HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-07-BOS-min61-378 Selectmen's Meeting Minutes July 12, 1999 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, July 12, 1999 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Enrich, Mrs. Eddison, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. McKenna; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Assistant to the Executive Clerk were present. Public Comments st Ms. Farmer attended a Y2K meeting at the church across the street (which meets the 1 Monday of the month). She wanted the Board to know that the public is interested in what the town is doing to prepare the Town for Y2K and wants to know more. Consent Agenda Street Acceptance Schedule Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the proposed schedule of events relative to the FY01 Street Acceptance process. Auctioneer License – Newton Oriental Rugs Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of Newton Oriental Rugs for a 1-day Auctioneer License for Monday, September 7, 1999 at Heritage Hall, 177 Bedford Street, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Water and Sewer Commitments Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following water and sewer commitments: Commitment of water charges for 5/10/99 (cycle 01) $493,664.96 Commitment of sewer charges for 5/10/99 (cycle 01) $1,107,719.65 Commitment of water charges for 5/19/99 (cycle 02) $407,318.15 Commitment of sewer charges for 5/19/99 (cycle 02) $953,932.42 Commitment of water charges for 5/28/99 (cycle 03) $449,347.52 Commitment of sewer charges for 5/28/99 (cycle 03) $1,104,535.22 Lexington Commission 2000 – New Members Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation of Robert Nuefeld from the Lexington Commission 2000. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint James E. Kemler, William Rose, and William Mix to the Lexington Commission 2000 for a term to expire June 30, 2000. 61-379 Selectmen’s Meeting – July 12, 1999 Town Celebrations Committee/Subcommittee Appointments Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to increase the membership of the Town Celebrations Subcommittee to not more than 15 members for the 2000 celebrations. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint John Graham to the Town Celebrations Subcommittee for a term to expire June 30, 2000. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Jean Coates and Ray Flynn honorary members of the Town Celebrations Committee. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of June 14, 1999 and June 28, 1999. Executive Session Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the executive session minutes of June 28, 1999. Circuit Breaker Legislation – Senators Birmingham and Fargo and Representative Kaufman Mr. Enrich introduced Senate President Tom Birmingham to talk about legislation that is pending in the state legislature that is of tremendous concern to all of us in Lexington. Senator Birmingham thanked Mr. Enrich for his kind words. As the presiding officer of the Senate he files very few pieces of legislation; this year only two. One to increase the minimum wage and the second is the circuit breaker bill. The bill would help elderly people with the high property tax bills. It would allow a tax credit of up to $750 for senior citizens (65 or older) of modest means (single file at $40,000 of taxable income or joint file at $60,000 of taxable income). These people would be eligible for a tax credit if the combination of their property taxes and their water and sewer rates exceeded 10 percent of the reported income. This is a good faith effort to address what is a statewide problem. The state would hold all municipalities absolutely harmless from any revenue loss as a result of the circuit breaker legislation. The cost to the state is just shy of $50 million. Mr. Lieberman who is a Lexington resident and President of a non-profit corporation that is concerned with environmental issues involving Hanscom field asked to address Mr. Birmingham to ask for help regarding a proposal that would begin the process of transforming Hanscom Field from a General Aviation Airport to a Commercial Airport. Help is needed to keep the process fair. Massport is not keeping its promises to the towns nor is it following its own policies regarding Hanscom Field or behaving in a lawful manner. Massport has said it would wait for HATS and HFAC to complete a review process before acting on a proposal to introduce 61-380 Selectmen’s Meeting – July 12, 1999 scheduled passenger service to Hanscom Field. HFAC is required by statute to review all proposals regarding Hanscom. Massport has scheduled its Board to approve this aviation proposal at its