HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-09-13-ARTS-min Lexington Council for the Arts (LCA) Minutes for Meeting September 13, 2010 Cary Memorial Library Present: Zoe Perry-Wood, Chair; Victoria Campos, Recording Secretary; Marilyn Kolb, Treasurer; Jan Goplerud; Chris Kyle; Jackie Hawkison Absent: Jonathan Cue; Sirarpi Heghinian Walzser Call to Order: Zoe Perry Wood called us to order at 7:15PM. Secretary's Report The minutes for the April and May minutes were approved. Treasurer's Report Clarification about encumbered vs unencumbered funds. Encumbered 2010 grant award amounts. Unused 2009 award: Add $120 to the 2011 grant money to be disbursed this year. ($70 originally awarded to the Waldorf School and $50 which grantee John Root refused.) There is $2250 of 2010 grant money that has still not been claimed for reimbursement by 14 grantees. MK to send a reminder letter in January, with the official deadline for requests to receive reimbursement being in February. Any amounts not claimed by then will be reassigned for the 2011-12 grant year. Financial Report was heartily approved. Topics discussed tonight: Need to reiterate to recipients the importance of acknowledging the LCA (in addition to the MCC) in their program brochures and publicity materials. Suggestion that future LCA information sent out to grant recipients be distilled to make the guidelines more clearly understood. In need of 3 or 4 more council members ASAP. Meeting Schedule for the upcoming mtgs mostly to be held at the library. Only exception is December mtg which will be held in an alternative venue (to be decided) to allow for any needed extra discussion on grants. Goals for Nov 8 mtg: filter the applications—quick elimination based on grants that don’t meet basic criteria. Goals for Dec 13 mtg: Final vote on grants to be turned down and money values to be assigned to each grant approved. Review of the application process: What we’d like to see change: --getting grants from different organizations. LCA seeking some diversity in applicant pool. --become more visible to increase applicant pool. LCA Website: have had some responses and things are moving along. More info forthcoming from the subcommittee, Business for Next Meeting Our Call for Oct. 2010 Grant Applications to be published in the Minuteman. Review the grant process. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM. The next meeting will be October 4, 2010 at 7:00 PM in Cary Memorial Library. Zoe Perry-Wood will chair this meeting. Respectfully submitted /s/ Victoria Campos Recording Secretary