HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-08-12-LBAC-min APPROVED MEETING MINUTES Committee Name: Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time and Location of Meeting: August 12, 2010, 7 pm, Room 111, Town Office Building Members Present: Peggy Enders (Chair), Stew Kennedy, John Frey, Marita Hartshorn, Jerry Van Hook, George Gagliardi, Laurel Carpenter, Abe Shenker, (FoLB Chair) Others Present: Bob Dangel, Liam Hefferman, Luis Melendez, Richard Spencer, Margaret Stebbins, Bob Hausslein Members Absent: Mike Tabaczynski, Peter Kelley (Selectmen’s Liaison), Sandra Shaw (Recreation Committee Liaison), Richard Canale, (Planning Board Liaison) Minutes : The July 2010 minutes were accepted as corrected. Bikeway Requests: The August 14, 2010 MassBike ride use request was approved; a recommendation will be forwarded to the Selectmen. The May 7, 2011 ALS-Cure use was tabled. Peggy will call the sponsor for more details. We questioned the safety of such a large number of runners on the Bikeway (estimated by ALS at 250). We would prefer to have single-file walkers and will recommend that. Reid’s Ride Posters: Peggy wrote the sponsor about the complaints of excessive posters on the Bikeway. The person was unaware of the policy regarding posters and apologized. Hartwell Avenue Traffic Mitigation : The next discussion by the Planning Board regarding Hartwell Avenue will be in September. They have been sent our recommendations. Jerry said he has encouraged members of the Sidewalk Committee to take a closer look at the roundabout design as it accommodates pedestrians and cyclists. Bikeway Intersection Safety Program : John Livsey sent a proposed design of basic intersection improvements. These improvements are a good first step, but the committee considers the plan “inadequate,” not only because each intersection has unique problems but also because the basic plan falls short of improving safety. Peggy promised to talk with John Livsey to ask that improvements reflect our recommendations (e.g., the committee’s basic plan recommends pavement warnings on both the Bikeway and each street). Dave Pinsonneault will clear brush to improve sightlines. Seasons' Four plantings continue to be a problem. We agreed to recommend that certain intersections (e.g., Revere Street) give cyclists the right-of-way, and that stop signs be posted on the street. Bikeway Preservation : The town is mapping out drainage and root control plans in anticipation of the CPA-funded project. Somerville Community Path Extension : Carl Valente received a letter from the mayor of Somerville asking that the town support the proposed Community Path Extension in a letter to Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. The support letter was unanimously approved as suggested by the mayor. MAPC Bike Rack Program : The Historic District Commission approved 6 “U” shaped racks on the south side of Mass Ave and 3 more around the Mews. Marita will meet with Dave Pinsonneault to place an order with the Maddox Bikerack Company. The Historical Society is not ready at this time to order bike racks. Marita had three MAPC approved catalogues sent to the Historical Society for future use. New Bike Map : Bob Dangel has revised the map reflecting our July comments. It will be produced as a 11x17 folder. Bob will bring the revised map to our September meeting. MassBike : Bob Dangel reports that he has 290 people signed up to ride and more are expected. Bob requested help with Saturday’s event. Kiosks on the Bikeway: Jon DiRusso, Eagle Scout candidate, asked if he could work on information kiosks on the Bikeway as his project. We agreed to tell him that, although we want to put up kiosks eventually, we need to establish design standards first and then work with the Design Advisory Committee. We recommended that he contact Emily Schadler to put one on conservation land. Selectmen’s Liaison: Peter Kelley does not usually attend meetings to which he is a liaison; however, he said he is willing to discuss bikeway issues with us. Other business : The committee discussed the recent repaving of Grove Street; the roadway appears to have been narrowed, and the new granite curb prevents cyclists from having an emergency exit. We will recommend sharrows be painted on the roadway to make it clear to motorists to share the road with cyclists. Jerry recommended that a standing list of roads needing attention be developed by the committee (a practice that the Sidewalk Committee has in place with the town). Peggy will assemble the initial list with data provided from committee members. Jeff Roth requested repainting bikeway lanes on Hartwell Avenue. Peggy passed on his request to John Livsey. Record of Friends of the Lexington Bikeways Discussion: Treasurer’s Report: We have a balance of $5,167.67 Family Bike Ride : The ride was excellent and informative although only three non-members participated. Peggy would like to tape a reenactment for cable T.V. Marita thanked all the speakers for their research and presentations at various stops. th Farmers Market : Volunteers are needed for October 5. We voted to donate $100 for coupons and will collect e-mails of people interested in bicycling. We will request more bike corral dates for next year. Bikeway Count: The MPO has announced counting dates for September 11 and 14. Margaret and Stew will sign up volunteers. Abe would like us to use the software donated by Brewed Awakening to do future counts. The system would have to be retrofitted to differentiate various users and would have to be tested for accuracy. Abe will continue to work on this. We also discussed the possibility of installing an infrared counter. New Web Site : Bob Hausslein still needs more content for the folb.net site. The web site will have an opt out option for those not wishing to receive future emails. Other Business: Richard commented on the improved pruning of the bikeway. The town has a new brush mower, which is able to cut small twigs and bushes. Abe said someone requested lights on the bikeway and said it would be very helpful to late night commuters. …Next LBAC/FoLB meeting is Thursday, September 16, 2010, 7:00 p.m. Marita Hartshorn: Recorder Peggy Enders: Editor Handouts: July 8, 2010 Unapproved Minutes August 12 Agenda DPW proposal for intersection improvements