HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-09-16-LBAC-min APPROVED MEETING MINUTES Committee Name: Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time and Location of Meeting: September 16, 2010, 7 pm, Room G-15, Town Office Building Members Present: Peggy Enders (Chair), Stew Kennedy, John Frey, Marita Hartshorn, Mike Tabaczynski, Richard Canale, (Planning Board Liaison), Sandra Shaw (Recreation Committee Liaison) Others Present: Bob Dangel, Bill McKenney, Richard Spencer, Margaret Stebbins, Bob Hausslein Members Absent: Peter Kelley (Selectmen’s Liaison), Jerry Van Hook, Laurel Carpenter, George Gagliardi, Abe Shenker Minutes : The August 2010 minutes were approved. Bikeway Requests: Peggy updated us on the request by ALS-Cure to use the Bikeway on May 7, 2011 for a running race. (At our August meeting, we agreed to recommend that the request not be approved due to large numbers on a potentially very busy day). Peggy found out that, in prior years, Dave Pinsonneault had worked directly with the race planners and that the LBAC had not been consulted. Mike suggested we formalize our position on use of the Bikeway for both large events as well as signs and posters. Hartwell Avenue Traffic Mitigation : The next discussion by the Planning Board regarding Hartwell Avenue will be September 29; at that meeting the draft will be finalized. Richard Canale reported that bike lanes on Hartwell and Bedford Street will be included, accommodations will be made for cyclists on Wood Street, the roundabouts will have on-rotary and off-rotary bike access, the Minuteman crossing will be angled to accommodate the West Lexington Greenway, and the West Lexington Greenway will be incorporated into the plan at Bedford Street crossing by the power line. A final public hearing will be held in mid to late November. Subcommittee on Streets and Roads Heavily Traveled by Cyclists : Peggy reported that John Livsey has asked us to identify the network of heavily traveled streets used by cyclists. He hopes that such a document, kept in draft form and up to date, will help planning as roadway improvements are undertaken. Bob Dangel, Stew Kennedy, and Richard Canale, and Peggy will form the subcommittee. Bikeway Intersection Safety Program: Thermo plastic is being considered for the intersection crosswalks; Peggy has asked Stew and Bob Dangel to work with John Livsey to test out the thermoplastic on wet conditions to determine if it’s too slippery. Revere Street is being surveyed for repairs caused by the flooding. Dave Pinsonneault says there is money available to repair the bike path from Lincoln Park to Middleby Street. Root barriers are needed. MAPC Bike Rack Program : Marita has been unsuccessful in reaching Dave Pinsonneault regarding ordering the nine “U” shaped bike racks approved by the HDC. We are anxious to move this purchase along as the state money is granted on a first come-first served basis. Peggy will be in touch with him to ask that a meeting be set up. New Bike Map : Bob Dangel has added icons, adjusted the scale, added mile markers, and used a bigger font on the proposed map. Peggy mentioned that the DCR has a recreational trail grant which we could apply for Bikeway user information, including a graphic designer for the map. We might also apply for funding toward new mile markers, trailhead kiosks, interpretive signs, and perhaps a display on the Depot wall. Membership : Mike and Stew have agreed to stay on for an additional three years. Abe declined to continue. We will recommend to the Selectmen that they appoint Bob Hausslein to membership on LBAC. Bikeway Snow Plowing : Peggy spoke with John DeNapoli, who has agreed to plow again at $70 per hour. She said that Peter Kelley has asked that we submit a formal proposal seeking support from the town beginning in the 2011-12 winter. Other Business: … A malfunctioning crosswalk signal caused an accident on Bedford Street …The trees planted by the Eagle Scouts at Grant Street have died. …Bill McKenney reported that First Parish is planning a Biking Not Drive Day on th Sunday, October 10. We fully support this endeavor. …There has been an increase in unauthorized signs on the Bikeway. They give the appearance of being official but are in fact being posted by someone who is using the backs of other signs to make a point about cyclists and pedestrians. We decided to individually remove them when encountered. We also will remove other notices such as garage sales but will give lost pet signs a period of grace. Record of Friends of Lexington Bikeways Discussions: Treasurer’s Report : We have a balance of $5,167.67. Bob reports that the $1,000 check from Shire is in the mail. New Chair: Bob Hausslein has agreed to serve as chair. Bikeway Counts: Margaret Stebbins, coordinator of volunteers for this month’s counts, reported 3,984 trips between 7 am and 7 pm on Saturday, September 11. On Tuesday, September 14 there were 1,187 trips between 6:30 am and 9:39 am, noon to 1:00 pm and 4:00 to 7:00 pm. This is a new weekday record. Data will be sent to MAPC and also to Dawn McKenna for her Adams Art grant application. th Farmer’s Market : Our next corral is Oct. 5. We donated $100 for coupons for those who ride bikes to the market. We have asked the Farmer’s Market to have additional days next year, perhaps one/month. Mailing and Website : We have several hundred names and email addresses from various events but agreed that, before sending a mass mailing, we need more content on our site. Other Business: …Stew and Peggy plan to attend the Mass DOT Moving Together 2010 conference; …Richard Canale was extremely impressed with the bike accommodations in Oxford, England and well as the respect drivers and cyclist had for each other; …Richard Canale said the Planning Board is requesting a minimum of two bike parking spaces plus one bike parking place for each 15 car spaces in new development on Hartwell Avenue …Richard Spencer praised the excellent job the town has done pruning the Minuteman Bikeway this summer. …Next LBAC/FoLB meeting is Thursday, October 14, 2010, 7:00 p.m. in Rm 111. Marita Hartshorn: Recorder Peggy Enders: Editor Handouts: August Minutes, Agenda, DOT Moving Together information