HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-01-10-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JANUARY 10, 2001 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Selectmen's Room Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Colman with members Chase, Davies, Galaitsis, Planning Director Garber, and Assistant Planner McCall - Taylor present. Ms. Bridge- Denzak was absent MINUTES Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed the minutes for the meetings of August 14, October 25 and November 20, 2000. On the motion of Ms. Chase, seconded by Mr. Davies, it was voted unanimously (4 -0) to approve the minutes, as written. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** PLANS NOT REQUIRING APPROVAL UNDER THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL LAW Form A/01 -1, 26, 28 Mason Street (Mr. Davies abstained from discussion and action on this item.) The Board reviewed an Approval Not Required Plan for land at 26 -28 Mason Street. On the motion of Mr. Galaitsis, seconded by Ms. Chase, the Board voted unanimously, (3 -0), to endorse the plan entitled "Subdivision Plan of Land Located in Lexington in Massachusetts ", dated November 13, 2000, prepared and certified by Wesley Thomas Guillaume, Professional Land Surveyor, GRE Surveying, Winchester, MA, submitted by John L. Davies, applicant, with Form A/01 -1, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Form A/01 -2, 60, 72, 76 Meriam Street The Board reviewed an Approval Not Required Plan for land at 60, 72 and 76 Meriam Street. On the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Ms. Chase, the Board voted unanimously, (4 -0), to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington in Massachusetts ", dated November 9, 1999, revised December 7, 2000, prepared and certified by Robert J. Sotiros, Professional Land Surveyor, Bay State Surveying Associates, Beverly, MA, submitted by Nancy A. S. Attaya- McCann, applicant, with Form A /01 -2, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** STAFF REPORT The staff will be meeting with Phil Herr, the comprehensive plan consultant, this Friday. Among items to be addressed will be the upcoming workshops in February. DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS Morris Street Definitive Street Construction Plan Cornerstone Concepts, Inc.: Mr. Steve Hamilton of Cornerstone Concepts, Inc. was seeking approval of a Definitive Street Construction Plan. If approved Morris Street would provide frontage for a grandfathered lot. The applicant proposes to construct a single - family house on the lot. Fred Russell, the engineer for the project, did a brief presentation on the proposed street construction plan. There will be a 20' paved way that will be 4 to 5 inches lower than the existing elevation to prevent water runoff into existing driveways. Four new street trees will be planted. The one issue that had not been resolved was the placement of a fire hydrant at the end of Morris Street. The current water line is 2" and will not support a hydrant. The installation of a 6" main to support the hydrant might involve blasting and disruption of the water service to abutters. Mr. Hamilton said that the plan he was proposing sought to keep disturbance to a minimum. He felt that replacement of the water main would be disruptive and was a very large burden for one lot to bear. There was considerable discussion of the hydrant and water main replacement. The neighbors present said Minutes for the Meeting of January 10, 2001 2 that they had adequate water pressure and were not interested in having the water main replaced as they wanted minimal disturbance. They stated that they didn't feel an additional hydrant was necessary for fire protection, as there was one on Winter Street, within 300' of their homes. In the end the Board felt that they would not require a hydrant at the end of Morris Street as there was a hydrant at Winter and Morris which was well within the 500' standard of the town. The Planning Board stated that while it had no jurisdiction over landscaping outside the street right -of -way, it appreciated receiving a landscape plan. They encouraged Mr. Hamilton to continue with his careful consideration of the landscaping. The neighbors present were concerned about water runoff, possible blasting damage, placement and retention of trees and the construction of the road. They wanted a road that would last, as the maintenance will fall on them. On the motion of Mr. Galaitsis, seconded by Mr. Davies, it was voted unanimously (4 -0) to approve the waivers requested in the application which included waivers of a turnaround of at least 120' diameter, center Rine of the street, curbing and shoulders as well as a waiver from the requirement that improvements be made across the entire frontage of the lot. On the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Ms. Chase, it was voted unanimously (4 -0) to approve the street construction plan entitled " Morris Street Extension, Definitive Construction Plan ", dated November 29, 2000, with the condition that the single parking space provided be a handicapped space. ARTICLES FOR 2001 TOWN MEETING Five Citizens' Zoning Amendments Proposed There will be five zoning related articles for Town Meeting. All are citizens' petitions so the Planning Board will not be the proponent, but will be holding