HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-09-12-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 12, 2001 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Guard Room at the Police Station, was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Galaitsis with members Bridge - Denzak, Chase, Davies, Harden, and planning staff Garber, McCall- Taylor and Tap present. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Resignation of Stacey P. Brid e- Denzak: Ms Bridge- Denzak informed the Board that she would be resigning from the Board effective after this night's meeting. She said she found it impossible to give the attention she would like to her family, her job, and to the Planning Board. She enjoyed and values the time spent on Planning Board issues and regrets the need to leave it_ Mr. Galaitsis thanked Ms. Bridge - Denzak for her three years of service to the Planning Board. Mr. Davies commented that he had urged her to run for the Board in the first place and said that he had learned from her. All the members expressed regret at her resignation and wished her well. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT DHCD Affordable Housing Inventory Ms. McCall- Taylor reported that the staff received word from the State Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) that over 100 additional units of affordable housing have been added to that Department's inventory for Lexington. The staff had recently assembled and filed material documenting affordable housing units the Town has generated in recent years_ In the past, the planning staff had requested that the units be counted, but had not filed under the Local Initiative Program (LIP). DHCD was very helpful in expediting the LIP application for these units at this time_ Municipalities are required to try to ensure that 10% of their housing stock is affordable, according to State definitions of affordable: * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** SUBDIVISION OF LAND Aaron Road Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Mark Barons, Public Informational Meeting Present for this item were Mr. Mark Barons, New England Construction Company, applicant; Mr. Edmund Grant, attorney; Mr. James Burke and Ms. Stephanie Green, of Coler and Colantonio, engineers. There were 24 people in the audience. Ms_ Chase asked the person who had set up a video camera on a tripod, apparently to record the meeting, to identify himself He was Mr. Steve Wightman, I Aaron Road. After a brief discussion, the Board told Mr. Wightman to proceed, but said that they would. have appreciated, as a courtesy, advance notice of his intent to videotape the informational meeting. Mr. Grant began his comments by thanking Ms_ Bridge - Denzak for her work on the Planning Board. Speaking as a former Planning Board member himself, he acknowledged that the job is not easy_ He then described the steps taken by the applicant to determine the Board's jurisdiction over two "orphan lots ", one on either side of the end of Aaron Road, referring to a letter he had written to the Planning Board, dated July 10, 2001, and submitted with the sketch plan, in support of the application. Mr_ Barons plans to build one house on each lot_ The plan to be presented tonight reflects suggestions made by the Board on the sketch plan at the meeting of July 11, 2001. Mr_ Burke presented and explained the two -lot subdivision plan, including details on the storm water drainage system, which features underground detention that releases runoff to an existing catch basin on Nickerson Road. Board members had a number of questions about the drainage system. The residents will have the responsibility of maintaining the drainage system, as it will not be accepted by the Town. Mr. Galaitsis suggested that a maintenance schedule be made part of the deed. In response to a comment by Ms. Bridge - Denzak, Mr_ Barons Minutes for the Meeting of September 12, 2001 agreed to place the manhole in the right-of-way, not in the "soft- scape ". FA Mr. Narain Bhatia, 8 Nickerson Road, expressed concern about fire safety. Ms. McCall- Taylor responded that the fire chief reviewed the plans and saw no safety problems. Mr. Richard Schaye, 7 Jean Road, asked about the street paving. Ms. McCall- Taylor responded that the developer bears the cost and that the Board specifies what portion gets paved. In response to a plea from Mr. John Brotherston, 4 Jean Road, Mr_ Burke said that any blasting will be done carefully and according to fire department regulations. Ms. Gerri Sweder, 8 Jean Road, asked who would perform studies about storm water run -off. She said the development would cause drainage problems. Mr. Wightman said that paving Jean Road will exacerbate water problems. At least it absorbs water now, in its unpaved state. Several other abutters expressed concern about drainage. Ms. Bridge - Denzak suggested that Mr. Barons study the effect on runoff of a curb on Jean Road. The neighbors asked for more assurances that no problems would result from the development. Mr. Wightman read a prepared statement, characterizing the neighborhood as friendly and appreciative of the natural beauty of the open space and the wildlife it supports_ Referring to a Planning Department report entitled Land Use in the Eighties, he asked the Board to protect the character of the town as it exists. He cited some health concerns relative to development activity. Mr. Galaitsis pointed out that the Planning Board is constrained by law in what it can do to preserve land from development. Mr. Garber gave a brief explanation of the State Zoning Act and explained that the plan tonight is a preliminary plan. He said that basic subdivision law requires that a new development not worsen runoff. Mr_ Galaitsis closed the information meeting at 9.30 p.rn. Bird Hill Road Definitive Conventional Subdivision Plan, Scott Seaver, continued P ublic Hearing: Mr. Scott Seaver, applicant, and Mr. Richard Lakutis, landscape architect, were present for this item_ Mr. Seaver presented his plan and described how it responds to the Board's and neighbors' concerns voiced at an earlier meeting. The three proposed dwellings will have 2,800, 3,300, and 3,500 square feet of living area, respectively_ Mr. Lakutis described the landscaping plan. Ms. Bridge - Denzak asked if it blends with the existing streetscape. Mr. Lakutis hedged