meeting on July 15. Mr. Lieberman stated it is essential that we all agree to hold Massport to its obligation to respect the process to which it has agreed and to its obligation to act legally and responsibly. The residents of Lexington and the other Hanscom area communities ask for your help in your role as Senate President to have Massport respect the policies and processes it has established and to which it said it would adhere. We hope you will encourage Massport not to bring this proposal before its Board before HATS and HFAC have completed their work. Mr. Birmingham believes that if they agreed to a process they should follow it. The board thanked Mr. Birmingham for coming. Lexington Commission 2000 Schedule Mr. Hayward provided the Board with updated information packages with a cover summary to date. Lexington Commission 2000 is excited that for the first time since 1775 the events of that first day will be reenacted in chronological order. The BCC and several other national and cable stations came to Lexington to film different sites and are going to be showing the events this coming April. We believe we will increase the tourist numbers for this event and for future years also. The tentative schedule is as follows: Friday, April 14, 2000 Paul Revere’s Ride (instead of Sunday night) Lincoln Capture Site of Paul Revere. Possible Fife and Drum Tattoo on the Battle Green Saturday, April 15, 2000 Battle on the Lexington Green (will be on Saturday morning because we don’t want to conflict with the marathon and we want to include people who don’t normally have the Monday holiday and because we are the only state that celebrates Patriot’s Day on Monday) Battle Road Retreat (expect over 1,000 reenactors to come from 25 states, plus Canada and a large British unit from England) 61-381 Selectmen’s Meeting – July 12, 1999 Sunday, April 16, 2000 Rededication of the Green Children’s Parade (need to make sure High School Band is available) Monday, April 17, 2000 Ceremonies by the Lexington Minute Men, Lion’s Club Road Race Blue Ghosts Ceremony Parade in the afternoon Mrs. McKenna said the Town Celebrations Committee is fully in support of the proposed schedule. The children’s parade will go on Sunday as long as the High School Band can make it. If they are not available Sunday, the parade will be on Monday morning. There are three fundraising events going on. In an attempt to unify the town they want to light one candle in every house in Lexington for the weekend. Wal-Mart was approached and they have donated between 6,500 and 8,000 electric candles. The plan is to sell the candles for $5 each. The second fundraiser is the sale of celebration banners. One is a British regular in red and one is in blue with the image of the Minute Man statute. They are being sold to businesses or private citizens. They can have a family name or business name. One hundred have been sold so far. They will be hung all along Massachusetts Avenue, Waltham Street, and Bedford Street during the celebration. The cost of the banners is $300. Trying to sell between 200 and 300. The third fundraising activity is a telemarketing campaign that was started a few months ago. There is a football game planned for October 16 at the High School football field between the former New England Patriots and volunteers from the British reenactors. Mr. Hayward has spoken to the Chamber of Commerce regarding getting the word out to food establishments that there will be many more people in town over the holiday weekend. Mr. Hayward is also talking about the possibility of having food establishments give discounts to anyone dressed in colonial costumes. There is a very popular web site that shows 2000 hits a month. Mrs. Eddison would like to see the web page interactive so that we would have an idea of who plans on attending the celebration. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the changes for the Year 2000 celebrations regarding the weekend Encampments, and the Friday and Saturday schedules. 61-382 Selectmen’s Meeting – July 12, 1999 Selectmen Liaison Reports Mexican Sister City The Mexican Sister City sent four representatives who were very pleased to be in Lexington. They presented Lexington with gifts of pottery and their liberty bell from Mexico. Mrs. Edison is trying to get together a coordinating group with the chairs of each of the four sister cities to improve communication between each sister city group. HATS Mrs. Krieger said Massport is going to meet Thursday morning regarding the matter of Shuttle America. We thought we had a very clear understanding that HFAC would be allowed to review the proposal and then make a recommendation to Massport. Massport is ignoring that and it is a clear indication that Massport is not interested and not considerate of the concerns of the community. The HATS Selectmen are meeting tomorrow night and will decide what the next course of action is. Mrs. Eddison feels someone should write a letter to the Globe very soon because of the inaccuracies in the Northwest Weekly last Sunday. