HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-10-BOS-min60 -109 Selectmen's Meeting October 3, 1994 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, octobeer 3, 1994 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building at 7 :30 p.m. Chairman Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Busa, Mr. Fenn, Mrs. Eddison; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mr. white, Town Manager; Mrs. Novak, Assistant Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Use of Battle green by Lexington Clergy Association for Interfaith Celebrative Service - of Community Thanks iving Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Lexington Clergy Association to hold an interfaith celebrative service of community thanksgiving on Sunday, November 20, 1994 at 12:00 noon for approximately one and one -half hours on the Battle Green, Limousine Licenses - Harrison Trans ortation Services Inc. d a A -1 Taxi of Lexin ton Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant five limousine licenses to Harrison Transportation Services Inc. d/b /a A -1 Taxi of Lexington, subject to inspection of the vehicles by the Lexington Police Department. Limousine Licenses - Ralph A. Malin 17 Bluebe Lane d a Lexington Ailport Services Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant two limousine licenses to Ralph A. Malin, d/b /a Lexington Airport Services subject to inspection of the vehicles by the Lexington police Department. National Securit Program at the Kennedy School of Government - Thank You From the Russians Mr. Dailey read a letter from Linda Moseley, Events Coordinator at the National Security Program of the John F. Kennedy School of Government thanking all who participated in the warm welcome of the Russian generals on the 17th of September. Conservation Restriction Approval - 2261 Massachusetts Avenue Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve and sign a conservation restriction on the premises of Ricardo L. Rossi and Marcela C. Rossi, at 2261 Massachusetts Avenue. 60-110 Selectmees Meeting - October 3, 1994 Cablevision Rate Changes effective November L 1994 Mr. Dailey read a letter from William P. Morton, General Manager of Cablevision pertaining to notification to the Town. of Cablevisioes. intended rate adjustment effective November 1, 1994. Mr. Dailey invited Caleb warner of the CATV and Communications Advisory Committee to comment on the proposed increases. Mr. warner indicated that his committee had received no prior notice of the proposed rate increases even though the Committee had met with a representative of Cablevision four or five days before the Town received notification of the rate increases. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was agreed that the Chairman would send a letter to Cablevision indicating that the Board fully expects that the CATV and Communications Committee will be fully advised in advance of any proposed rate changes by Cablevision. Appointments Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following apponnments and reappointments: Board of A peals Pp John Mcweeney reappointment to the Board of Appeals; Nyles Barnert, Joseph Campbell, Natalie Rif m, Arthur Smith, Judith Uhrig, and Carolyn Wilson Associate Members to the Board of Appeals. Cable Tv and Communications Advisory Committee Julie Triessl reappointment to the Cable TV and conrnmunication Advisory Committee. Condominium Conversion Board Marjorie weerts reappointment to the. Condominium. Conversion Board. Design Advisory Committee ! T rrr Karen Bechtel, Thomas Coffman, John Frey, Barbara Hulsizer, Steven Hurley,. Hubert Murray,, John Vinton and Elizabeth Whitman reappointment to the Design Advisory Committee. Gary Larson appointment to the Design Advisory Committee. Carl Oldenburg, Robert Ossm.an and Walter Pierce reappointment as Associate members of the Design Advisory Committee. Fair Housing Human Relations Committee Florence Baturin., Jaynes Brannon and Robert Pressman reappointment to the Fair Housing & Human Relations- Committee. 60 -111. Selectmen's Meeting - October 3, 1994 Fence viewers Martin Gi lman and William Sullivan reappointment as Fence viewers. Garnmel Legacy Trust Elizabeth Flynn and Leona Martin reappointment to the Gammel Legacy Trust, Human Services Committee Rosalyn Gittleman and Eva Havas reappointment to the Human Services Committee. Lexington Center Committee Carla Fortmann and Mortan Kahan reappointment to the Lexington. Center Committee. Lexington Housing Assistance Board Martha Wood reappointment to the Lexington Housing Assistance Board. Minuteman Commuter Bikewa Committee Thomas Fortmarm, Maria Hartshorn and Robert Sawyer reappointment to the MinuteMan Commuter Bikeway Committee. Personnel Advisga Board Jason Berger reappointment to the Personnel Advisory Board. Police Manual Polk Committee Chris Casey, Edith Flynn, William Hays and Gerald McLeod reappointment to the Police Manual Policy Committee. Town Re ort Committee John Ayvazian, Raymond Barnes, Stanley Ca. sazza, Winifred Friedman, Robert Halfman and Robert Morrison reappointment to the Town Report Committee. . Traffic Safety Advisor Committee Peter Chalpin, Myla Kabat-- Zinn, James Kilmartin, Ronald Marble, and Roy Murphy reappointment to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee. Trans rtation Advisor Cormmittee Elizabeth Andrews and Sara Arnold reappointment to the Transportation Advisory Committee. Mr. Bailey advised Board Members that a notice would be placed in the Lexington Minuteman about openings on the Town's boards and committees and expressed the - hope that citizens would volunteer their services. 