and said it provides regularity. Ms. Carole Dingy, 15 Bird Hill Lane, pointed out that there are gorgeous trees on the lots now and asked wiry they should be replaced. Mr. Galaitsis suggested that the new plantings echo the current streetscape. Mr_ Michael Schroeder of Welch Road complained that Planning Board hearings are humiliating to the audience_ Mr_ Galaitsis informed Mr. Schroeder about the order of public hearings. Mr. Jack Dreyer, 33 Moon Hill Road, said he did not see any problems with the way hearings are conducted. He went on to say that he believes the development will enhance the Bird Hill neighborhood but again stated his fears that blasting will adversely affect his and others' houses on Moon Hill Road. The houses have heating pipes in the floors, which are on ledge in the same stratum as the new houses. He asked the Board to consider what can be done if the blasting analysis shows the houses cannot be built safely. Mr. Davies expressed deep regret that the houses planned are so unsuited to their site_ An abutter acknowledged ZD his comment but said the new houses will be much like his own and that this development is best for the neighborhood at this point in time. They would not like to see very large houses built on the land, which could easily happen. Mr. Galaitsis distributed diagrams he had made to illustrate how to site the houses so blasting would not be needed_ Some showed crawl spaces instead of full basements. Mr. Seaver said that people just don't want crawl spaces in an expensive home_ Mr. harden, Ms_ Bride- Denzak and Mr. Davies again entreated Mr_ Seaver to consider house designs more suited to the site. Minutes for the Meeting of September 12, 2001 3 Mr. Garber, addressing Mr. Dreyer's concern about blasting, suggested that the decision include a requirement for a pre -blast meeting, before a building permit can be issued, with a representative of the fire department, Mr. Seaver, Mr. Dreyer and a member of the Planning Board. The hearing was closed at 10:35 p.m. The Board discussed its thoughts on the Bird Hill Road subdivision plans. On the motion of Ms. Bridge- Denzak, seconded by Ms. Chase, the Board voted 5 -0 to approve the subdivision Certificate of Action. On the motion of Ms. Bridge - Denzak, seconded by Ms. Chase, the Board voted 5 -0 to grant a special permit with conditions related to a pre -blast meeting the size of the dwellings and the character of the landscape plantings, and a preface to the special permit stating that the design could have been better. Ms. Bridge- Denzak left the meeting at 10:55 p.m. Jobnson Farm Subdivision 336-342 Bedford Street Joseph Gelormini Third Sketch Plan: Present for this item were Mr. Joseph Gelormini, applicant, Mr. Malcolm McDowell, engineer, Ms. Pamela Brown, attorney, and Mr. Michael Weinmayr, landscape architect. Mr. Gelormini presented the third sketch plan showing 17 dwellings with six attached units and reconfigured open space, explaining how it responded to Board comments made at the previous sketch plan presentation. Two of the units would be "affordable ". Mr. Galaitsis asked why there were not more attached dwellings. Mr. Gelormini responded that he and Mrs. Johnson, owner of the land, want a more single - family development. Mr_ Harden suggested that the units near Bedford Street could keep the Bedford Street - scape character,. Mr. Davies noted an inconsistency in the drawings that could affect the site plan in the future. Mr_ Galaitsis quoted the cluster guidelines, citing house size and number of bedrooms preferred by the Board. Mr_ Gelormini stated that he is trying to meet the Board halfway, but does not want to build two- bedroom attached homes. He was offering affordable units without using the density bonus, but hoped the Board would then allow more detached. Mr. Garber noted that the plans do respond in positive ways to the Board's previous comments. Ms. Brown pointed out that Mr. Gelormini is offering a cluster subdivision with a variety of housing types and sizes, not including very large houses, and that he is not asking for a density bonus_ This is his third presentation and at this point he needs to move forward. He originally wanted to do a conventional subdivision but agreed to try a cluster scheme, but the process is not very streamlined as it is supposed to be. In response to a question from Mr. Harden, Mr_ Gelormini said that the affordability of the two units would be according to state definitions and they would not be rentals. There was some mention of the Local Initiative Program process and deed restrictions in perpetuity. Mr. Davies said he would like to see one more set of attached units and the square footage of the units more accurately represented, as it will likely affect the site plan. The other members concurred. They thanked Mr. Gelormini for presenting another sketch plan_ RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Applications To Be Heard on September 27, 2001: Ms. McCall- Taylor gave a brief oral review of the several applications. After some discussion the Board agreed to make the following comment: 443 Marrett Road Dean Curtin, variance to modify transition area on lot line The Planning Board urges the applicant to consider whether there is any way the impervious surface on this lot can be reduced. The Board had no comment on the following applications, except to note that the applicants do not adequately address the nature of a hardship that would justify the granting of a variance. The applicants present personal hardships rather than the statutory criteria for granting a variance, i.e., that they would suffer substantial hardship, financial or otherwise, owing to circumstances relating to the soil conditions, shape or topography of the land or structures if a variance from the provisions of the Zoning By -Law is not granted. Minutes for the Meeting of September 12, 2001 ■ 99 Waltham Street Lexington Eye Associates, special permit to replace a sign • 31 Oxbow Road Paul Tarnaro, variance to construct one -story addition • 12 Milk Street Jo Ann Stringer, variance and special permit to add bulkhead and dormer • 37 Liberty Avenue Patrick Costello, variance and special permit to construct addition * 6 .Plymouth Road Richard DiFronzo, variance to construct driveway The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 p.m. 4 Sara B. Chase, Clerk CkI