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote: Mrs. McKenna, Mrs. Eddison, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Krieger and Mrs. Abbott to go into executive session for the purpose of collective bargaining with no intent to resume open session. A true record, Attest: Lynne A. Pease Assistant to the Executive Clerk 61-383 Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes Goal Setting – Museum of Our National Heritage July 13, 1999 A goal setting meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, July 12, 1999 in the Carpenter Room of the Museum of Out National Heritage at 10:00 a.m. Chairman Enrich, Mrs. Eddison, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. McKenna; Mr. White Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Assistant to the Executive Clerk, were present. Several members of the Senior Management Team were present to assist the Board in their discussion of the following Agenda: A.Overview of the Day B.Miscellaneous Updates 1. Strategic Planning: The next step is to have large public sessions (hopefully in the fall) to focus on where Lexington should go over the next 20 years. Need to focus on getting people under 25 and ethnic groups interested in participating. 2. NESWC: The Board would like to see a series of plans for the years 2002 to 2005. Should consider and look into how we could share costs with community. SWAT is looking into and should be ready to discuss options a year from now. 3. Deregulation of Utilities Considering two proposals: HEFA (only municipal buildings) and Telenergy (comprehensive plan includes residential). 4. Solid Waste Contract 5. Streetlights: Town is in the final stages of transfer of streetlights to Town. Issue over Workmen’s Compensation. John Ryan to look into. Some concern about being able to keep up with bulb replacement and being responsive to residents. Will need to come up with clear and concise guidelines. Possibly set up advisory committee. 6. FY2000 DPW Budget Reductions 7. Economic Development: Hope to start a Business Roundtable in the fall. 8. Library Building: Hope to be out of building Fall 2000. A transition team will be put in place by the end of summer to minimize problems regarding parking. 61-384 Goal Setting Meeting – July 13, 1999 9. Intergenerational Facility: The COA needs to have evening and weekend programs. The recommendation of the LRPC and the COA Board is to have a stand-alone center, 25,000 sq. ft with 200 parking spaces and with an area for Day Care Program. The Capital Space Use group should look into long discussions with: Recreation, COA, and schools. Recreation has serious space problems, even more so when the Library moves to Cary Hall. 10. MIS Issues: Security is a big issue. Working on need for firewalls and better virus protection. Vision and strategic planning needed. School/Town/Library interaction needed. Possible discussion at joint meeting July 27. 11. Committee Goal: Need to survey committees to get sense of projects and how best to coordinate efforts. Need to assist each other without duplicating efforts. Should consider clusters – committees that have things in common. Need to have something put together for the Chair Breakfast in October/November 1999. C.Finances Operating Issues 12. Five Year Forecast 13. FY2001 Revenue Picture 14. Free Cash/Cash Reserves Updates: Mr. Ryan would like to fine tune. Consider asking Town Meeting to appropriate money to fewer accounts. Mr. Ryan to come back to a selectmen meting on Town Expenses. The health insurance issue will be discussed at the July 27 joint meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to begin the process for a bundled override. 15. Parking Meter Fund (work in progress – feedback): The Board would like to see more information and detail on the possibility of an underground garage. Capital Issues 16. Cash Capital Progress Report and Guidelines Discussion: Candy is attempting to determine if we can live with the cash capital numbers. Concept looks good and in right direction. Should continue to pursue. 