HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-10-23-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 23, 2002 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:00 p.m, by Chairman Galaitsis with members Chase, Davies, Harden, Kastorf and planning staff Garber, and McCall- Taylor present. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Galaitsis polled the members at 7:00 p.m. and the Board voted unanimously to go into Executive Session to discuss litigation against the Town. The Board returned to open session at 7:30 ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** MINUTES***** * * *�x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Review of Minutes The Board reviewed the minutes for the meeting of October 2, 2002. On the motion of Mr. Kastorf, seconded by Ms. Chase, it was voted unanimously to approve the minutes, as written. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** SUBDIVISION OF LAND Lexington Park Cluster Subdivision, Halyard Builders Release of Lots Ms. McCall.- Taylor informed the Board that Mr. Gerard Moloney, Halyard Builders, has requested the release of some lots in the Lexington Park Subdivision. She said that the Town Engineer registered no objections. On the motion of Mr. Harden, seconded by Ms. Chase, the Board voted unanimously to release lots 1 through. S on the recorded land plan (also shown as lots 3, 9, 10, 11 and 12 on the registered land plan) of the Lexington Park Subdivision off Winter and Sullivan Streets. Lexington Hills Preliminary Cluster Subdivision Plan, off Walnut Street, Walnut Roseland, LLC continuation of discussion Mr. Charles Forman of Walnut Roseland, LLC, the developer introduced the development team: Mr. Jeff Nadherny, Roseland Properties; Mr. John Farrington, attorney; Mr. Gary Larson, landscape architect; Mr. William Hubner, architect; Mr. Richard Waitt, Jr., engineer; and Mr. Charles Kalauskas, traffic engineer. He summarized the project and described how this preliminary plan responds to the Board's comments, concerns and suggestions at the previous discussion of the preliminary plan. Further traffic counts were done, confirming that the standard data was consistent with the local data. The current plan shows 27 units, less density and more open space and usable open space. He said that cost of demolishing the Middlesex County Hospital buildings and the current unease in the housing market made it important for him to get the support of the Planning Board tonight; if their support is not forthcoming, it is time to move on to another proposal. He also said that in order to get into the site a long road is needed, which makes it very difficult to stay under the impervious surface limit for the development. He suggested that a definition of impervious surface that excludes the interior drive, just as the roadway in a conventional subdivision is excluded from the calculation, would be appropriate. He felt that it was a question of interpretation rather than a change in the actual limit. Subdivision, Request for Extension of Time Ms. McCall. Taylor said that Mr. Forman has requested that the time for the Planning Board to act on the preliminary plan be extended. On the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Mr. Kastorf, the Board voted unanimously to grant the extension. Mr. Larson went over the landscape plan, which now includes planted earth forms (berms), which will create visual buffers for the dwellings. The berms were included in the amount of usable open space, even though the sides might exceed the maximum grade of 10 %. The width of the road has been reduced to 18 feet and a pervious surface will be used in front of garages, resulting in less impervious surface. He said Minutes for the Meeting of October 23, 2002 2 that placing the master bedrooms and baths on the first floor of the units increases their footprint and puts the plan over the allowable site coverage by about 4,000 square feet. Mr. Charles Kalauskas presented the results of his traffic studies. Mr. Steve Hurley showed preliminary drawings of the dwellings, saying; that most will appear to be single - family dwellings, each having two bedrooms and a study. Three units will be sold to the Lexington Housing Assistance Board. Comments: The Board commended the development team for the progress on the project since the last time they appeared before the Board. Grouping the three LexHAB units together, as well as their small size, troubled them somewhat. Mr. Kastorf asked Mr. Forman to consider regional transportation possibilities to help with traffic problems. He also asked for more details on the emergency access gate, Audience Questions: Questions from the audience included: Q. Will the LexHAB units be rental properties? A. Yes. What about the safety of pedestrian and bicycle traffic relative to the narrowed pavement? A. Unpaved pathways will be incorporated for