HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-12-04-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF DECEMBER 4, 2002 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G -15, Town Office Building, was called to order at 735: p.m. by acting Chairman Kastorf with members Chase, Davies, and planning staff Garber, McCall- Taylor, and Tap present. Mr. Galaitsis and Mr. Harden were absent. MINUTES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *a *a * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Review of Minutes The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of October 23, 2002. On the motion of Ms. Chase, seconded by Mr. Davies, it was voted unanimously 3-0 to approve the minutes, as amended. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS Clelland Road Sketch Subdivision Plan, Rasko Ojdrovic and Miljana Bovan: Present for this item were Mr. Ojdrovic and Ms. Bovan, the applicants, There were I I people in the audience. Mr. Ojdrovic is an engineer. He presented a second sketch plan for a two -lot subdivision off Clelland Street. Referring to the previous time he was before the Board with the first sketch plan, he said that since then he has spoken with Assistant Fire Chief William Middlemiss, Derek Fullerton, town engineer, and to residents in the neighborhood who will be affected by his proposed development. He described how his current plan addresses their concerns. The main issue was the intersection of Clelland Road with Lisbeth Street, which is very steep. The plan now shows: i A retaining wall on the lower side of Clelland Road • A rebuilt retaining wall on the upper side ® The currently unpaved section of Clelland Road • A drainage plan acceptable to the town engineer • A new water hydrant a A turnaround at the end of Clelland Mr. Ojdrovic said that he has the verbal approval of residents on the upper side of Clelland. A couple who live at 11 Lisbeth Street, below the proposed road work, described their concerns about effects of the project on their property. Board Comments and Questions Mr. Davies voiced his concern about the size of the proposed upper retaining wall and the amount of excavation necessary to install it. Mr. Ojdrovic addressed his concern, explaining the engineering of the retaining wall. Ms. Chase asked about access to Clelland from the houses above it. Mr. Ojdrovic said he would construct stairs for those neighbors. Responding to her concern about two large vehicles passing on Clelland, he pointed out that its width would be 18 feet. It is only 1 I feet wide now. Audience Comments and Questions A number of the comments and questions had to do with the strength of the retaining walls and storm water run -off. Mr. Ojdrovic explained his plans relative to those issues. Mr. Leo Cannif ' 17 Clelland Road, who described himself as the oldest living neighbor, spoke of his experience living on Clelland Road. He said that the sanders and trash trucks cannot get up there; they all slide on the ice. He himself stays with his sister when it storms, as he cannot get to his house. He believes that snowplows will hit the new retaining walls. Mr. Canniff said he is letting Mr. Ojdrovic work on his property. Other neighbors spoke of the dangerous condition of the street in the winter. Mr. Ojdrovic said that his project would improve the situation. Minutes for the Meeting of December 4, 2002 2 Other issues raised by the neighbors had to do with the aesthetics of the retaining walls, the effects of adding two new houses to the traffic on the roads and parking. Mr. Kastorf observed that a substantial number of waivers are needed for this project. The Board will weigh them carefully. He asked that all parties provide the Board with written assurances of agreements made. Ms. Chase and Mr. Kastorf expressed their appreciation for the applicants' extraordinary outreach to the neighbors. On the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Ms. Chase, the Board voted unanimously to allow the applicant to proceed to the preliminary plan stage. Mr. Ojdrovic said he would provide the neighbors with his new plans. Hayes Lane- Request for Determination of Adequacy Mr. Don Barran, of the BSC Group introduced the request of James Barr and Joseph Barr to determine that the portion of Hayes Lane in. front of 1.2 Hayes Lane is of adequate grade and construction to provide legal. frontage. He said that utilities are already in place and there would be off street parking for the house the Barrs intend to build. In 1994 and in 1997 two other portions of Hayes lane were determined to be adequate. He presented a letter from the neighbors asking him just to fill the potholes; otherwise they are satisfied with the condition of Hayes Lane. The Planning Board asked the developers to submit a letter clarifying that the Planning Board has no jurisdiction over the replacement of the existing dwelling at 12 Hayes Lane, in. contrast to what was represented in the developers' letter of November 12, 2002. After a brief period of questions, answers