HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-09-20-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 2000 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G -1, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Colman, with members Bridge - Denzak, Chase, Davies, Planning Director Garber and Assistant Planner McCall - Taylor present. Mr. Galaitsis was absent. ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** MINUTES Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meetings of June 7, including an executive session, June 14, June 28 and July 3 2000. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to approve the minutes, as amended. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** SUBDIVISION OF LAND Porter Lane Subdivision The Windermere Group, Requests for an Extension of Time and a Waiver: Ms. McCall- Taylor reported that John Austin, of the Windermere Group, has requested an extension of time, beyond the two -year limit set in the Development Regulations, in which to complete the subdivision street in the Porter Lane subdivision, off Adams Street. The dwellings are still being constructed and Mr. Austin does not want the new roadway damaged by heavy equipment while construction is still in progress. Mr. Austin has also requested a waiver to allow a Certificate of Occupancy to be issued for one of the units before the street gets its finish coat. After a brief discussion, on the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Ms. Bridge - Denzak, the Board voted unanimously to grant the extension and the waiver. Cotton Farm Sketch Cluster Subdivision Plan, Version 3, Todd Cataldo Present for this item were the landscape architect Gary Larson, the developer Todd Cataldo, and the engineer Richard Waitt. Mr. Larson presented a revised sketch cluster subdivision plan for the property off Marrett Road. He said this plan responds to suggestions made by the Planning Board and staff on previous sketch submissions including reducing the number of lots and shortening the dead -end street by providing a secondary access. The secondary access will be an easement over the land that will be retained with the existing house. A major advantage to this design is that there would be no construction within 250 feet of Marrett Road. Mr. Colman felt this revision was much improved as it protected the orchard and moved development back from Marrett Road. Mr. Davies agreed but he suggested that the curve in the interior drive be made sharper to save the corner of the orchard and the existing hedgerow of trees. Mr. Larson said he agreed that that would retain more of the character of the site but that it might lead to engineering and roadway alignment problems. Ms. Chase asked about the character of the dwellings relative to how they will appear from Marrett Road. Mr. Cataldo said they would be typical two -story homes. She then asked what was the maximum square footage of the houses. While this is just a schematic, Mr. Larson said they would have a footprint of 2500- 2800 square feet. Ms. McCall - Taylor pointed out to the Board that the 3.8 acres with the existing house could be subdivided through an ANR plan at a later date. Mr. Garber commented that the Board consensus seems to be favorable to this design concept, if they will reexamine the roadway alignment to see if the existing opening through the stone wall at the hedgerow can be used. He said the staff will draft a letter to that effect for the Board's review. DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS Ash Street, Determination of Adequacy of Grade and Construction, John Daley Ms. McCall- Taylor presented a letter for the Board to sign. It notified Mr. Daley of the vote at the previous meeting accepting the street improvement plan. Minutes for the Meeting of September 20, 2000 2 Old Smith Farm, 160 -170 Wood Street, James Gaklis; Endorse Plan, Accept Covenant, Lift Stop Work Order Mr. Scott Hulitt from the Air Force and Mr. Fred Russell the applicant's engineer were present during this item. After giving a brief overview of the current status of implementation of the Old Smith Farm subdivision, Mr. Garber summarized three actions the Board needs to take this evening — sign the property rights and dimensional standards plan, accept a covenant for the road construction, and approve a minor site plan revision. The first two actions are standard procedures for subdivision. The request for a minor revision of the site plan is a result of redesigning the road to better accommodate the existing easement for the Air Force water line. This will be done by moving the road within the right of way and narrowing the travelway to 20'. Mr. Gaklis, the property owner, will still need to negotiate a written agreement with the Air Force that this plan is an acceptable resolution. On the motion of Mr. Davies seconded by Ms. Bridge - Denzak, the Board voted unanimously to accept the covenant and endorse the property rights and dimensional standards plan. On the motion of Mr. Davies seconded by Ms. Bridge - Denzak, the Board voted unanimously to endorse the minor site plan modification to narrow the travelway. RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Mr. Davies gave an oral review of the applications to be heard on September 28, 2000. The applicant at 74 Simonds Road is seeking a variance from rear and side yard setbacks to construct a garage and kitchen extension. After a brief discussion the Board agreed that the applicants have not demonstrated that they meet the statutory criteria for granting a variance, i.e., that they would suffer substantial hardship, financial or otherwise, owing to circumstances relating to the soil conditions, shape or topography of the land or structures if a variance from the provisions of the Zoning By -Law is not granted. In addition, the Board felt that the applicant should consider a one -car garage, which might better fit on the lot without the need for such substantial relief from dimensional controls. The Board had no comment on the application for a variance from front yard setback to restore a front deck at 12 Warren Street. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT Recent Activity Definitive Subdivision Plan, Rollout Ms. McCall- Taylor rolled out a definitive subdivision plan for land at Davis and Moreland Streets, which was submitted by Ronald Lopez on September 1, 2000. The staff has not yet reviewed the plan in detail. REGIONAL, INTERTOWN ISSUES Hanscom Area Towns, Developments of Regional Impact The Board discussed the Memorandum of Agreement given to them by Mr. Dick Canale, the Planning Board's representative to the Four Town Planning Group. Mr. Canale is seeking the Planning Board's endorsement and signing of the memorandum by the Selectmen and Planning Board. The agreement would establish a development of regional impact review committee (DRI). It would be an eight member, four town board, outside the existing special permit powers. While Board members expressed their support for the broad concept, they had may questions about the actual implementation. There is no provision for staff so that the burden for the process would fall on the local planning boards and departments. Mr. Colman felt that it would require a lot of work just to produce a non - binding decision. Ms. Bridge - Denzak was concerned about the legal status of decisions and wondered why this couldn't be done through existing planning groups such as the Metropolitan Area Planning Council Minutes for the Meeting of September 20, 2000 or its MAGIC sub -area planning group. Mr. Davies said that it all comes down to resources. Ms. Chase expressed concerns about the administrative /clerical burden. The sense of the members was that they were not ready to sign the document and that they would like to meet with Dick Canale to discuss it further. ********************ARTICLES FOR THE 2001 TOWNMEETING * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** The Board reviewed the sample warrant article that would change the Planning Board length of term to three years. Mr. Colman said that he had raised the subject with the Board of Selectmen when the two boards met to discuss a replacement for Mr. Merrill. Ms. Bridge - Denzak was interested in exploring having alternate members for the Planning Board as does the Board of Appeals. Mr. Garber explained that the state enabling legislation provides for alternates for the ZBA but not the Planning Board. The sense of the Board was to go forward with the article for Town Meeting. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Steve Colman and Gienn Garber reported on their presentation before the Town Meeting Members Association (TMMA) executive board. Mr. Garber did a power point presentation on the comprehensive plan and the concept of public participation. The TMMA was asked to nominate two representatives to the Planning Board's Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee. The TMMA appreciated the presentation, applauding at the end. Mr. Garber reported that the request for proposals and scope of services is about 70 percent done. He will continue to push forward in order to get the consultant on board as soon as possible. The staff will be exploring the $30,000 grants available from the state for affordable housing and related planning programs. It may be possible to use these funds to supplement work on the comprehensive plan. However, the town can not apply for a grant until MAPC completes a build -out analysis for Lexington. This is supposed to be completed by the end of this year. REPORTS ******* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Planning Board, Subcommittees Ms. Bridge - Denzak reported that the tree by -law group was meeting and work is progressing. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. r r