HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-12-18-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF DECEMBER 18, 2002 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Chairman Galaitsis with members Chase, Davies, Harden, Kastorf and planning staff Garber, McCall- Taylor, Tap and Machek present. Also present were Ms. Heidi Richards, Mr. Howard Muise, Mr. Joseph Quitter all of Vanasse Hangen, Brustlin, Inc, consultants for the transportation element of the comprehensive plan, along with eleven members of the Transportation Element Advisory Group (TEAL) and other interested persons. Two Boy Scouts from a local troop attended in order to fulfill a civics badge requirement. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** Transportation Element, Fourth Workshop, Traffic /Infrastruetural Improvement Alternatives Ms. Heidi Richards and Mr. Joe Quitter, traffic engineers, presented the results of a study of 23 major intersections in Lexington. The intersections were chosen for their high traffic volume, peak level of service failures and safety issues. She lead the group through a brief description of each intersection, detailing, for example, the number of accidents at an intersection over a 3 1 /2 year period, problems inherent in current layout, etc., followed by suggested design upgrades, or significant redesigns. Intersection improvements were ranked for immediate action, short -term action or .Long -term action. Improvements were rated for safety, capacity, cost, character, pedestrian /bike use, right -of -way and maintenance. Some intersections appeared in the matrix twice, once with suggested immediate or short -tem improvements and again for long -term improvements. For example, the Bedford Street /Hartwell Avenue intersection appeared in the long -term action category because of extreme technical and political difficulties and the cost of accomplishing improvements. In the immediate action category, such actions as modifying phasing, splitting eastbound Hartwell and westbound Bedford jughandle traffic so they run separately were suggested to ease movement until the major improvements occur. Ms. Richards noted that a complicating factor in improvements can occur if a street is a state numbered route or highway, or if State funds were used to construct or modify an intersection in the past. in. such eases the State Highway Department must approve any changes. Immediate Action Items • Marrett Road at Waltham Street • Maple Street at Lowell Street Worthen Road at Bedford Street • Mass. Avenue at WobuniAVinthrop Streets • Bedford at Hartwell Avenue • Concord Avenue at Waltham. Street Short -Term Action Items • Marrett Road at Waltham Street • Maple Street at Lowell Street • Concord Avenue at Waltham Street • Spring street at Marrett Road • Worthen Road at Bedford Street • Mass. Avenue at Wood Street Long -Term Action Items • Bedford Street at Hartwell Avenue • Bedford Street at Eldred Street • Marrett Road at Waltham Street • Maple Street at Mass. Avenue Minutes for the Meeting of December 18, 2002 2 • Maple Street at Lowell Street • Concord Avenue at Waltham Street • Mass. Avenue at Woburn/ Winthrop Streets • .Pleasant Street at Mass. Avenue • Pleasant Street at Watertown Street • Mass. Avenue at Wood Street • Spring Street at Marrett Road Those in the audience asked questions and made comments throughout the presentation, adding Lexington residents' perspectives to the consultants' proposed intersection prioritization. Preserving community character was mentioned often as highly desired in any intersection improvements. Mr. Richard Canale cited the 2002 Comprehensive Plan in this regard. Ms. Richards showed pictures of some ornamental traffic signal stanchions that might be appropriate for Lexington. Mr. Thomas DeNoto, 288 Concord Avenue, expressed strong opposition to a suggested widening of Concord Avenue at Waltham Street, fearing more commuters to businesses in the area, especially along Hayden Avenue and Spring Street. He said that such a widening would only make Concord Avenue more attractive to commuters as a cut - through route. He urged a holistic approach to intersection improvement. Mr. DeNoto also asked if the effects of future development were considered in a site - specific, quantified way. Ms. Richards said that build -out was not taken into account. Mr. Garber explained that the Transportation Element is a general planning document, not an engineering design or capital improvements program for a given project. Dedicated bike riders and pedestrians in the audience pointed out safety issues at a number of intersections. Mr. Michael Young, management intern, asked if the priorities were those of the consultants. The answer was no, and that, in fact, this group was to suggest priorities. Mr. Canale remarked that the advisory group needs more information before they can prioritize the intersections. The consultants agreed to provide the advisory group with the intersection matrix via email so members could indicate their priorities. When the matrices are returned, within the suggested seven days, the consultants will tabulate the results. