notes and type it up in electronic format, and send to Ms. Johnson who will combine them into one document for a record of the meeting. e.Ms. Shadley will draft a short questionnaire to distribute at the meeting with some basic questions (based on prior similar activities): such as how would you like the land to be used? Would you partake of that use? Would you volunteer to maintain that use? The Committee would also like the survey to be put up on Survey Monkey, in a manner which complies with Open Meeting law. f.Ms. Johnson will summarize the Evaluation Criteria and the Presentation Scope elements into a form able to be distributed at the end of the September 15 meeting. g.Vehicles for publicizing the forum (David Horton will draft a notice; encourage individuals to pass along the information to people they think might be interested) e.g., i.TMMA email list ii.Minuteman iii.LexMedia – advertisement and video of the meeting iv.Colonial Times v.Mailing to abutters vi.PATCH (email to abby@patch.com) vii.Arlington Advocate viii.LexingtonList (email list) 10.Format for the Oct 7 and Nov 4 meetings a.10-15 minute ideas/concepts (concept presentations?) from parties who have a commitment to carrying out a re-use. b.Drawings and AV 11.Ms. Shadley moved that David Horton be elected as permanent chair. Ms. Strod and Ms. Johnson simultaneously seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. 12.The meeting ended at 8:45pm. 4