HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-07-26-LEX300-min Lexington 300th Anniversary Celebration Committee Meeting Minutes July 26, 2010 Attending: Susan Rockwell, Donna Hooper, Richard Kollen, Van Seasholes, Jessie Steigerwald, Suzie Barry, Town Celebrations Committee Absent: Cindy Savage, Denise Dube The Lexington 300th Anniversary Celebration Committee met at 3 00 p.m., Monday, July 26, 2010 in Room 111, Town Office Building., 1625 Massachusetts Ave Points Discussed. Agenda. 1 Updates a. Corporation documents, P 0 Box&Web site b Mailings to town organizations c. New subcommittee members to be approved 2 Review of Records from prior special celebrations 3 Outline presentation for September 21, 2010 Ca Estabrook Hall 4 Determine Committee sponsored events for celebration year 5 Funding Updates: • Donna Hooper advised Alan Wrigley has agreed to handle the corporation papers and would let us know what additional information he may need to compile required papers for incorporation and filing for 501 [c] 3 status. • Donna Hooper confirmed web site address is www.lexington300 us • The web site can begin to be put together but much depends upon the logo and preliminary plans. Initial efforts will make use of the Town Seal and should include the Committee's Charge, Members & Letter of invitation to the September 21St meeting. • Arrangements for email address are in the works. • Post Office box pending. The Committee will unlikely be able to secure a special box number as the P 0 no longer allows such arrangements. • Sue Rockwell advised the original mailing to inform preliminary listing of community contacts of the upcoming September 21St meeting has been made Subsequent mailings will be made to additional contacts as identified. a. Van Seasholes recommended reaching out to all churches- Sue R. confirmed a blanket mailing will be made to all religious organizations. b Jessie Steigerwald advised a letter should also be sent to elementary school PTAs and K-5 Social Studies Coordinator Jane Hundley Jessie will obtain names of preschool PTA contacts. c. Other identified persons to contact- Robert Collins, LSH History Coordinator; Janine Cohen, LHS PTSA President • New Committee members Denise Dube, Jessie Steigerwald &Van Seasholes have recently received appointment by the Board of Selectmen. • Donna Hooper appraised the Committee of recent discussion by senior Department Managers regarding municipal operations and the 300th Anniversary celebration. September 21st Presentation. • Committee members discussed possible approached for the September 21St presentation by Richard Kollen, with interest to have upbeat, exciting, and convey a reason for attendees to be there and stimulate ideas. Lexington 3OOth Anniversary Celebration Committee • Invitees to the September 21St meeting should be key department heads that will portray an official backing and sanctioning of the town, Selectman Liaison Peter Kelley, presence from the Town Manager/representative, public safety, etc. • Press representatives from the Lexington Minuteman, Colonial Times newspaper • Jane Hundley, Curriculum coordinator for Lexington's elementary schools for which a Lexington Education Foundation (LEF) grant for the schools'celebration of the 300th anniversary has been awarded. • Representatives from other related committees should be included in an effort to advance conversations regarding the celebrations. • Personal contacts should be made as a follow-up to the letter to ensure attendance • Representatives from significant events/periods of the past to be sought: a. Interfaith/Civil Rights of the 1960's Review of Records from Prior Anniversary Celebrations: • Records from the Archives pertaining to past anniversary celebration events were culled through and tagged for photocopying and future reference Initiatives and offerings from the past that the 300th may want to consider include a. Postage Stamp b Special Town Meeting/Mock Town Meeting c. Anniversary Celebration Program d. Special Plaque -recognition of 300th, rededication of existing, etc. e Time capsule- actual/virtual on web site f. Master plan with outline g. Historic Walking Tour-beyond the battle green, h. 30 markers-refurbish/replace i. Timeline-reporting dates j Poster contest k. Logo contest 1. Bumper sticker-fundraiser? m. Pole banners n. Merchant Involvement-window displays, etc o Commemorative items- dishes, T-shirts p Maps of Town thru the years- display? q Recreation-games through the years, old time baseball game, bike tour; tennis tournament; field day, etc. ✓ Picnic s. Sponsored Band Concerts t. Youth Dance u. Reproducing existing documents-proceedings& addresses, commemorative of the 200th anniversary of incorporation ✓ Lexington related items- Eric Carlson collection, and others. Committee Sponsored Events: Discussion on procedures and guidelines for committee sanctioned events was had. The sense is that the Committee receive requests (through formal application process) and approve/sanction official events that would be allowed to be publicized as such. Next meeting: Monday, August 23, 2010 - 10 00 a.m. Town Office Building. Respectfully Submitted, Donna Hooper, Scribe