HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-10-16-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 16, 2000 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G -15, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Vice Chairman Galaitsis, with members Bridge - Denzak, Davies, Chase, Planning Director Garber, and Assistant Planner McCall- Taylor present. Mr. Colman joined the meeting at 8:10, just prior to the continued hearing on 41 Lincoln Street. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Applications To Be Heard on October 19, 2000 Mr. Galaitsis gave an oral review of the application for 12 Hartwell Avenue, a special permit to install a permanent monument -style standing sign. The Board agreed to defer to the Design Advisory Committee on this matter SUBDIVISION OF LAND Old Smith Farm, Definitive Cluster Subdivision, James Gaklis The Board signed the linen plan that was needed so that the plan could be registered in Land Court. REGIONAL, INTERTOWN ISSUES Metropolitan State Hospital Reuse, Recent Activity Mr. Garber gave an update on what has been happening. There is a lot of activity as the new Waltham mayor wants the golf course and is pushing to implement the project and sign the Second Amendment. The proposal has been to use the old campus, which is mostly Lexington land, as senior housing with 25 percent of the units designated as affordable, with 10 percent dedicated to Department of Mental Health use, and the bulk of the 275 + /- acres as an MDC reservation. Last week the access plan was changed. There is still limited access from Trapelo without a through right-of-way and grass pavers may be used to allow a connection between the two roads while discouraging regular traffic. However, the outlet onto Marguerite Avenue of Trapelo has been changed to an outlet at Forest Street, which can be signalized. This will split the golf course but Waltham feels that it can now live with it. One of Lexington's major issues arises from the fact that the town line passes through the old main building and campus. This means that it lies in two zoning districts. Waltham has approximately 6 acres of the main campus, which need to be rezoned from conservation - recreation, but the conservation advocates are likely to oppose such a rezoning. There is no district in Waltham that fits with Lexington's RD district in terms of dimensional requirements and process. The cleanest solution would be for Waltham to cede the land to Lexington but the MDC opposes it, because, it is presumed, the agency would prefer no development on the property. There is still discussion around the floor area entitlement - whose definition should be used and is it all for elderly housing? It is also unclear as to the assumption on trip distribution. There is a Iimit of 350 trips at the afternoon peak. Was this expected to all go to Trapelo Road or was the maximum to be split between Concord Avenue and Trapelo Road? Mr. Garber hopes to have more data soon. The Lexington housing piece will need real technical input. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBDIVISION OF LAND 41 Lincoln Street, North Shore Construction and Develoument. Inc.. Continuation of Public Hearina: This hearing was opened on October 3 and continued until this meeting. Daniel Harrington, Ron Lopez, Doug Rae, Dick Lakutis, Rick Waitt and Jan Popeil were there to represent the applicant. Mr. Harrington highlighted Mr. Lopez's letter regarding the public benefit, stating that they had tried to encompass the suggestions from the last meeting. Ms. McCall- Taylor said that engineering had reviewed, on a very preliminary basis, the suggested public benefit and felt that it was appropriate. Mr. Colman said that it has Minutes for the Meeting of October 16, 2000 2 been the Board's policy to provide public benefits in the neighborhood of a project. He also read into the record letters from the Nezzers and the Lators. After further discussion about the timing of the completion the public benefit the hearing was closed at 8:30. The Board reviewed and revised draft decisions, dated October 16, 2000, prepared by the staff. The discussion that followed focused on issues raised by Ms. Bridge- Denzak regarding the retention and protection of trees on the site. It was agreed to change the wording in the draft decision to require that the trees be protected by a fence at the drip line of the tree and to note that no additional trees will be removed other than what has been shown on the plan. On the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Mr. Galaitsis, the Board voted unanimously to: 1) approve the definitive subdivision plan, entitled " 41 Lincoln Street Definitive Subdivision Plan ", dated July 20, 20000; 2) approve the certificate of action, dated October 16, 2000; and, 3) approve the Special Permit authorized by section 7.4.5 of the Zoning By -Law for frontage reduction subdivisions on accepted public streets. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING Comprehensive Planning, Public Participation Ms. McCall- Taylor presented the list of nominations to the Comprehensive Planning Advisory Committee (CPAC) that had been received from the various boards, committees and associations. While not all who had been asked had as yet made nominations, the Board decided to make appointments now and add to the committee as other nominations came in. The Board voted to appoint the following CPAC members: Marilyn ]Fenollosa, Historical Commission; Joyce Miller, Conservation Commission; Joe Marino, Economic Development Office; Tom Harden, Karl Kastorf and Lee Sinai, Vision 2020; Bill hays, LexHAB; Tom DeNoto, South Lexington Civic Association; Iris Wheaton, North Lexington Civic Association; and Jerry Moloney, development community. In addition, the Board voted to appoint Larry Belvin and Katie Wolf from the Precinct 8 Neighborhood Association to serve on CPAC, one as the regular member and one as an alternate. The Board left it up to the two of them to decide who would be the regular member. Consultant Selection The Board reviewed the memo on the consultant selection process and agreed that they would follow the same process that had been used the last time a consultant was hired. Two members of the Planning Board will participate in the consultant interviews. Mr. Davies and Mr. Colman volunteered to do interviews and Ms. Bridge- Denzak will serve as an alternate. PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION SCHEDULE Meetings in November will be on the 15' when there will be a kick -off of the CPAC, and on the 29"' if it is needed as a hearing date. The meeting was adjourned 9:20 p.m. e� f J,c