and discussion, on the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Ms. Chase, the Board voted unanimously, 3 -0, that they find the portion. of Hayes Lane discussed tonight is of adequate grade and construction to provide legal frontage for 12 Hayes Lane. SUBDIVISION OF LAND Metropolitan Parkway Definitive Plan, Endorse Subdivision Mr. William Maher Judith Nitsch Engineering, was present to ask the Board to endorse the .M. etropolitan Parkway and lotting plans for the Metropolitan State Hospital site that the Board had voted to approve June 19, 2002. The Board endorsed the plans. After a brief discussion, the Board signed the Johnson Farm Cluster Subdivision Special Permit with Site Plan Review that was approved at the Planning Board meeting on November 20, 2002, and, on the motion of Ms. Chase, seconded by Mr. Davies, voted unanimously to approve a claange in the name of the proposed street to Cider Mill :Lane. Ms. McCall - Taylor had informed the Board that the developer had found an old cider mill on the property. UNACCEPTED STREETS Bartlett Avenue Street Construction Sketch Plan At the applicant's request, as conveyed by the staff, the Board agreed to postpone this item to a future meeting. PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT Codified Zoning Bylaw and Development Regulations Ms. McCall- Taylor reported that the codified zoning bylaw and development regulations are nearer to reality. Fourth Transportation Element 'Workshop Mr. Garber updated the Board on preparations for the fourth transportation element workshop, which will be held on December 18. The main topic presented will be Traffic/Infrastructural Improvement Program followed by discussion and policy development. The subject of the fifth workshop, to be held in January, will be planning for improved conditions for bicycle and pedestrian travel in Lexington. Staff and consultants are working with the Bicycle Advisory Committee on these topics. Minutes for the Meeting of December 4, 2002 3 Zoning Reform Mr. Garber reported that the Zoning Reform bill was filed by sponsoring legislators.on December 3, 2002. The bill is the result of three years of work by the Zoning Reform Working Group and, if passed, will fundamentally change zoning in Massachusetts. It will put curbs on grandfathering of lots, strengthen link between comprehensive plans and subdivision control, , allow impact fees for the first time and address the use of residential floor area ratios, among other features. Budget Issues Mr. Garber reported on the ongoing Town budget crisis and his continuing efforts to defend the planning budget. RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Applications scheduled to be heard on December 12, 2002 Mr. Kastorf gave anorat review of the following applications: After discussion the Board agreed to defer to the Design Advisory Committee's judgment on the petition of the National Heritage Museum, 33 Marrett Road, for a Special Permit to change existing signage and install new signage for the Museum. The Board made no comment on the following applications: 450 Woburn Street — Variance from side yard setback to allow the erection of a storage shed. © 1.7 Deering Avenue mm Variance from secondary street and rear yard setbacks to allow erection of a storage shed. M 536 -540 Lowell Street — Continued discussion on the petition of Rising Tide Development LLC for a Comprehensive Permit. (This application will be discussed at the Planning Board's next meeting and comments will be forwarded to the Zoning Board at that time.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Affordable Housing Initiative Mr. Garber reported that at their meeting on December 11, Mr. Philip Herr, consultant to the housing element implementation phase, will present his preliminary modeling of an affordable housing strategy. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ARTICLES FOR 2003 TOWN MEETING Potential Citizen Petition for Zoning Amendment It was reported that Mr. Dean Curtin may submit to the Selectmen a rezoning petition for property he owns on Marrett Road. He wants to change the zoning designation of a parcel from CN to CLO to allow an office use in a newly remodeled service station. Ledgemont Rezoning: Ms. Chase said that she walked the Ledgemont site at Spring Street and Hayden Avenue recently bearing in mind the Beal Companies' petition to rezone the property to allow a third building that would house office space. She said that the proposed building would be built on the highest point of the land and would be too visible. She wondered if they could excavate the site to avoid this and said that the Board will need to negotiate hard for ameliorating landscaping. Mr. Garber said that in preliminary meetings with the Beal. Companies' development team the staff has urged the team to work hard on transportation demand management and to come to the Transportation Element workshops. On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the eeting at 10:10 p.m. art P. Kastorf, Clerk