HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07-24-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JULY 24, 2000 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G -15 of the Town Office Building was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Colman, with members Davies, Bridge- Denzak, Galaitsis, Planning Director Garber, Assistant Planner McCall - Taylor and secretary Dianne Snell, present. Mr. Merrill was absent. * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS************ SUBDIVISION OF LAND Cotton Farm Sketch Subdivision Plan (new), off Marrett Road: Gary Larson, Landscape Architect, of Larson Associates, presented an amended plan based on his interpretation of the Planning Board's previous recommendations. Todd Cataldo, the applicant, and Rick Waitt, Engineer of Meridian Engineering were also present. The amended plan addressed the Planning Board's road /easement concerns in regard to the interior drive, by providing an access loop opening to the existing (second) curb cut on Marrett Road. The 3.89 acres surrounding the home of Robert Cataldo were incorporated into the cluster plan and 3 houses were added. While the Board reacted favorably to the looping of the road, there were many issues to address, including reducing the number of houses, pulling the houses back from Marrett Road, and reducing the amount of pavement. The board asked the developer to return with another sketch plan. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT************************ Mr. Garber reported that Mr. Merrill tendered to the Town Clerk his resignation from the Planning Board effective September 13, 2000, or earlier if suitable replacement can be found. The Board received a list of possible candidates. Candidate interviews will be held on August 9, 2000. Planning Board recommendations will be presented to Board of Selectmen at their August 14, 2000 meeting. The Planning Board will meet jointly with the Selectmen on August 14. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** COMPREHENSfVE PLAN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Comprehensive Plan: Mr. Garber's preliminary recommendation is to incorporate a minimum of 4 elements (land use, housing, transportation and cultural /natural resources) into Lexington's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Garber feels that with the available resources, (staff time, an existing inventory of vacant sites, existing databases, a diskette of the G.I.S., and State data) the Board will be able to accomplish this goal. Ms. McCall - Taylor has gathered comprehensive plans from other towns. Upon initial review it was noted that the level of detail within each plan varies greatly. Mr. Garber pointed out, however, that all of the Comprehensive Plans include the 7 statutory elements (9 if Goals and Implementation are counted.). Mr. Colman said he needs evidence that this can be done and wants to limit the scope in order to do a good job rather than just covering everything. Mr. Garber requested the Board's conceptual endorsement of the public participation process. There are many permutations and combinations of the three models presented, the Representation Model, the District Outreach Model and the District Workshop Model. Mr. Garber proposed using the Representation Model. With this model the Board would ask the selectmen to appoint a temporary ad hoc committee as an adjunct to the Board. The Ad -Hoc Committee would be under the aegis of Board, have a finite life, and be broadly representative of the town. Members drawn from such groups as neighborhood associations and key boards would act as the Planning Board's sounding board. The Board reacted favorably to this model, but requested to have input on the development of a list of suggested participants for the Ad -Hoc Committee. Discussion ensued as to the best way to get representation from all areas of town, as well as various boards and committees. Mr. Garber would welcome a volunteer board member or working group within the Board to refine the representation model. 2 Minutes for the Meeting of July 24, 2000 Mr. Garber would like to develop an overall land use methodology for the Comprehensive Plan. He has been trying to deal with the spectrum from extreme site specificity to a broad -brush town wide approach. Mr. Garber has been considering using a land rating system. Land /sites would be given a rating from the most sensitive to the least sensitive. For example; 41 would be the very most sensitive (open space) acquisition only; 42 mandatory cluster; #3 optional cluster, etc. Prior efforts were too site specific and a new system needs to be considered. Mr. Garber reviewed the General Work Outline and noted that everything on the first page of the work plan has been accomplished. He said that the next step is to refine the sub - areas, the public participation process, and the elements that are going to be included in the plan. Mr. Garber hopes to have the Board make some general decisions at the August meeting. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** BOARD MEMBER REPORTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Ad Hoc Tree By-Law Committee: Ms. Bridge - Denzak reported that the Ad Hoc Tree By -Law Committee has researched and reviewed by -laws of other communities that pertain to the committee's charter. The Committee will build upon these examples, adapting them to meet Lexington's needs. The Committee would like to go to Town Meeting with a proposed by -law on tree maintenance and protection implementation guidelines. The committee is aware of the need for public awareness and education. The Committee formed two sub- committees: the Policy- making sub - committee and the Public Education/Awareness sub committee. The full committee plans to meet every 2 weeks. Mr. Davies reported that the Historic ` District Commission is still struggling with the possible development of a property on Adams Street. _. Committee to Study the Efficacy of Section 15 of the Zoning By -Law Mr. Galaitsis reported that the Committee to Study Efficacy of Section 15 of the Zoning By -Law held its first meeting. During the first meeting, the Committee discussed various issues. Action items included: 1. Obtain available information on all existing Cellular Towers in Lexington. 2. Obtain historical information on home prices in Lexington over the last 10 years, or since the records of such sales became computerized. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 245 Concord Avenue, Masoud Sanayei, Second Special Permit Minor Revision: Mr.& Mrs. Sanayei presented a revised site plan showing what they characterized as a minor revision. Mr. Davies made a motion to allow as a minor revision of the Site Plan Special Permit, the relocation of the house back by 10 feet with no more than a 2 foot change in the first floor finished elevation. Ms. Bridge- D.enzak seconded the motion. Both she and Mr. Galaitsis favored moving the structure 10 feet back but with no change in elevation. Mr. Davies amended the motion to specify a relocation of 10 feet back with no rise in the elevation. Mr. Galaitsis seconded the motion and the Board voted 4 -0 to approve the motion as amended. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.