public hearings and giving recommendations. The public hearings are scheduled for February 28. The Board of Selectmen will hold the hearing on the article sponsored by the Planning Board on reducing the length of term to three years. Mr. Davies volunteered to speak on behalf of the board at that public hearing. REGIONAL, INTERTOWN ISSUES Met State Hospital Reuse Committee: Mr. Garber reported that the towns are now in detailed negotiations. The new Waltham mayor is really pushing the process. Waltham wants their golf course and the MDC wants its reservation. Lexington is proposing housing. Mr. Garber said that Lexington is politically isolated in the meetings. Due to the time that the existing Main Campus buildings have been abandoned and unheated they are likely to have to be demolished. The costs of demolition have not been factored into a study of the feasibility of developing housing on the site. In addition there have been changes to the traffic patterns. The golf course and the MDC headquarters will use Trapelo Road, while one hundred percent of the Lexington housing traffic will be directed to Concord Avenue. This change may cause Belmont to oppose the plan as it is already concerned about traffic being generated by the impending reuse of the McLean Hospital property. The latest change is the division of the internal parkway into two roads; the northern one will serve the Lexington housing and the southern one the golf course and MDC. The approval processes are being separated so that Waltham can go ahead without getting final approval of the entire plan. The zoning proposal that Mr. Garber had drafted for that portion of the main campus site in Waltham (5 to 6 acres) that would be included to facilitate the housing development is now meeting potential opposition from the Waltham City Council. Minutes for the Meeting of January 10, 2001 3 The meeting next week of the full task force, which was to be the first meeting in over a year, has now been postponed. The proposed Lexington housing will be placed only in the disturbed main campus area. The factor controlling its density will be the peals hour traffic trips. Mr. Garber said that the Lexington Planning Board would eventually be reviewing the Lexington portion of the site under the subdivision control process. The Department of Capital Asset Management (DCAM) would be the applicant. The opinion of the Access Sub- committee appears to be that the details of development will be worked out in the RPF process and that Lexington's desire to do studies as the next step in the process might be obstructionist. RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Applications to Be Heard on January 11, 2001 Mr. Davies gave an oral review of the following applications: 0 150 East Street, Doran Green houses, Inc. — Renewal of Special Permit to continue to operate a roadside stand for the sale of flowers, plants and other nursery and farm goods and for the seasonal sale of Christmas trees and wreaths. The Board had no comment • 215 FolIen Road — Variance from required 15 -foot side yard setback to construct a 2 -story addition with a 9.6 -foot side yard setback. The Board had no comment • 171 -173 Bedford Street, RCN -BeCo Com LLC — (continued from December 14, 2000) — Variance to allow an emergency generator with a screening and security fence to remain 4.5 feet from the side yard lot line instead of the required 11.4 feet. The Board had no comment. • 3 Jonas Stone Circle — Variance to construct an in- ground pool with a 10 -foot rear yard setback instead of the required 20 feet. The Board felt that the applicants have not demonstrated that they meet the statutory criteria for granting a variance, i.e., that they would suffer substantial hardship, financial or otherwise, owing to circumstances relating to the soil conditions, shape or topography of the land or structures if a variance from the provisions of the Zoning By -Law is not granted. The Planning Board will recommend they seek an alternate placement that would not encroach on the required setbacks. a 30 Bowker Street and adjoining lot — Clarification of a variance previously granted and a variance to allow the lot adjoining 30 Bowker Street to be a buildable lot. The Board has no further comments beyond its April recommendation that this application should be denied. In 1998 the Zoning Officer had determined that the lots were not grandfathered and therefore combined. This determination was never appealed and should stand. Furthermore, the Planning Board saw no hardship based on soil conditions, topography or shape of the lot to justify the granting of a variance REPORTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Planning Board, Subcommittees Historical Commission : Mr. Davies invited the Board members to the January 17 meeting of the Historical Commission that will focus on aspects of demolition. Hanscom Air Force Base Mr. Galaitsis said the noise by -law has been sent to legal counsel for review. He was unsure if the by -law would be before the 2001 Town Meeting. Tree By -Law Committee Mr. Garber reported that there appears to be a lot of confusion and disagreement among the members of the tree by -law committee. Legal counsel had come down pretty hard on the draft. The issue will need more detailed study. The meeting was adjourned at 9 :25 p.m. Sara B. Chase, Acting Clerk