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ARTICLES FOR 2003 TOWN MEETING * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Technical Corrections The Board reviewed draft wording, prepared by the staff, of a proposed technical correction to the Zoning Bylaw. On the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Mr. Kastorf, the Board voted unanimously 5 -0, to propose an amendment to the Bylaw, as follows: In § 13 5-72D(l)(a) by deleting the line "The `Trip Generation Manual, fifth Edition' prepared by the Institute of Transportation Engineers; and, if applicable," and substituting the following: "The edition of `The Trip Generation Manual' prepared by the Institute of Transportation E.ngiaaeers and that is on file in Lexington Town Engineer's office; and, if applicable," or act in any other manner in relation thereto. Change to Use Table for CS 'Zone Ms. McCall - Taylor said that a citizens' article proposing a change to the use table to allow banks, by special permit, in the CS commercial zone is in the offing. Ms. Deirdre Niemann, commercial real estate broker, is sponsoring the proposed amendment. Minutes for the Meeting of December 18, 2002 * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** PLANS NOT REQUIRING APPROVAL UNDER THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL LAW Form A/2002 -6, 9 Bushnell Drive The Board reviewed an Approval Not Required Plan for land at 9 Bushnell Drive. Board members raised some questions about the plan. Ms. McCall- Taylor commented that an Approval Not Required plan only determines that the property has frontage on a public street and therefore does not need to undergo the subdivision process. The Board has little discretion to act other than to sign a complying plan After some discussion, on the motion of Ms. Chase, seconded by Mr. Davies, the Board voted 4 -1, with Mr. Kastorf opposed, to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, MA (Middlesex County) ", dated November 3, 2002, prepared and certified by Stephen P. DesRoche, Professional Land Surveyor, with Form A/2002 -6, submitted by Mr. Irving Kanter, applicant, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. SUBDIVISION OF LAND Johnson Farm Cluster Subdivision JMG LLC Minor Revision to Special Permit: After a brief discussion, on the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Mr. Kastorf, the Board voted unanimously to revise special condition three on page nine of the special permit so that it reads: "Two units, shown as units 16 and 17 on the plans, shall be made available to the Lexington Housing Assistance Board (LexHAB) for use in the Town's affordable housing program. These units will be sold to LexHAB at a total price for both units not to exceed $180,000. These units will not be included in the condominium association, as LexHAB will acquire the fee for the land at the time of purchase. The occupancy permits for the final three market rate units will be delayed until the two affordable units are conveyed to LexHAB." This was the original intent of the parties and the terms had been incorrectly written up in the special permit decision. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** PLANNING STAFF REPORTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Executive Order 418 Equivalency Grant Mr. Garber reported that EOEA finally approved the staff's application for an equivalency community development plan. This means the Town can now apply to use the grant of $30,000 in consulting services toward implementing the Comprehensive Plan. Staff will compose a scope of services for the use of the money. The staff recommends Mr. Frederick Taintor for the grant tasks. Mr. Taintor, of Taintor & Associates of Newburyport, was an impressive interviewee for the original comprehensive plan work. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** REPORTS Planning Board Concerns and Initiatives Rising Tide Comprehensive Permit on Lowell Street, Plant Action Mr. Galaitsis reported that the Board of Appeals' public hearing on Rising Tide's 40B proposal for 536 -540 Lowell Street was closed on December 12, 2002. A decision is expected by the end of January. On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted unanimously to 0journ the i eet' g at 10:15 p.m. rl P. Kasto Clerk