HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-04-23-LEX300-min Lexington 300th Anniversary Celebration Committee Meeting Minutes April 23, 2010 Attending: Susan Rockwell, Donna Hooper, Cindy Savage, Suzie Barry (TCC Chair) Absent: Richard Kollen The Lexington 300th Anniversary Celebration Committee met at 10 30 a.m., Friday, April 23, 2010 in Room 111, Town Office Building., 1625 Massachusetts Ave Points Discussed. • Concord celebrates the town's 375th Anniversary in September 2010 • Possible school representatives to involve in the Lexington 300th - o Barbara Manfredi, Jessie Steigerwald, Karen Casey, Tanya Morissette • What would we anticipate for a total budget for the Lexington 300th? • What was the budget for the bicentennial celebration in 1975? (Dick Michelson?) • Suzie Barry explained she would be the point person for the Police Department, Public Works, Public Facilities departments, with Donna Hooper to assist. • It is suggested contact be made with the Lexington Clergy Association once plans are more definitive • Plans are to generate a letter to community groups on how the groups envision participating in the celebration, to be followed up with a community involvement meeting in September 2010 Logo - It is recommended a 300th anniversary celebration Logo be developed as soon as possible Web Site -Web presence and URL options were discussed, re Town Celebrations Committee itself and Lexington 300th www.lexingtoncelebrations.com possibility for Town Celebrations www.lexington300 us possibility for Lexington 300th • Donna Hooper shared with the Committee thoughts of reproducing and framing the 2 versions of the town seal along with the vote of the Massachusetts legislature on the incorporation of Lexington. • Discussion on possible exhibits, representation/participation from the National Heritage Museum, National Park Service, Lexington Symphony, and others. • Donna Hooper will investigate the procurement of a Lexington Post Office box, with interest in obtaining a box number that would work well for Lexington 300th • Thoughts discussed for the 300th celebration to commence in September 2012 through September 2013 Next Meeting scheduled for May 17, 2010 - 10 30 a.m. Meeting adjourned 11 45 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna Hooper, Scribe