60 -112 Selectmen's Meeting - October 3, 1394 Senator Robert Havern Senator Havern reviewed what he considered the most crucial issues facing Lexington and the other Towns he represented. He reviewed in detail the impact of the School Education Reform Bill which he said he voted against. He said of the roughly $210,000,E funding for the Education Reform Act, approximately $185,000,000 is distributed to 30 communities. The communities he represents: Arlington, Burlington, Woburn. and Lexington receive very little. He feels the State should have given everybody $100/student. Lexington receives only $25 /student. The impact of this funding Will be felt by General Government side versus the school side. He said he felt that public safety, recreation, parks and trees - and many other programs will suffer at the expense of the Education Reform Act. He said that although this is not occurring right now, it is his opinion that the burden will fall on the general government side. Senator Havern expressed some good news that some transportation money is being - freed up and that the State is seeing a surplus and won't be , cutting programs at the last minute. He also said the State is in an economically better situation and unemployment is down. Senator Havern also indicated that he expects things to happen because of the upcoming State election and will keep the Board advised. He advised the Board to contact the Massachusetts M Association concerning the lack of increased aid to support the mandated Education Reform Act. Mr. White asked Senator Havern's assistance in facilitating the Bedford Street and Eldred Street traffic light. Senator Lavern agreed to sit down with Mr. white and the Mass. Highway Department. Board members expressed their thanks to Senator Havern. Consent_ Agenda Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following abatements and commitments: Abatement of Water Charges - 6130/94 $1 83.95 Abatement of Sewer Charges - 6/30/94 $ 100.00 Commitment of Street Opening Permits - 12J31/93 Boston Gas Company $1 New England Telephone Company $41.50 Boston Edison Company $25.00 z 60 --113 Selectmen's Meeting - October 3, 1394 Community Policin Chief Casey reviewed his community policing plans with the Board. The Chief indicated he plans to use grant money to institute a neighborhood crime watch, citizen police academy and to enhance the bike path patrol. The citizen policy academy was being initiated as a response to the citizen survey. Burial vaults Mr. white and Superintendent of Cemeteries warren 1Vlonsignore reported to the Board that a new pre -cast and lined vault more closely resembling that offered by the funeral directors has become available to the Town and asked the Board to approve the sale of these vaults at a fee of $395. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the sale of pre -cast and lined vaults at a fee of $395.00. Sewer Charges in Lieu of Betterments Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve sewer charges in lieu of -- betterments to Daniel Perry of 19 Hayes Lane in the amount of $3,617.54 and wally } weisin er of 197 -199 Bedford Street in the amount of $1,591.70. I Chapter 90, Allotment Mr. White advised the Board of the good news that Chaper 90 allotment for FY95 carne to $716,023 as opposed to the $400,000 originally anticipated. He explained that this means the town will be able to pave approximately 5 miles versus 3 miles of streets for FY95. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve and sign the Chapter 90 allotment of $716,023 for FY95. Separate Water Meters for Commercial /Industrial Properties Mr. white explained that upon review of the law and rates charged by other communities he could find no reason to exclude the commercial /industrial properties from being allowed to install separate water meters for outdoor use and from benefitting front the same rates as commercial users except that they would be assessed an additional charge of $100.00 to pay for the cost of testing for proper backflow devices. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the charges for the commercial /industrial meters as set out by the Town Manager. If the meters are over 1"', then the - industrial user will be responsible for buying his own meter. 60 -114 SelectmeWs Meeting - October 3, 1994 Executive Session i Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was .voted 5-0 by roll call vote: Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Busa, Mr. Fenn and firs. Eddison to go into executive session for matters of litigation, the disclosure of which might adversely affect the interests of the town with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:20 .m. r A true record, Attest: I'hyl ' s A. Smith. Exe tine Clerk 60 -115 Selectmen's Meeting October 17, 1994 A. regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen Was held on Monday, October 17, 1994 in the Library of Estabrook School at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Bailey, Mr. McSweeney, lair. Busa, Mr. Fenn, Mrs. Eddison; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mr. Waite, Town Manager, and Ms. Smith Executive Clerk, Were present. Tele rt Communications Second Phase of Fibre tic Cablin Mr. Dailey opened the hearing on the application of Teleport Communications for a grant of location to provide for the second phase of installation of fibre optic cable to .be placed on New England Telephone and Boston Edison jointly owned poles. At this time Teleport Will be placing the fibre optic cabling on Marrett Road from Spring Street to School Street; on School Street from Marrett Road to Massachusetts Avenue; on Massachusetts Avenue from School Street to Wood Street and on Wood Street from Massachusetts Avenue to Hartwell Avenue. All abutters have been notified of the hearing. Mr. Dailey read a letter received from John Mills of .20 School Street Who expressed strong opposition to the installation because of the great number of cables already passing in front of his house. Teleport representative Patrick Russo indicated there Would be one wire the thickness of a finger holding 72 fibers and running between the CATV Wire and Edison WiLres. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Teleport Communications for a grant of location to provide for the installation of fibre optic cable to be placed on New England Telephone and Boston Edison jointly owned poles ublic • es over p Ways, as specifically set forth in the Petition. Warrant for State Election Upon motion duly made and seconded, it Was voted to sign the Warrant for the State Election on November 8, 19944 Use of Battle Green b the Town Celebrations Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it Was voted to approve the request from the Town Celebrations Committee to conduct observances on the Battle Green on veterans' Day, Y November 11, 1994 from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; Patriot's Bay from Noon on April 16 through 6:00 p.m. on Monday, April 17, 1995 and Memorial Day, May 29, 1995 from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 P.M. Use of Battle Green .- by Lexin ton Coalition for Racial E ualit Upon motion duly made and seconded, it Was voted to ratify the poll vote taken to approve the request of the Lexington Coalition for Racial Equality to hold a Sunday vigil on the Battle Green on October 16, 1994. 60-116 Selectmen's Meeting - October 17, 1994 Minutes of Meetings of September 26, 1994 and October 3, 1994 s Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 26, 1994, a min or correction having been made, and the minutes of the meeting of October 3, 1994. Executive Session Minutes of Se tember 26 1994 and October 3 1994 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Executive Session minutes of September 16, 1994 and October 3, 1994. Proclamation - November 11 1994 - 75th Annivers of Armistice Da Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to proclaim November 11, 1994 as the 75th anniversary of Arrn' stice Day and to support the observation of this event on the 11th hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month by a moment of silence followed by the ringing of bells in churches in remembrance of those who served and died for their country. Resignation of Caleb warner front the OATV and Communications Committee Upon the recommendation of Mrs. Eddison the Board ranted a leave of absence to Caleb � � g Warner from the CATV and Communications Committee rather than accept his resignation. p g The Beard members acknowledged .the much appreciated services of Caleb and other members of the Committee. Town Manager Evaluation- Criteria An evaluation form prepared by Mr. Fenn and Mr. Busa was distributed. Board members agreed that Chairman Dailey and Mr. Fenn would meet with the Town Manager before the next meeting to get the. Manager's input on the criteria and then to review the manager upon the criteria as amended. Strategic Planning Paul Hamburger and Andy Freidlick were present to update the Board on the status of the results of the strategic planning survey. lair. Hamburger said that Mercier is ready to give the final results of the survey in about two weeks. He said the next step is for a combination of professionals and citizens to clarify options. Mr. Hamburger distributed a draft charge for the Steering Committee for Lexington 2000. The Board will wait for results of the survey before making any decisions. 60-117 Selectmen's Meeting - October 17, 1994 Consent Agenda Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following abatements and commitments. a. Abatement of Water Charges - 6/30/94 $894.01 b. Abatement of Sewer Charges - 6/30/94 $1,130.71 c. Abatement of Water Charges - 10/05/94 $23.55 d. Abatement of Sewer Charges - 10/05/94 $ 146.10 e. Commitment of Water Charges - 9/30/94 Cycle 9 $89 f. Commitment of Street Opening Permits - 3/31/94 Boston Gas Company $500.00 Boston Edison Company $25.04 Fees Overview Mr. white reviewed recommended increases in fees charged by several departments. Based on the ensuing discussion, the Manager indicated he will come back with specific recommendations at the meeting of November 14. Joint Meeting with School Committee and Finance Committees Mr. white indicated he thought the meeting of November 14 would be an appropriate time for the finance co and School Committee to meet with the Board of Selectmen and identify preliminary estimated expenditures and revenues for Fiscal Year 1995. Proclamr ation - National Hos ice Care Month Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to declare November as National Hospice Care Month. Proclamation - Clifford Shull Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to recognize and honer the 1994 Nobel Prize in Physics winner Clifford Shull. Council on Aging ApWintments - John Fisher and Rhyllis Rand Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Town Manager's appointment of John Fisher and Phyllis Rand to the Council on Aging. 60 -118 Selectmen's Meeting - October 17, 1944 Met State Hospital Land Use Leo McSweeney informed the beard that Lt. Governor Cellucci announced the plans for a 230 acre MDC Reservation as one of the components of the Met State Land uses Mr. McSweeney thanked members of the task force and citizens who assisted in coming up with a plan agreed to by all three communities and the State. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9: to p.m. A true copy, attest: Phylli . S th Executive Clerk