non - automobile travel. On the motion of Mr. Kastorf, seconded by Mr. Davies, the Board voted unanimously to approve the preliminary p dated August 14, 2002. Cary Avenue Cluster Subdivision, Robert Smith, Sr. and Robert Smith Jr. Second Sketch Plan Present for this item were Mr•. Gary Larson, and Mr. Christopher Bailey, landscape architects; Mr. John Farrington., attorney; Mr. Richard Waitt, Jr., engineer; and Messrs Robert Smith and Robert Smith, Jr., applicants. Mr. Larson presented a sketch plan that showed five houses on a hammerhead cul de sac, two of which are existing homes with frontage on Cary Avenue, The three new homes are clustered around a new cul de sac, with a buffer zone of trees behind them. The buffer of trees was very important to the abutters, some of whom attended the first sketch plan presentation_ He said that this plan also preserves more trees along Cary Avenue. The applicants request permission to proceed to the definitive stage. Questions and Comments: The Board complimented the development team on the plan. Questions included: Q. How wide is the roadway surface? A. 20 feet; they intend to ask for it to be accepted by the Town. Q. Affordable housing is important to this Board. Did you consider including an accessory apartment? A. No. Buyers in the intended price range would see it as a negative. On the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Mr. Harden., the Board voted unanimously to accept the sketch plan and allow the applicant to proceed to the definitive stage. PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT Response to Hanscom ESPR (Environmental Status and Planning Report) The Board agreed to take up their response to the Hanscom Field Environmental Status and Planning Report at their next meeting, on November 6. Transportation Element, Comprehensive Plan Mr. Garber reported that staff had met with Howard Muise of Vanasse, Hangen, Brustlin, Inc., consultants for the Transportation Element. Mr..Muise said that the consulting team would sharpen the focus of future workshops and will get into the subject of alternative transportation modes. Minutes for the Meeting of October 23, 2002 3 * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Applications To Be Heard on October 24, 2042: Ms. Chase gave an oral review of the following applications: 23 Cary Avenue — Variance to extend an existing nonconforming driveway with a side setback of 1 to 2 feet from the side lot fine. Abutters for modifying the plan have suggested the Board agreed to recommend that this petition be denied or that the applicant be instructed to submit a revised plan that takes into account the various ideas that. The Board had no comment on the following applications: 317 Woburn Street -- Dunkin Donuts - Renewal of a special permit to operate a take -out and fast -food business in the CRS district 51 Peacock Farm Road — Renewal of a special permit to use a portion of a residence for a part -time psychotherapy practice 63 Bridge Street — Renewal of a special permit to use a portion of a residence for a part -time psychotherapy practice * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION, SCHEDULE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** The Board set meetings for December 4, 11 and 18. The third transportation element workshop will be on November 13 or 14 at the Clarke Middle School library. Impervious Surface Discussion The Board continued its discussion about impervious surface calculations in. a cluster development. Mr. Garber said that this is a huge dilemma and urged he Board to work toward a consistent policy. He felt that Mr. Robert Bowyer's guidance that an interior drive not be included in the impervious surface calculation is the way to go. The interior drive is equivalent to a subdivision street and to not exclude it would penalize a cluster. There was some discussion of removing the interior drive right - of -way before calculating the cluster multiplier used for assessing impacts. Mr. Harden pointed out that the problem is that cluster developments are an iterative process and it would be hard to pin down a number. Mr. Garber said that the immediate challenge facing the board is the inconsistency between the cluster and the conventional subdivisions. He said that there is a need to revisit the cluster by -law comprehensively but that a quick fix would be to deduct the interior drive. Mr. Davies said that the Board is free to change the guidelines, which affect the interpretation of the by -law, but they cannot change the Zoning By -Law. After more discussion, the members felt that the area of an interior drive should be omitted from the impervious surface calculation, as should sidewalks that would normally not be included in a conventional subdivision, as they would fall within the right -of -way. On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. karl P. Kasorf, Clerk