17. Space Needs Committee 18. Blue Ribbon Committee 61-385 Goal Setting Meeting – July 13, 1999 Other 19. Out of the Box Budget Ideas 20. FY2001 Operating Strategy 21. FY2001 Capital Strategy D.Gant Chart – Fill in Some Details/Deadlines th Will revise for July 27 meeting. Mr. Ryan will redo preliminary revenue. Redo forecast and begin preliminary review. Begin identifying problems (NESWC, health insurance, increased enrollment in special ed). Karla and Rick will come up with a cooperative effort – shared responsibility for gap. The meeting centered on discussions of the Department Updates, Operating and Capital Finance Issues, and discussing the Gant Chart. The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Lynne A. Pease Assistant to the Executive Clerk 61-386 Selectmen's Meeting Minutes July 26, 1999 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, July 26, 1999 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Enrich, Mrs. Eddison, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. McKenna; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Hearings Boston Edison Representative Carol McManus was present to request the following two grant of locations: Marrett Road The work is necessary to provide underground electric service to a new house at 490 Marrett Road. A permit has been issued by the Mass. Highway Department. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of the Boston Edison Company to lay and maintain underground conduits and manholes, with the wires and cables to be placed therein, under the surface of Marrett Road southerly, approximately 105 feet west of Tufts Road, a distance of about 10 feet. Battleview Circle The work is necessary in order to replace the existing underground direct buried cable with new conduit in Battleview Circle. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of Boston Edison Company to lay and maintain underground conduits and manholes, with the wires and cables to be placed therein, under the surface of Battleview Circle: Install conduit southerly, approximately 10 feet south of Young Street, thence turning and running southwesterly a distance of about 298 feet. Consent Agenda Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following: Commitment of water charges for 6/22/99 (cycle 03) $421,263.15 Commitment of sewer charges for 6/22/99 (cycle 03) $878,311.65 Adjustment of water charges for 12/1/98 to 12/31/98 $81.40 Adjustment of sewer charges for 12/1/98 to 12/31/98 $172.60 61-387 Selectmen's Meeting - July 26, 1999 Battle Green Flag Pole Painting Mr. White notified the Board that John Carroll has offered to paint the flag pole on the Battle Green at his expense and proposes to use his fire truck.Mr. White also advised the Board that he would be covered for liability both on his own and the Town's insurance. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept with thanks the offer of Mr. Carroll to paint the Battle Green flag pole. Peacewalk Vigil Ms. Hattie Nester of Athol was present to request permission for a group of approximately 15 to 20 people who will be joined in a Peace Walk from Concord to Lexington to conduct a peace vigil on the Battle Green on Friday August 6. Board members advised her that she should coordinate her plans with the Lexington Police Department. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant permission to Hattie Nester to hold a peace vigil on the Battle Green on Friday, August 6 from approximately 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Council on Aging Appointment Mr. White indicated he is planning on appointing Dan Fenn to the Council on Aging with the Board's approval. He was formerly the Selectman liaison to the CoA and is familiar with all their programs. He is actively involved in looking into the space needs of the Senior Center and the possibility of an intergenerational facility. Mr. Fenn would be a welcome addition to the Council. Mrs. McKenna felt it would be helpful to look for candidates who have not previously been involved in Town Government. Mr. White indicated that the CoA members requested that he appoint Mr. Fenn. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 (Mrs. McKenna abstained) to approve the Town Manager's appointment of Dan Fenn to the Council on Aging. 61-388 Selectmen's Meeting - July 26, 1999 Stop and Shop Construction Plans Mr. White reported that the Stop and Shop has an intensive construction schedule and he has invited Jim Silvia, Director of Real Estate to update the Board on their construction plans for the next few weeks. Mr. Silvia presented the Board with a renovation schedule and a sketch of the proposed new supermarket. They will be working 24 hours on site, day and evening, and are attempting to reach all impacted neighbors to offer them accommodations and/or cleaning to remove any dust in their houses. The work started this past weekend and Stop & Shop will monitor any complaints or concerns over the construction period. Mrs. Eddison and other Board members asked them to continue to be sensitive to the proximity of some of the neighbors and to be in ongoing communication with them. Stop & Shop rep. Ms. Kelly O'Connor provided the Board and public a hot line number for impacted neighbors and also a number to call for transportation to the Bedford store. Amend Traffic Rules & Regulations - Penalties Police Chief Chris Casey was present to ask the Board's approval on increasing penalties for violation of the Traffic Rules & Regulations from $20.00 to $35.00. This will be the first increase since 1967. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to increase the penalty for violation of the Traffic Rules & Orders Article 10, Section 3 Penalty from $20.00 to $35.00. Joint Meeting of Board of Selectmen & School Committee Mr. Enrich reviewed an ambitious agenda for the joint meeting of the Board and School Committee and members of the finance committees tomorrow morning at 8:15 at the Museum of Our National Heritage. Hanscom Mrs. Krieger reviewed the status of the Shuttle America situation. Massport Board of Directors voted to grant an operating permit to Shuttle America at its meeting on July 15. This move is contrary to assurances from Peter Blute and the public process for review and public input through HFAC. By law, HFAC would review any proposals in increase of operations at Hanscom. Massport has ruined its credibility with the communities in granting the permit and has blatantly abused its authority. The four towns are prepared to take action and are considering legal action. 61-389 Selectmen's Meeting - July 26, 1999 Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote: Mrs. McKenna, Mrs. Eddison, Mr. Enrich, Mrs. Krieger and Mrs. Abbott to go into executive session for the purpose of discussion of a matter of potential litigation with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk 61-390 Selectmen/School Committee Meeting Minutes July 27, 1999 A joint goal setting meeting of the Board of Selectmen and School Committee was held on Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at the Museum of Our National Heritage, 33 Marrett Road at 8:15 a.m. Selectmen Chairman Enrich, Mrs. Eddison, Mrs. Krieger, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. McKenna; School Committee Chairman DiGiammarino, Mrs. Peltz, Mrs. Elberger, Mr. Rosenberg, Mr. Long; Mrs. Baehr, School Superintendent; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Also in attendance were: Appropriation Committee members Alex Nedzel and Alan Levine; TMMA member Alan Lazarus, Town Counsel Norman Cohen, Linda Crew Vine, Susan Bottan, Chief Casey, Chief Quinlan, Mr. Ryan, Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Mahoney, Mrs. Freed, Mr. Frederickson, Mrs. Rawson and Mr. Woodbury. Mr. Enrich and Mrs. DiGiammarino welcomed everyone acknowledging this get together is an extraordinary event and is an early start to a FY2001 budget year that poses to be very challenging. Board members discussed the following: 1.) Finances - Revenue a.) Free Cash History - Recommend estimating +½%/yr. b.) Local Receipts History - Estimate 0% increase for FY2001 c.) Financial Policies I. Cash Reserve Policy II. Debt Exclusion Policy III. Cash Capital Spending for all debt within tax levy and cash capital will not exceed 5% of total general fund expenditures. d.) 2001 Revenue Options Finance Director John Ryan presented three different levels of anticipated revenues for FY2001 described as high, middle and low estimates. Mr. Ryan further said it would be his recommendation not to go with the high estimate. 2.) Finances - Expenses a.) Expense Drivers I. NESWC It is anticipated that there will be a $818,000 shortfall on this year's appropriation for NESWC. II. Health Insurance It is anticipated that there will be a $1.2 million increase in health costs for FY2001. III. Enrollment Enrollment is expected to increase by 130 students in FY2001. 61-391 Selectmen's meeting - July 27, 1999 IV. Special Needs The SPED budget is expected to increase by 20% or $½ million. 17% of total SPED costs are funded by the Federal and State government. V. Cash Capital - $Options 3.) Override History a.) Years and Amounts b.) Incremental Impact The Board of Selectmen has agreed to propose a bundled override. 4.) Gap Range The estimated gap between anticipated expenditures and revenues is $7.2 million. There was considerable discussion on the $ amount to be proposed in the override. 5.) Next Steps a.) 2001 Distribution Strategy b.) Budget Timing Schedule c.) Potential Collaborative Efforts It was decided to hold another joint meeting before Labor Day. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:55 a.m. A true record; Attest: Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk